And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon be ruled by a NWO Globalist majority. Think they're not coming after your guns? Think again.

When they come for my guns, do you suppose they will fly a black helicopter to my home to take them?

Ya laugh now, but we'll see how ya feel later. You supposed 'Small/Less Government' Republicans better get your shit together. It being only a matter of convenience for you, is gonna come back to bite ya.

Many feel guns are 'Evil.' And they will be coming for them at some point. If you're relying on the Supreme Court to help ya out, you're sadly delusional. The NWO Globalists are about to seize control of it. And they do want your guns.

View attachment 54110

Like i said, you're laughing now, but i'm pretty sure you won't be later. Many in the world feel guns are 'Evil.' Their goal is to keep them from Citizens. 'Gun Control' is coming to America. Bet on that.

No, it's not because there are too many Americans that treasure their ability to protect themselves. In fact, if you look, CCW laws were passed in many states across the country because politicians realized that's where the votes are. We are the majority in this country and a strong one at that.

Now perhaps at family gatherings with fellow liberals or maybe at Starbucks, you are with a bunch of people that hate guns, but they are not the majority in this country. They are a small control-freak group that has no real power when it comes to the gun issue.

You don't need a majority of voters anymore. The only majority that matters is in the Supreme Court. And your Supreme Court will have a NWO Globalist majority in the future. And those folks do want your guns. They don't want Citizens having them. They may not be able to ban them outright, but they sure are gonna make you 'Gun Enthusiasts' lives miserable.

Guns and ammunition will be very difficult to acquire in the future. And those who do acquire it, will be monitored. They can make that happen without banning them outright. And we'll see how you Big Government Authoritarians feel about it. I'm guessing you're gonna wish you had stood up and supported others fighting against Authoritarian Tyranny. But it'll probably be too late to matter.
Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

So the person who helped Limbaugh get his illegal pills, should be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists? But not him? See, I don't think either one should be thrown into those cages.

I don't follow Limbaugh but I believe he went to rehab and conquered his addiction. I also don't know where he got his drugs, but the criminal justice system determines the punishment, not you or me.

Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?
Who is thrown in jail for being a junkie? Please show me or admit you are liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Happens every day. Our prisons are filled with Citizens who have drug problems.
I agree that smoking marijuana or most anything else is not good for the lungs. Although, marijuana is usually smoked it can be taken in teas and biscuits. Like any treatment the medical use of marijuana should should be evaluated by the doctor and patient to determine weather the risks out weight the benefits to patient.

I used to keep some links years ago, but they also found that smoking cigarettes has some medicinal benefits as well. Not a good reason to start smoking though.

I believe a lot of this medical marijuana is nothing but a front anyway. Sure, there may be a few that it helps, but I think for the most part, it's just a foot in the door to smoke pot legally. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of other drugs that do the same thing as pot when it comes to treating pain or discomfort.

Sounds like you just made a point for decriminalization. Marijuana is not the 'Evil' many have made it out to be. No one should be fined or serve a day in jail for using it. In my humble opinion, it's actually a miracle plant given to us by God. But like anything, you do have free will to abuse it or not.

That's a decision made by society, not you and me. For instance we voted it out nearly two-to-one. We don't want legalized pot here, especially with the stories coming out of Colorado.

Marijuana is far less harmful than alcohol, and your guns.
Alcahol won't give you cancer

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Marijuana has actually been proven to help many suffering with Cancer. It is far less harmful than alcohol, cigarettes, and guns. In fact, it's a miracle plant.
I used to keep some links years ago, but they also found that smoking cigarettes has some medicinal benefits as well. Not a good reason to start smoking though.

I believe a lot of this medical marijuana is nothing but a front anyway. Sure, there may be a few that it helps, but I think for the most part, it's just a foot in the door to smoke pot legally. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of other drugs that do the same thing as pot when it comes to treating pain or discomfort.

Sounds like you just made a point for decriminalization. Marijuana is not the 'Evil' many have made it out to be. No one should be fined or serve a day in jail for using it. In my humble opinion, it's actually a miracle plant given to us by God. But like anything, you do have free will to abuse it or not.

That's a decision made by society, not you and me. For instance we voted it out nearly two-to-one. We don't want legalized pot here, especially with the stories coming out of Colorado.

Marijuana is far less harmful than alcohol, and your guns.
Alcahol won't give you cancer

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Alcohol like smoking marijuana will increase your risk of cancer. The degree of risk in both depends on the amount of use.

Alcohol and cigarettes are far more dangerous drugs.
Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

So the person who helped Limbaugh get his illegal pills, should be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists? But not him? See, I don't think either one should be thrown into those cages.

I don't follow Limbaugh but I believe he went to rehab and conquered his addiction. I also don't know where he got his drugs, but the criminal justice system determines the punishment, not you or me.

Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?
Who is thrown in jail for being a junkie? Please show me or admit you are liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Probation violators who come up dirty on urinalysis? maybe on probation caught with possession?

That = several thousand Citizens. So many, we're running out of cages to throw em in. It's time to end the 'War on Drugs.' People like to get high. And they always will. That doesn't make them criminals.
So the person who helped Limbaugh get his illegal pills, should be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists? But not him? See, I don't think either one should be thrown into those cages.

I don't follow Limbaugh but I believe he went to rehab and conquered his addiction. I also don't know where he got his drugs, but the criminal justice system determines the punishment, not you or me.

Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?
Who is thrown in jail for being a junkie? Please show me or admit you are liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Probation violators who come up dirty on urinalysis? maybe on probation caught with possession?
They are not thrown in jail for being a user . junkies lie to much

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Some comical irony there. Y'all wingnuts believe everything your junkie hero Limbaugh says.
Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

So the person who helped Limbaugh get his illegal pills, should be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists? But not him? See, I don't think either one should be thrown into those cages.

I don't follow Limbaugh but I believe he went to rehab and conquered his addiction. I also don't know where he got his drugs, but the criminal justice system determines the punishment, not you or me.

Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?

No, because I have since learned that Limbaugh took prescription drugs for pain relief and got addicted. If he had been giving them to high school students to get them hooked so he could then sell them to them, the cage would have been too good for him.
I have no doubt Fox News burns a candle every day, hoping one of the 6,000 kills or rapes a small child.

"More advertising bucks if they do!"
Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

So the person who helped Limbaugh get his illegal pills, should be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists? But not him? See, I don't think either one should be thrown into those cages.

I don't follow Limbaugh but I believe he went to rehab and conquered his addiction. I also don't know where he got his drugs, but the criminal justice system determines the punishment, not you or me.

Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?
Who is thrown in jail for being a junkie? Please show me or admit you are liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Happens every day. Our prisons are filled with Citizens who have drug problems.
None Are in prison for doing drugs.... they are in prison for committing crimes in order to get drugs.... so you are a liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I used to keep some links years ago, but they also found that smoking cigarettes has some medicinal benefits as well. Not a good reason to start smoking though.

I believe a lot of this medical marijuana is nothing but a front anyway. Sure, there may be a few that it helps, but I think for the most part, it's just a foot in the door to smoke pot legally. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of other drugs that do the same thing as pot when it comes to treating pain or discomfort.

Sounds like you just made a point for decriminalization. Marijuana is not the 'Evil' many have made it out to be. No one should be fined or serve a day in jail for using it. In my humble opinion, it's actually a miracle plant given to us by God. But like anything, you do have free will to abuse it or not.

That's a decision made by society, not you and me. For instance we voted it out nearly two-to-one. We don't want legalized pot here, especially with the stories coming out of Colorado.

Marijuana is far less harmful than alcohol, and your guns.
Alcahol won't give you cancer

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Marijuana has actually been proven to help many suffering with Cancer. It is far less harmful than alcohol, cigarettes, and guns. In fact, it's a miracle plant.
It will give you cancer.... actually everything you can get from smoking a cigarette you cab get from pot and pot is worse. I am not even talking about the actual physiological damage it does.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Sounds like you just made a point for decriminalization. Marijuana is not the 'Evil' many have made it out to be. No one should be fined or serve a day in jail for using it. In my humble opinion, it's actually a miracle plant given to us by God. But like anything, you do have free will to abuse it or not.

That's a decision made by society, not you and me. For instance we voted it out nearly two-to-one. We don't want legalized pot here, especially with the stories coming out of Colorado.

Marijuana is far less harmful than alcohol, and your guns.
Alcahol won't give you cancer

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Alcohol like smoking marijuana will increase your risk of cancer. The degree of risk in both depends on the amount of use.

Alcohol and cigarettes are far more dangerous drugs.
People don't kill someone for a beer liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I have no doubt Fox News burns a candle every day, hoping one of the 6,000 kills or rapes a small child.

"More advertising bucks if they do!"

No, just the opposite.

It's Bill O'Reilly that pushed for Kate's law that the Democrats are fighting against tooth and nail so that a small child does get raped or somebody gets killed. They are so obsessed with the illegal vote that they will keep the door open to criminals from other countries that do want to commit crimes and then hide out in our sanctuary cities fearless of the law.

The terrorists just sit back and laugh at our Democrats. To think, they would not even approve of a law that would give a mandatory five years minimum prison sentence for deported felons that decide to come back illegally.
When they come for my guns, do you suppose they will fly a black helicopter to my home to take them?

Ya laugh now, but we'll see how ya feel later. You supposed 'Small/Less Government' Republicans better get your shit together. It being only a matter of convenience for you, is gonna come back to bite ya.

Many feel guns are 'Evil.' And they will be coming for them at some point. If you're relying on the Supreme Court to help ya out, you're sadly delusional. The NWO Globalists are about to seize control of it. And they do want your guns.

View attachment 54110

Like i said, you're laughing now, but i'm pretty sure you won't be later. Many in the world feel guns are 'Evil.' Their goal is to keep them from Citizens. 'Gun Control' is coming to America. Bet on that.

No, it's not because there are too many Americans that treasure their ability to protect themselves. In fact, if you look, CCW laws were passed in many states across the country because politicians realized that's where the votes are. We are the majority in this country and a strong one at that.

Now perhaps at family gatherings with fellow liberals or maybe at Starbucks, you are with a bunch of people that hate guns, but they are not the majority in this country. They are a small control-freak group that has no real power when it comes to the gun issue.

You don't need a majority of voters anymore. The only majority that matters is in the Supreme Court. And your Supreme Court will have a NWO Globalist majority in the future. And those folks do want your guns. They don't want Citizens having them. They may not be able to ban them outright, but they sure are gonna make you 'Gun Enthusiasts' lives miserable.

Guns and ammunition will be very difficult to acquire in the future. And those who do acquire it, will be monitored. They can make that happen without banning them outright. And we'll see how you Big Government Authoritarians feel about it. I'm guessing you're gonna wish you had stood up and supported others fighting against Authoritarian Tyranny. But it'll probably be too late to matter.

There is a better way to fight and that is never allow Democrat leadership in the White House again. With a Democrat President comes the power to hand-pick anti-gun Supreme Court judges. We gun owners can't let that happen if any way possible.

As long as we have conservative Presidents who will pick fair and unbiased judges, we will always have our firearms. They will always vote against dictator style Democrat laws that will make it hard for firearm owners.
So, Ray, your idea is to go to a one party system and have the conservatives in charge?

Sounds like communism.
So, Ray, your idea is to go to a one party system and have the conservatives in charge?

Sounds like communism.
Where did you get that? I think hate groups like the democrat party should be purged from the political spectum.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
So, Ray, your idea is to go to a one party system and have the conservatives in charge?

Sounds like communism.
Where did you get that? I think hate groups like the democrat party should be purged from the political spectum.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If you purge the Democrats out of the political system, you end up with only one party in power, and for you that is the Republicans. If you have a one party system, it's no longer a democracy, and leaving the conservatives as the only political power sounds an awful lot like communism.
So, Ray, your idea is to go to a one party system and have the conservatives in charge?

Sounds like communism.
Where did you get that? I think hate groups like the democrat party should be purged from the political spectum.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If you purge the Democrats out of the political system, you end up with only one party in power, and for you that is the Republicans. If you have a one party system, it's no longer a democracy, and leaving the conservatives as the only political power sounds an awful lot like communism.
Lmao you are so stupid..... there are hundreds of parties idiot

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
who will be post # 666 ? coming right up, anyone dare ?
and what page is this ?... heh...
Last edited:
So, Ray, your idea is to go to a one party system and have the conservatives in charge?

Sounds like communism.
Where did you get that? I think hate groups like the democrat party should be purged from the political spectum.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If you purge the Democrats out of the political system, you end up with only one party in power, and for you that is the Republicans. If you have a one party system, it's no longer a democracy, and leaving the conservatives as the only political power sounds an awful lot like communism.
Lmao you are so stupid..... there are hundreds of parties idiot

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Yeah, but those are all fringe parties. If the Dems are taken out of politics, then the Republicans will rule the government.

Over the past few decades, our Presidents have either been Republican or Democrat, never has a fringe party ever been able to gain enough support.
So, Ray, your idea is to go to a one party system and have the conservatives in charge?

Sounds like communism.
Where did you get that? I think hate groups like the democrat party should be purged from the political spectum.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

If you purge the Democrats out of the political system, you end up with only one party in power, and for you that is the Republicans. If you have a one party system, it's no longer a democracy, and leaving the conservatives as the only political power sounds an awful lot like communism.
Lmao you are so stupid..... there are hundreds of parties idiot

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Yeah, but those are all fringe parties. If the Dems are taken out of politics, then the Republicans will rule the government.

Over the past few decades, our Presidents have either been Republican or Democrat, never has a fringe party ever been able to gain enough support.
Read history moron .

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