And this protestor shows us how it's done.

Why do liberal minorities think we hate them?

We are indifferent to them. No hate, no like, nothing.

We want no part of them. Stay out of our life and we'll stay out of yours.

Nothing you could do in your life has any effect on us and our lives have no effect on yours.

Really? So when a crazy person you let get an automatic weapon shoots up a place I happen to be in, I think that has an effect on my life.

No, you don't want to do anything to liberal minorities, except take food out of their kids mouths to give tax breaks to billionaires, cancel their health insurance and take away their right to vote... but other than that, you aren't doing anything to them.

Not to mention cheering when cops or cop wannabes shoot them.
Protester Hugs Nazi Outside Richard Spencer Event, Asks 'Why Do You Hate Me?' | HuffPost

Aaron Courtney asked the man in the swastika shirt, “Why don’t you like me, dog?”

His response: “I don’t know.”

And that's how it starts.

You are awesome. That’s how it’s done. That’s the proper way to protest NAZI’s. According to the all knowing Mac1958

That’s how it starts. Perfect.
There ya go, folks.

The Regressives don't want healing. They want payback.

The brave Mr. Courtney is exposing these people for what they are.
Aaron Courtney asked the man in the swastika shirt, “Why don’t you like me, dog?”

His response: “I don’t know.”

And that's how it starts.

I'm sure when that Nazi throws him into the gas chamber, he'll say, "Hey, isn't that the guy who gave me a hug?"
And another one is exposed.
Protester Hugs Nazi Outside Richard Spencer Event, Asks 'Why Do You Hate Me?' | HuffPost

Aaron Courtney asked the man in the swastika shirt, “Why don’t you like me, dog?”

His response: “I don’t know.”

And that's how it starts.

You are awesome. That’s how it’s done. That’s the proper way to protest NAZI’s. According to the all knowing Mac1958

That’s how it starts. Perfect.
There ya go, folks.

The Regressives don't want healing. They want payback.

The brave Mr. Courtney is exposing these people for what they are.

Do you have any desire to examine your own preconceptions?

What did I say that suggests that I don’t want healing?

What have you said that suggests that you do? You are using an example of sheer grace and compassion as a cudgel to arrogantly bash other USMB members over the head. It’s what PA’s do when they see something good. They try to use as if they invented it.

It isn’t incumbent on the oppressed to hug it out with their oppressors. And doing so, while a grand gesture which reinforces the idea that good exists, doesn’t render other forms of protest ineffective.

You are not the arbiter of which kind of protest is acceptable, Mac1958 .
Protester Hugs Nazi Outside Richard Spencer Event, Asks 'Why Do You Hate Me?' | HuffPost

Aaron Courtney asked the man in the swastika shirt, “Why don’t you like me, dog?”

His response: “I don’t know.”

And that's how it starts.

You are awesome. That’s how it’s done. That’s the proper way to protest NAZI’s. According to the all knowing Mac1958

That’s how it starts. Perfect.
There ya go, folks.

The Regressives don't want healing. They want payback.

The brave Mr. Courtney is exposing these people for what they are.

Do you have any desire to examine your own preconceptions?

What did I say that suggests that I don’t want healing?

What have you said that suggests that you do? You are using an example of sheer grace and compassion as a cudgel to arrogantly bash other USMB members over the head. It’s what PA’s do when they see something good. They try to use as if they invented it.

It isn’t incumbent on the oppressed to hug it out with their oppressors. And doing so, while a grand gesture which reinforces the idea that good exists, doesn’t render other forms of protest ineffective.

You are not the arbiter of which kind of protest is acceptable, Mac1958 .
^^^ Triggered.
Protester Hugs Nazi Outside Richard Spencer Event, Asks 'Why Do You Hate Me?' | HuffPost

Aaron Courtney asked the man in the swastika shirt, “Why don’t you like me, dog?”

His response: “I don’t know.”

And that's how it starts.

You are awesome. That’s how it’s done. That’s the proper way to protest NAZI’s. According to the all knowing Mac1958

That’s how it starts. Perfect.
There ya go, folks.

The Regressives don't want healing. They want payback.

The brave Mr. Courtney is exposing these people for what they are.

Do you have any desire to examine your own preconceptions?

What did I say that suggests that I don’t want healing?

What have you said that suggests that you do? You are using an example of sheer grace and compassion as a cudgel to arrogantly bash other USMB members over the head. It’s what PA’s do when they see something good. They try to use as if they invented it.

It isn’t incumbent on the oppressed to hug it out with their oppressors. And doing so, while a grand gesture which reinforces the idea that good exists, doesn’t render other forms of protest ineffective.

You are not the arbiter of which kind of protest is acceptable, Mac1958 .
^^^ Triggered.

Ya think?

I’ve an idea, Mac1958

Let’s you and me “hug it out” this evening. I’d like to take the first step in healing our relationship.

Call into our fun podcast tonight. We will be talking Halloween stories and cocktails. Let’s see if we can’t find some common ground to stand on.

Whaddya say?
The dude with the swastika shirt (Randy Furniss) is nothing but an attention whore. He's already making the rounds.
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?

But that is the point, is there a "tide"...or is it more like a small eddy?
Right now the left's newest squeeze toy is "white supremacist and Nazis"
Fake outrage.
White supremacist might comprise of .01% of the population...according to the's more like least.
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?.
But that is the point, is there a "tide"...or is it more like a small eddy?Right now the left's newest squeeze toy is "white supremacist and Nazis" Fake outrage. White supremacist might comprise of .01% of the population...according to the's more like least.
Yep, but it's most likely working for them politically, and that's the point of all this.

What this guy did is not what they want to see.
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?.
But that is the point, is there a "tide"...or is it more like a small eddy?Right now the left's newest squeeze toy is "white supremacist and Nazis" Fake outrage. White supremacist might comprise of .01% of the population...according to the's more like least.
Yep, but it's most likely working for them politically, and that's the point of all this.

What this guy did is not what they want to see.


You agree with him?

That’s weird.

And who doesn’t want to see people hug it out?
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?.
But that is the point, is there a "tide"...or is it more like a small eddy?Right now the left's newest squeeze toy is "white supremacist and Nazis" Fake outrage. White supremacist might comprise of .01% of the population...according to the's more like least.
Yep, but it's most likely working for them politically, and that's the point of all this.

What this guy did is not what they want to see.

Of course not.
Politicians greatest asset is shiny objects to distract voters. It's what keeps them in office, and what keeps the public stupid on most things...things that would require them to act against their political donors.
Example....I take Atenonol. A very effective BP medicine that also does very well to control arrhythmia. Atenonol is simple, comprised of only a few ingredients and very cheap...about $.03 per pill.
In July all 6 manufacturers of this drug stopped making it with at first no explanation. Then they all claimed "key ingredient shortage" - yet, makers of a broad array of other medications containing the same ingredient, including these same manufacturers....there is no shortage claim. All of the manufactures are encouraging doctors to prescribe something else...and of course all of those "something else" drugs cost considerably more.
And what is the FDA doing? Nothing. Every single month millions of us are having trouble getting Atenonol...driving around several pharmacies. Right now I am taking 2 50mg pills per day instead of the 100mg pills because stores can't get them.
Big Pharma is colluding together and the government is doing nothing, and the media is dead silent about it....too busy talking about the shiny objects.
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?.
But that is the point, is there a "tide"...or is it more like a small eddy?Right now the left's newest squeeze toy is "white supremacist and Nazis" Fake outrage. White supremacist might comprise of .01% of the population...according to the's more like least.
Yep, but it's most likely working for them politically, and that's the point of all this.

What this guy did is not what they want to see.


You agree with him?

That’s weird.

And who doesn’t want to see people hug it out?
I remain absolutely amazed at how far up in your head I exist.

You just can't stop posting to me. Wow.
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?.
But that is the point, is there a "tide"...or is it more like a small eddy?Right now the left's newest squeeze toy is "white supremacist and Nazis" Fake outrage. White supremacist might comprise of .01% of the population...according to the's more like least.
Yep, but it's most likely working for them politically, and that's the point of all this.

What this guy did is not what they want to see.

Of course not.
Politicians greatest asset is shiny objects to distract voters. It's what keeps them in office, and what keeps the public stupid on most things...things that would require them to act against their political donors.
Example....I take Atenonol. A very effective BP medicine that also does very well to control arrhythmia. Atenonol is simple, comprised of only a few ingredients and very cheap...about $.03 per pill.
In July all 6 manufacturers of this drug stopped making it with at first no explanation. Then they all claimed "key ingredient shortage" - yet, makers of a broad array of other medications containing the same ingredient, including these same manufacturers....there is no shortage claim. All of the manufactures are encouraging doctors to prescribe something else...and of course all of those "something else" drugs cost considerably more.
And what is the FDA doing? Nothing. Every single month millions of us are having trouble getting Atenonol...driving around several pharmacies. Right now I am taking 2 50mg pills per day instead of the 100mg pills because stores can't get them.
Big Pharma is colluding together and the government is doing nothing, and the media is dead silent about it....too busy talking about the shiny objects.
Outrage does sell, especially when it supports a narrative.

The smartest thing these people could do is ignore the mouth-breathers, but they sense political advantage, so that's what they're going to focus on.
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?.
But that is the point, is there a "tide"...or is it more like a small eddy?Right now the left's newest squeeze toy is "white supremacist and Nazis" Fake outrage. White supremacist might comprise of .01% of the population...according to the's more like least.
Yep, but it's most likely working for them politically, and that's the point of all this.

What this guy did is not what they want to see.


You agree with him?

That’s weird.

And who doesn’t want to see people hug it out?
I remain absolutely amazed at how far up in your head I exist.

You just can't stop posting to me. Wow.

I’m like that. I don’t allow people to label me unfairly. I’ll be with you until you figure it out.
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans.
The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.

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