And so it begins....Shannon Watts (Moms Demand Action) Criticizes Lack of Gun Control in Maine

The law was so effective that it made it so difficult that high school kids could get them.
Today, there are 16 million AR 15 types owned....a whole different case back in 1994 when the ban took place... I'm not certain what affect a ban today on new sales could have with 16 million already out just becomes a personal sale it would seem, instead of one bought in a store??? :dunno:
The bottom line is gun bans DO NOT WORK. The people intent on doing harm will find other, more devastating ways to accomplish their work. The Boston Marathon bombing, 9/11, and the OKC bombing are three perfect examples. Deranged people are the problem. That needs to be addressed. Not making outlaws out of law-abiding citizens who are no threat to anyone.
You can go to jail if you injure a violent attacker in the U.K. You dumb ass…..

Switzerland is a country with a culture that doesn’t have a political party like the democrats inciting racial violence, destroying the ability of the police to do their jobs, and releasing the most violent criminals back onto the streets over and over again…
To add to the "Swiss" narrative. Men are required to serve two years in the military. Think about that and how it could affect our culture here in the states.

Those boys get out, they have learned to respect and honor their country and why that's important.
They also learn proper gun safety and operation
When they leave, they can keep their fire arm for personal and country protection

Think of the impact if every able body man and or woman goes into the armed service and learns personal and social responsibility and how that would have a favorable impact on what some of you call the "gun culture". (which I don't necessarily disagree with as we do have some dumb ass m'fers that paint a bad picture, but they are not the entirety of the gun culture and are rarely the offenders in shootings).
Yeah, next you'll want to outlaw airplanes because some WHACK JOB tried to shut down the engines mid flight which would have resulted in 83 murders. You can't remove the rights of the population because you refuse to address mental illness.
There we go again, a whack job gun nut.

Planes have regs, they're not banned. Despite the odd nutter doing the odd incident, planes are not banned. Vehicles have regulations, they're not banned. Despite the odd nutter doing the odd incident, vehicles are not banned. Takeaway outlets have regs for food preparation, they're not banned. Despite the odd nutter doing the odd incident, food is not banned.

Guns......mouth froth......regs......mouth froth......banned......mouth froth......Rights......mouth froth. Same old fucking shit. Change your fucking tune bellend.
There we go again, a whack job gun nut.

Planes have regs, they're not banned. Despite the odd nutter doing the odd incident, planes are not banned. Vehicles have regulations, they're not banned. Despite the odd nutter doing the odd incident, vehicles are not banned. Takeaway outlets have regs for food preparation, they're not banned. Despite the odd nutter doing the odd incident, food is not banned.

Guns......mouth froth......regs......mouth froth......banned......mouth froth......Rights......mouth froth. Same old fucking shit. Change your fucking tune bellend.

We have gun control laws you thick clod....all the gun laws we need to keep criminals in prison......but the democrat party hear, and now your lefty party in England, keeps releasing the most violent gun criminals no matter how many gun crimes they commit....

You will find out...leftists are the same all over the world.....

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