And so it begins.....

Wild Fires are caused by globull warming?


Y'all are some dumb fuckers.

Tell me Scheiß Mause, how do you scumbags differ from the Westboro Baptist Church (another group of leftist scumbags?)

You're dancing on the loss of people in some retarded attempt to promote your idiotic religion....

Well, we agree that "weather" isn't global warming, but we both know that an extra positive forcing within the climate system would make such weather events more likely. Let's say we had a super volcano go off....That would of course be a negative forcing and make extreme cold more likely,,,so who are you to say that a positive couldn't do the opposite, making more heat and drought?
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The owners of all that land that is burning between San Marcos, Harmony Grove, and Escondido would be surprised to hear that. But feel free to speak stupidly some more.

Let me guess, Camp Pendleton is owned by the Koch brothers, right Shortbus?

{The biggest fire -- at 6,000 acres on the Marines Corps' Camp Pendleton -- was only 20% contained, the military base said Thursday. Much of the land on the base is open acreage used for training exercises.}

Wildfires burn almost 10,000 acres in California's San Diego County -

You're such a fucking stooge, and dumb a s 2X4
Well, we agree that "weather" isn't global warming, but we both know that an extra positive forcing within the climate system would make such weather events more likely. Let's say we had a super volcano go off....That would of course be a negative forcing and make extreme cold more likely,,,so who are you to say that a positive couldn't do the opposite, making more heat and drought?

What "we" all know is that worthless fuck Obama made an idiotic speech in an attempt to distract from the unraveling Benghazi scandal.

Fuckwad leftists (there is no other kind) did a Westboro Baptist and glommed on to wild fires in California - a yearly event - to spew their moronic shit in service of their little god.

This is fucking retarded, and everyone of you shitbags knows it, except Shortbus, who doesn't even know what day it is...
Aaahhhhh shut the fuck up you gullible old fart. When I see 70 I think ageing hippy. You sir do not remember what it was like that long ago if you think the weather is worse today. Hey! I have a bridge to sell ya...hahahahahahahahahaha What makes you think the propaganda you're entrenched in is accurate? hmmmmmmm?

Interesting that in places like Californica and Washington, D.C. you just committed elder abuse. A crime punishable by fine, imprisonment or both. Though they know better than to bother with trying to collect fines. Blood from turnips, y'know.....

LOL I don't care I'm tired of that old dude digging up BS and tossing it in as proof that he is all knowing. Anyone can surf the web and find anything they want. lol elder abuse lol again...

In other words, you are tired of being shown for the fool that you are. And of course, if it is written by real scientists, it is BS to you. Another example of willfull ignorance and pride in that ignorance.

Wild Fires are caused by globull warming?


Y'all are some dumb fuckers.

Tell me Scheiß Mause, how do you scumbags differ from the Westboro Baptist Church (another group of leftist scumbags?)

You're dancing on the loss of people in some retarded attempt to promote your idiotic religion....

My, my. So, if an area is in a drought that is related to the warming of the globe, such as our entire southwest, fires are not more likely? Did your mother drop you on your head at an early age?

Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and
1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is
consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of
atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar
luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend
of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the
century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on
climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North
America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West
Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the
fabled Northwest Passage.

Dr. James Hansen wrote those words in 1981 when assholes like you were claiming the warming was not happening. Now you say the warming is caused by natural cycles, but cannot name those cycles, and deny that there are any effects from the warming. You are an idiot.
My, my. So, if an area is in a drought that is related to the warming of the globe, such as our entire southwest, fires are not more likely? Did your mother drop you on your head at an early age?

Well obama damn - The Mojove desert gets dry.

What a fucking shocker to you cultist retards.

I've lived in California my entire life, stupid fuck - drought is a cyclic event. In two years, there will be El Nino - it's part of the cycle.

BTW - you quote a proven fraud, James Hansen - not that anyone should ever take you seriously, you're an idiot, but when you use open frauds as your source - well...
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The owners of all that land that is burning between San Marcos, Harmony Grove, and Escondido would be surprised to hear that. But feel free to speak stupidly some more.

Let me guess, Camp Pendleton is owned by the Koch brothers, right Shortbus?

{The biggest fire -- at 6,000 acres on the Marines Corps' Camp Pendleton -- was only 20% contained, the military base said Thursday. Much of the land on the base is open acreage used for training exercises.}

Wildfires burn almost 10,000 acres in California's San Diego County -

You're such a fucking stooge, and dumb a s 2X4

Not Camp Pendleton....but San Marcos, Harmony Grove, and Escondido are not on Camp Pendleton. Guess you didn't know that. Please, continue speaking stupidly.
Interesting that in places like Californica and Washington, D.C. you just committed elder abuse. A crime punishable by fine, imprisonment or both. Though they know better than to bother with trying to collect fines. Blood from turnips, y'know.....

LOL I don't care I'm tired of that old dude digging up BS and tossing it in as proof that he is all knowing. Anyone can surf the web and find anything they want. lol elder abuse lol again...

In other words, you are tired of being shown for the fool that you are. And of course, if it is written by real scientists, it is BS to you. Another example of willfull ignorance and pride in that ignorance.

Real grant seeking scientist's, like I said follow the money.
LOL I don't care I'm tired of that old dude digging up BS and tossing it in as proof that he is all knowing. Anyone can surf the web and find anything they want. lol elder abuse lol again...

In other words, you are tired of being shown for the fool that you are. And of course, if it is written by real scientists, it is BS to you. Another example of willfull ignorance and pride in that ignorance.

Real grant seeking scientist's, like I said follow the money.

Says the one that would cheer if grant money for cancer research was cut. This is why I left your worthless party!
In other words, you are tired of being shown for the fool that you are. And of course, if it is written by real scientists, it is BS to you. Another example of willfull ignorance and pride in that ignorance.

Real grant seeking scientist's, like I said follow the money.

Says the one that would cheer if grant money for cancer research was cut. This is why I left your worthless party!

Wouldn't you rather federal government climate change dollars went to curing cancer and other more pressing and urgent issues?
Real grant seeking scientist's, like I said follow the money.

Says the one that would cheer if grant money for cancer research was cut. This is why I left your worthless party!

Wouldn't you rather federal government climate change dollars went to curing cancer and other more pressing and urgent issues?

Given the cost of the consequence that we are seeing right now, warming is an pressing and urgent issue. Your denial of that reality merely demonstrates the depths of your willfull ignorance. And if you want to make real money, you can become a paid scientific whore like Singer and Lindzen. And most of the grant money goes to the cost of the research, not to the scientist.
Says the one that would cheer if grant money for cancer research was cut. This is why I left your worthless party!

Wouldn't you rather federal government climate change dollars went to curing cancer and other more pressing and urgent issues?

Given the cost of the consequence that we are seeing right now, warming is an pressing and urgent issue. Your denial of that reality merely demonstrates the depths of your willfull ignorance. And if you want to make real money, you can become a paid scientific whore like Singer and Lindzen. And most of the grant money goes to the cost of the research, not to the scientist.

Okay I've been having some fun with you Old Rocks but lets look at this issue another way. To find papers on the internet written by profiting scientists that are working off of flawed computer models is a big waste of time. Let me ask you a few questions.

1. We were told in 2001 that the polar ice cap would be gone by the year 2012 and it's not gone in fact it's growing...what happened? who made that mistake?
2. In the late sixties we had some of the worst brush fires in California's history...Was that because of global warming? and if not why not? we had many more pollutants back then;
3. If man's existence is causing global warming then we should be able to reverse it but we can't...why not?
4. Everyone now has admitted that the once predicted Ice Age was wrong and the models used were wrong...what makes a 70 year old man so gullible as to be willingly fooled into giving up his freedom and to allow the government to lead him around in life by his nose via a weather crises hoax?
drive this don't drive that buy this don't buy that eat this don't eat that vote for this don't vote for that. Have a nice life Old Dude.

Oh just one more question; What is the earths normal temperature?
Not Camp Pendleton....but San Marcos, Harmony Grove, and Escondido are not on Camp Pendleton. Guess you didn't know that. Please, continue speaking stupidly.

As of yesterday, about 80% of the fires were on federal lands.

Your spouting idiocy - because you're a partisan idiot.

By the way, Tuesday is slated to be 71° - so using the pile of dogshit that substitutes for logic with you - this is proof we are entering an ice age....

I have a question for you of the Westboro Warmist Cult - what is it of global warming that causes the Silva brothers to light wildfires?

2 Arrested as Fires Continue to Rage in San Diego County | KTLA 5

Look, you're just a feral baboon flinging shit, we get it. The Volcano god con helps strip the peasants of civil rights and increases government control, we get it. You'll say anything to usher in a totalitarian collectivist state, we get it.

But really Scheiß Mause, the idiocy you post is SO FUCKING STUPID that it's beyond the pale....

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