CDZ And the Racial Identity/Intersectionalists Are Now Undermining Science With Race Theory

When you boil it down, it's just basically them trying to say "I get to set my own reality, and the reality of everyone else".

The thing is Orwell predicted this with the concept of doublethink. Obviously they will have to bend to physical laws when needed, structural design, programming, medical care, etc. But using doublethink they will be able to use the science they scorn on one hand, while pretending it means whatever they want it to mean when it suits them.
When you boil it down, it's just basically them trying to say "I get to set my own reality, and the reality of everyone else".

The thing is Orwell predicted this with the concept of doublethink. Obviously they will have to bend to physical laws when needed, structural design, programming, medical care, etc. But using doublethink they will be able to use the science they scorn on one hand, while pretending it means whatever they want it to mean when it suits them.
This is an excellent video of a young woman who claims that Science is a 'colonial construct' and that we need to free our consciousness by decolonizing our minds and reject Western Science.

No, I am not kidding.

Her term 'colonial construct' is a racist term.
AOC also uses the term "colonial" because she blames Anglos for all of the Left Wing culture's dystopian problems.
We can see what happens when the Left gets everything that they want in Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba.
When you boil it down, it's just basically them trying to say "I get to set my own reality, and the reality of everyone else".

The thing is Orwell predicted this with the concept of doublethink. Obviously they will have to bend to physical laws when needed, structural design, programming, medical care, etc. But using doublethink they will be able to use the science they scorn on one hand, while pretending it means whatever they want it to mean when it suits them.
This is an excellent video of a young woman who claims that Science is a 'colonial construct' and that we need to free our consciousness by decolonizing our minds and reject Western Science.

No, I am not kidding.

Her term 'colonial construct' is a racist term.
AOC also uses the term "colonial" because she blames Anglos for all of the Left Wing culture's dystopian problems.
We can see what happens when the Left gets everything that they want in Venezuela, North Korea and Cuba.

Which i find ironic from her because her ancestry looks mostly Spanish Hispanic and not Native Hispanic.
Identity politics has much in common with cult behavior. Other than the notion that cults revolve around a charismatic leader, it fits the definition to a tee.

I swear, what we are experiencing in our country is group psychosis here.
Identity politics has much in common with cult behavior. Other than the notion that cults revolve around a charismatic leader, it fits the definition to a tee.

I swear, what we are experiencing in our country is group psychosis here.
I refer to it as "intellectual decadence"....That which looks upon psychotic behavior, along with every other form of mental dysfunction, as socially acceptable life options.
This Lysenkoism nonsense is due to the disorder of our philosophical foundations in our culture. The Atomists were rejected and ignored by most people in the ancient Western World because no one could prove that the universe was rational, I am not joking about this.

Epicurianism and other mystery religions were the most popular streams of thought then and irrational. The Atomists held the secrets of Mathematics and the basic building blocks of science but no one would listen because no one could prove rationally why rationality was the best course of action and thought, as it is tautological.

When the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, it did not take very well culturally for generations, but the German tribes did take to it and their world view that emerged in the Scholasticism of the Middle Ages was based on Christianity. By the time Charlemagne rebuilt Western Academic institutions on the basis of Christian world views, among which was the belief that God created the universe, it was popularly accepted that God was rational and that therefore the Universe was built on rational principles that are expressable in human cognitive thought and symbols, i.e. Natural Laws.

This laid the foundations for a Western population that accepted, mostly, the supremacy of 'Natural Philosophy' or what we now call modern Science. Without the underlying Christian World view that God is rational and therefore the Universe is rational as well, Science has no rational, non-tautological basis for its axioms.

This current Voodoo Science is going to continue to plague us until we return to that Natural Design world view or perish. And I am not talking about Evolution denying clap trap, I am talking about the philosophy of Natural Design that is the foundation for Scientific Law.
Identity politics has much in common with cult behavior. Other than the notion that cults revolve around a charismatic leader, it fits the definition to a tee.

I swear, what we are experiencing in our country is group psychosis here.

They are currently replacing the single charismatic leader with a collective. However in systems like this usually someone takes over via force of personality.
This Lysenkoism nonsense is due to the disorder of our philosophical foundations in our culture. The Atomists were rejected and ignored by most people in the ancient Western World because no one could prove that the universe was rational, I am not joking about this.

Epicurianism and other mystery religions were the most popular streams of thought then and irrational. The Atomists held the secrets of Mathematics and the basic building blocks of science but no one would listen because no one could prove rationally why rationality was the best course of action and thought, as it is tautological.

When the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, it did not take very well culturally for generations, but the German tribes did take to it and their world view that emerged in the Scholasticism of the Middle Ages was based on Christianity. By the time Charlemagne rebuilt Western Academic institutions on the basis of Christian world views, among which was the belief that God created the universe, it was popularly accepted that God was rational and that therefore the Universe was built on rational principles that are expressable in human cognitive thought and symbols, i.e. Natural Laws.

This laid the foundations for a Western population that accepted, mostly, the supremacy of 'Natural Philosophy' or what we now call modern Science. Without the underlying Christian World view that God is rational and therefore the Universe is rational as well, Science has no rational, non-tautological basis for its axioms.

This current Voodoo Science is going to continue to plague us until we return to that Natural Design world view or perish. And I am not talking about Evolution denying clap trap, I am talking about the philosophy of Natural Design that is the foundation for Scientific Law.
IOW, they're nihilists.

They're taking things like the uncertainty principle and the law of attraction and extrapolating them to absolutely absurd extremes....Something foundational to cultist behavior.
IOW, they're nihilists.
They're taking things like the uncertainty principle and the law of attraction and extrapolating them to absolutely absurd extremes....Something foundational to cultist behavior.
They are nihilists, but also they are worse than that. They are tearing down the safeguards of modern society and re-introducing a tribal view of society and mankind.

They are evil.
"Reality" is a neurological construct if anything, given that "reality" demands a perceiver. To perceive is to have receptors and some organized matrix where perceptions are processed. This further implies a pre-existing pattern that the perceiver could not have created. Thus, "reality" only exists because a perceptual center exists that only "reality" could have provided.
IOW, they're nihilists.
They're taking things like the uncertainty principle and the law of attraction and extrapolating them to absolutely absurd extremes....Something foundational to cultist behavior.
They are nihilists, but also they are worse than that. They are tearing down the safeguards of modern society and re-introducing a tribal view of society and mankind.

They are evil.
To take a page from their book, "good" and "evil" are subjective value judgements.

A pack of dingoes is neutral, while one adjacent to an orphanage is trouble brewing.

What we have here is people who don't believe in any order, trying the be those who create the order in their own image...A paradox that is dangerous beyond any description.
"Reality" is a neurological construct if anything, given that "reality" demands a perceiver. To perceive is to have receptors and some organized matrix where perceptions are processed. This further implies a pre-existing pattern that the perceiver could not have created. Thus, "reality" only exists because a perceptual center exists that only "reality" could have provided.
How do you know that you didn't just create that "reality", or have it created for you?
"Reality" is a neurological construct if anything, given that "reality" demands a perceiver. To perceive is to have receptors and some organized matrix where perceptions are processed. This further implies a pre-existing pattern that the perceiver could not have created. Thus, "reality" only exists because a perceptual center exists that only "reality" could have provided.
How do you know that you didn't just create that "reality", or have it created for you?
The fact that this question cannot be answered is the basis for the relativism of the video.
"Reality" is a neurological construct if anything, given that "reality" demands a perceiver. To perceive is to have receptors and some organized matrix where perceptions are processed. This further implies a pre-existing pattern that the perceiver could not have created. Thus, "reality" only exists because a perceptual center exists that only "reality" could have provided.
How do you know that you didn't just create that "reality", or have it created for you?
The fact that this question cannot be answered is the basis for the relativism of the video.
The fact remains that the "reality" matrix that we all currently live in that has certain immutable laws, whether or not it takes the observer to create them.

The relativism expressed in the video is nihilistic navel gazing, that makes the brain droppings from Stirnerites look like Aristotle.
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How do you know that you didn't just create that "reality", or have it created for you?
The fact that this question cannot be answered is the basis for the relativism of the video.
We can prove that Reality is not subjective.

1) Take a fully loaded standard/stock unmodified revolver.
2) put the muzzle against your temple.
3) Convince yourself that when you pull the trigger, nothing will happen.
4) Test your theory by now pulling that trigger.

Good luck with that.
This is an excellent video of a young woman who claims that Science is a 'colonial construct' and that we need to free our consciousness by decolonizing our minds and reject Western Science.

No, I am not kidding.

We can evaluate people as individuals or by groups. The latter is not very egalitarian.
How do you know that you didn't just create that "reality", or have it created for you?
The fact that this question cannot be answered is the basis for the relativism of the video.
We can prove that Reality is not subjective.

1) Take a fully loaded standard/stock unmodified revolver.
2) put the muzzle against your temple.
3) Convince yourself that when you pull the trigger, nothing will happen.
4) Test your theory by now pulling that trigger.

Good luck with that.
That would only test your idea (it doesn't qualify as a "theory").
The "matrix" is perception, and perceptions in humans are very strong. One who could master perception would no longer be subject to it, would not need perception to know what is, and would transcend perception. The pistol would be whatever it was necessary for it to be and its function the same.

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