'And The Truth Shall Set You Free' - Secret FBI Server Holds Key To Flynn Exoneration

There have been several reports on the FISA thing, including Robert Mueller looking into it in his report.....
Robert Mueller?

The guy who revealed his role in 'HIS' investigation was to lend his NAME to the witch unt to try to give it some measure of credibility, to sit at a large desk, color, and sip juice boxes, and stay out of Weismann's way?


Mueller? Comey's MENTOR, the previous FBI Director...the one hauled before a secret FISA Court to explain HIS own FBI's numerous FISA Court violations?

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation’s secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators. For most of the past 16 years, Mueller’s closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

How appropriate you would cite a proven FISA Court violator's / violation facilitator's 'investigation' of his protégé - of course finding no crime having been committed - as 'proof' the Obama administration's top FBI & DOJ officials did NOT engage in FISA Court Abuses.


Mueller taught his protégé well - like mentor like student....FISA Court Abuse was a tradition passed on from one to the other.

Thanks for demonstrating you believe co-conspirators covering for each other......

As stated, there is only 1 FISA Court Abuse report that matters - it has been submitted. It is coming....

Don’t you know you are now wasting your time.
So, I provide documented facts supported by a link....and once again you vomit ignorant, embarrassing OPINION and childish insults....bwuhahahahaha.

EVERYONE is wasting their time reading anything you post. Me? No longer..... Entertain yourself all you want by reading your own ignorant opinions.

Little-known FBI database could exonerate Flynn

".... the FBI had wiretapped Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador, reviewed them, and found no wrongdoing. And the handwritten notes from both Strzok and the other agent indicated they did not detect any physical signs that Flynn was lying to them, Powell observed -- frustrating agents' allegedly "pretextual" efforts to trap Flynn, who had made powerful enemies in Washington under the Obama administration, on a process crime."

"...newly revealed text messages between Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page ... revealed that Page -- who was not present for the Flynn interview -- had apparently made "edits" to the 302 report. Page told Strzok on February 10, 2017 that she “gave my edits to Bill to put on your desk.”

"If the signatures and dates are present in the originals, the government has unjustifiably redacted that information, possibly without leaving a black mark to disclose a redaction, which itself is a form of deception"

"Former FBI Director James Comey admitted in an interview last year that he personally made the decision to send a pair of agents to interview Flynn in 2017, and acknowledged the arrangement was not typical for dealing with a White House official. He called it “something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more … organized administration.”

The 'misconduct' of the Obama / Comey FBI continues to be revealed.

Flynn attorney demands FBI search 'Sentinel' database for missing, 'manipulated' witness reports

Treason, Malfeasance and Political Corruption needs to be Aggressively Prosecuted.

Bureaucrats are un-elected officials and therefore need to be held to the Highest Standards of Ethics and Conduct.

The officials who did what they did to Flynn need to be indicted, prosecuted and sentenced.
Treason, Malfeasance and Political Corruption needs to be Aggressively Prosecuted.

Bureaucrats are un-elected officials and therefore need to be held to the Highest Standards of Ethics and Conduct.

The officials who did what they did to Flynn need to be indicted, prosecuted and sentenced.
It's a safe guess that General Flynn will have
a lock on a very big out-of-court settlement when the dust clears from this, hopefully starting with every penny Comey made from his book..
The US IG and US AG need to investigate D-DIANE FEINSTEIN for facilitating Chinese Espionage from her own inner circle / office for DECADES, which was exposed several months ago and quickly ignored.

The Democrats and the MSM were too busy attempting to manufacture crimes / illegal collusion between the President and foreign nations to give the news that Feinstein had been ass-deep in Chinese espionage for DECADES an INITIAL look, let alone a SECOND look.

Little-known FBI database could exonerate Flynn

".... the FBI had wiretapped Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador, reviewed them, and found no wrongdoing. And the handwritten notes from both Strzok and the other agent indicated they did not detect any physical signs that Flynn was lying to them, Powell observed -- frustrating agents' allegedly "pretextual" efforts to trap Flynn, who had made powerful enemies in Washington under the Obama administration, on a process crime."

"...newly revealed text messages between Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page ... revealed that Page -- who was not present for the Flynn interview -- had apparently made "edits" to the 302 report. Page told Strzok on February 10, 2017 that she “gave my edits to Bill to put on your desk.”

"If the signatures and dates are present in the originals, the government has unjustifiably redacted that information, possibly without leaving a black mark to disclose a redaction, which itself is a form of deception"

"Former FBI Director James Comey admitted in an interview last year that he personally made the decision to send a pair of agents to interview Flynn in 2017, and acknowledged the arrangement was not typical for dealing with a White House official. He called it “something I probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more … organized administration.”

The 'misconduct' of the Obama / Comey FBI continues to be revealed.

Flynn attorney demands FBI search 'Sentinel' database for missing, 'manipulated' witness reports

The metadata shows Page did indeed change the 302's and she deleted instead of redacting the text she removed. This is criminal deception..

It has now come full circle and the the judge has the data... Flynn's case is days from being tossed for prosecutor misconduct and charges filed against those who committed the fraud on the court..

There is a crap load of this coming from the FISA report that is now a criminal investigation.
Treason, Malfeasance and Political Corruption needs to be Aggressively Prosecuted.

Bureaucrats are un-elected officials and therefore need to be held to the Highest Standards of Ethics and Conduct.

The officials who did what they did to Flynn need to be indicted, prosecuted and sentenced.
It's a safe guess that General Flynn will have
a lock on a very big out-of-court settlement when the dust clears from this, hopefully starting with every penny Comey made from his book..
I said when they first went after him that he was going to die a rich man. You can tell that Obama Bin Spying essentially left the Oval Office he soiled kicking and screaming like a sore loser, and left a Poison Pill Order to all of his sycophantic American Hating toadies to destroy President Trump at all costs, and to burn, burn as much evidence or his and Clinton's corruption as they could.
The US IG and US AG need to investigate D-DIANE FEINSTEIN for facilitating Chinese Espionage from her own inner circle / office for DECADES, which was exposed several months ago and quickly ignored.

The Democrats and the MSM were too busy attempting to manufacture crimes / illegal collusion between the President and foreign nations to give the news that Feinstein had been ass-deep in Chinese espionage for DECADES an INITIAL look, let alone a SECOND look.
The Obama Administration and The Democrat Party was so full of corruption it will take decades to unravel. I think they went on that path the day they Embraced Bill and Hillary Clinton as the face of The New Democrat Party.
The List of Exposed Democrat Crimes Exposed During their Last 4 Years of Witch Hunting And Failed Coup Attempts They have Completely IGNORED and Refused To Acknowledge / Investigate Is Truly AMAZING:

Hillary's crimes - Obama administration protecting

Hillary buying Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda rom a foreign spy working for Obama's FBI

Dems colluding with corrupt former Ukraine govt officials to get dirt to use to alter the 2016 election against Trump

Obama ordering Counter-Intel Op against Candidate / President Trump

Clapper / Brennan / Lynch / Rosenstein / Comey / McCabe / Strzok / Page/ etc...

Congressional Dems engaging in Sexual Misconduct for DECADES - creating a Committee whose sole purpose was to pay for the silence of their victims...

Diane Feinstein facilitating Chinese Espionage for DECADES

Joe Biden's video-taped confession or extorting the former Ukraine PM

Revelation that Obama administration set a new record for illegal non-compliance w/FOIA & FRA

Obama learning of Russian interference in 2014 yet admittedly gave them 2 years of un-challenged authority to do so

Willful facilitation of and violation of US Immigration and federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities

Bill Clinton Pedophilia connection - portrait of him in Lewinski's red dress hanging on the wall at Pedophile Island

Schiff's continuous exposed lies / sedition / treason.

Democrats ordering the US AG to BREAK THE LAW...Censures him after he REFUSES to do so....

and more....while still waiting for FISA Court Abuse report and results of Durham's criminal investigation....

Once again history repeats itself as the 'sheets' come off to reveal who the vile enemies of the state / criminals actually are...the Democratic Party
There have been several reports on the FISA thing, including Robert Mueller looking into it in his report.....
Robert Mueller?

The guy who revealed his role in 'HIS' investigation was to lend his NAME to the witch unt to try to give it some measure of credibility, to sit at a large desk, color, and sip juice boxes, and stay out of Weismann's way?


Mueller? Comey's MENTOR, the previous FBI Director...the one hauled before a secret FISA Court to explain HIS own FBI's numerous FISA Court violations?

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation’s secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators. For most of the past 16 years, Mueller’s closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

How appropriate you would cite a proven FISA Court violator's / violation facilitator's 'investigation' of his protégé - of course finding no crime having been committed - as 'proof' the Obama administration's top FBI & DOJ officials did NOT engage in FISA Court Abuses.


Mueller taught his protégé well - like mentor like student....FISA Court Abuse was a tradition passed on from one to the other.

Thanks for demonstrating you believe co-conspirators covering for each other......

As stated, there is only 1 FISA Court Abuse report that matters - it has been submitted. It is coming....

Your conspiracy theories are not facts.
Your conspiracy theories are not facts.
The great thing is I have repeatedly posted links to reports, texts, official documents, testimony, rules, laws, etc....while ignorant, threatened, easily-manipulated, hate-driven, butt-hurt snowflakes like you repeat the same pattern of launching these false accusations, attacks, insults, lies, and always unsubstantiated opinions / declarations without ever providing anything...except more evidence that the Socialist Democrat plan the last 15 years to use Common Core in public schools to affect the dumbing down of America for easier control of the Gruber-described snow flake masses has been / is working.

Your conspiracy theories are not facts.
The great thing is I have repeatedly posted links to reports, texts, official documents, testimony, rules, laws, etc....while ignorant, threatened, easily-manipulated, hate-driven, butt-hurt snowflakes like you repeat the same pattern of launching these false accusations, attacks, insults, lies, and always unsubstantiated opinions / declarations without ever providing anything...except more evidence that the Socialist Democrat plan the last 15 years to use Common Core in public schools to affect the dumbing down of America for easier control of the Gruber-described snow flake masses has been / is working.

No. You've posted links to garbage "infotainment" sites and cherry picker junk. It's all nutty conspiracy theories. There is not truth in them or you.
No. You've posted links to garbage "infotainment" sites and cherry picker junk.
Thank you for the amusing emotional-based OPINION, snowflake, that you keep telling yourself to shelter yourself from documented evidence substantiated by official documents, texts, the exact laws, and even testimony under oath - BY DEMOCRATS / THOSE INVOLVED!

You, meanwhile, offer nothing BUT emotional, unsubstantiated opinions and personal attacks. You have even proven that you don't even READ full posts let alone read the information linked or open and read the links themselves.

Fail, lil' snowflake.
No. You've posted links to garbage "infotainment" sites and cherry picker junk.
Thank you for the amusing emotional-based OPINION, snowflake, that you keep telling yourself to shelter yourself from documented evidence substantiated by official documents, texts, the exact laws, and even testimony under oath - BY DEMOCRATS / THOSE INVOLVED!

You, meanwhile, offer nothing BUT emotional, unsubstantiated opinions and personal attacks. You have even proven that you don't even READ full posts let alone read the information linked or open and read the links themselves.

Fail, lil' snowflake.
No, you haven't.

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