and the winner is......?

Scott walker escaped notice

He can't overcome that his state isn't doing that great.

He inherited a $3.7 billion deficit and has turned out a budget surplus, all while lowering the unemployment. It's amazing what he's accomplished given all the efforts by left-wing shit stains to undermine him every step of the way.

Walkers approval rating is very low, I doubt he'd even win WI. Kasich at least is liked by his state.
The winner? Sect. Clinton. Seems the entire clown car has already given her the crown.

Trump nor Hillary will ever be President.

The GOP might have a stuffed clown car but Dems have the biggest joker of all.


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Fiorina by a mile, followed by Rubio.

Florina wasnt there...she was in the junior varsity game..she lost before the big match began

I know ... yet she beat the pants off of all of them in both debates. She is being over looked. I hope she climbs.

She will drop out buy Labor one even knows who she is

Don't know about the dropping out by LD but yes, she is relatively unknown. So was obama. Time will tell.

Trump - They didn't take him out and he didn't take himself out, he moved the needle on illegals with other candidates agreeing with him.

Kasich - Comfortable, likeable, will resonate with average Americans

Carson - Impressive performance, watch this guy.

Huckabee - Comfortable, likeable, solid performance.


Bush - God the man looks uncomfortable being around well, people. Threw his brother under the bus how lame.

Christie - He didn't belong at the grownup's table.

Walker - Dude, you are boring as a phone book.

Paul - Was good on his own but lost the exchanges with other candidates.

Cruz - Who? Wins the award for the most scripted answers, boring.

Rubio - The boy is not ready for the big leagues, hurt the entire Republican party with his dumb ass statement that Hillary wins the resume contest.
Scott walker escaped notice

He can't overcome that his state isn't doing that great.

He inherited a $3.7 billion deficit and has turned out a budget surplus, all while lowering the unemployment. It's amazing what he's accomplished given all the efforts by left-wing shit stains to undermine him every step of the way.

I think someone needs to compare Wisconsin's economy to the rest of the nation. Why not compare Wisconsin to it's neighbor, Minnesota? If you did you'd delete your post faster than one could say "whoops".
Fiorina is going to be a sensational VP prospect, I think... Rubio as well.

I don't think Christie gained much ground... nor did Paul or Huck.

Carson was impressive.. Jeb and Walker sounded like robots.

Trump got off to a shaky start with Megyn Kelly's 'women' question...
Then he seemed to settle in and nail some pretty good punches.
He was not Mr. Superdebater or anything, but he got the job done.

If his poll numbers hold after this... watch out.
Sure in the hell wasn't the American people. GOP clowns ain't learned jack shit have they? Still same shit. War with Iran,bigger military,take away healthcare,kiss Israel's ass,etc etc etc...same shit different crowd of assholes pandering to voters for their vote. ANY chance any GOP candidate had for me to vote for them is gone completely. I enjoyed them tearing each other apart though.Sad thing is Clinton probably believes mostly like these clowns do.
Ted Cruz killed it!

except that his first thing to do in office was to..defund Planned ParentHood'
That means he'd only lose to Hillary 81-19

Because Planded Parenthood is soooo popular.

Yes it is ...with women.......and with the DEM candidate being a cant go there or you go home

Disagree. Maybe you haven't heard Planned ParentHood has been exposed a bit lately.

Only on the FOX netowrk..
Millions of women (even GOP women) use it
Sure in the hell wasn't the American people. GOP clowns ain't learned jack shit have they? Still same shit. War with Iran,bigger military,take away healthcare,kiss Israel's ass,etc etc etc...same shit different crowd of assholes pandering to voters for their vote. ANY chance any GOP candidate had for me to vote for them is gone completely. I enjoyed them tearing each other apart though.Sad thing is Clinton probably believes mostly like these clowns do.

You can cut 12 of them after tonight

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