And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

LOL. Empire News? This is a joke, right.........

Why didn't you just post something from the Onion while you're at it? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
it could have been any source, but since YOU think GW is your girlfriend nothing that could be presented would change your mind.

Oh trust me, if there were any truth to your post every single leftist outlet would have been on it like flies on honey. I can comb the internet to find all kinds of things that support my opinion, but I only use sources that are reliable and have some credibility; at least a source that people heard of.
Really? And rush Limbaugh is credible?
It's a certainty that there hundreds of thousands of credible sources you've never heard of.
Your personal seal of approval is in no way a guarantee of credibility.

So scouring the internet to find something that you agree with is credible?

I've never posted a source from Rush Limbaugh. When Rush reports something, he gives his sources and even posts links to them on his internet site.
Two false assumptions !

Prove either one wrong.
I used to keep some links years ago, but they also found that smoking cigarettes has some medicinal benefits as well. Not a good reason to start smoking though.

I believe a lot of this medical marijuana is nothing but a front anyway. Sure, there may be a few that it helps, but I think for the most part, it's just a foot in the door to smoke pot legally. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of other drugs that do the same thing as pot when it comes to treating pain or discomfort.
I think the decision to prescribe marijuana should be between doctor and patient, not big brother.
Just big drugs?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
as opposed to "little" drugs?
Not everyone is like you and like to give the cartels thier money so more innocents will be murdered. .. you junkies are sick

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You are not bright enough to realize why legalization would cut the cartels off at the knees.
Do you believe in Santa too?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I think the decision to prescribe marijuana should be between doctor and patient, not big brother.
Just big drugs?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
as opposed to "little" drugs?
Not everyone is like you and like to give the cartels thier money so more innocents will be murdered. .. you junkies are sick

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You are not bright enough to realize why legalization would cut the cartels off at the knees.
Do you believe in Santa too?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

He should. That's who's running the country now.
That wasn't the question.

Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

That's not entirely true. Many of these dealers will plea down to a lesser charge of possession which depending on the narcotic, is only a year or so in prison. They are still dealers and likely to start selling once again after they are let out of prison.

I stand corrected. The time in prison is usually determined by the amount of drugs he has in his possession. You don't serve time for having a nickel bag or a few joints.
I did some research and could not find any statement in the federal law as to the amount of the drug effecting sentences as long as the substance was for personal use. For simple possession, depending on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd offense sentences vary from zero to 3 years in federal prison. However, if the intent is to distribute, the minimum federal sentence is 5 years for 1st offense. 3rd offense is life. First offense if injury or death results is 20 years. Regardless of circumstances the judge must use the minimum sentence or greater
Most people think that these stiff penalties are just for drug dealers but they also apply to anyone who is part of the drug business. That can include truck drivers, secretaries, accountants, and other unlikely people. There's a building owner in federal prison who knowing rented a storage area to a drug dealer whose drugs were responsible for several deaths. By law the building owner was sentenced to 20 years in prison because he was considered part of the drug distribution network that resulted in the death of 3 people even thou he had no previous offense. The judge had no choice. If he had a previous drug offense, then the sentence would have been life in accordance with sentencing guidelines
Last edited:
That wasn't the question.

Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

So the person who helped Limbaugh get his illegal pills, should be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists? But not him? See, I don't think either one should be thrown into those cages.

I don't follow Limbaugh but I believe he went to rehab and conquered his addiction. I also don't know where he got his drugs, but the criminal justice system determines the punishment, not you or me.

Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?
There are no proven cures for cancer. The effectiveness of a drug depends on the stage you are in, your health, and the drugs probability of success. Cancer drugs have success rates as low as 5%.

In California, the dispensary price is about the same as the price on the street for the same quality. The big advantage to buying from a dispensary is the quality is more consistent and availability, not cost.

From what I understand, the pot today is not the pot in my day. I've heard figures as high as 8 times the THC level than we had years ago. Where is quality suffering?

My next door neighbor died two years ago this December. She had lung cancer, and the first thing her doctors told her was to quit pot and cigarettes. She smoked pot from morning until she went to bed. Even though she smoked both, the doctors told her that yes, you can get lung cancer from pot.
I agree that smoking marijuana or most anything else is not good for the lungs. Although, marijuana is usually smoked it can be taken in teas and biscuits. Like any treatment the medical use of marijuana should should be evaluated by the doctor and patient to determine weather the risks out weight the benefits to patient.

I used to keep some links years ago, but they also found that smoking cigarettes has some medicinal benefits as well. Not a good reason to start smoking though.

I believe a lot of this medical marijuana is nothing but a front anyway. Sure, there may be a few that it helps, but I think for the most part, it's just a foot in the door to smoke pot legally. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of other drugs that do the same thing as pot when it comes to treating pain or discomfort.

Sounds like you just made a point for decriminalization. Marijuana is not the 'Evil' many have made it out to be. No one should be fined or serve a day in jail for using it. In my humble opinion, it's actually a miracle plant given to us by God. But like anything, you do have free will to abuse it or not.

That's a decision made by society, not you and me. For instance we voted it out nearly two-to-one. We don't want legalized pot here, especially with the stories coming out of Colorado.

Marijuana is far less harmful than alcohol, and your guns.
See, that's why you guys can't claim to be for Small/Less Government. Most often you're fine with Government interfering in Citizens' lives. It's just a matter of convenience for you guys.

But when Big Brother does finally come for your guns, i'm pretty sure you'll quickly come around to my way of thinking. It'll probably be too late though.

Nobody is coming for our guns unless the public gets completely stupid and elects liberal leadership from this point on, and even then, it would still take them years to replace our Supreme Court justices with commies that would rule against the Constitution.

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon be ruled by a NWO Globalist majority. Think they're not coming after your guns? Think again.

When they come for my guns, do you suppose they will fly a black helicopter to my home to take them?

Ya laugh now, but we'll see how ya feel later. You supposed 'Small/Less Government' Republicans better get your shit together. It being only a matter of convenience for you, is gonna come back to bite ya.

Many feel guns are 'Evil.' And they will be coming for them at some point. If you're relying on the Supreme Court to help ya out, you're sadly delusional. The NWO Globalists are about to seize control of it. And they do want your guns.

View attachment 54110

Like i said, you're laughing now, but i'm pretty sure you won't be later. Many in the world feel guns are 'Evil.' Their goal is to keep them from Citizens. 'Gun Control' is coming to America. Bet on that.
Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

That's not entirely true. Many of these dealers will plea down to a lesser charge of possession which depending on the narcotic, is only a year or so in prison. They are still dealers and likely to start selling once again after they are let out of prison.

I stand corrected. The time in prison is usually determined by the amount of drugs he has in his possession. You don't serve time for having a nickel bag or a few joints.
I did some research and could not find any statement in the federal law as to the amount of the drug effecting sentences as long as the substance was for personal use. For simple possession, depending on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd offense sentences vary from zero to 3 years in federal prison. However, if the intent is to distribute, the minimum federal sentence is 5 years for 1st offense. 3rd offense is life. First offense if injury or death results is 20 years. Regardless of circumstances the judge must use the minimum sentence or greater
Most people think that these stiff penalties are just for drug dealers but they also apply to anyone who is part of the drug business. That can include truck drivers, secretaries, accountants, and other unlikely people. There's a building owner in federal prison who knowing rented a storage area to a drug dealer whose drugs were responsible for several deaths. By law the building owner was sentenced to 20 years in prison because he was considered part of the drug distribution network that resulted in the death of 3 people even thou he had no previous offense. The judge had no choice. If he had a previous drug offense, then the sentence would have been life in accordance with sentencing guidelines

Marijuana laws are ridiculously harsh. No one OD's on Marijuana. Alcohol, Prescription Drugs, and Guns cause far more damage. So if we're gonna continue on this banning binge, we better start goin after those 'Evils' too.
Here's how this is working in LA ....
Unintended consequences of Prop. 47 pose challenge for criminal justice system
If the purpose of [Proposition] 47 was largely to rehabilitate drug offenders, that's not what's happening. - Mike Feuer, Los Angeles City attorney
Statewide, property crime has increased in nine of California's 10 largest cities this year, a Times review found. Violent crime has increased in all 10.

Proponents of Proposition 47 say it is too soon to connect the ballot measure to rising crime and question why police aren't making misdemeanor arrests.
Sina said he rejoiced when he first heard about Proposition 47. He said he didn't start stealing bicycles until the proposition raised the threshold for a felony theft to $950.

"Proposition 47, it's cool," Sina said. "Like for me, I can go do a [commercial] burglary and know that if it's not over $900, they'll just give me a ticket and let me go."

He was sentenced to rehab five times this year but did not show up for a single session.
Here's how this is working in LA ....
Unintended consequences of Prop. 47 pose challenge for criminal justice system
If the purpose of [Proposition] 47 was largely to rehabilitate drug offenders, that's not what's happening. - Mike Feuer, Los Angeles City attorney
Statewide, property crime has increased in nine of California's 10 largest cities this year, a Times review found. Violent crime has increased in all 10.

Proponents of Proposition 47 say it is too soon to connect the ballot measure to rising crime and question why police aren't making misdemeanor arrests.
Sina said he rejoiced when he first heard about Proposition 47. He said he didn't start stealing bicycles until the proposition raised the threshold for a felony theft to $950.

"Proposition 47, it's cool," Sina said. "Like for me, I can go do a [commercial] burglary and know that if it's not over $900, they'll just give me a ticket and let me go."

He was sentenced to rehab five times this year but did not show up for a single session.

Well, it sounds like California isn't enforcing its own laws. But is that really surprising? It is the biggest 'Sanctuary' State in the country, no?
You think THESE DRUG USERS, ABUSERS, and DEALERS recently released are looking for aspirin?

Anal lubricant , one of your favorites.

Well, let us know how it tastes once you pull your tongue out, and stop sucking!
You're the expert you tell me.

You are the one that started it FAGOT... Now keep sucking until your full!
Oh no not the you started it ploy!
Where do you get the idea that calling me a fag (especially since I'm not) would bother me. ?
In reality you're just not smart enough not to.
it could have been any source, but since YOU think GW is your girlfriend nothing that could be presented would change your mind.

Oh trust me, if there were any truth to your post every single leftist outlet would have been on it like flies on honey. I can comb the internet to find all kinds of things that support my opinion, but I only use sources that are reliable and have some credibility; at least a source that people heard of.
Really? And rush Limbaugh is credible?
It's a certainty that there hundreds of thousands of credible sources you've never heard of.
Your personal seal of approval is in no way a guarantee of credibility.

So scouring the internet to find something that you agree with is credible?

I've never posted a source from Rush Limbaugh. When Rush reports something, he gives his sources and even posts links to them on his internet site.
Two false assumptions !

Prove either one wrong.
It's your job to prove them true .
You are the plantiff.
Oh trust me, if there were any truth to your post every single leftist outlet would have been on it like flies on honey. I can comb the internet to find all kinds of things that support my opinion, but I only use sources that are reliable and have some credibility; at least a source that people heard of.
Really? And rush Limbaugh is credible?
It's a certainty that there hundreds of thousands of credible sources you've never heard of.
Your personal seal of approval is in no way a guarantee of credibility.

So scouring the internet to find something that you agree with is credible?

I've never posted a source from Rush Limbaugh. When Rush reports something, he gives his sources and even posts links to them on his internet site.
Two false assumptions !

Prove either one wrong.
It's your job to prove them true .
You are the plantiff.

No, you made the charge, it's up to you to prove it. That's the way it works in blogs.

You don't make a charge and then ask your opponent to prove you wrong. It doesn't work that way.
Nobody is coming for our guns unless the public gets completely stupid and elects liberal leadership from this point on, and even then, it would still take them years to replace our Supreme Court justices with commies that would rule against the Constitution.

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon be ruled by a NWO Globalist majority. Think they're not coming after your guns? Think again.

When they come for my guns, do you suppose they will fly a black helicopter to my home to take them?

Ya laugh now, but we'll see how ya feel later. You supposed 'Small/Less Government' Republicans better get your shit together. It being only a matter of convenience for you, is gonna come back to bite ya.

Many feel guns are 'Evil.' And they will be coming for them at some point. If you're relying on the Supreme Court to help ya out, you're sadly delusional. The NWO Globalists are about to seize control of it. And they do want your guns.

View attachment 54110

Like i said, you're laughing now, but i'm pretty sure you won't be later. Many in the world feel guns are 'Evil.' Their goal is to keep them from Citizens. 'Gun Control' is coming to America. Bet on that.

No, it's not because there are too many Americans that treasure their ability to protect themselves. In fact, if you look, CCW laws were passed in many states across the country because politicians realized that's where the votes are. We are the majority in this country and a strong one at that.

Now perhaps at family gatherings with fellow liberals or maybe at Starbucks, you are with a bunch of people that hate guns, but they are not the majority in this country. They are a small control-freak group that has no real power when it comes to the gun issue.
Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

So the person who helped Limbaugh get his illegal pills, should be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists? But not him? See, I don't think either one should be thrown into those cages.

I don't follow Limbaugh but I believe he went to rehab and conquered his addiction. I also don't know where he got his drugs, but the criminal justice system determines the punishment, not you or me.

Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?
Who is thrown in jail for being a junkie? Please show me or admit you are liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
From what I understand, the pot today is not the pot in my day. I've heard figures as high as 8 times the THC level than we had years ago. Where is quality suffering?

My next door neighbor died two years ago this December. She had lung cancer, and the first thing her doctors told her was to quit pot and cigarettes. She smoked pot from morning until she went to bed. Even though she smoked both, the doctors told her that yes, you can get lung cancer from pot.
I agree that smoking marijuana or most anything else is not good for the lungs. Although, marijuana is usually smoked it can be taken in teas and biscuits. Like any treatment the medical use of marijuana should should be evaluated by the doctor and patient to determine weather the risks out weight the benefits to patient.

I used to keep some links years ago, but they also found that smoking cigarettes has some medicinal benefits as well. Not a good reason to start smoking though.

I believe a lot of this medical marijuana is nothing but a front anyway. Sure, there may be a few that it helps, but I think for the most part, it's just a foot in the door to smoke pot legally. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of other drugs that do the same thing as pot when it comes to treating pain or discomfort.

Sounds like you just made a point for decriminalization. Marijuana is not the 'Evil' many have made it out to be. No one should be fined or serve a day in jail for using it. In my humble opinion, it's actually a miracle plant given to us by God. But like anything, you do have free will to abuse it or not.

That's a decision made by society, not you and me. For instance we voted it out nearly two-to-one. We don't want legalized pot here, especially with the stories coming out of Colorado.

Marijuana is far less harmful than alcohol, and your guns.
Alcahol won't give you cancer

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I agree that smoking marijuana or most anything else is not good for the lungs. Although, marijuana is usually smoked it can be taken in teas and biscuits. Like any treatment the medical use of marijuana should should be evaluated by the doctor and patient to determine weather the risks out weight the benefits to patient.

I used to keep some links years ago, but they also found that smoking cigarettes has some medicinal benefits as well. Not a good reason to start smoking though.

I believe a lot of this medical marijuana is nothing but a front anyway. Sure, there may be a few that it helps, but I think for the most part, it's just a foot in the door to smoke pot legally. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of other drugs that do the same thing as pot when it comes to treating pain or discomfort.

Sounds like you just made a point for decriminalization. Marijuana is not the 'Evil' many have made it out to be. No one should be fined or serve a day in jail for using it. In my humble opinion, it's actually a miracle plant given to us by God. But like anything, you do have free will to abuse it or not.

That's a decision made by society, not you and me. For instance we voted it out nearly two-to-one. We don't want legalized pot here, especially with the stories coming out of Colorado.

Marijuana is far less harmful than alcohol, and your guns.
Alcahol won't give you cancer

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Alcohol like smoking marijuana will increase your risk of cancer. The degree of risk in both depends on the amount of use.
Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

So the person who helped Limbaugh get his illegal pills, should be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists? But not him? See, I don't think either one should be thrown into those cages.

I don't follow Limbaugh but I believe he went to rehab and conquered his addiction. I also don't know where he got his drugs, but the criminal justice system determines the punishment, not you or me.

Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?
Who is thrown in jail for being a junkie? Please show me or admit you are liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Probation violators who come up dirty on urinalysis? maybe on probation caught with possession?
Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

So the person who helped Limbaugh get his illegal pills, should be thrown in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists? But not him? See, I don't think either one should be thrown into those cages.

I don't follow Limbaugh but I believe he went to rehab and conquered his addiction. I also don't know where he got his drugs, but the criminal justice system determines the punishment, not you or me.

Do you personally feel he should have been thrown in a cage for having a drug problem?
Who is thrown in jail for being a junkie? Please show me or admit you are liar

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Probation violators who come up dirty on urinalysis? maybe on probation caught with possession?
They are not thrown in jail for being a user . junkies lie to much

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

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