And There Goes Rudy Under The Bus

Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

Trump's supporters will believe this... despite Trump being ON TAPE AND TRANSCRIPT telling the President of Ukraine to meet with Giuliani... Jesus.

Yes he did. So what?

Now he's saying he had NOTHING to do with it. He's a liar... And if what they were doing wasn't wrong, why is he throwing Rudy under the bus now?

The president’s lawyer is now the subject of three different Ukraine investigations.

Two days ago: House Intelligence Committee in possession of video, audio recordings from Giuliani associate Lev Parnas

No wonder Trump is throwing his hand grenade under the bus!

Misinformation campaign.....................Are you scared Giuliani will bring his evidence to light and the 4 key witnesses to see the Senate.....................LOL

He's not an amateur..........and your side is trying to prevent his information from coming to light..........We'll see if Graham tries to block it for the Deep State.
Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

Trump's supporters will believe this... despite Trump being ON TAPE AND TRANSCRIPT telling the President of Ukraine to meet with Giuliani... Jesus.

Yes he did. So what?
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.
I'll give you that. But his actions to accomplish it were criminal. NO Governor will stay Governor longer than a week if he uses criminal methods to look into potential criminal actions of another person. One is in Prison right now for attempting Quid Pro Quo. But it appears that the new McDonald V ruling may get him released. But he's politically finished regardless. he won't be reinstated as Governor. The Ex Governor merely inquired about setting up a quid pro quo. He didn't actually start the process.

Rod Blagojevich already tried to use the recent ruling to get his record expunged. The Higher courts did a field goal with his butt.

Rump is somewhere between the two cases. And both are political career enders even though one may get a repreival while the other won't. If there is any justice at all, (and it doesn't rely on Barr) then Rump will be removed from office even if no criminal charges are filed. If it gets to the Senate, look for Chief Roberts to make rulings in that direction.

I thought if it goes to the Senate, Roberts said he will recuse himself. For what reason I don't know.

Do you have a quote on that? Roberts is required by law to officiate the Senate Impeachment if it comes to that. Only the Chief Justice can sit in that chair. The only way out of it is for him to step down from his position. The problem we have is, Rump has been insulting him viciously for some time now. I don't know if he can be as impartial as what is required. He may make rulings one the safe side when he shouldn't or make rulings on the more drastic side. This is a quantity that is unknown at this time. I can fully understand why the Rumpsters want a different sitting Supreme Court Justice but the law is cut and dried.

It was mentioned on Fox yesterday because of the Trump/Roberts Twitter battle.

I am familiar with the "So Called" twitter battle. Roberts stayed very professional while Rump went into his normal insulting tirades. Something comes to mind, "Don't poke the Bear".
9th Circuit court is a dang joke............and some were appointed by Obama.......and they get overturned more than any other Federal Court in the country.

Barr laughs at the 9th.........LOL

So do I..........OBAMA COURT........LMAO

One huge problem. Lately the 9th circuit court has been batting a 1000. Yes, in the past, they were the highest overturned federal court. But that's the job of the higher courts. It NOT Rumps job nor Barrs job. And having either of these two criminals try and change the publics opinion of our court system is just, well, criminal.
Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

Trump's supporters will believe this... despite Trump being ON TAPE AND TRANSCRIPT telling the President of Ukraine to meet with Giuliani... Jesus.

Yes he did. So what?
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.
Giuliani is there to find information to defend his client against a possible trial in the Senate.

1. That is his job as a Defense Lawyer.
2. It is his right to do so.
3. Trump has every right to defend himself.
4. Looking for witnesses to prove Trump's innocence isn't a crime

According to Giulliani...............he has some shit to NAIL THE DEMS TO THE WALL.

Are you scared that might be true.........poor things..........I want to see it.......Let's get to the truth over there.

Don't you want the truth libs............Are you afraid he has something on your side......Why are you afraid of him...........

Your side is Obstructing justice with a Lawyer doing his duty.

Karma lefties.
Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

Trump's supporters will believe this... despite Trump being ON TAPE AND TRANSCRIPT telling the President of Ukraine to meet with Giuliani... Jesus.

Yes he did. So what?
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.
Giuliani is there to find information to defend his client against a possible trial in the Senate.

1. That is his job as a Defense Lawyer.
2. It is his right to do so.
3. Trump has every right to defend himself.
4. Looking for witnesses to prove Trump's innocence isn't a crime

According to Giulliani...............he has some shit to NAIL THE DEMS TO THE WALL.

Are you scared that might be true.........poor things..........I want to see it.......Let's get to the truth over there.

Don't you want the truth libs............Are you afraid he has something on your side......Why are you afraid of him...........

Your side is Obstructing justice with a Lawyer doing his duty.

Karma lefties.

Do you really NOT understand what is going on? If Rudy was only there for that... then why the fuck would Trump now say he has nothing to do with it? You don't LIE about something that isn't wrong or illegal.

Seriously... use your noggin.
I thought if it goes to the Senate, Roberts said he will recuse himself. For what reason I don't know.

Do you have a quote on that? Roberts is required by law to officiate the Senate Impeachment if it comes to that. Only the Chief Justice can sit in that chair. The only way out of it is for him to step down from his position. The problem we have is, Rump has been insulting him viciously for some time now. I don't know if he can be as impartial as what is required. He may make rulings one the safe side when he shouldn't or make rulings on the more drastic side. This is a quantity that is unknown at this time. I can fully understand why the Rumpsters want a different sitting Supreme Court Justice but the law is cut and dried.

It was mentioned on Fox yesterday because of the Trump/Roberts Twitter battle.

I am familiar with the "So Called" twitter battle. Roberts stayed very professional while Rump went into his normal insulting tirades. Something comes to mind, "Don't poke the Bear".
9th Circuit court is a dang joke............and some were appointed by Obama.......and they get overturned more than any other Federal Court in the country.

Barr laughs at the 9th.........LOL

So do I..........OBAMA COURT........LMAO

One huge problem. Lately the 9th circuit court has been batting a 1000. Yes, in the past, they were the highest overturned federal court. But that's the job of the higher courts. It NOT Rumps job nor Barrs job. And having either of these two criminals try and change the publics opinion of our court system is just, well, criminal.

It\s called the 1st Amendment.............and because liberals are so easily offended..........doesn't change that.

Trump has every right to speak his mind..........and he did.............and many make jokes of the 9th Circuit court............and when that happens the libs get upset..........oh well.

Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

Trump's supporters will believe this... despite Trump being ON TAPE AND TRANSCRIPT telling the President of Ukraine to meet with Giuliani... Jesus.

Yes he did. So what?
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.

Rudy has his ace in the hole. He said if he disappears or gets killed the info he got in Ukraine and other countries will be released and all hell will break loose.He and Trump have their bets covered.
Trump's supporters will believe this... despite Trump being ON TAPE AND TRANSCRIPT telling the President of Ukraine to meet with Giuliani... Jesus.

Yes he did. So what?
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.
Giuliani is there to find information to defend his client against a possible trial in the Senate.

1. That is his job as a Defense Lawyer.
2. It is his right to do so.
3. Trump has every right to defend himself.
4. Looking for witnesses to prove Trump's innocence isn't a crime

According to Giulliani...............he has some shit to NAIL THE DEMS TO THE WALL.

Are you scared that might be true.........poor things..........I want to see it.......Let's get to the truth over there.

Don't you want the truth libs............Are you afraid he has something on your side......Why are you afraid of him...........

Your side is Obstructing justice with a Lawyer doing his duty.

Karma lefties.

Do you really NOT understand what is going on? If Rudy was only there for that... then why the fuck would Trump now say he has nothing to do with it? You don't LIE about something that isn't wrong or illegal.

Seriously... use your noggin.
Trump said he didn't send him there to go after a political opponent..........big difference bro..........

He was there to gather evidence for a possible trial..........and considering it is the attack dogs of the DNC coming after Trump........I'd imagine finding corruption there with Dem ties is a place to go..............

It allows you to TRASH THE PROSECUTION FOR BIAS IN COURT...........imagine that.........

Too dang bad........Go to trial in the Senate and .............

Let's see what the Fuck your side has when it doesn't write and have all the rules in your favor.

You go to trial you are going to get your asses ..........fitting symbol of the Dem party...........KICKED.
Doesn't's a figurehead situation..........not a real courtroom.......

If it goes to trial............the Senate is gonna probably vote to dismiss from the onset..........they want it gone.

What won't be allowed in the theatrics I saw in the House. The people will be called to testify, their testimony will be noted. No mention of Hunter Biden or Joe Biden. No mention of Obama and company. No harrassing of the people will be allowed. And you can bet it will be tested. It's up to the Chief Justice to put a stop to it. It's not the figurehead you believe it will be. And no Schiff alibiing will allowed. I wonder how many will be sent to the showers before all the Senators start behaving themselves.
Dems don't have the power in the House.
Dems cannot cherry pick witnesses or who is called in the Senate.
Dems cannot stop Trump lawyers from questioning the witnesses called or calling their own witnesses.

So what. Considering that everyone is subject to be called and there is no Executive Privilege for anyone other than the President then that means that the merry band of criminals will be called. One miss step by these liars and it's off to the hoosegow. And the Republican Senators get embarrassed badly. Remember, this is going to be broadcast to the public. Childish behavior and dirty tricks will be met along with out and out lying. And it's up to the Chief Justice to Keep a lid on things. And if someone like Rudy runs his mouth and does what Rudy does best (or worst) he's in deep serious trouble and so is Rump. The Dems don't need a conviction, they only need to hang Rump and his merry band of criminals out to dry. And if the Reps vote to not remove Rump from Office then they look like fools as well and jeopardize their own offices in 2020. This is what the Reps are deathly afraid of happening. Do they trade their own careers and save Rump or do they throw Rump under the bus. After all this, Rump won't have the power to threaten their careers anymore so we can hope they finally stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. But no one can predict this cluster.......
Let's be clear Libs............You say you have the evidence to take down Trump

PROVE a court room that you don't control.....

You are going to get your ASSES HANDED TO YOU.............Because you are a bunch of lying hypocrits........

Doesn't's a figurehead situation..........not a real courtroom.......

If it goes to trial............the Senate is gonna probably vote to dismiss from the onset..........they want it gone.

What won't be allowed in the theatrics I saw in the House. The people will be called to testify, their testimony will be noted. No mention of Hunter Biden or Joe Biden. No mention of Obama and company. No harrassing of the people will be allowed. And you can bet it will be tested. It's up to the Chief Justice to put a stop to it. It's not the figurehead you believe it will be. And no Schiff alibiing will allowed. I wonder how many will be sent to the showers before all the Senators start behaving themselves.
Dems don't have the power in the House.
Dems cannot cherry pick witnesses or who is called in the Senate.
Dems cannot stop Trump lawyers from questioning the witnesses called or calling their own witnesses.

So what. Considering that everyone is subject to be called and there is no Executive Privilege for anyone other than the President then that means that the merry band of criminals will be called. One miss step by these liars and it's off to the hoosegow. And the Republican Senators get embarrassed badly. Remember, this is going to be broadcast to the public. Childish behavior and dirty tricks will be met along with out and out lying. And it's up to the Chief Justice to Keep a lid on things. And if someone like Rudy runs his mouth and does what Rudy does best (or worst) he's in deep serious trouble and so is Rump. The Dems don't need a conviction, they only need to hang Rump and his merry band of criminals out to dry. And if the Reps vote to not remove Rump from Office then they look like fools as well and jeopardize their own offices in 2020. This is what the Reps are deathly afraid of happening. Do they trade their own careers and save Rump or do they throw Rump under the bus. After all this, Rump won't have the power to threaten their careers anymore so we can hope they finally stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. But no one can predict this cluster.......

SHIT or Get off the pot.

You keep claiming you got him......for 3 years you've got him this time.

DO IT..........Bring your sorry butts to a real court room and see who wins............

What the hell you waiting for.............You are the HERO'S OF AMERICA in your delusional minds.


Your don't have shit and you know it.
Do you have a quote on that? Roberts is required by law to officiate the Senate Impeachment if it comes to that. Only the Chief Justice can sit in that chair. The only way out of it is for him to step down from his position. The problem we have is, Rump has been insulting him viciously for some time now. I don't know if he can be as impartial as what is required. He may make rulings one the safe side when he shouldn't or make rulings on the more drastic side. This is a quantity that is unknown at this time. I can fully understand why the Rumpsters want a different sitting Supreme Court Justice but the law is cut and dried.

It was mentioned on Fox yesterday because of the Trump/Roberts Twitter battle.

I am familiar with the "So Called" twitter battle. Roberts stayed very professional while Rump went into his normal insulting tirades. Something comes to mind, "Don't poke the Bear".
9th Circuit court is a dang joke............and some were appointed by Obama.......and they get overturned more than any other Federal Court in the country.

Barr laughs at the 9th.........LOL

So do I..........OBAMA COURT........LMAO

One huge problem. Lately the 9th circuit court has been batting a 1000. Yes, in the past, they were the highest overturned federal court. But that's the job of the higher courts. It NOT Rumps job nor Barrs job. And having either of these two criminals try and change the publics opinion of our court system is just, well, criminal.

It\s called the 1st Amendment.............and because liberals are so easily offended..........doesn't change that.

Trump has every right to speak his mind..........and he did.............and many make jokes of the 9th Circuit court............and when that happens the libs get upset..........oh well.


If he had stopped with just the 9th circuit many would have agreed with him. Instead, he lit into the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. I would ask if Rump has any filters but that would be a ridiculous question. He doesn't have any filters or sense or common sense or any other quality that a President should have. More like a spoiled little rich kid at the age of 9.
Doesn't's a figurehead situation..........not a real courtroom.......

If it goes to trial............the Senate is gonna probably vote to dismiss from the onset..........they want it gone.

What won't be allowed in the theatrics I saw in the House. The people will be called to testify, their testimony will be noted. No mention of Hunter Biden or Joe Biden. No mention of Obama and company. No harrassing of the people will be allowed. And you can bet it will be tested. It's up to the Chief Justice to put a stop to it. It's not the figurehead you believe it will be. And no Schiff alibiing will allowed. I wonder how many will be sent to the showers before all the Senators start behaving themselves.
Dems don't have the power in the House.
Dems cannot cherry pick witnesses or who is called in the Senate.
Dems cannot stop Trump lawyers from questioning the witnesses called or calling their own witnesses.

So what. Considering that everyone is subject to be called and there is no Executive Privilege for anyone other than the President then that means that the merry band of criminals will be called. One miss step by these liars and it's off to the hoosegow. And the Republican Senators get embarrassed badly. Remember, this is going to be broadcast to the public. Childish behavior and dirty tricks will be met along with out and out lying. And it's up to the Chief Justice to Keep a lid on things. And if someone like Rudy runs his mouth and does what Rudy does best (or worst) he's in deep serious trouble and so is Rump. The Dems don't need a conviction, they only need to hang Rump and his merry band of criminals out to dry. And if the Reps vote to not remove Rump from Office then they look like fools as well and jeopardize their own offices in 2020. This is what the Reps are deathly afraid of happening. Do they trade their own careers and save Rump or do they throw Rump under the bus. After all this, Rump won't have the power to threaten their careers anymore so we can hope they finally stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. But no one can predict this cluster.......

SHIT or Get off the pot.

You keep claiming you got him......for 3 years you've got him this time.

DO IT..........Bring your sorry butts to a real court room and see who wins............

What the hell you waiting for.............You are the HERO'S OF AMERICA in your delusional minds.


Your don't have shit and you know it.

Be patient, little one. Eat your porridge and quit your bitching.
It was mentioned on Fox yesterday because of the Trump/Roberts Twitter battle.

I am familiar with the "So Called" twitter battle. Roberts stayed very professional while Rump went into his normal insulting tirades. Something comes to mind, "Don't poke the Bear".
9th Circuit court is a dang joke............and some were appointed by Obama.......and they get overturned more than any other Federal Court in the country.

Barr laughs at the 9th.........LOL

So do I..........OBAMA COURT........LMAO

One huge problem. Lately the 9th circuit court has been batting a 1000. Yes, in the past, they were the highest overturned federal court. But that's the job of the higher courts. It NOT Rumps job nor Barrs job. And having either of these two criminals try and change the publics opinion of our court system is just, well, criminal.

It\s called the 1st Amendment.............and because liberals are so easily offended..........doesn't change that.

Trump has every right to speak his mind..........and he did.............and many make jokes of the 9th Circuit court............and when that happens the libs get upset..........oh well.


If he had stopped with just the 9th circuit many would have agreed with him. Instead, he lit into the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. I would ask if Rump has any filters but that would be a ridiculous question. He doesn't have any filters or sense or common sense or any other quality that a President should have. More like a spoiled little rich kid at the age of 9.

Who da fuck cares........He said the dang truth.

The 9th court is full of liberal judges ...which is why your side runs to it all the time to block stuff you want delayed.................1st stop destination of the Dem Politicians and activist to block, delay anything your heart desire.

We know ...........and even if you don't say know it...........

Hell Justice Roberts knows it...................I don't care he got offended......In a Free country the right to offend is protected.

I AGREE WITH TRUMP............The 9th is a LIBERAL ASS COURT..............And I don't mind Trump called it out.
Doesn't's a figurehead situation..........not a real courtroom.......

If it goes to trial............the Senate is gonna probably vote to dismiss from the onset..........they want it gone.

What won't be allowed in the theatrics I saw in the House. The people will be called to testify, their testimony will be noted. No mention of Hunter Biden or Joe Biden. No mention of Obama and company. No harrassing of the people will be allowed. And you can bet it will be tested. It's up to the Chief Justice to put a stop to it. It's not the figurehead you believe it will be. And no Schiff alibiing will allowed. I wonder how many will be sent to the showers before all the Senators start behaving themselves.
Dems don't have the power in the House.
Dems cannot cherry pick witnesses or who is called in the Senate.
Dems cannot stop Trump lawyers from questioning the witnesses called or calling their own witnesses.

So what. Considering that everyone is subject to be called and there is no Executive Privilege for anyone other than the President then that means that the merry band of criminals will be called. One miss step by these liars and it's off to the hoosegow. And the Republican Senators get embarrassed badly. Remember, this is going to be broadcast to the public. Childish behavior and dirty tricks will be met along with out and out lying. And it's up to the Chief Justice to Keep a lid on things. And if someone like Rudy runs his mouth and does what Rudy does best (or worst) he's in deep serious trouble and so is Rump. The Dems don't need a conviction, they only need to hang Rump and his merry band of criminals out to dry. And if the Reps vote to not remove Rump from Office then they look like fools as well and jeopardize their own offices in 2020. This is what the Reps are deathly afraid of happening. Do they trade their own careers and save Rump or do they throw Rump under the bus. After all this, Rump won't have the power to threaten their careers anymore so we can hope they finally stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. But no one can predict this cluster.......

SHIT or Get off the pot.

You keep claiming you got him......for 3 years you've got him this time.

DO IT..........Bring your sorry butts to a real court room and see who wins............

What the hell you waiting for.............You are the HERO'S OF AMERICA in your delusional minds.


Your don't have shit and you know it.

Be patient, little one. Eat your porridge and quit your bitching.

3 years we have heard the same thing from you..........we got you this time.

Grow some balls and bring a trial you can't control like shifty has done.

Do it...........stop stalling........You say YOU'VE GOT HIM........Well what are you waiting for........

You do know Pelosi is looking for a way out of what I'm talking about don't you. LOL
Yes he did. So what?
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.
Giuliani is there to find information to defend his client against a possible trial in the Senate.

1. That is his job as a Defense Lawyer.
2. It is his right to do so.
3. Trump has every right to defend himself.
4. Looking for witnesses to prove Trump's innocence isn't a crime

According to Giulliani...............he has some shit to NAIL THE DEMS TO THE WALL.

Are you scared that might be true.........poor things..........I want to see it.......Let's get to the truth over there.

Don't you want the truth libs............Are you afraid he has something on your side......Why are you afraid of him...........

Your side is Obstructing justice with a Lawyer doing his duty.

Karma lefties.

Do you really NOT understand what is going on? If Rudy was only there for that... then why the fuck would Trump now say he has nothing to do with it? You don't LIE about something that isn't wrong or illegal.

Seriously... use your noggin.
Trump said he didn't send him there to go after a political opponent..........big difference bro..........

He was there to gather evidence for a possible trial..........and considering it is the attack dogs of the DNC coming after Trump........I'd imagine finding corruption there with Dem ties is a place to go..............

It allows you to TRASH THE PROSECUTION FOR BIAS IN COURT...........imagine that.........

Too dang bad........Go to trial in the Senate and .............

Let's see what the Fuck your side has when it doesn't write and have all the rules in your favor.

You go to trial you are going to get your asses ..........fitting symbol of the Dem party...........KICKED.

HE ABSOLUTELY did. He was on the call saying he wanted Ukraine to help investigate the Bidens and corruption. How in the hell can you not see that?
Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

Trump's supporters will believe this... despite Trump being ON TAPE AND TRANSCRIPT telling the President of Ukraine to meet with Giuliani... Jesus.

Yes he did. So what?
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.
Giuliani is there to find information to defend his client against a possible trial in the Senate.

1. That is his job as a Defense Lawyer.
2. It is his right to do so.
3. Trump has every right to defend himself.
4. Looking for witnesses to prove Trump's innocence isn't a crime

According to Giulliani...............he has some shit to NAIL THE DEMS TO THE WALL.

Are you scared that might be true.........poor things..........I want to see it.......Let's get to the truth over there.

Don't you want the truth libs............Are you afraid he has something on your side......Why are you afraid of him...........

Your side is Obstructing justice with a Lawyer doing his duty.

Karma lefties.

That does not make sense. Giuliani and Trump’s involvement precede the impeachment inquiry.
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.
Giuliani is there to find information to defend his client against a possible trial in the Senate.

1. That is his job as a Defense Lawyer.
2. It is his right to do so.
3. Trump has every right to defend himself.
4. Looking for witnesses to prove Trump's innocence isn't a crime

According to Giulliani...............he has some shit to NAIL THE DEMS TO THE WALL.

Are you scared that might be true.........poor things..........I want to see it.......Let's get to the truth over there.

Don't you want the truth libs............Are you afraid he has something on your side......Why are you afraid of him...........

Your side is Obstructing justice with a Lawyer doing his duty.

Karma lefties.

Do you really NOT understand what is going on? If Rudy was only there for that... then why the fuck would Trump now say he has nothing to do with it? You don't LIE about something that isn't wrong or illegal.

Seriously... use your noggin.
Trump said he didn't send him there to go after a political opponent..........big difference bro..........

He was there to gather evidence for a possible trial..........and considering it is the attack dogs of the DNC coming after Trump........I'd imagine finding corruption there with Dem ties is a place to go..............

It allows you to TRASH THE PROSECUTION FOR BIAS IN COURT...........imagine that.........

Too dang bad........Go to trial in the Senate and .............

Let's see what the Fuck your side has when it doesn't write and have all the rules in your favor.

You go to trial you are going to get your asses ..........fitting symbol of the Dem party...........KICKED.

HE ABSOLUTELY did. He was on the call saying he wanted Ukraine to help investigate the Bidens and corruption. How in the hell can you not see that?

I've read the call................He didn't demand shit.

Ukraine has said they weren't pressured..........
They got the aid......
Other countries had a pause on military aid like Lebannon.
Other issue was high tech engines and tech to much so the Company demanded the U.S. buy the engines.........this deal would have advanced China stealth technology.

But you don't want to talk about that.


We'll what are you waiting it when you don't hold all the cards and see what happens.

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