And this is why affirmative action can be bad.

Surprise, surprise. Tell me about your superior intellect. Any published papers? :lmao:

No published papers, but a nice 6 figure defense industry job, military retirement check and $460 per year healthcare premiums.

I work in the aerospace/defense industry - tell me - where do you work? What do you do for your six firgures? (THIS should be good. ) Frequently I've seen projects where the company has to meet the minority quota as part of the contract. I'm guessing you're one of those "negros to sit near the front door" to make the government happy. I notice you've given up on the "superior intellect" claim - again surprise, surprise.

Nondestructive testing. Ultrasonics, Radiography, Eddy Current, Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant. All Level 3. Now I'm doing real-time digital x-ray and C-scan ultrasonics on advanced composites for aerospace companies. I'm still intellectually superior, I just don't publish papers. The next time you fly you better pray I'm not "one of those "negros to sit near the front door", I inspect commercial aircraft as well.
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Nondestructive testing. Ultrasonics, Radiography, Eddy Current, Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant. All Level 3. Now I'm doing real-time digital x-ray and C-scan ultrasonics on advanced composites for aerospace companies. I'm still intellectually superior, I just don't publish papers. The next time you fly you better pray I'm not "one of those "negros to sit near the front door", I inspect commercial aircraft as well.
Thats impressive, but look what humans taught this guy:

[ame=]‪Scientists Successfully Teach Gorilla It Will Die Someday‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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I thank all the white men who underestimated my skills and intellect. You made it easy for me to roll right over you. Sorry it made you bitter, but life is a cutthroat game.

Really, no kidding, let's hear all about your skills and intellect. Speak up. :lol:


Once again, no surprise. Apparently, a black guy some defense company is stuck with to meet the contract quota. :rolleyes: "Affirmative action" won't be around forever - it has to go or the country will go down the tubes. Enjoy the free ride while you can.
No published papers, but a nice 6 figure defense industry job, military retirement check and $460 per year healthcare premiums.

I work in the aerospace/defense industry - tell me - where do you work? What do you do for your six firgures? (THIS should be good. ) Frequently I've seen projects where the company has to meet the minority quota as part of the contract. I'm guessing you're one of those "negros to sit near the front door" to make the government happy. I notice you've given up on the "superior intellect" claim - again surprise, surprise.

Nondestructive testing. Ultrasonics, Radiography, Eddy Current, Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant. All Level 3. Now I'm doing real-time digital x-ray and C-scan ultrasonics on advanced composites for aerospace companies. I'm still intellectually superior, I just don't publish papers. The next time you fly you better pray I'm not "one of those "negros to sit near the front door", I inspect commercial aircraft as well.

Sounds like an aircraft mechanic, using tools invented by some white engineer. :D
medicare and social security???funny how libb commies like you bring up medicare instead of medicaid,social security instead of welfare, government housing ,food stamps ect....we on the right have no problem helping people that are in need,but we have a big problem with supporting millions of fat lazy [my baby momma's,and my baby daddy's ] who are totally capable of earning a living if they wanted to. I've got an idea that you will hate.Lets start randomly drug testing anyone getting government asst.
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Back to what? Jim Crow? Slavery? Pre civil rights?

The proportion of blacks and Hispanics isn't even the proportion of the US population.

Don't make the mistake that "money" should mean "special rights". Look at how stupid George and John are.

In fact, if you look at the bios of the list of Nobel Prize winners in the sciences or economics, time and again you find they were the children of hard working middle class parents. Parents who taught them hard work. Or supported them while they pursued "higher education".

We should be doing that with American children. Identifying the most bright and helping those that are willing to work.

Unfortunately, the right has this bizarre idea that helping any other American is the dreaded "Socialism". If you support American students, it's "Socialism". If you help Americans get jobs, it's "Socialism". If you want health care for Americans, it's "Socialism". I'm sick of hearing the right complain that anything to help America is "Socialism". More and more of the right is on Medicare and getting Social Security. More of that dreaded "Socialism". Would they rather live in a tent and eat cat food?

My son was in a program for gifted and talented youth. You would have thought the roof was going to cave in the way parents of other kids groused about it. No one questions spending millions to try to bring those who are behind move up to at least average...even though it doesn't always happen..and even though many don't even want the help. Yet, they do not realize that it is the smart kids who will be working to solve the country's problems.

Problems that were created by other "smart kids". How "smart were the guys who created Credit Default Swaps or CDO's? How about the Enron, Leaman or Bears Sterns guys. Let's not forget about the "smart planners of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Where is your link the their IQs? I would be intersted to know. Or perhaps you just think that the world should be run by the people of Wal Mart.

Funny Pictures at WalMart
No published papers, but a nice 6 figure defense industry job, military retirement check and $460 per year healthcare premiums.
You should thank a white man

I thank all the white men who underestimated my skills and intellect. You made it easy for me to roll right over you. Sorry it made you bitter, but life is a cutthroat game.
affirmative action is more than likely the only reason an idiot like you has anything. and don't thank this white man because i don't support left wing nanny state policies designed to prop up incompetent loser's like you.if the playing field was based on ability and intelligence you would be doing something a lot less glamorous,something you are actually good at like cleaning toilets .face it deep down inside you realise you need the government to hold your hand for the rest of your miserable life!!!:eusa_hand:
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An oft-cited complaint in the education circle:

Affirmative Action in Hiring Teachers

Second, it is ugly indeed to presuppose that one can admire -- one can adopt as a role model -- only someone who shares your skin color and, conversely, that a white child could never look up to a black person, or a black child to a white person, or either one to an Asian or Latino or American Indian. Does this also mean that men cannot admire women, or a Christians admire a Jew, or the able-bodied admire someone in a wheelchair?

When President Bush was asked who he wanted to grow up to be when he was a boy, he replied without hesitation, “Willie Mays.” And why not?

Third, the notion that our schoolteachers and professors must look like our students leads into some very undesirable corners.

As Justice Powell wrote in Wygant, “Carried to its logical extreme, the idea that black students are better off with black teachers could lead to the very system the Court rejected in Brown v. Board of Education.”
the interesting thing, and this isn't the first time, is a good intent legilation morphing into something almost in confliction of it's original modus operandi here....
You should thank a white man

I thank all the white men who underestimated my skills and intellect. You made it easy for me to roll right over you. Sorry it made you bitter, but life is a cutthroat game.
affirmative action is more than likely the only reason an idiot like you has anything. and don't thank this white man because i don't support left wing nanny state policies designed to prop up incompetent loser's like you.if the playing field was based on ability and intelligence you would be doing something a lot less glamorous,something you are actually good at like cleaning toilets .face it deep down inside you realise you need the government to hold your hand for the rest of your miserable life!!!:eusa_hand:

You dumb fucks make me laugh. If you knew anything about the world of nondestructive testing you would know that that companies keep x-ray and ultrasonic films, scans and digital data for between 15-50 years. Some companies keep film forever. No company is going to open themselves up to lawsuits by hiring unqualified people when the evidence is sitting in a vault at Iron Mountain or some other storage site. Plus the certification process is documented and stays on file for decades.
I work in the aerospace/defense industry - tell me - where do you work? What do you do for your six firgures? (THIS should be good. ) Frequently I've seen projects where the company has to meet the minority quota as part of the contract. I'm guessing you're one of those "negros to sit near the front door" to make the government happy. I notice you've given up on the "superior intellect" claim - again surprise, surprise.

Nondestructive testing. Ultrasonics, Radiography, Eddy Current, Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant. All Level 3. Now I'm doing real-time digital x-ray and C-scan ultrasonics on advanced composites for aerospace companies. I'm still intellectually superior, I just don't publish papers. The next time you fly you better pray I'm not "one of those "negros to sit near the front door", I inspect commercial aircraft as well.

Sounds like an aircraft mechanic, using tools invented by some white engineer. :D

Your first attempt was:

"I work in the aerospace/defense industry - tell me - where do you work? What do you do for your six firgures? (THIS should be good. ) Frequently I've seen projects where the company has to meet the minority quota as part of the contract. I'm guessing you're one of those "negros to sit near the front door" to make the government happy. I notice you've given up on the "superior intellect" claim - again surprise, surprise."

I respond and this was your riveting comeback:

"Sounds like an aircraft mechanic, using tools invented by some white engineer."

I guess that was the best you could do.:lol:
An oft-cited complaint in the education circle:

Affirmative Action in Hiring Teachers

Second, it is ugly indeed to presuppose that one can admire -- one can adopt as a role model -- only someone who shares your skin color and, conversely, that a white child could never look up to a black person, or a black child to a white person, or either one to an Asian or Latino or American Indian. Does this also mean that men cannot admire women, or a Christians admire a Jew, or the able-bodied admire someone in a wheelchair?

When President Bush was asked who he wanted to grow up to be when he was a boy, he replied without hesitation, “Willie Mays.” And why not?

Third, the notion that our schoolteachers and professors must look like our students leads into some very undesirable corners.

As Justice Powell wrote in Wygant, “Carried to its logical extreme, the idea that black students are better off with black teachers could lead to the very system the Court rejected in Brown v. Board of Education.”
obviously you never went to a public school that had a large % of blacks .I did and I can tell you it was a zoo.:doubt:
Affirmative Action is proof that the left does not believe that all people are created equal.

"There, there, Mr. Minority. We know you're not good enough to succeed on your own. Us white liberals will help you."

It's the soft bigotry of low expectations.

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