And then there were 12...


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
Orange Beach, Alabama (CNN) -- Allen Kruse had turned his boats into what BP dubs "vessels of opportunity." For two weeks, the charter captain worked for the oil giant, helping haul boom and look for oil.

But those closest to him say Kruse's life unraveled when the oil spill hit the Gulf waters where he worked. Authorities say deck hands found the 55-year-old dead in his boat's cabin, with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, before he was scheduled to head out on the water Wednesday morning.

For all of you on here defending BP, please keep this in mind.:(

Family: Oil disaster devastated captain who committed suicide -
They dont care about him or any other American ruined by this generations dust bowl.

They only care about corporations even if they are foreign ones.
I posted this story two days ago.
No one commented on it.
Perhaps your thread will have better luck.
are you suggesting it is BP's fault this guy killed himself?
are you suggesting it is BP's fault this guy killed himself?
We all know that BP is Satan himself! In fact, any corporation that employs people is EVIL! And if they have the audacity to actually make a profit, they should be investigated and destroyed!
If some of the economic "experts" that got us into this recession would only have the sense of responsibility to blow their brains out.
Orange Beach, Alabama (CNN) -- Allen Kruse had turned his boats into what BP dubs "vessels of opportunity." For two weeks, the charter captain worked for the oil giant, helping haul boom and look for oil.

But those closest to him say Kruse's life unraveled when the oil spill hit the Gulf waters where he worked. Authorities say deck hands found the 55-year-old dead in his boat's cabin, with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, before he was scheduled to head out on the water Wednesday morning.

For all of you on here defending BP, please keep this in mind.:(

Family: Oil disaster devastated captain who committed suicide -

The article you cite claims this man's stress was not all about the oil in the gulf.

"This has been a long-term situation," Fairey said. "This started in 2004, with a direct hit from Hurricane Ivan, then the next year was Katrina, then skyrocketing fuel prices, fishing regulations, then an oil spill. This has been six years that this area has really suffered a lot of stress."
You are seriously trying to claim that it's BP's fault that this man killed himself? Seriously?

If BP could make people kill themselves, do you honestly think there would be anyone alive who opposed drilling?
Its a horrible story and I feel sorry for the Captain and his family.

But I find no fault with BP. It was an accident, BP did not plan it and BP was responsible for any lost business for the Captain.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. This was a temporary problem. The Captain is responsible for his personal demons.......not BP
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Orange Beach, Alabama (CNN) -- Allen Kruse had turned his boats into what BP dubs "vessels of opportunity." For two weeks, the charter captain worked for the oil giant, helping haul boom and look for oil.

But those closest to him say Kruse's life unraveled when the oil spill hit the Gulf waters where he worked. Authorities say deck hands found the 55-year-old dead in his boat's cabin, with an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, before he was scheduled to head out on the water Wednesday morning.

For all of you on here defending BP, please keep this in mind.:(

Family: Oil disaster devastated captain who committed suicide -
Dumbshit. He worked for BP. They paid him. The reason he couldn't work anymore was because Obama's response to the spill was so tardy (despite having original responsibility for the clean up) that he lost his livelihood. It is Obama's fault, not BP's, if anyone is to blame.
And George W Bush, of course because he created the oil economy in America.
I do not support BP, but in no way do I blame them.

They are a company out there that had a tragic accident; and yes, people died, and now many others are suffering.

But to think that BP did this on purpose is rediculous.

However, if an investigation shows that this was a result of negligence by BP prompted by "cost saving" decisions, then yes, I would blame BP.

But to sit here and apply the theory of "innocent before proven guilty" and be accused of supporting BP? Irresponsible accusation.

I support the idea of innocent until proven guilty. Not BP.
Sounds like this guy had a boatload of problems and he just couldn't cope with em anymore. Leads me to wonder if suicide was on the horizon for him no matter what??

I don't think its BP's fault that he decided to end it all.
I think BP has a responsibility for this tragedy. It was their mishandling of claims, tardy payments of money earned by clean up workers (not to mention incredible negligence in causing the spill to begin with) that seems to have driven this man over the edge.

This was foreseeable. Dance desperate people around, heap useless paperwork on them, delay payments to them they need to survive and do so while their environment is destroyed along with their livelihood and what? Expect there will not be casualties?

Whomever you choose to blame, this won't be the last suicide. How's about we clamor for BP to straighten out its payroll and claims handling to help alleviate some of the horrendous stress on the folks living on the Gulf?
People are responsible for their own actions whether they are depressed or elated.

I agree with this statement 100%. However, does anyone believe this suicide would have happened without the additional pressures of the Gulf of Mexico being full of oil?

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