And this protestor shows us how it's done.

Good example. Once the German government gained the power to squelch speech, it became life threatening to oppose the Nazi regime.

Tell you what, let's do it. Let's give the government the power the squelch speech, as long as I get to decide what speech gets squelched. Deal?

Not a good example at all.

The Nazis took power when people who should have known better like Hindenburg and von Papen decided that we just needed to give the Nazis a hug and they could "handle' Hitler.

It was when Hitler's bile became "mainstreamed" that it became a threat.

Besides, no one is talking about using government force to silence the Nazi POS's.

Just let them go somewhere with their swastikas and hoods without the cops (government) protecting them and let nature take its course.

Liberals actively engage to silence those with different views on a daily basis.
Just let them go somewhere with their swastikas and hoods without the cops (government) protecting them and let nature take its course.

I hear a lot of tough talk coming from you but do you have the balls to fight like a man or are you just hoping someone else will do it for you?
Just let them go somewhere with their swastikas and hoods without the cops (government) protecting them and let nature take its course.

I hear a lot of tough talk coming from you but do you have the balls to fight like a man or are you just hoping someone else will do it for you?

Inclusive, tolerant, loving liberals like him have NO PROBLEM with violently suppressing another's expression of ideas.
Good example. Once the German government gained the power to squelch speech, it became life threatening to oppose the Nazi regime.

Tell you what, let's do it. Let's give the government the power the squelch speech, as long as I get to decide what speech gets squelched. Deal?

Not a good example at all.

The Nazis took power when people who should have known better like Hindenburg and von Papen decided that we just needed to give the Nazis a hug and they could "handle' Hitler.

It was when Hitler's bile became "mainstreamed" that it became a threat.

Besides, no one is talking about using government force to silence the Nazi POS's.

Just let them go somewhere with their swastikas and hoods without the cops (government) protecting them and let nature take its course.

Ugh, Sessions just this week said he wouldn't rule out jailing journalist. That's not normal or American.
Good example. Once the German government gained the power to squelch speech, it became life threatening to oppose the Nazi regime.

Tell you what, let's do it. Let's give the government the power the squelch speech, as long as I get to decide what speech gets squelched. Deal?

Not a good example at all.

The Nazis took power when people who should have known better like Hindenburg and von Papen decided that we just needed to give the Nazis a hug and they could "handle' Hitler.

It was when Hitler's bile became "mainstreamed" that it became a threat.

Besides, no one is talking about using government force to silence the Nazi POS's.

Just let them go somewhere with their swastikas and hoods without the cops (government) protecting them and let nature take its course.

Because violence is always the best response when somebody says something you don't like...

You do know, don't you, that the nazis could use the same rationale and tactics to silence BLM goons. But, I'm sure only the "right" people would act that way.
Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?

It would be amazing, but realistically the only way it could be done is to first kill the internet and the 24/7 news cycle.
Change starts with us.
says the guy with a vid showing trump hitting Hillary with a golf ball

Do you think that is real?

Like the left... this ‘white supremacy’ BS is nothing more than a small segment of society thats pushing an agenda not shared by most Americans. The majority of these idiots don’t even understand what they’re promoting.
Wouldn't it be amazing if one small thing like this starting turning the tide?.
But that is the point, is there a "tide"...or is it more like a small eddy?Right now the left's newest squeeze toy is "white supremacist and Nazis" Fake outrage. White supremacist might comprise of .01% of the population...according to the's more like least.
Yep, but it's most likely working for them politically, and that's the point of all this.

What this guy did is not what they want to see.

Of course not.
Politicians greatest asset is shiny objects to distract voters. It's what keeps them in office, and what keeps the public stupid on most things...things that would require them to act against their political donors.
Example....I take Atenonol. A very effective BP medicine that also does very well to control arrhythmia. Atenonol is simple, comprised of only a few ingredients and very cheap...about $.03 per pill.
In July all 6 manufacturers of this drug stopped making it with at first no explanation. Then they all claimed "key ingredient shortage" - yet, makers of a broad array of other medications containing the same ingredient, including these same manufacturers....there is no shortage claim. All of the manufactures are encouraging doctors to prescribe something else...and of course all of those "something else" drugs cost considerably more.
And what is the FDA doing? Nothing. Every single month millions of us are having trouble getting Atenonol...driving around several pharmacies. Right now I am taking 2 50mg pills per day instead of the 100mg pills because stores can't get them.
Big Pharma is colluding together and the government is doing nothing, and the media is dead silent about it....too busy talking about the shiny objects.

My God man! How do you handle the extra time and effort it takes to do that?


Hugs are good.

A little reminder of what the thread is supposed to be about:

Nice to see this story has been picked up by several media sources.

Mr. Courtney, from an interview: 'Why do you hate me?' black protester asked white nationalist. 'I don't know.'

The man, identified by the New York Daily News as Aaron Courtney, is a 31-year-old high school football coach in Gainesville, Florida. He said he wanted to show Furniss some love.

"I could have hit him, I could have hurt him . . . but something in me said, 'You know what? He just needs love,' " Courtney told the Daily News.

The hug may have been a small act, but Courtney thinks it can speak volumes.

"It's a step in the right direction. One hug can really change the world. It's really that simple," he said.

Courtney did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Furniss, a self-described white nationalist, explained his views to News4Jax.

"They want what we have. And we just want them to shut up and get on with life," Furniss said. "They're being raised up and it's getting to the point where they want to push us down. That's not right."

Furniss could not be immediately reached for comment.

Courtney hadn't originally planned on attending the protest. But he was surprised when he received a state of emergency notification on Monday, ahead of Spencer's planned appearance, the Daily News reported.

Courtney didn't recognize Spencer's name, and decided to do some research.

"I found out about what kind of person he was and that encouraged me, as an African-American, to come out and protest," Courtney said. "Because this is what we're trying to avoid. It's people like him who are increasing the distance . . . between people."

Courtney was about to leave the protest, having already spent almost four hours at the scene, when he saw Furniss causing a scene in the crowd, the Daily News reported.

"I had the opportunity to talk to someone who hates my guts and I wanted to know why. During our conversation, I asked him, 'Why do you hate me? What is it about me? Is it my skin color? My history? My dreadlocks?' " he said.

Courtney repeatedly asked Furniss for an answer, only to be met with silence and a blank look.

Exasperated, Courtney asked Furniss for a hug. He was initially reluctant, but as Courtney reached over the third time, Furniss reciprocated, wrapping his arms around Courtney.

"And I heard God whisper in my ear, 'You changed his life,' " Courtney said.

"Why do you hate me?" Courtney asked Furniss one last time.

"I don't know," Furniss finally answered, Courtney said.

For Courtney, that was a good enough answer.

"I believe that was his sincere answer. He really doesn't know," Courtney said.

BLM has never seen a black person that deserved to be shot.

That's not true. when it's a guy who actually had a gun and was shooting at police officers, they really don't make a big deal about it.

Additionally, BLM has called for and actually assassinated numerous cops throughout America.

BLM does no such thing, and has denounced police shootings.

Black Lives Matter condemns Dallas, pushes forward with protests

But don't let that stop you.
I hear a lot of tough talk coming from you but do you have the balls to fight like a man or are you just hoping someone else will do it for you?

I see a Nazi, I'll do exactly that. We ran our Nazis out of town years ago when we caught them molesting kids.

LOL yeah, chicago has a epidemic of child molestering nazi gangs. When it comes to muslims and their penchant for raping kids, you won't do a goddamn thing, would you?
I assume you're talking to the brave Mr. Courtney.

Why do you hate black people? Do you think you're better than them?

You're not.

I think I'm smarter than Mr. Courtney. I don't think I can hug it out with people who want to do me harm.

That's kind of, you know, stupid.

LOL yeah, chicago has a epidemic of child molestering nazi gangs. When it comes to muslims and their penchant for raping kids, you won't do a goddamn thing, would you?

Naw, man, I don't worry about whatever you think is hiding in your closet. Maybe you need to talk to Mac, he thinks there are scary Muslims in his closet, too!

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