and the brand is crashing too

Trump is already losing control of his brand, and it's sinking fast.

There are people who want his name removed from their condos.

His hotel in DC is also down in reservations by over 50 percent.

If he loses, he's also lost his fortune because he's crapped all over his brand.

Really? Trump fills coliseums and his support is huge...I'm calling total bullshit on that.
Can those people afford to even stay at one of his hotels?
he should have named the hotel chain something original like Hilton ....

Hilton Hotels ... catchy name!

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Trump is already losing control of his brand, and it's sinking fast.

There are people who want his name removed from their condos.

His hotel in DC is also down in reservations by over 50 percent.

If he loses, he's also lost his fortune because he's crapped all over his brand.

Really? Trump fills coliseums and his support is huge...I'm calling total bullshit on that.
Can those people afford to even stay at one of his hotels?

In yet another lawsuit involving the multi-millionaire real estate investor, Donald Trump’s lawyers claimed that Trump’s campaign for President has yuuuugely boosted his hotel and restaurant business.

But according to data provided by Hipmunk, an online travel reservations company, occupancy at Trump’s hotels is down almost across the board, sometimes by as much as 75% compared to this time last year.

75% ... whew.
Trump is already losing control of his brand, and it's sinking fast.

There are people who want his name removed from their condos.

His hotel in DC is also down in reservations by over 50 percent.

If he loses, he's also lost his fortune because he's crapped all over his brand.

Really? Trump fills coliseums and his support is huge...I'm calling total bullshit on that.
Can those people afford to even stay at one of his hotels?

Stereotyping is the gravest sin a leftard can commit....are you sure you want to go with that???? (snicker)
Loserterianism isn't popular! It is a joke and is hated by most of this country...You loserterians are the wart on the ass of this country!

Too funny, little "comrade"...the gig is up...the fix to put in Hitlery has been exposed for the fraud that it is. The temper tantrum throwing elitist pig that you covet has been exposed. How you can even continue to tout this disgusting pile of shit and her corrupt operatives is a testament to the fact that your morals and integrity is just as low as hers. The ends justifies the means, eh? The beautiful thing about this election cycle whether Hitlery is able to cheat her way into the WH or not is this very salient fact....the system is totally rigged and the banking oligarchs that fund her, own all the media are the real owners of this country just like I have said all along. I have been more than validated and this is only the beginning of a shit-storm of monumental proportions that is coming. You will be subsisting on a steady diet of "gubermint" cheese" and remain totally "compliant and unaware" because that is what sheeple like you do.

The truth is that Trump is beating the unholy shit out of Hitlery even worse than Sanders did (and Sanders was the victim of an ungodly amount of fraud). Trump brings in thousands upon thousands to his rallies...Hitlery can't draw flies to her appearances.
Wikileaks and Project Veritas has exposed the fraud and deception....... so spare me your bullshit. Thump that puny sunken chest of yours about the Hildebeast but the fact of the matter is that people are waking up to this fraudulent system. Hitlery would never, ever win a legitimate election even against an avowed socialist like's a fact and something that you will eventually have to face.
Trump is already losing control of his brand, and it's sinking fast.

There are people who want his name removed from their condos.

His hotel in DC is also down in reservations by over 50 percent.

If he loses, he's also lost his fortune because he's crapped all over his brand.

Really? Trump fills coliseums and his support is huge...I'm calling total bullshit on that.
Can those people afford to even stay at one of his hotels?

In yet another lawsuit involving the multi-millionaire real estate investor, Donald Trump’s lawyers claimed that Trump’s campaign for President has yuuuugely boosted his hotel and restaurant business.

But according to data provided by Hipmunk, an online travel reservations company, occupancy at Trump’s hotels is down almost across the board, sometimes by as much as 75% compared to this time last year.

75% ... whew.

Project Veritas, Wikileaks....nuff said......
Trump is already losing control of his brand, and it's sinking fast.

There are people who want his name removed from their condos.

His hotel in DC is also down in reservations by over 50 percent.

If he loses, he's also lost his fortune because he's crapped all over his brand.

Really? Trump fills coliseums and his support is huge...I'm calling total bullshit on that.
Can those people afford to even stay at one of his hotels?

Stereotyping is the gravest sin a leftard can commit....are you sure you want to go with that???? (snicker)
Dale, I couldn't afford to stay at one of his Hotels, at least not at what he would want for it at regular price, and at 75% off it would be difficult or unwise or basically a waste of hard earned money in my mind, for anything more than a day....and I would venture to say, this is the case for 90% of our posters here at USMB, on the Right and the Left.

All those people who are in the crowds in the stadium that you mention, are NOT his clientele, it's not who he does business with...not his golf courses and not his Hotels ....his business focus is not to capture someone like me and probably not someone like you....and that's fine and dandy...he should have who he plans to "sell to" as part of his business plan and market strategy.

So, unless The Donald decides to downgrade his brand, which might be forced upon him, I don't think his political supporters will be of much help with keeping him afloat in the Businesses he owns presently.
Trump is already losing control of his brand, and it's sinking fast.

There are people who want his name removed from their condos.

His hotel in DC is also down in reservations by over 50 percent.

If he loses, he's also lost his fortune because he's crapped all over his brand.

Really? Trump fills coliseums and his support is huge...I'm calling total bullshit on that.
Can those people afford to even stay at one of his hotels?

Stereotyping is the gravest sin a leftard can commit....are you sure you want to go with that???? (snicker)
Dale, I couldn't afford to stay at one of his Hotels, at least not at what he would want for it at regular price, and at 75% off it would be difficult or unwise or basically a waste of hard earned money in my mind, for anything more than a day....and I would venture to say, this is the case for 90% of our posters here at USMB, on the Right and the Left.

All those people who are in the crowds in the stadium that you mention, are NOT his clientele, it's not who he does business with...not his golf courses and not his Hotels ....his business focus is not to capture someone like me and probably not someone like you....and that's fine and dandy...he should have who he plans to "sell to" as part of his business plan and market strategy.

So, unless The Donald decides to downgrade his brand, which might be forced upon him, I don't think his political supporters will be of much help with keeping him afloat in the Businesses he owns presently.

When the shit hits the fan (should we continue down this road) his businesses are not going to mean anything anyway. I am not trying to be a jerk but I know a lot because I have made it my business to know this. My friends claim that I am obsessed with it and that I have "changed" from the guy that left for Detroit for work almost 5 years ago that was so carefree and outgoing to the "information junkie" recluse that I am now. I don't relate well to people since my epiphany and my tolerance for stupidity has made me a bit of a snob...not that I don't love and care about my friends any less, I am simply not into "chit chat" about stupid shit that doesn't matter. I'm not into sports anymore...I am not into partisan politics. I simply exist on a higher plane of consciousness than I did before. I have ran the gamut of emotions and my spiritual growth has caused me to totally re-exam my life. I realized my place in the great big scheme of things and became humbled about the things I thought I understood but didn't have the slightest fucking clue about. I wasted time...precious time I could have spent doing something constructive and positive because I was stuck in a paradigm. I don't know if I will ever forgive myself for what was lost and my penance is that of trying to wake people up and give them the benefit of the heavy lifting I have done passed on to me by those that lifted the heavy boulders. There is a mass awakening occurring as it pertains to the actual situation that we are facing and it is scaring the shit out of the controllers....that is what they fear the most. I am trying to help.......I know what I am talking/posting about.....our house is on fire.
Trump is not actually the one changing the name.

He doesn't have full ownership over the hotels where it is happening. It is an organized coup to rebrand themselves and kick Donald to the curve. Wonder if they will outright break from the Trump organization.

Curb, idiot. You know the thing people that work for a living make.

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