And so it begins....Shannon Watts (Moms Demand Action) Criticizes Lack of Gun Control in Maine


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021

Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts reacted to Wednesday’s shootings in Maine by criticizing the lack of gun control in the state, and she did so prior to a shooting suspect being apprehended or facts being known.


Typical leftist response. They just can't wait to spew their tripe.

That said.


I'd give her all the action she could handle. ;)
Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts reacted to Wednesday’s shootings in Maine by criticizing the lack of gun control in the state


Doesn't this "mom" know that women have no rights now in the Left's America? She better shut up before she gets replaced by a guy in a wig. Better still, she better close that mouth of hers before a fly flies into it or worse, someone shoves something hard and throbbing into it.

At least then it would be doing something useful.

Meanwhile, where is her concerns for the mental health of people in the state that actually lead to this psycho going on a killing spree?

Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts reacted to Wednesday’s shootings in Maine by criticizing the lack of gun control in the state, and she did so prior to a shooting suspect being apprehended or facts being known.


Typical leftist response. They just can't wait to spew their tripe.

That said.

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I'd give her all the action she could handle. ;)
How dare someone wants gun safety. Shame on her.

Yup, I suppose your action would last 30 seconds, and that's with 29 seconds of foreplay
Take away the guns but let the mentality ill who make threats run free and harm citizens is the Democrats answer. They prove what pieces of shit they are daily

Ive always said, we need crazy people, dopehead and criminal control. Not gun control. If we get rid of the people who out and hurt others then we don't need any gun control.

I'd rather live in a society where the nutballs, criminals and druggies are gone than one where guns are gone

If we got rid of every gun right now all the people who wAnt to go out and hurt others will still be here.

Gun control only effects average everyday decent people.
How dare someone wants gun safety. Shame on her.

Yup, I suppose your action would last 30 seconds, and that's with 29 seconds of foreplay
Yeah, next you'll want to outlaw airplanes because some WHACK JOB tried to shut down the engines mid flight which would have resulted in 83 murders. You can't remove the rights of the population because you refuse to address mental illness.
Yeah, next you'll want to outlaw airplanes because some WHACK JOB tried to shut down the engines mid flight which would have resulted in 83 murders. You can't remove the rights of the population because you refuse to address mental illness.
Is this thread not about gun control?

Did you mean to reply here? Here's the thread you're looking for -

How dare someone wants gun safety. Shame on her.

Yup, I suppose your action would last 30 seconds, and that's with 29 seconds of foreplay
That's all you really need.

There is a difference between gun safety and gun control. We are all about safety.
That bitch needs to be fucked by a real man. She has been around all these Moon Bat pussies and queers she has probably not seen a real hard pecker in a long time.

The government is going to have their narrative, the media will have the same narrative as the government, the sane will be allowed our own as well.

None will be 100% right, but I prefer my own take over someone else's spoon-fed to me.
Is this thread not about gun control?
This thread is about public reaction to a violent individual, not gun control, as you frame it, but people control. It's about the knee jerk blame the awful guns for the manifestation of violence by a weak minded wannabe social worker most likely driven by all the hate he is exposed to in the media. Now that same media is using this to promote their agenda of people control and more laws which would only be followed by the few remaining honest people. When someone screams at you and tells you that you want killings because you don't agree with their plans, it should immediately tell you something. No one, I repeat, NO ONE supports mindless violence, but it is just shit simple to believe that the guns are meeting at night to plan this, and you can stop it this way. Someone said remove the guns but leave the thugs and miscreants to run around and plea deal, and they were correct.

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