And To Think That Chuck U. Schumer Never Cried In 2009 When Democrats Purposely Crashed The Economy.

I am surprised Choomer didnt cry when the GOP caused all of those 2016 earthquakes in Italy
I'm surprised Schumer did not bawl like a baby when he realized Hillary lost AGAIN - for the final time, when he realized the Democrats had lost a 2nd back-to-back election in historic, record-setting fashion....AGAIN, and that Democrats under Barry had lost almost 1,000 political positions in 8 years.

i think he's secretly crying cause his x-boyfriend Durbin wont take him back and Anthony Weiner is dating a manican.
No, just a matter of time before Soros, et al do. I have been waiting for it. Unless he is concerned he might actually be investigated this time...
:cranky: :crybaby: :dev3: Does anyone recall 2009? The year we were losing god knows how many millions of jobs, the year small businesses were collapsing/shutting down in the thousands, millions/billions lost in the stock market. It was 1979 all over again. And what party was in power at the time? It was Chuck Schumer/Barry and the rest of the greedy Democrats who could care less if the middle class suffered, many even losing their homes/savings/jobs etc.
:crybaby: :crybaby:,, so did anyone see Chuck U. Schoomer go on national TV and apologize for the mess his party caused in 2009/2010? Did anyone see Chuck Shoomer cry like a 3 year old child as we were going down the toilet those years? :crybaby:
But now that we need to secure our nation from terrorists, now Schumer is crying. Anyone see something wrong with this picture? :confused-84::cuckoo:

The recession ended in 2009, dumbass.

Now that the repubs have control of the economy, you better hold onto your cash. Just a matter of time until they duplicate the W economic crash...
No, just a matter of time before Soros, et al do. I have been waiting for it. Unless he is concerned he might actually be investigated this time..

Soros needs to be thrown out of a helicopter 1000 feet above a mass grave near Auschwitz so that the ghosts of his victims can tear at his wicked soul immediately upon impact.

No, just a matter of time before Soros, et al do. I have been waiting for it. Unless he is concerned he might actually be investigated this time..

Soros needs to be thrown out of a helicopter 1000 feet above a mass grave near Auschwitz so that the ghosts of his victims can tear at his wicked soul immediately upon impact.

I can see Schumer calling 911 and crying over his overflowing toilet, and explaining to the operator how is Bush's fault
:cranky: :crybaby: :dev3: Does anyone recall 2009? The year we were losing god knows how many millions of jobs, the year small businesses were collapsing/shutting down in the thousands, millions/billions lost in the stock market. It was 1979 all over again. And what party was in power at the time? It was Chuck Schumer/Barry and the rest of the greedy Democrats who could care less if the middle class suffered, many even losing their homes/savings/jobs etc.
:crybaby: :crybaby:,, so did anyone see Chuck U. Schoomer go on national TV and apologize for the mess his party caused in 2009/2010? Did anyone see Chuck Shoomer cry like a 3 year old child as we were going down the toilet those years? :crybaby:
But now that we need to secure our nation from terrorists, now Schumer is crying. Anyone see something wrong with this picture? :confused-84::cuckoo:
The Great Recession began in November of 2007, you fucking doorstop.....
No, just a matter of time before Soros, et al do. I have been waiting for it. Unless he is concerned he might actually be investigated this time..

Soros needs to be thrown out of a helicopter 1000 feet above a mass grave near Auschwitz so that the ghosts of his victims can tear at his wicked soul immediately upon impact.

His victims?

He was 15....WHEN THE WAR ENDED....
No, Dem' globalist supporters crashed Bush's economy and resurrected the stock market after Obama was elected, all within their preconceived plan.
The collapse occurred well before 2009, and during republican congresses. Its amazing how you rewrite history

Wrong, it was a democrook congress. Bush was a lame duck, and the meat puppet faggot was about to beat McLame. in the election.

The day after the meat puppet faggot became the POTUS Elect, the market TANKED, for obvious reasons. People with money were terrified and liquidated assests to hide them from democrook sociopaths.

The reason for the collapse was the CRA democrooks used to "redistribute wealth".
and have we all taken notice that the DOW hit 20,000 right after Trump took office? I dont recall the DOW hitting 20K after Barry took over, if anything, it crashed to 7000? 6000? I forgot
President Barack Hussein Obama took Bush II's crashed stock market from 6000 to 19000.

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No, Dem' globalist supporters crashed Bush's economy and resurrected the stock market after Obama was elected, all within their preconceived plan.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

What are the rates from Mars?
The Great Recession began in November of 2007, you fucking doorstop.....

...and is completely OWNED by the Democratic Party, which at the time had a near Super Majority Control of the entire Congress - control they had the last 2 years of Bush's time in office (and the 1st 2 of Barry's) - which means THEY controlled Congress, THEY controlled the Budget, THEY controlled spending, THEY controlled the Economy, and THEY began the 'Great Recession'!

Thanks for pointing that out!
The recession started around the time Obama won in 2008, and finally ended when Trump won in 2016

The Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research met by conference call on Friday, November 28. The committee maintains a chronology of the beginning and ending dates (months and quarters) of U.S. recessions. The committee determined that a peak in economic activity occurred in the U.S. economy in December 2007. The peak marks the end of the expansion that began in November 2001 and the beginning of a recession. The expansion lasted 73 months; the previous expansion of the 1990s lasted 120 months.
The collapse occurred well before 2009, and during republican congresses. Its amazing how you rewrite history

Wrong, it was a democrook congress. Bush was a lame duck, and the meat puppet faggot was about to beat McLame. in the election.

The day after the meat puppet faggot became the POTUS Elect, the market TANKED, for obvious reasons. People with money were terrified and liquidated assests to hide them from democrook sociopaths.

The reason for the collapse was the CRA democrooks used to "redistribute wealth".
and have we all taken notice that the DOW hit 20,000 right after Trump took office? I dont recall the DOW hitting 20K after Barry took over, if anything, it crashed to 7000? 6000? I forgot
How did the Dow do during the Bush years/
How did employment do over those years? I am sure you recall just how few jobs were created by the Bush administration
The Great Recession began in November of 2007, you fucking doorstop.....

...and is completely OWNED by the Democratic Party, which at the time had a near Super Majority Control of the entire Congress - control they had the last 2 years of Bush's time in office (and the 1st 2 of Barry's) - which means THEY controlled Congress, THEY controlled the Budget, THEY controlled spending, THEY controlled the Economy, and THEY began the 'Great Recession'!

Thanks for pointing that out!
right,,everything was just fine until going into 2007, even then i noticed a gradual slowdown,,,but never really paid as much attention to politics then as I have been these last 9 years,,,,hmm, maybe it was because I working a lot? too busy to keep up with political news? it finally dawned on me what happened in late 2008 around that time,,,figured out who was the blame.
The Great Recession began in November of 2007, you fucking doorstop.....

...and is completely OWNED by the Democratic Party, which at the time had a near Super Majority Control of the entire Congress - control they had the last 2 years of Bush's time in office (and the 1st 2 of Barry's) - which means THEY controlled Congress, THEY controlled the Budget, THEY controlled spending, THEY controlled the Economy, and THEY began the 'Great Recession'!

Thanks for pointing that out!

And what, specifically, did this Congress do to undermine the Scrub economic miracle?

Demonstrate that you know SOMETHING...
The Great Recession began in November of 2007, you fucking doorstop.....

...and is completely OWNED by the Democratic Party, which at the time had a near Super Majority Control of the entire Congress - control they had the last 2 years of Bush's time in office (and the 1st 2 of Barry's) - which means THEY controlled Congress, THEY controlled the Budget, THEY controlled spending, THEY controlled the Economy, and THEY began the 'Great Recession'!

Thanks for pointing that out!
right,,everything was just fine until going into 2007, even then i noticed a gradual slowdown,,,but never really paid as much attention to politics then as I have been these last 9 years,,,,hmm, maybe it was because I working a lot? too busy to keep up with political news? it finally dawned on me what happened in late 2008 around that time,,,figured out who was the blame.
You have been blaming Obama and the democrats for the economic turndown in 2007-2008. Just what did they do to ruin the Bush economy?
The Great Recession began in November of 2007, you fucking doorstop.....

...and is completely OWNED by the Democratic Party, which at the time had a near Super Majority Control of the entire Congress - control they had the last 2 years of Bush's time in office (and the 1st 2 of Barry's) - which means THEY controlled Congress, THEY controlled the Budget, THEY controlled spending, THEY controlled the Economy, and THEY began the 'Great Recession'!

Thanks for pointing that out!
What is the FIRST step in the federal budget process, Eaze?
15 of today in the US is not the same 15 during the war or even in some other countries today.

Hitler's children went to war. And sadly, Soros has stated in public interviews he had no remorse for anything he did.

No, just a matter of time before Soros, et al do. I have been waiting for it. Unless he is concerned he might actually be investigated this time..

Soros needs to be thrown out of a helicopter 1000 feet above a mass grave near Auschwitz so that the ghosts of his victims can tear at his wicked soul immediately upon impact.

His victims?

He was 15....WHEN THE WAR ENDED....
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