And so it begins

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Country First? Hell No! Speaker Ryan is just another Republican Politician who puts his job first, the party second and the citizens of the United States under the bus.

Health care repeal vote to open a political year in Congress

Q. Is the repeal of Obamacare the number one priority?

Q. Will it pass the Senate and not be vetoed by The President?

Q. Is it once more an example of political theater by the Republican Party?
Country First? Hell No! Speaker Ryan is just another Republican Politician who puts his job first, the party second and the citizens of the United States under the bus.

Health care repeal vote to open a political year in Congress

Q. Is the repeal of Obamacare the number one priority?

Q. Will it pass the Senate and not be vetoed by The President?

Q. Is it once more an example of political theater by the Republican Party?
And Nancy Pelosi was an American patriot? LOLOLOLOL!!!!!
I think there are better ways to spend our efforts. Like passing a bill that would prohibit Kim Kardashian and Kanye West from further procreation, for example.
Country First? Hell No! Speaker Ryan is just another Republican Politician who puts his job first, the party second and the citizens of the United States under the bus.

Health care repeal vote to open a political year in Congress

Q. Is the repeal of Obamacare the number one priority?

Q. Will it pass the Senate and not be vetoed by The President?

Q. Is it once more an example of political theater by the Republican Party?
Ryan gave Obama everything he wanted in the budget deal. He is no conservative.
Country First? Hell No! Speaker Ryan is just another Republican Politician who puts his job first, the party second and the citizens of the United States under the bus.

Health care repeal vote to open a political year in Congress

Q. Is the repeal of Obamacare the number one priority?

Q. Will it pass the Senate and not be vetoed by The President?

Q. Is it once more an example of political theater by the Republican Party?

It already passed the Senate
Already passed the Senate. This will be a symbolic political move. It's part 1 of what the Republican Congress is going to do this year to make their case for keeping the Senate and electing a Republican President. Next they will be working on and passing plans for tax overhaul and Obamacare replacement. None of this will get past the veto. But it will be concrete policy behind which they can make their case in the election.

Of course that won't satisfy the extremists who wanted major changes to policy forced through the President's veto via defaulting on our credit and prolonged government shutdowns.
While I do agree that it's got no chance of success should Barrack Hussein Obama veto it. They can make it an issue for the election.

Have the Republican nominee ask Hillary. So if the American people want something gone, elect representatives to see that it's gone, will you as a president bow to the will of the people and sign for it to go, or will you tell the American people to take a hike, they're too stupid to know what's best for them?

If you get someone that can ask that question...not the worst idea ever. Name me the Republicans running for President who would do it.

Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Christie, Cruz, Huckabee....any of the rest? I don't think so.
Country First? Hell No! Speaker Ryan is just another Republican Politician who puts his job first, the party second and the citizens of the United States under the bus.

Health care repeal vote to open a political year in Congress

Q. Is the repeal of Obamacare the number one priority?

Q. Will it pass the Senate and not be vetoed by The President?

Q. Is it once more an example of political theater by the Republican Party?

It already passed the Senate
You beat me to it by a moment. :wink:
Paul Ryan should consider the career of Newt Gingrich. If Ryan cannot get the H. or Rep. to pass real, productive and substantive bills, and the House remains as unpopular has it has been for the past several years, he may be handing the gavel to Rep. Pelosi a year from now.

What priorities should be on the agenda of a Speaker and the H. of Rep. for the next 10-months? How about:
  • Campaign finance reform
  • Immigration reform & border security
  • Renew, repair and replace our nations infrastructure and create jobs in the process
  • Building bridges and stop zero sum rhetoric - seek win-win foreign policies
  • Building bridges, tunnels, canals, light and heavy rail and stop zero sum domestic arguments
  • Investing in green and renewable energy
  • Working to reduce emissions of pollutants create by industry, not pretending they have zero impact on our environment
  • Tax reform which levels the playing field
  • Reforming the Criminal Justice System
  • Recognizing the War on drugs has been lost
  • Fixing what needs to be fixed in health care, and stop engaging in political theater.
  • Stopping expensive and worthless partisan committee investigations.

What are the priorities of others?
Campaign finance reform has had more time spent on it than a budget and look at the results......think we can do without more of that for now
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Why do people think campaign finance reform is such a big deal? Money doesn't buy votes. If they did, Bush and Hillary wouldn't even have to primary. Numerous cases of massive campaign spending by Rove with nothing to show for it but loses. This isn't the 1950's. We have all the information in the world available to us, so I say, let them spend and waste their money. At least they are helping the economy.

Obama is obstructing the will of the people. He is a dictator and tyrant.

You wouldn't know a dictator if he walked up and slapped you across your face.
If Obama was a dictator he would never have allowed Congress to try to repeal the ACA over 40 times. HUGE waste of time and taxpayer money. It's Congress's way of fucking off and not doing anything.

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