And THIS is who some of you #NeverTrumpers want for president?

I don't know why so many people get pissed off about who someone votes for. It's just weird.
Sounds like a plan. Just make sure those brownies aren't rigged. ;)

Ok. You would like my special brownies, though. I took some to a family gathering a few months before my grandmother died. Everybody still remembers how much fun she had that day and how she laughed so much.
Sounds like speshul ingredients. Been a long time since I have speshul brownies.
Gary Johnson: We need a path to citizenship and calling illegals “illegal” is “very incendiary”

A golden moment from his interview with our Townhall cousin, Guy Benson. Watch him get genuinely pissy at around 4:00 when Guy, very politely, presses him on why the term “illegal” is so troubling. What we’re left with here is a third-party candidate who’s hyper-libertarian on immigration, of all issues, but not so libertarian on, for example, a carbon tax or whether business owners should be forced to cater gay weddings. That’s his pitch to conservatives who have been alienated by Trump: Possibly some new taxes, certainly less religious liberty, and all the amnesty you can eat. There’s no reason left why any anti-Trump conservative should waste a vote on this guy when they could back Evan McMullin, a write-in choice, or simply not vote for president on their ballot. Johnson’s appeal, we’re told, is as a protest candidate. What am I protesting in voting for him? Borders?

actually never trumpers are sickly hillary supporters
Dad told me when I was a wee one...NEVER tell who you plan to vote for. He didn't even tell Ma. Nor she him. I see why.

I was bored earlier and listened in to GT's podcast today. It amazed me. Like cornering a rabbit because the guy wants Trump.
Gary Johnson: We need a path to citizenship and calling illegals “illegal” is “very incendiary”

A golden moment from his interview with our Townhall cousin, Guy Benson. Watch him get genuinely pissy at around 4:00 when Guy, very politely, presses him on why the term “illegal” is so troubling. What we’re left with here is a third-party candidate who’s hyper-libertarian on immigration, of all issues, but not so libertarian on, for example, a carbon tax or whether business owners should be forced to cater gay weddings. That’s his pitch to conservatives who have been alienated by Trump: Possibly some new taxes, certainly less religious liberty, and all the amnesty you can eat. There’s no reason left why any anti-Trump conservative should waste a vote on this guy when they could back Evan McMullin, a write-in choice, or simply not vote for president on their ballot. Johnson’s appeal, we’re told, is as a protest candidate. What am I protesting in voting for him? Borders?

Read about Libertarians and discover they're not Neo-Nazi whores like those voting for Trump!
According to your definition of the term they are. Many libertarians are voting for Trump.
Real Liberterians would end the war on drugs, open up the borders, allow anyone to be a citizen and pretty much step back.

No way in hell would they form a SS type deporation force like Trump wants as that is violent government.

Libertarians are evenly split on the immigration issue. You have no idea what they believe.
This overall perspective may have gained more traction if such a repulsive candidate were not advocating it.
Gary Johnson: We need a path to citizenship and calling illegals “illegal” is “very incendiary”

A golden moment from his interview with our Townhall cousin, Guy Benson. Watch him get genuinely pissy at around 4:00 when Guy, very politely, presses him on why the term “illegal” is so troubling. What we’re left with here is a third-party candidate who’s hyper-libertarian on immigration, of all issues, but not so libertarian on, for example, a carbon tax or whether business owners should be forced to cater gay weddings. That’s his pitch to conservatives who have been alienated by Trump: Possibly some new taxes, certainly less religious liberty, and all the amnesty you can eat. There’s no reason left why any anti-Trump conservative should waste a vote on this guy when they could back Evan McMullin, a write-in choice, or simply not vote for president on their ballot. Johnson’s appeal, we’re told, is as a protest candidate. What am I protesting in voting for him? Borders?

Read about Libertarians and discover they're not Neo-Nazi whores like those voting for Trump!
The libertarian party (not to be confused with libertarians) is a fucking worthless liberal cesspool of a joke......

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