And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

So, Ray, your idea is to go to a one party system and have the conservatives in charge?

Sounds like communism.

HTF is that even close to Communism? If the American people want an all Republican government, how much more freedom do you want than allowing the people what they want?

If you're worried about Communism, why are you not worried about our current President who was supported by the US Communist party both elections? Go to their website and look over their agenda and goals. Tell me if you can tell the difference between their view of the US and the Democrat view of the US. I'll save you the trouble: there is very little difference.

The Democrats are currently seeking to be a one party US government. Why do you think they are allowing all these Hispanics to enter the country? Because they are such nice caring people? Of course not. They are trying to rig the election so we never have Republican leadership again.

If you can't fight fairly--cheat. T??ouse districts to tilt the playing field in their favor.

The Democrats are doing the same thing. DUH! The Democrats did that for many years in Georgia. Why do you think we have so many black Representatives in the House? I remember one district they created by drawing a line 50 miles long and 1 foot wide along an Interstate to connect two predominately black towns to make a safe district for a black Representative.
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Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?
Who is thrown in jail for being a junkie? Please show me or admit you are liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Happens every day. Our prisons are filled with Citizens who have drug problems.
None Are in prison for doing drugs.... they are in prison for committing crimes in order to get drugs.... so you are a liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I've personally known many Marijuana users in my life. And none have ever hurt anyone. Marijuana users are far less dangerous than alcoholics and prescription drug addicts.
Oh bullshit. Stop hitting the bing it is making you stupid. All potheads will get violent the moment you steal thier stash

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

That's ridiculous. Most 'Potheads' are actually pretty mellow peaceful folks. Far less violent than most people zooted on alcohol.
Marijuana is far less harmful than alcohol, and your guns.
Alcahol won't give you cancer

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Marijuana has actually been proven to help many suffering with Cancer. It is far less harmful than alcohol, cigarettes, and guns. In fact, it's a miracle plant.
It will give you cancer.... actually everything you can get from smoking a cigarette you cab get from pot and pot is worse. I am not even talking about the actual physiological damage it does.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

There is no Marijauana link to Cancer. In fact, it's used to help people suffering from Cancer. However, there is a well-established link between cigarettes and Cancer. And we all know what alcohol and prescription drug abuse can do to people.
Keep getting your talking points from high times loser. Try actually reading real studies of the harm pot does. I hate liars and you are a fucking huge one

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Oh, stop being an Authoritarian ole fart. There is no established Marijuana link to Cancer. However, cigarrettes, alcohol, and prescription drug abuse have been proven to be deadly.
Who is thrown in jail for being a junkie? Please show me or admit you are liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Happens every day. Our prisons are filled with Citizens who have drug problems.
None Are in prison for doing drugs.... they are in prison for committing crimes in order to get drugs.... so you are a liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I've personally known many Marijuana users in my life. And none have ever hurt anyone. Marijuana users are far less dangerous than alcoholics and prescription drug addicts.
Oh bullshit. Stop hitting the bing it is making you stupid. All potheads will get violent the moment you steal thier stash

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Hey...........ANYONE would get violent the moment someone tried to steal something from them.

And by the way, "bing" is a search engine. Cannabis smokers use "bongs".

Good point. Who likes it when someone steals from them?
Alcahol won't give you cancer

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Alcohol like smoking marijuana will increase your risk of cancer. The degree of risk in both depends on the amount of use.

Alcohol and cigarettes are far more dangerous drugs.
People don't kill someone for a beer liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

When Marijuana is decriminalized, no one kill for for it either.
Again bullshit. No proof . Actually looking at Colorado legal pot create more crime

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

People do bad things all the time. Marijuana is very rarely involved. Your beloved guns are involved with much more violent crime than Marijuana could ever be. How do you feel about guns being banned?
As long as we have conservative Presidents who will pick fair and unbiased judges, we will always have our firearms. They will always vote against dictator style Democrat laws that will make it hard for firearm owners.
Don't you really mean we should elect conservative presidents who will pick conservative judges who will vote against laws that are hard on gun owners.. A fair unbiased judge would not favor either the Left or Right.

A fair and unbiased judge would understand the intent of gun rights which is to have some kind of defense against a tyrannical government or leadership.
The definition of a fair and unbiased judge is one who agrees with me.:cuckoo:
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You know, I worked at a biker bar for a few years, and there were many cannabis smokers who hung out there as well. The marijuana smokers would do it out in the back porch, and nobody had much problems with it. Many times, people would stop and join in.

Know what I noticed? Those who smoked marijuana only were some of the best customers, they tipped, were polite and didn't cause problems.

The people who drank and used cannabis? Pretty mellow by and large.

Those who drank or used other substances? If I caught you using a substance other than cannabis, you were out for the night. Those who drank only were the ones I had to watch out for when it got past midnight, because their inhibitions were down and they were the most likely ones to cause fights.

Worked there for over 4 years, and not once did I ever have to kick out a marijuana smoker for acting up.
As long as we have conservative Presidents who will pick fair and unbiased judges, we will always have our firearms. They will always vote against dictator style Democrat laws that will make it hard for firearm owners.
Don't you really mean we should elect conservative presidents who will pick conservative judges who will vote against laws that are hard on gun owners.. A fair unbiased judge would not favor either the Left or Right.

A fair and unbiased judge would understand the intent of gun rights which is to have some kind of defense against a tyrannical government or leadership.
The definition of a fair and unbiased judge is one who agrees with me.:cuckoo:

No, one who uses the arguments and decisions behind said amendment. One who understand the intent of the authors.
You know, I worked at a biker bar for a few years, and there were many cannabis smokers who hung out there as well. The marijuana smokers would do it out in the back porch, and nobody had much problems with it. Many times, people would stop and join in.

Know what I noticed? Those who smoked marijuana only were some of the best customers, they tipped, were polite and didn't cause problems.

The people who drank and used cannabis? Pretty mellow by and large.

Those who drank or used other substances? If I caught you using a substance other than cannabis, you were out for the night. Those who drank only were the ones I had to watch out for when it got past midnight, because their inhibitions were down and they were the most likely ones to cause fights.

Worked there for over 4 years, and not once did I ever have to kick out a marijuana smoker for acting up.
That's to be expected because it's a depressant that tends to make you feel pretty mellow unlike Speed, Ecstasy, Cocaine and Amphetamines which are stimulants.
You know, I worked at a biker bar for a few years, and there were many cannabis smokers who hung out there as well. The marijuana smokers would do it out in the back porch, and nobody had much problems with it. Many times, people would stop and join in.

Know what I noticed? Those who smoked marijuana only were some of the best customers, they tipped, were polite and didn't cause problems.

The people who drank and used cannabis? Pretty mellow by and large.

Those who drank or used other substances? If I caught you using a substance other than cannabis, you were out for the night. Those who drank only were the ones I had to watch out for when it got past midnight, because their inhibitions were down and they were the most likely ones to cause fights.

Worked there for over 4 years, and not once did I ever have to kick out a marijuana smoker for acting up.
That's to be expected because it's a depressant that tends to make you feel pretty mellow unlike Speed, Ecstasy, Cocaine and Amphetamines which are stimulants.

Not exactly Flopper, I used to think that smoke was smoke, just some was better than others. Since CO legalized it, I've been going up there to do some research and to see what the various varieties are like. Me personally? I like a full Sativa strain, because it gives an energized body high with a mild brain buzz, and instead of getting couch lock, you actually want to get up and go do stuff, like walk the dog, go dancing, etc. My two favorite Sativas are Golden Goat and Jesus OG.

My room mate? She likes a heavy Indica strain because not only is it good for pain relief, it also allows someone with chronic pain (like she has, from a truck wreck), to be able to get still enough so that they can get a good night's rest. Her favorite strains are Skywalker and Platinum OG. She says they're really good for her pain.

And, some of the hybrid strains (mixture of Indica and Sativa strains) can really help with stuff like concentration and creativity. If you want something like that, check out a strain called "Cherry Diesel" if you're in CO.
When they come for my guns, do you suppose they will fly a black helicopter to my home to take them?

Ya laugh now, but we'll see how ya feel later. You supposed 'Small/Less Government' Republicans better get your shit together. It being only a matter of convenience for you, is gonna come back to bite ya.

Many feel guns are 'Evil.' And they will be coming for them at some point. If you're relying on the Supreme Court to help ya out, you're sadly delusional. The NWO Globalists are about to seize control of it. And they do want your guns.

View attachment 54110

Like i said, you're laughing now, but i'm pretty sure you won't be later. Many in the world feel guns are 'Evil.' Their goal is to keep them from Citizens. 'Gun Control' is coming to America. Bet on that.

No, it's not because there are too many Americans that treasure their ability to protect themselves. In fact, if you look, CCW laws were passed in many states across the country because politicians realized that's where the votes are. We are the majority in this country and a strong one at that.

Now perhaps at family gatherings with fellow liberals or maybe at Starbucks, you are with a bunch of people that hate guns, but they are not the majority in this country. They are a small control-freak group that has no real power when it comes to the gun issue.

You don't need a majority of voters anymore. The only majority that matters is in the Supreme Court. And your Supreme Court will have a NWO Globalist majority in the future. And those folks do want your guns. They don't want Citizens having them. They may not be able to ban them outright, but they sure are gonna make you 'Gun Enthusiasts' lives miserable.

Guns and ammunition will be very difficult to acquire in the future. And those who do acquire it, will be monitored. They can make that happen without banning them outright. And we'll see how you Big Government Authoritarians feel about it. I'm guessing you're gonna wish you had stood up and supported others fighting against Authoritarian Tyranny. But it'll probably be too late to matter.

Excuse me, your black helicopter is here.
You know, I worked at a biker bar for a few years, and there were many cannabis smokers who hung out there as well. The marijuana smokers would do it out in the back porch, and nobody had much problems with it. Many times, people would stop and join in.

Know what I noticed? Those who smoked marijuana only were some of the best customers, they tipped, were polite and didn't cause problems.

The people who drank and used cannabis? Pretty mellow by and large.

Those who drank or used other substances? If I caught you using a substance other than cannabis, you were out for the night. Those who drank only were the ones I had to watch out for when it got past midnight, because their inhibitions were down and they were the most likely ones to cause fights.

Worked there for over 4 years, and not once did I ever have to kick out a marijuana smoker for acting up.

Didn't you get sick of hearing "DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!" all the time?
You know, I worked at a biker bar for a few years, and there were many cannabis smokers who hung out there as well. The marijuana smokers would do it out in the back porch, and nobody had much problems with it. Many times, people would stop and join in.

Know what I noticed? Those who smoked marijuana only were some of the best customers, they tipped, were polite and didn't cause problems.

The people who drank and used cannabis? Pretty mellow by and large.

Those who drank or used other substances? If I caught you using a substance other than cannabis, you were out for the night. Those who drank only were the ones I had to watch out for when it got past midnight, because their inhibitions were down and they were the most likely ones to cause fights.

Worked there for over 4 years, and not once did I ever have to kick out a marijuana smoker for acting up.
That's to be expected because it's a depressant that tends to make you feel pretty mellow unlike Speed, Ecstasy, Cocaine and Amphetamines which are stimulants.
some sativa strains can practically be used in place of stimulants. i walked around twelve miles and didn't leave my mom's property, one day. i had a phone with a pedometer on it for a little while.
Ya laugh now, but we'll see how ya feel later. You supposed 'Small/Less Government' Republicans better get your shit together. It being only a matter of convenience for you, is gonna come back to bite ya.

Many feel guns are 'Evil.' And they will be coming for them at some point. If you're relying on the Supreme Court to help ya out, you're sadly delusional. The NWO Globalists are about to seize control of it. And they do want your guns.

View attachment 54110

Like i said, you're laughing now, but i'm pretty sure you won't be later. Many in the world feel guns are 'Evil.' Their goal is to keep them from Citizens. 'Gun Control' is coming to America. Bet on that.

No, it's not because there are too many Americans that treasure their ability to protect themselves. In fact, if you look, CCW laws were passed in many states across the country because politicians realized that's where the votes are. We are the majority in this country and a strong one at that.

Now perhaps at family gatherings with fellow liberals or maybe at Starbucks, you are with a bunch of people that hate guns, but they are not the majority in this country. They are a small control-freak group that has no real power when it comes to the gun issue.

You don't need a majority of voters anymore. The only majority that matters is in the Supreme Court. And your Supreme Court will have a NWO Globalist majority in the future. And those folks do want your guns. They don't want Citizens having them. They may not be able to ban them outright, but they sure are gonna make you 'Gun Enthusiasts' lives miserable.

Guns and ammunition will be very difficult to acquire in the future. And those who do acquire it, will be monitored. They can make that happen without banning them outright. And we'll see how you Big Government Authoritarians feel about it. I'm guessing you're gonna wish you had stood up and supported others fighting against Authoritarian Tyranny. But it'll probably be too late to matter.

Excuse me, your black helicopter is here.

Big Brother's more into drones now.

Like i said, you're laughing now, but i'm pretty sure you won't be later. Many in the world feel guns are 'Evil.' Their goal is to keep them from Citizens. 'Gun Control' is coming to America. Bet on that.

No, it's not because there are too many Americans that treasure their ability to protect themselves. In fact, if you look, CCW laws were passed in many states across the country because politicians realized that's where the votes are. We are the majority in this country and a strong one at that.

Now perhaps at family gatherings with fellow liberals or maybe at Starbucks, you are with a bunch of people that hate guns, but they are not the majority in this country. They are a small control-freak group that has no real power when it comes to the gun issue.

You don't need a majority of voters anymore. The only majority that matters is in the Supreme Court. And your Supreme Court will have a NWO Globalist majority in the future. And those folks do want your guns. They don't want Citizens having them. They may not be able to ban them outright, but they sure are gonna make you 'Gun Enthusiasts' lives miserable.

Guns and ammunition will be very difficult to acquire in the future. And those who do acquire it, will be monitored. They can make that happen without banning them outright. And we'll see how you Big Government Authoritarians feel about it. I'm guessing you're gonna wish you had stood up and supported others fighting against Authoritarian Tyranny. But it'll probably be too late to matter.

Excuse me, your black helicopter is here.

Big Brother's more into drones now.
who is waiting on armored, ground effect vehicles?
Like i said, you're laughing now, but i'm pretty sure you won't be later. Many in the world feel guns are 'Evil.' Their goal is to keep them from Citizens. 'Gun Control' is coming to America. Bet on that.

No, it's not because there are too many Americans that treasure their ability to protect themselves. In fact, if you look, CCW laws were passed in many states across the country because politicians realized that's where the votes are. We are the majority in this country and a strong one at that.

Now perhaps at family gatherings with fellow liberals or maybe at Starbucks, you are with a bunch of people that hate guns, but they are not the majority in this country. They are a small control-freak group that has no real power when it comes to the gun issue.

You don't need a majority of voters anymore. The only majority that matters is in the Supreme Court. And your Supreme Court will have a NWO Globalist majority in the future. And those folks do want your guns. They don't want Citizens having them. They may not be able to ban them outright, but they sure are gonna make you 'Gun Enthusiasts' lives miserable.

Guns and ammunition will be very difficult to acquire in the future. And those who do acquire it, will be monitored. They can make that happen without banning them outright. And we'll see how you Big Government Authoritarians feel about it. I'm guessing you're gonna wish you had stood up and supported others fighting against Authoritarian Tyranny. But it'll probably be too late to matter.

Excuse me, your black helicopter is here.

Big Brother's more into drones now.
who is waiting on armored, ground effect vehicles?

Don't worry, a lockdown is coming. There will be curfews and rationing of goods. And those who don't submit, will be hunted down and rounded up in the name of 'National Security.' That dark day is coming. Just one more major 'Terrorist' event, and the lockdown will be here.

So don't kid yourself, that dark day is coming. I just can't say exactly when. And you Big Government Authoritarians will be why it was allowed to happen. You should have stood up and opposed Big Brother when you had the chance.
No, it's not because there are too many Americans that treasure their ability to protect themselves. In fact, if you look, CCW laws were passed in many states across the country because politicians realized that's where the votes are. We are the majority in this country and a strong one at that.

Now perhaps at family gatherings with fellow liberals or maybe at Starbucks, you are with a bunch of people that hate guns, but they are not the majority in this country. They are a small control-freak group that has no real power when it comes to the gun issue.

You don't need a majority of voters anymore. The only majority that matters is in the Supreme Court. And your Supreme Court will have a NWO Globalist majority in the future. And those folks do want your guns. They don't want Citizens having them. They may not be able to ban them outright, but they sure are gonna make you 'Gun Enthusiasts' lives miserable.

Guns and ammunition will be very difficult to acquire in the future. And those who do acquire it, will be monitored. They can make that happen without banning them outright. And we'll see how you Big Government Authoritarians feel about it. I'm guessing you're gonna wish you had stood up and supported others fighting against Authoritarian Tyranny. But it'll probably be too late to matter.

Excuse me, your black helicopter is here.

Big Brother's more into drones now.
who is waiting on armored, ground effect vehicles?

Don't worry, a lockdown is coming. There will be curfews and rationing of goods. And those who don't submit, will be hunted down and rounded up in the name of 'National Security.' That dark day is coming. Just one more major 'Terrorist' event, and the lockdown will be here.

So don't kid yourself, that dark day is coming. I just can't say exactly when. And you Big Government Authoritarians will be why it was allowed to happen. You should have stood up and opposed Big Brother when you had the chance.
i am not sure what you mean; well regulated militias militias may not be Infringed when keeping and bear Arms for there State or the Union. That is our supreme law of the land.
You don't need a majority of voters anymore. The only majority that matters is in the Supreme Court. And your Supreme Court will have a NWO Globalist majority in the future. And those folks do want your guns. They don't want Citizens having them. They may not be able to ban them outright, but they sure are gonna make you 'Gun Enthusiasts' lives miserable.

Guns and ammunition will be very difficult to acquire in the future. And those who do acquire it, will be monitored. They can make that happen without banning them outright. And we'll see how you Big Government Authoritarians feel about it. I'm guessing you're gonna wish you had stood up and supported others fighting against Authoritarian Tyranny. But it'll probably be too late to matter.

Excuse me, your black helicopter is here.

Big Brother's more into drones now.
who is waiting on armored, ground effect vehicles?

Don't worry, a lockdown is coming. There will be curfews and rationing of goods. And those who don't submit, will be hunted down and rounded up in the name of 'National Security.' That dark day is coming. Just one more major 'Terrorist' event, and the lockdown will be here.

So don't kid yourself, that dark day is coming. I just can't say exactly when. And you Big Government Authoritarians will be why it was allowed to happen. You should have stood up and opposed Big Brother when you had the chance.
i am not sure what you mean; well regulated militias militias may not be Infringed when keeping and bear Arms for there State or the Union. That is our supreme law of the land.

That's what Martia Law is for. The next big Terrorist Event will render the Constitution irrelevant. America will be put on lockdown. Bet on that.
Excuse me, your black helicopter is here.

Big Brother's more into drones now.
who is waiting on armored, ground effect vehicles?

Don't worry, a lockdown is coming. There will be curfews and rationing of goods. And those who don't submit, will be hunted down and rounded up in the name of 'National Security.' That dark day is coming. Just one more major 'Terrorist' event, and the lockdown will be here.

So don't kid yourself, that dark day is coming. I just can't say exactly when. And you Big Government Authoritarians will be why it was allowed to happen. You should have stood up and opposed Big Brother when you had the chance.
i am not sure what you mean; well regulated militias militias may not be Infringed when keeping and bear Arms for there State or the Union. That is our supreme law of the land.

That's what Martia Law is for. The next big Terrorist Event will render the Constitution irrelevant. America will be put on lockdown. Bet on that.
maybe, maybe not; can the right justify "lockdown tax rates"?

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