And to think that left continues to demand MORE government

But Obama and Hillary are evil and corrupt tho nothing ever comes up to a Court, right? You are getting there...
Except that there is indisputable, undeniable hard evidence against both Barack Insane Obama and Hitlery Clinton, snowflake.

Benghazi happened. Fast & Furious happened. Lois Lerner IRS happened. A $2 billion payment to Iran for hostages happened. Bill Clinton’s perjury before a Grand Jury happened.

The are politically connected, extremely powerful people who are above the law. And you know it too. You’re just too immature and too partisan to admit it.
All were thoroughly investigated by Republicans with no fault found
But Obama and Hillary are evil and corrupt tho nothing ever comes up to a Court, right? You are getting there...
Except that there is indisputable, undeniable hard evidence against both Barack Insane Obama and Hitlery Clinton, snowflake.

Benghazi happened. Fast & Furious happened. Lois Lerner IRS happened. A $2 billion payment to Iran for hostages happened. Bill Clinton’s perjury before a Grand Jury happened.

The are politically connected, extremely powerful people who are above the law. And you know it too. You’re just too immature and too partisan to admit it.
Benghazi was a tragedy but was relieved within a half hour nothing more could have been done... And everyone outside the GOP bubble of BS knows it was probably triggered by the video like all the other protests and attacks earlier that day duh. Fast and Furious started under Bush and neither Administration new about the gun walking, dupe. IRS scandal is a phony too- caused by so many new TP orgs end of story. That was Iran's money and ended their nuke program for at least 10 years, dupe. After 6 years the GOP Witch Hunt found a BJ and made bill more popular. There is no conspiracy, super duper... Change the God damn Channel stupid.
Democrats want to cut taxes on under $250,000. You are misinformed of of course.

Really? I understand Piglosi said if she's the head bitch again, she's going to do everything in her power to get rid our or tax breaks.
She will do like she did last time
End tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy while keeping them for working Americans
It has been proven the US gov commits false flags. They have even admitted it.
The U.S. federal government has a long and ugly history of corruption (MK-Ultra, the Tuskegee Experiment, Operation Northwoods, etc.).

But...that doesn’t make everything a “false flag”. The fact that France - the world’s ultimate passvist pussies - got involved should be more than enough indication that Syria was not a “false flag”. Period.
She will do like she did last time End tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy while keeping them for working Americans
Yeah...uh...Nancy Pelosi has never done that. Never. Not once. She avoids taxes herself while raising taxes heavily on the middle class. My taxes went up over $4,000 the last time her and Barack Insane Obama were destroying the U.S. economy and the global economy.
But Obama and Hillary are evil and corrupt tho nothing ever comes up to a Court, right? You are getting there...
Except that there is indisputable, undeniable hard evidence against both Barack Insane Obama and Hitlery Clinton, snowflake.

Benghazi happened. Fast & Furious happened. Lois Lerner IRS happened. A $2 billion payment to Iran for hostages happened. Bill Clinton’s perjury before a Grand Jury happened.

The are politically connected, extremely powerful people who are above the law. And you know it too. You’re just too immature and too partisan to admit it.
All were thoroughly investigated by Republicans with no fault found
All were found to have overwhelming, indisputable evidence of fault. Lois Lerner’s hard drive was destroyed - that’s a fact that even Obama doesn’t deny.

I can’t tell if you’re an idiot or a troll. Maybe a little of both?
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative

Americans were fed, housed, received medical care, education, jobs programs

What have we gotten out of the money we have spent on wars in the last 60 years. How about money spent on the military?
Look at all of the progressives disingenuously avoiding the issue by pretending that this only happens in the Department of Defense (because that perfectly suits their “weaken the U.S.” agenda). You can’t have it both ways, lefties.
The only one I see being 'disingenuous' and 'pretending' is you, in your avoidance of points raised about the Trump Administration calling for more DoD money.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative

Americans were fed, housed, received medical care, education, jobs programs

What have we gotten out of the money we have spent on wars in the last 60 years. How about money spent on the military?
Oh, there's room for a considerable budget for DoD and preparedness for war...

It's just that we need to keep our noses out of a lot of the types of situations that have triggered involvement in the past...

It's just that we need to be more 'par-tic-u-lar' about when and where and why we 'rumble', to avoid wasting blood and treasure...

And... yeah... you're correct... feeding and housing and educating and helping our own people ends-up paying much bigger dividends...

Regardless of the fact that it's simply the Right Thing To Do...

Assuming that it's done the right way - in such a way that such help does not become a terrible permanent dependency...

Within the bounds of good taste and reason and the largesse of a majority of the taxpayers of the Nation.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative

Americans were fed, housed, received medical care, education, jobs programs

What have we gotten out of the money we have spent on wars in the last 60 years. How about money spent on the military?
Oh, there's room for a considerable budget for DoD and preparedness for war...

It's just that we need to keep our noses out of a lot of the types of situations that have triggered involvement in the past...

It's just that we need to be more 'par-tic-u-lar' about when and where and why we 'rumble', to avoid wasting blood and treasure...

And... yeah... you're correct... feeding and housing and educating and helping our own people ends-up paying much bigger dividends...

Regardless of the fact that it's simply the Right Thing To Do...

Assuming that it's done the right way - in such a way that such help does not become a terrible permanent dependency...

Within the bounds of good taste and reason and the largesse of a majority of the taxpayers of the Nation.
Most of the wars we have engaged in since WWII have been a waste of countless lives and trillions of dollars
Yet, we continue to throw away defense dollars
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative

Americans were fed, housed, received medical care, education, jobs programs

What have we gotten out of the money we have spent on wars in the last 60 years. How about money spent on the military?

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative

Americans were fed, housed, received medical care, education, jobs programs

What have we gotten out of the money we have spent on wars in the last 60 years. How about money spent on the military?

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure

People ate, people had housing, people had medical care
How can that be a failure?
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative

Americans were fed, housed, received medical care, education, jobs programs

What have we gotten out of the money we have spent on wars in the last 60 years. How about money spent on the military?

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure

People ate, people had housing, people had medical care
How can that be a failure?

Because it didn't produce any positive results.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

Or the way I always phrase it, if you pay people to be irresponsible, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people.
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Over the last half-century, some $22 trillion has been spent on anti-poverty programs and yet the percentage of poor in this nation remains unchanged.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative

Americans were fed, housed, received medical care, education, jobs programs

What have we gotten out of the money we have spent on wars in the last 60 years. How about money spent on the military?

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure

People ate, people had housing, people had medical care
How can that be a failure?

Because it didn't produce any positive results.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

Or the way I always phrase it, if you pay people to be irresponsible, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people.
Sure it creates positive results. People eat, have a place to sleep, get medical care

We also created jobs training, job placement, small business funding, education funding.

Rush Limbaugh is a moron. Increasing the suffering of the poor does nothing to help them
Nothing ends in failure like left-wing policy. Only the left could spend a staggering $22 trillion and not see a single improvement.
Incidentally - that outrageously unconstitutional $22 trillion is $1 trillion more than our national debt. Had the left not been so astoundingly ignorant, we would have the exact same results we have today but we would have a surplus of $1 trillion (which could be used for our military, our VA, our infrastructure).

That is a glaring, and indisputable, indictment on the idiocy of the left-wing ideology.

President Trump's Vitally Important Anti-Poverty Initiative

Americans were fed, housed, received medical care, education, jobs programs

What have we gotten out of the money we have spent on wars in the last 60 years. How about money spent on the military?

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure

People ate, people had housing, people had medical care
How can that be a failure?

Because it didn't produce any positive results.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

Or the way I always phrase it, if you pay people to be irresponsible, don't be surprised when you create more irresponsible people.
Sure it creates positive results. People eat, have a place to sleep, get medical care

We also created jobs training, job placement, small business funding, education funding.

Rush Limbaugh is a moron. Increasing the suffering of the poor does nothing to help them

Sure it does. If being irresponsible and doing irresponsible things means you have to pay a price for it, then of course it does great good. It's called Tough Love.

When you reward people for failure, they don't care if they fail or not. No effort to avoid it.

And this is what our social programs do. Why? Because with Democrats, it's all about politics. It's not about helping the populous in general, it's about getting votes and power. So they do the wrong things for people.

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