And the Beat goes on...


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
Iran must be set deadline of weeks to halt enrichment: Israel

By Ori Lewis

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend.

World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war.

"Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said.

Steinitz, a close confidant of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Army Radio action should be taken within "a few weeks, a month" if Iran did not stop enriching uranium, although he did not elaborate.
Netanyahu himself has spoken of a mid-2013 "red line" for denying the Islamic Republic the fuel needed for a first bomb, although several Israeli officials have privately acknowledged it had been deferred, maybe indefinitely.

The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council - the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China - and Germany are trying to persuade Iran to abandon its higher-grade uranium enrichment, as a first step to a broader deal.
Iran must be set deadline of weeks to halt enrichment: Israel

By Ori Lewis

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend.

World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war.

"Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said.

Steinitz, a close confidant of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Army Radio action should be taken within "a few weeks, a month" if Iran did not stop enriching uranium, although he did not elaborate.
Netanyahu himself has spoken of a mid-2013 "red line" for denying the Islamic Republic the fuel needed for a first bomb, although several Israeli officials have privately acknowledged it had been deferred, maybe indefinitely.

The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council - the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China - and Germany are trying to persuade Iran to abandon its higher-grade uranium enrichment, as a first step to a broader deal.
Iran must be set deadline of weeks to halt enrichment: Israel

By Ori Lewis

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend.

World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war.

"Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said.

Steinitz, a close confidant of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Army Radio action should be taken within "a few weeks, a month" if Iran did not stop enriching uranium, although he did not elaborate.
Netanyahu himself has spoken of a mid-2013 "red line" for denying the Islamic Republic the fuel needed for a first bomb, although several Israeli officials have privately acknowledged it had been deferred, maybe indefinitely.

The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council - the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China - and Germany are trying to persuade Iran to abandon its higher-grade uranium enrichment, as a first step to a broader deal.

Darn! I throw in my bait to catch a brain and end up with an idiot Hick from West Virgini re-peating Netanyahu's failed policies as Iran nukes up...
Iran must be set deadline of weeks to halt enrichment: Israel

By Ori Lewis

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend.

World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war.

"Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said.

Steinitz, a close confidant of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Army Radio action should be taken within "a few weeks, a month" if Iran did not stop enriching uranium, although he did not elaborate.
Netanyahu himself has spoken of a mid-2013 "red line" for denying the Islamic Republic the fuel needed for a first bomb, although several Israeli officials have privately acknowledged it had been deferred, maybe indefinitely.

The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council - the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China - and Germany are trying to persuade Iran to abandon its higher-grade uranium enrichment, as a first step to a broader deal.

Darn! I throw in my bait to catch a brain and end up with an idiot Hick from West Virgini re-peating Netanyahu's failed policies as Iran nukes up...
"Darn!! I started trolling and ........."
"...and the beat goes on..JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend. World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war. "Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said."



It seems like it doesn’t bother you in the least that this sick fuck ahmadinejihad and his “rogue Islamic regime” can’t wait to make a nuke and bomb people.

How you people turn a blind eye to the real evil that’s SATURATING this planet is beyond me ??

Ok, it’s a lie.
I know why you have this blind eye, you and, joswampthing, sealadrowsy, ima, sherri…kvetch….(actually)..I don’t think ANY OF YOU condone suicide bombing or any of this horrific killing of people by suicide bombers. Whether it be in the mosque, at the fruit stand, at the funeral…..

I’m SURE you find it appalling, disturbing, barbaric, subhuman:
NO ?

I think you keep that to yourself, but when you're in mixed company:
you don’t mention 'that world' and what they do because: dare I say it: you're all “RABID-ANTI-SEMITE BIGOTS.” ~The End~

all of the terrorism that goes on around the world by the islamic world – HAS NOTHING TO DO with
“israel’s occupation."

violent-smiley-1659.gif and that witch, sherri, don’t ever fucking
call me a "bigot" again you....hypocrite(s) can’t call others "bigots" when you're one yourself. It’s pathetic.
Don't mind PBel. We just want to keep him here for laughs during these troubled times of his Muslim terrorists going nuclear to end life on this earth for everyone.

"...and the beat goes on..JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend. World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war. "Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said."



It seems like it doesn’t bother you in the least that this sick fuck ahmadinejihad and his “rogue Islamic regime” can’t wait to make a nuke and bomb people.

How you people turn a blind eye to the real evil that’s SATURATING this planet is beyond me ??

Ok, it’s a lie.
I know why you have this blind eye, you and, joswampthing, sealadrowsy, ima, sherri…kvetch….(actually)..I don’t think ANY OF YOU condone suicide bombing or any of this horrific killing of people by suicide bombers. Whether it be in the mosque, at the fruit stand, at the funeral…..

I’m SURE you find it appalling, disturbing, barbaric, subhuman:
NO ?

I think you keep that to yourself, but when you're in mixed company:
you don’t mention 'that world' and what they do because: dare I say it: you're all “RABID-ANTI-SEMITE BIGOTS.” ~The End~

all of the terrorism that goes on around the world by the islamic world – HAS NOTHING TO DO with
“israel’s occupation."

violent-smiley-1659.gif and that witch, sherri, don’t ever fucking
call me a "bigot" again you....hypocrite(s) can’t call others "bigots" when you're one yourself. It’s pathetic.
Iran must be set deadline of weeks to halt enrichment: Israel

By Ori Lewis

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend.

World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war.

"Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said.

Steinitz, a close confidant of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Army Radio action should be taken within "a few weeks, a month" if Iran did not stop enriching uranium, although he did not elaborate.
Netanyahu himself has spoken of a mid-2013 "red line" for denying the Islamic Republic the fuel needed for a first bomb, although several Israeli officials have privately acknowledged it had been deferred, maybe indefinitely.

The five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council - the United States, Russia, Britain, France and China - and Germany are trying to persuade Iran to abandon its higher-grade uranium enrichment, as a first step to a broader deal.

Darn! I throw in my bait to catch a brain and end up with an idiot Hick from West Virgini re-peating Netanyahu's failed policies as Iran nukes up...
Well at least you admit you're trolling. Denial is never good Pbel
"...and the beat goes on..JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend. World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war. "Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said."



It seems like it doesn’t bother you in the least that this sick fuck ahmadinejihad and his “rogue Islamic regime” can’t wait to make a nuke and bomb people.

How you people turn a blind eye to the real evil that’s SATURATING this planet is beyond me ??

Ok, it’s a lie.
I know why you have this blind eye, you and, joswampthing, sealadrowsy, ima, sherri…kvetch….(actually)..I don’t think ANY OF YOU condone suicide bombing or any of this horrific killing of people by suicide bombers. Whether it be in the mosque, at the fruit stand, at the funeral…..

I’m SURE you find it appalling, disturbing, barbaric, subhuman:
NO ?

I think you keep that to yourself, but when you're in mixed company:
you don’t mention 'that world' and what they do because: dare I say it: you're all “RABID-ANTI-SEMITE BIGOTS.” ~The End~

all of the terrorism that goes on around the world by the islamic world – HAS NOTHING TO DO with
“israel’s occupation."

violent-smiley-1659.gif and that witch, sherri, don’t ever fucking
call me a "bigot" again you....hypocrite(s) can’t call others "bigots" when you're one yourself. It’s pathetic.

Try to understand the idea of "Armament Parrity" among enemies...Israel has Nukes, her enemies will eventually get them, because Israel's tiny population can not occupy her enemies...Nuclear bombs unfortunately are very dangerous and Israel would be smart to disarm, then her enemies wouild not need or desire them.

The world could not stop N. Korea and it can't stop a determined Nation to aquire nukes.
Last edited:
"...and the beat goes on..JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend. World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war. "Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said."



It seems like it doesn’t bother you in the least that this sick fuck ahmadinejihad and his “rogue Islamic regime” can’t wait to make a nuke and bomb people.

How you people turn a blind eye to the real evil that’s SATURATING this planet is beyond me ??

Ok, it’s a lie.
I know why you have this blind eye, you and, joswampthing, sealadrowsy, ima, sherri…kvetch….(actually)..I don’t think ANY OF YOU condone suicide bombing or any of this horrific killing of people by suicide bombers. Whether it be in the mosque, at the fruit stand, at the funeral…..

I’m SURE you find it appalling, disturbing, barbaric, subhuman:
NO ?

I think you keep that to yourself, but when you're in mixed company:
you don’t mention 'that world' and what they do because: dare I say it: you're all “RABID-ANTI-SEMITE BIGOTS.” ~The End~

all of the terrorism that goes on around the world by the islamic world – HAS NOTHING TO DO with
“israel’s occupation."

violent-smiley-1659.gif and that witch, sherri, don’t ever fucking
call me a "bigot" again you....hypocrite(s) can’t call others "bigots" when you're one yourself. It’s pathetic.
According to SS Pbel, Iran is a peaceful country because they havent invaded any other country is few hundred years. He turns his head to the Iranian driven suicdie bombing and thei weapons distributions to terrorists in the middle east
"...and the beat goes on..JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend. World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war. "Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said."



It seems like it doesn’t bother you in the least that this sick fuck ahmadinejihad and his “rogue Islamic regime” can’t wait to make a nuke and bomb people.

How you people turn a blind eye to the real evil that’s SATURATING this planet is beyond me ??

Ok, it’s a lie.
I know why you have this blind eye, you and, joswampthing, sealadrowsy, ima, sherri…kvetch….(actually)..I don’t think ANY OF YOU condone suicide bombing or any of this horrific killing of people by suicide bombers. Whether it be in the mosque, at the fruit stand, at the funeral…..

I’m SURE you find it appalling, disturbing, barbaric, subhuman:
NO ?

I think you keep that to yourself, but when you're in mixed company:
you don’t mention 'that world' and what they do because: dare I say it: you're all “RABID-ANTI-SEMITE BIGOTS.” ~The End~

all of the terrorism that goes on around the world by the islamic world – HAS NOTHING TO DO with
“israel’s occupation."

violent-smiley-1659.gif and that witch, sherri, don’t ever fucking
call me a "bigot" again you....hypocrite(s) can’t call others "bigots" when you're one yourself. It’s pathetic.

Try to understand the idea of "Armament Parrity" among enemies...Israel has Nukes, her enemies will eventually get them, because Israel's tiny population can not occupy her enemies...Nuclear bombs unfortunately are very dangerous and Israel would be smart to disarm, then her enemies wouild not need or desire them.

The world could not stop N. Korea and it can't stop a determined Nation to aquire nukes.

In order to understand why Israel has nukes, go take a look as to when they acquired them and why.
"...and the beat goes on..JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A senior Israeli minister called on world powers on Sunday to set a deadline for military action of weeks to persuade Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program after talks ended without progress at the weekend. World powers and Iran failed again to end a deadlock in the decade-old dispute over Tehran's nuclear program during the meeting in Kazakhstan, prolonging a standoff that could yet spiral into a new Middle East war. "Sanctions are not enough and the talks are not enough. The time has come to place before the Iranians a military threat or a form of red line, an unequivocal red line by the entire world, by the United States and the West ... in order to get results," Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said."



It seems like it doesn’t bother you in the least that this sick fuck ahmadinejihad and his “rogue Islamic regime” can’t wait to make a nuke and bomb people.

How you people turn a blind eye to the real evil that’s SATURATING this planet is beyond me ??

Ok, it’s a lie.
I know why you have this blind eye, you and, joswampthing, sealadrowsy, ima, sherri…kvetch….(actually)..I don’t think ANY OF YOU condone suicide bombing or any of this horrific killing of people by suicide bombers. Whether it be in the mosque, at the fruit stand, at the funeral…..

I’m SURE you find it appalling, disturbing, barbaric, subhuman:
NO ?

I think you keep that to yourself, but when you're in mixed company:
you don’t mention 'that world' and what they do because: dare I say it: you're all “RABID-ANTI-SEMITE BIGOTS.” ~The End~

all of the terrorism that goes on around the world by the islamic world – HAS NOTHING TO DO with
“israel’s occupation."

violent-smiley-1659.gif and that witch, sherri, don’t ever fucking
call me a "bigot" again you....hypocrite(s) can’t call others "bigots" when you're one yourself. It’s pathetic.
According to SS Pbel, Iran is a peaceful country because they havent invaded any other country is few hundred years. He turns his head to the Iranian driven suicdie bombing and thei weapons distributions to terrorists in the middle east

Poor ToastMann and his tiny band of bigots...Religious bigots who can not see why they thrive on hatred to glue themselfs into a right wing philiosophy of fear the Goy and entrench themselfs into a Mass Psychoses to defend Israel's policies of aggression and its isolation from planet earth. In all honesty, I understand and sympathize. The holocaust is a vivid memory.

I have never posted Iran as a peaceful country...I could care less, because it is one of many countries in the ME that despise the Israeli Occupation of Palestine...


It seems like it doesn’t bother you in the least that this sick fuck ahmadinejihad and his “rogue Islamic regime” can’t wait to make a nuke and bomb people.

How you people turn a blind eye to the real evil that’s SATURATING this planet is beyond me ??

Ok, it’s a lie.
I know why you have this blind eye, you and, joswampthing, sealadrowsy, ima, sherri…kvetch….(actually)..I don’t think ANY OF YOU condone suicide bombing or any of this horrific killing of people by suicide bombers. Whether it be in the mosque, at the fruit stand, at the funeral…..

I’m SURE you find it appalling, disturbing, barbaric, subhuman:
NO ?

I think you keep that to yourself, but when you're in mixed company:
you don’t mention 'that world' and what they do because: dare I say it: you're all “RABID-ANTI-SEMITE BIGOTS.” ~The End~

all of the terrorism that goes on around the world by the islamic world – HAS NOTHING TO DO with
“israel’s occupation."

violent-smiley-1659.gif and that witch, sherri, don’t ever fucking
call me a "bigot" again you....hypocrite(s) can’t call others "bigots" when you're one yourself. It’s pathetic.
According to SS Pbel, Iran is a peaceful country because they havent invaded any other country is few hundred years. He turns his head to the Iranian driven suicdie bombing and thei weapons distributions to terrorists in the middle east

Poor ToastMann and his tiny band of bigots...Religious bigots who can not see why they thrive on hatred to glue themselfs into a right wing philiosophy of fear the Goy and entrench themselfs into a Mass Psychoses to defend Israel's policies of aggression and its isolation from planet earth. In all honesty, I understand and sympathize. The holocaust is a vivid memory.

I have never posted Iran as a peaceful country...I could care less, because it is one of many countries in the ME that despise the Israeli Occupation of Palestine...

The Pbel method - When someone posts someone that contradicts what he says, call them a bigot and bring up the 'occupation' that is not even being discussed right now lololol.

trololololol :cool:

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