And so the rebellion begins.

Because the repub leaders know this is the death of small businesses in america and poor house people soon to expand due to refusing to reopen.

excuse me?

i've refused to close in the first place

I’m guessing more deaths have occurred separately from traffic accidents, cancer, and heart disease.

No doubt that whent his is al over we'll see the stats for other typical causes of death, like heart disease and whatnot, dropped while covid deaths are recorded as risen.

Deaths are being inflated.

Relevant reading...

CDC Tells Hospitals To List COVID as Cause of Death Even if You're Just Assuming or It Only Contributed
I’m guessing more deaths have occurred separately from traffic accidents, cancer, and heart disease.

No doubt that whent his is al over we'll see the stats for other typical causes of death, like heart disease and whatnot, dropped while covid deaths are recorded as risen.

Deaths are being inflated.

Relevant reading...

CDC Tells Hospitals To List COVID as Cause of Death Even if You're Just Assuming or It Only Contributed
View attachment 325395
Sad but true and they already admitted it

Code of Vets ™



Veterans. Did you ever believe you would live to see our government boarding up basketball hoops, putting police tape over park benches, creating essential nonessential lists

Rightwards arrow

causing 22 MILLION AMERICANS to lose their jobs?
Sand dumped in skate parks to stop people from using it.

Gee. I bet those who thought these benches to stop the homeless from resting think deeper now that they are getting a dose of it.




Scurry like madmen, assuming that people have given up all freedoms and abilities to take care of themselves.
The American etihic disdains hand holding.
Huntington Beach, San Diego, Brookfield (wherever that is), Sacramento, florida, the whole state of Michigan....all are demanding governors to reopen. Which is all fine and dandy, but businesses may NOT open if they don't have the help they need to do so. Sure....we can all go back to the beach, parks, lakes, hiking trails. But to socialize like meeting family/friends in a bar/restaurant, church, even going to the cemetary (people were not let in to place flowers on graves of their dead soldiers)...but until business begins again and people BUY...its going to be a long hard road for many.

Dems caused this. Not Trump. DEMS. And China, of course. Those who CONTINUE to vote in Democrats after this shit? Crazy. Unless this was the ultimate plan? Civil war and unrest within?
Lol you fucking idiot. So stupid.

Of course you've got no argument.

Hide in your mother's basement to stay safe.

And while you are there....fuck yourself.
^ braindead retard
Huntington Beach, San Diego, Brookfield (wherever that is), Sacramento, florida, the whole state of Michigan....all are demanding governors to reopen. Which is all fine and dandy, but businesses may NOT open if they don't have the help they need to do so. Sure....we can all go back to the beach, parks, lakes, hiking trails. But to socialize like meeting family/friends in a bar/restaurant, church, even going to the cemetary (people were not let in to place flowers on graves of their dead soldiers)...but until business begins again and people BUY...its going to be a long hard road for many.

Dems caused this. Not Trump. DEMS. And China, of course. Those who CONTINUE to vote in Democrats after this shit? Crazy. Unless this was the ultimate plan? Civil war and unrest within?

C'mon pretty momma..Trump and his inaction caused this..but you run with that...

Inaction? You mean he wasn't hysterically xenophobic soon enough?

The electorate in many other states have since planned protests.

I saw a protest map this morning some place and it looked like about a third of the country were protesting. More will surely follow.

I imagine we'll start seeing things opening back up with the quickness.

Those in power are known to cower when the electorate gets a little rowdy and tells em where they can stick it.

Of course, if people remain docile, those in power continue to tighten the screws as tight as they can.

So, good to see people telling them where they can stick it.

Officials are still waiting for feedback from 40,000 non respondents on the issue, who seem to be mostly dead.
I’m guessing more deaths have occurred separately from traffic accidents, cancer, and heart disease.

No doubt that whent his is al over we'll see the stats for other typical causes of death, like heart disease and whatnot, dropped while covid deaths are recorded as risen.

Deaths are being inflated.

Relevant reading...

CDC Tells Hospitals To List COVID as Cause of Death Even if You're Just Assuming or It Only Contributed
View attachment 325395
Of course.
That accident was caused by two drivers in a rush to buy out asswipes and hand sanitizer from Walmart.

Definitely Covid.

I buy it.

Please wait two weeks from today and ask how many of those protesters have been infected by the virus because their meeting together without complying the 6 feet social distance.

If one or none, then surely the epidemic is over. If 20 or more, then you do the gathering again, and keep protesting and wait another two weeks period.

This will be the best way to check if ending now the restrictions is the best for everybody, and at the same time you will save me a bunch of money setting this kind of experiment with lots of idiots following whatever they are told to do....
Had to swing by Menards today. Parking lot and store was jam packed, far more than a typical Sun, along with every big box retailer around. Sure didn't appear anyone was staying at home. Folks are voting with their feet and many appear not so concerned to be out and about due to only a small minority wearing any masks. This is MN and in no way were all these people out this weekend just conservatives.
Kentucky just announced 273 new confirmed cases of the coronavirus, the highest single-day rise to date. Kentucky's increase in infected individuals comes after protesters took to the streets throughout the week to call for the state to be reopened.

I buy it.

Please wait two weeks from today and ask how many of those protesters have been infected by the virus because their meeting together without complying the 6 feet social distance.

If one or none, then surely the epidemic is over. If 20 or more, then you do the gathering again, and keep protesting and wait another two weeks period.

This will be the best way to check if ending now the restrictions is the best for everybody, and at the same time you will save me a bunch of money setting this kind of experiment with lots of idiots following whatever they are told to do....
Time to find out
The Globalist are trying to create a race riot.
In the video below is as fake as a 3 1/2 dollar bill. That someone was video the doctor before the police pulled up. A perfect shot of the doctor and the other side of the street where the cop car was pulling up to. Like someone knew where the car was going to park.
Most cops checks the license plates of the vehicle before pulling up and getting out of the car. But most likely, they will park in front of the vehicle to block the vehicle in while checking up on the vehicle.
This is a staged event.

And the sign said "Redneck freaky sparkys need not apply"
So I got my hair up ,put on my hard hat and I went in to ask him why
He said "You look like a fine essential young man, I think you'll do"
So I took off my hat, I said "Imagine that. Huh! Me wirin' for you!"

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Corona economy’s loosing it’s mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?

And the sign said anybody caught protesting don’t have the right
So yelled at the man in the white house, "Hey! Fix that or we fight"
"To piss on all our freedoms just to keep corona out"
"Our founders would be in your face, Man, you're some kinda sinner"

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Corona economy’s loosing it’s mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?

Now, hey you, mister, can't you read?
We’ve a lockdown shut up economy
You can set your watch to the fascist beat
You ain't supposed to work here
The sign said you got to have a negative test to get inside


And the sign said, "Everyone’s a leper, go kneel down and pray"
But when they passed around the test at the end of it all, I didn't earn no taxes to pay
So I got me a pen and a paper, and I made up my own little sign
It said Thank the Lord I’m a workin’ man alive and doin’ fine

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Corona economy’s loosing it’s mind

Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?

~S~w/no apologies of going to work today

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