And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

Most of the guys that have killed cops recently all have drug raps on their records.

It's not a harmless crime.

And most of the inner-city shootings are between gangs that sell drugs. They can't sell drugs to people that aren't buying them.

You don't have to be in a gang for a drug offense.

You missed the point entirely. I never said you have to be in a gang. My point is that when you let these drug users out, they will look for drugs. That keeps the gangs in business and the killing that goes along with it.

Drug usage is violent. My cousin just buried her son a couple months ago from a heroin overdose. He was 28 years old. I say that's violent enough for me.'re going to pull a Carly Fiorina and equate non violent marijuana users with heroin users?

Might want to do some more research.
So should you.

What research have you done?

What research have done? Well, for starters, in the last 8 years of my Naval career, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor. And, in all the material I was given from the military, I couldn't see any reason that it should be illegal, so I told myself that when I retired, I would find out more to decide if I wanted to try it or not.

For the next 6 months, I looked up everything I could on it, and used sources like Harvard Medical, the Royal British Medical Society and NORML. In almost all of the research, it showed where it was MEDICALLY BENEFICIAL for many illnesses, and I decided after all that research I would try it.

Since then? I've seen many cases where it has helped people more than conventional medication does. My room mate had a truck wreck a few years back, and has problems with her joints and back. Last time we were up there, I told her to buy a small bit of some cannabis cream to see if it worked on her joints. Later that evening, her back and knees started to hurt, and she took one of her pain pills. An hour later, she was still hurting pretty good, and I told her to try the cream to see what happened. She put it on, and 15 min. later, she was up and walking around and feeling pretty well.

I've also seen it work for fibromyalgia (one of my friend's kids has it), and went from having over 8 pills a day to now, where all he does is smoke a little, and he's now off of all his medications. His mom tells me about his condition regularly, because that is also part of my research.

Incidentally, if you want to know what the true "gateway drug" is? It's alcohol, because there is no other substance (other than really hard drugs) that lowers inhibitions. Cannabis doesn't lower inhibitions. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you won't do it while smoking marijuana. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you WILL if you're drunk. How many stories have been told about doing something stupid just because you'd had one too many?
And most of the inner-city shootings are between gangs that sell drugs. They can't sell drugs to people that aren't buying them.

You don't have to be in a gang for a drug offense.

You missed the point entirely. I never said you have to be in a gang. My point is that when you let these drug users out, they will look for drugs. That keeps the gangs in business and the killing that goes along with it.

Drug usage is violent. My cousin just buried her son a couple months ago from a heroin overdose. He was 28 years old. I say that's violent enough for me.'re going to pull a Carly Fiorina and equate non violent marijuana users with heroin users?

Might want to do some more research.
So should you.

What research have you done?

What research have done? Well, for starters, in the last 8 years of my Naval career, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor. And, in all the material I was given from the military, I couldn't see any reason that it should be illegal, so I told myself that when I retired, I would find out more to decide if I wanted to try it or not.

For the next 6 months, I looked up everything I could on it, and used sources like Harvard Medical, the Royal British Medical Society and NORML. In almost all of the research, it showed where it was MEDICALLY BENEFICIAL for many illnesses, and I decided after all that research I would try it.

Since then? I've seen many cases where it has helped people more than conventional medication does. My room mate had a truck wreck a few years back, and has problems with her joints and back. Last time we were up there, I told her to buy a small bit of some cannabis cream to see if it worked on her joints. Later that evening, her back and knees started to hurt, and she took one of her pain pills. An hour later, she was still hurting pretty good, and I told her to try the cream to see what happened. She put it on, and 15 min. later, she was up and walking around and feeling pretty well.

I've also seen it work for fibromyalgia (one of my friend's kids has it), and went from having over 8 pills a day to now, where all he does is smoke a little, and he's now off of all his medications. His mom tells me about his condition regularly, because that is also part of my research.

Incidentally, if you want to know what the true "gateway drug" is? It's alcohol, because there is no other substance (other than really hard drugs) that lowers inhibitions. Cannabis doesn't lower inhibitions. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you won't do it while smoking marijuana. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you WILL if you're drunk. How many stories have been told about doing something stupid just because you'd had one too many?
I didn't ask for a life story. I asked if you knew anything about the 6000 assholes he released.

Obama started a war in the ME.

I think he's trying to do the same thing here.

Yeah, I know. That sounds crazy.

Seems like the crazier it sounds, the easier it is for them to get away with it.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
If they throw you in prison for jaywalking, and call you a felon, is it dangerous to let you out?
You missed the point entirely. I never said you have to be in a gang. My point is that when you let these drug users out, they will look for drugs. That keeps the gangs in business and the killing that goes along with it.

Drug usage is violent. My cousin just buried her son a couple months ago from a heroin overdose. He was 28 years old. I say that's violent enough for me.'re going to pull a Carly Fiorina and equate non violent marijuana users with heroin users?

Might want to do some more research.

There are not many marijuana users in our prisons. Pot sellers and dealers? Yes, but not just users unless the offense was associated with another crime or they had a large quantity enough to be considered selling.

Actually, one time I got caught with a personal use amount (less than 3 ounces), wasn't selling, wasn't doing anything, although a certain odor was coming from my apartment and the neighbors called the police, they came up and investigated, and I ended up spending a month in jail. Hadn't done a thing except spark up in my house.

And............when I went to jail, I spent that month with one guy who had shot and killed his girlfriend, 2 meth cooks, 1 drug runner (he was running POUNDS of cannabis), and 1 guy who was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and was there for assault and attempted murder.

While I was there, I learned a great deal about how to do things like cook meth, pick locks, and the structure of the Aryan Brotherhood. Didn't know those things before I went in, and worked like hell to forget them when I got out.

No, people shouldn't be locked up for non violent, non dangerous drug charges. At most, maybe a fine up to 250.00

Well, three ounces is quite a bit of pot. When I was younger, three ounces would have lasted me the entire summer if not more, and the stuff today is so much stronger from what I'm told.

Here in Ohio we are going to vote for the legalization of pot next week, and I'm voting against it. I don't care if people smoke pot, but it bothers me to have marijuana shops and advertising in newspapers or road signs. I just don't think it's a good environment for our children.

At the same time, I don't think it's right to summon people into court because they had a joint on them or in their car. There is no middle-ground on the issue unfortunately.

Question. Have you ever been to CO and seen how they run their shops over there? You CANNOT get in without showing an ID, and the ID is checked very carefully before entry. In most cases, they hold on to your ID until your transaction is complete and then they give it back to you. Most of the shops have interesting names that allude to the use of cannabis (Medicine Man, Maggies Farm, etc), but don't directly refer to it by it's proper name. In some cases it comes really close (Cannaseur), but most never directly refer to pot.

Additionally, the "bud tender" will explain to you the different varieties, what their effects are, and how long they can be expected to last. You never got that kind of instruction and knowledge from the corner liquor store, they just check the ID, give you the bottle, take the money and tell you to have a nice day.

Granted, in some cases, the kids will be able to get their hands on it via other means, but they do the same thing with alcohol right now.

And................not only that, but narcotics overdoses, as well as the crime rate have gone down in CO, not to mention the 50 million they took in in taxes last year.

But, they've also had an increase in teenagers using pot and an increase in OVI violations.

I didn't mean to imply that these shops will sell (or eventually sell) to children, what I meant is that I don't think it's a good surrounding for kids. If a kid grows up and wants to smoke pot, then it's his or her decision. But they don't need to be influenced by it while growing up.

You can fancy up the names of these places all you want, but everybody knows what those places are including children.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
If they throw you in prison for jaywalking, and call you a felon, is it dangerous to let you out?

Yeah....let me know how many of those people are in federal prison.......
You don't have to be in a gang for a drug offense.

You missed the point entirely. I never said you have to be in a gang. My point is that when you let these drug users out, they will look for drugs. That keeps the gangs in business and the killing that goes along with it.

Drug usage is violent. My cousin just buried her son a couple months ago from a heroin overdose. He was 28 years old. I say that's violent enough for me.'re going to pull a Carly Fiorina and equate non violent marijuana users with heroin users?

Might want to do some more research.
So should you.

What research have you done?

What research have done? Well, for starters, in the last 8 years of my Naval career, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor. And, in all the material I was given from the military, I couldn't see any reason that it should be illegal, so I told myself that when I retired, I would find out more to decide if I wanted to try it or not.

For the next 6 months, I looked up everything I could on it, and used sources like Harvard Medical, the Royal British Medical Society and NORML. In almost all of the research, it showed where it was MEDICALLY BENEFICIAL for many illnesses, and I decided after all that research I would try it.

Since then? I've seen many cases where it has helped people more than conventional medication does. My room mate had a truck wreck a few years back, and has problems with her joints and back. Last time we were up there, I told her to buy a small bit of some cannabis cream to see if it worked on her joints. Later that evening, her back and knees started to hurt, and she took one of her pain pills. An hour later, she was still hurting pretty good, and I told her to try the cream to see what happened. She put it on, and 15 min. later, she was up and walking around and feeling pretty well.

I've also seen it work for fibromyalgia (one of my friend's kids has it), and went from having over 8 pills a day to now, where all he does is smoke a little, and he's now off of all his medications. His mom tells me about his condition regularly, because that is also part of my research.

Incidentally, if you want to know what the true "gateway drug" is? It's alcohol, because there is no other substance (other than really hard drugs) that lowers inhibitions. Cannabis doesn't lower inhibitions. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you won't do it while smoking marijuana. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you WILL if you're drunk. How many stories have been told about doing something stupid just because you'd had one too many?
I didn't ask for a life story. I asked if you knew anything about the 6000 assholes he released.

Obama started a war in the ME.

I think he's trying to do the same thing here.

Yeah, I know. That sounds crazy.

Seems like the crazier it sounds, the easier it is for them to get away with it.

Obama was taught by his mother, grandfather and frank marshal davis that this was and still is a horrible country...and he is doing everything he can to bring it down to the level of the 3rd world country he spent so much time in growing up.....and the idiots let him.....

The greatest country on the planet that leapt ahead of the other countries that had been around longer and had been far more powerful...we ended slavery, we addressed civil rights, we saved the world from the socialists, we feed the world, we help anyone who suffers from a natural disaster, we have abused the power we have the least of any countries in existense.......and he doesn't see it.....he is a vile human being...
You don't have to be in a gang for a drug offense.

You missed the point entirely. I never said you have to be in a gang. My point is that when you let these drug users out, they will look for drugs. That keeps the gangs in business and the killing that goes along with it.

Drug usage is violent. My cousin just buried her son a couple months ago from a heroin overdose. He was 28 years old. I say that's violent enough for me.'re going to pull a Carly Fiorina and equate non violent marijuana users with heroin users?

Might want to do some more research.
So should you.

What research have you done?

What research have done? Well, for starters, in the last 8 years of my Naval career, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor. And, in all the material I was given from the military, I couldn't see any reason that it should be illegal, so I told myself that when I retired, I would find out more to decide if I wanted to try it or not.

For the next 6 months, I looked up everything I could on it, and used sources like Harvard Medical, the Royal British Medical Society and NORML. In almost all of the research, it showed where it was MEDICALLY BENEFICIAL for many illnesses, and I decided after all that research I would try it.

Since then? I've seen many cases where it has helped people more than conventional medication does. My room mate had a truck wreck a few years back, and has problems with her joints and back. Last time we were up there, I told her to buy a small bit of some cannabis cream to see if it worked on her joints. Later that evening, her back and knees started to hurt, and she took one of her pain pills. An hour later, she was still hurting pretty good, and I told her to try the cream to see what happened. She put it on, and 15 min. later, she was up and walking around and feeling pretty well.

I've also seen it work for fibromyalgia (one of my friend's kids has it), and went from having over 8 pills a day to now, where all he does is smoke a little, and he's now off of all his medications. His mom tells me about his condition regularly, because that is also part of my research.

Incidentally, if you want to know what the true "gateway drug" is? It's alcohol, because there is no other substance (other than really hard drugs) that lowers inhibitions. Cannabis doesn't lower inhibitions. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you won't do it while smoking marijuana. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you WILL if you're drunk. How many stories have been told about doing something stupid just because you'd had one too many?
I didn't ask for a life story. I asked if you knew anything about the 6000 assholes he released.

Obama started a war in the ME.

I think he's trying to do the same thing here.

Yeah, I know. That sounds crazy.

Seems like the crazier it sounds, the easier it is for them to get away with it.
OBAMA started a war? LOL dupe.
Yes….in order to push more gun control you have to have an increase in the violent crime rate…currently our violent crime rate is going down, not up….mainly due to locking up criminals for a long time, and also because good people can now carry guns…..

That is going to change….obama and congress have decided that they need to increase the crime rate just before the election and to help push gun control…so today is the day they are releasing 6,000 felons back into our cities…..

Thanks obama…..
You dupes have a respectable link to any of this Pubcrappe?
Don't make the mistake of thinking that because they are in prison for a non violent offense they are non violent.'re going to pull a Carly Fiorina and equate non violent marijuana users with heroin users?

Might want to do some more research.

There are not many marijuana users in our prisons. Pot sellers and dealers? Yes, but not just users unless the offense was associated with another crime or they had a large quantity enough to be considered selling.

Actually, one time I got caught with a personal use amount (less than 3 ounces), wasn't selling, wasn't doing anything, although a certain odor was coming from my apartment and the neighbors called the police, they came up and investigated, and I ended up spending a month in jail. Hadn't done a thing except spark up in my house.

And............when I went to jail, I spent that month with one guy who had shot and killed his girlfriend, 2 meth cooks, 1 drug runner (he was running POUNDS of cannabis), and 1 guy who was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and was there for assault and attempted murder.

While I was there, I learned a great deal about how to do things like cook meth, pick locks, and the structure of the Aryan Brotherhood. Didn't know those things before I went in, and worked like hell to forget them when I got out.

No, people shouldn't be locked up for non violent, non dangerous drug charges. At most, maybe a fine up to 250.00

Well, three ounces is quite a bit of pot. When I was younger, three ounces would have lasted me the entire summer if not more, and the stuff today is so much stronger from what I'm told.

Here in Ohio we are going to vote for the legalization of pot next week, and I'm voting against it. I don't care if people smoke pot, but it bothers me to have marijuana shops and advertising in newspapers or road signs. I just don't think it's a good environment for our children.

At the same time, I don't think it's right to summon people into court because they had a joint on them or in their car. There is no middle-ground on the issue unfortunately.

Question. Have you ever been to CO and seen how they run their shops over there? You CANNOT get in without showing an ID, and the ID is checked very carefully before entry. In most cases, they hold on to your ID until your transaction is complete and then they give it back to you. Most of the shops have interesting names that allude to the use of cannabis (Medicine Man, Maggies Farm, etc), but don't directly refer to it by it's proper name. In some cases it comes really close (Cannaseur), but most never directly refer to pot.

Additionally, the "bud tender" will explain to you the different varieties, what their effects are, and how long they can be expected to last. You never got that kind of instruction and knowledge from the corner liquor store, they just check the ID, give you the bottle, take the money and tell you to have a nice day.

Granted, in some cases, the kids will be able to get their hands on it via other means, but they do the same thing with alcohol right now.

And................not only that, but narcotics overdoses, as well as the crime rate have gone down in CO, not to mention the 50 million they took in in taxes last year.

But, they've also had an increase in teenagers using pot and an increase in OVI violations.

I didn't mean to imply that these shops will sell (or eventually sell) to children, what I meant is that I don't think it's a good surrounding for kids. If a kid grows up and wants to smoke pot, then it's his or her decision. But they don't need to be influenced by it while growing up.

You can fancy up the names of these places all you want, but everybody knows what those places are including children.

Okay................gonna call you on any links that prove that teenagers are using pot more as well as the increase in OVI (whatever that is) violations?

And have implied that they would sell to children, shit, you even alluded to it when you said "(or eventually sell) to children" in your post.

And like I said, it's kinda obvious that you've never been to CO.
There are not many marijuana users in our prisons. Pot sellers and dealers? Yes, but not just users unless the offense was associated with another crime or they had a large quantity enough to be considered selling.

Actually, one time I got caught with a personal use amount (less than 3 ounces), wasn't selling, wasn't doing anything, although a certain odor was coming from my apartment and the neighbors called the police, they came up and investigated, and I ended up spending a month in jail. Hadn't done a thing except spark up in my house.

And............when I went to jail, I spent that month with one guy who had shot and killed his girlfriend, 2 meth cooks, 1 drug runner (he was running POUNDS of cannabis), and 1 guy who was a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and was there for assault and attempted murder.

While I was there, I learned a great deal about how to do things like cook meth, pick locks, and the structure of the Aryan Brotherhood. Didn't know those things before I went in, and worked like hell to forget them when I got out.

No, people shouldn't be locked up for non violent, non dangerous drug charges. At most, maybe a fine up to 250.00

Well, three ounces is quite a bit of pot. When I was younger, three ounces would have lasted me the entire summer if not more, and the stuff today is so much stronger from what I'm told.

Here in Ohio we are going to vote for the legalization of pot next week, and I'm voting against it. I don't care if people smoke pot, but it bothers me to have marijuana shops and advertising in newspapers or road signs. I just don't think it's a good environment for our children.

At the same time, I don't think it's right to summon people into court because they had a joint on them or in their car. There is no middle-ground on the issue unfortunately.

Question. Have you ever been to CO and seen how they run their shops over there? You CANNOT get in without showing an ID, and the ID is checked very carefully before entry. In most cases, they hold on to your ID until your transaction is complete and then they give it back to you. Most of the shops have interesting names that allude to the use of cannabis (Medicine Man, Maggies Farm, etc), but don't directly refer to it by it's proper name. In some cases it comes really close (Cannaseur), but most never directly refer to pot.

Additionally, the "bud tender" will explain to you the different varieties, what their effects are, and how long they can be expected to last. You never got that kind of instruction and knowledge from the corner liquor store, they just check the ID, give you the bottle, take the money and tell you to have a nice day.

Granted, in some cases, the kids will be able to get their hands on it via other means, but they do the same thing with alcohol right now.

And................not only that, but narcotics overdoses, as well as the crime rate have gone down in CO, not to mention the 50 million they took in in taxes last year.

But, they've also had an increase in teenagers using pot and an increase in OVI violations.

I didn't mean to imply that these shops will sell (or eventually sell) to children, what I meant is that I don't think it's a good surrounding for kids. If a kid grows up and wants to smoke pot, then it's his or her decision. But they don't need to be influenced by it while growing up.

You can fancy up the names of these places all you want, but everybody knows what those places are including children.

Okay................gonna call you on any links that prove that teenagers are using pot more as well as the increase in OVI (whatever that is) violations?

And have implied that they would sell to children, shit, you even alluded to it when you said "(or eventually sell) to children" in your post.

And like I said, it's kinda obvious that you've never been to CO.

What do you mean I implied? I never implied anything and nobody reading my post could come to that conclusion.

My point was the environment of our children and that's it. I don't think these pot shops and advertisement is good for our children, and I don't think people openly smoking pot around them is good either. There is no implication here of anything else:


FEB 15 2014, 1:58 PM ET
Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths

Pot Fuels Surge in Drugged Driving Deaths - NBC News

Report shows rising pot use by Colorado teens, growing number of confiscations after legalization
Colorado pot seized out-of-state 360 times in 2014

Keli Rabon
12:16 AM, Apr 10, 2015

Report shows rising pot use by Colorado teens, growing number of confiscations after legalization
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population
The Obama/Democrat party plan is still well under way and WE the people are getting to live it. how wonderful eh?

they started with the OWS to cause us harm with their nasty antics of taking over other people properties (that we the taxpayer ) Paid for all them parks. and the businesses and streets that they disrupted on us all.

. and then they went onto with the MORE violent group of thugs the BLM, who has instigated riots and lootings on We the people. they've went onto flags and Statues of our history, they act more like ISIS everyday in my book.

and NOW they RELEASE 6 to 10 THOUSAND Prisoners on top of all that and it's RIGHT BEFORE A Presidential election in 2016.

MORE crime, chaos, with hopes it help them to come and SQUSH it and us at the same time. think about this folks, why has this administration paying to ARM every government agency like the EPA? They are going to start shooting people who pollute or what?

NOW are you going to OPEN your eyes to this same party Of Obama, that brings us Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton to vote for President?

wake up people. it's too late now you already put in that thug Obama we've had to live with nothing but CHOAS for the last seven years and we all need to pray we get through, this LAST YEAR of Obama

. NOW do the right to make up for Obama and VOTE THEM out come 2016 and NEVER put them in to run our lives and government ever again
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population

So what's your solution, quit arresting people and allow them to roam freely in society?

End the war on drugs. The war itself is worse than the cause. Making drugs illegal opens a market for criminals to make millions of dollars. When there is millions of dollars to be opens the door for murder and other violence

End three strikes rules. Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

Review our sentencing guidelines. Why do criminals in our country serve so much more time than similar criminals in other countries?
Our society has not changed that much in 30 years that we need five times the prison population

So what's your solution, quit arresting people and allow them to roam freely in society?

End the war on drugs. The war itself is worse than the cause. Making drugs illegal opens a market for criminals to make millions of dollars. When there is millions of dollars to be opens the door for murder and other violence

End three strikes rules. Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

Review our sentencing guidelines. Why do criminals in our country serve so much more time than similar criminals in other countries?

Probably because our prison system is so much less of a deterrent than in other countries.

Question: how much experience have you had with drug users, in your neighborhood, in your family, amongst friends or at work? The reason I ask is because I've had plenty of experience with these people, and there is no way I would ever have your attitude towards the problem.

My house has been broken into. My house has been set afire to the point the destruction was almost a total loss. I've known several that committed suicide. I've even had a family member recently that lost her son due to an overdose. I've lost several friends in my lifetime because they smoked pot and became so paranoid they thought their friends were conspiring against them. I've had several tenants that were hooked or got hooked on drugs and it cost me thousands of dollars in lost rent and property destruction.

There are few if any experiences I've had with drug users that were positive, and not having laws and punishment for them would only make it much worse.
Incidentally, if you want to know what the true "gateway drug" is? It's alcohol, because there is no other substance (other than really hard drugs) that lowers inhibitions. Cannabis doesn't lower inhibitions. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you won't do it while smoking marijuana. If you wouldn't normally do something straight, you WILL if you're drunk. How many stories have been told about doing something stupid just because you'd had one too many?

That's an interesting argument. But the "gateway" effect is not a matter of lowering inhibitions through psychoactive intoxicants. Gateway phenomenon are ones that lower a person's inhibition toward something by desensitizing the subject's scruples toward more severe or substantial behavior, resulting in escalation. For example, young teens engaging in oral sex can be a gateway for sexual intercourse, because once the "threshold" is breached many of the teens will feel like intercourse is no longer "any big deal."

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