AND who's fault is this??? The same idiots that wrote this story...the MSM!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
USA Today Headline
No, it's not just you, everybody is exhausted. And no, it's not getting better

No, it's not just you, everybody is exhausted. And no, it's not getting better

Once again the MSM fails to point out the major culprit in this issue.
THE MainStream Media... LIKE USA Today!

Biased reporting.
Over reaction to exceptional rare situations... Latest issue... Florida shooting of 17 when during the same day 43 people killed violently :
Number of deaths: 15,872 per year FastStats
And yet the MSM reports the violent deaths of 17 people as if it happens every day!
So here is how USA Today reports it:

The chaos of life and its collision with technology and tragedy has more of us feeling drained, frazzled and emotionally overrun. Put simply: We are exhausted.
What’s to blame? The list is long — and growing, experts say.
Wildfires, terror attacks, rising tensions with North Korea, racist rallies, political investigations in Washington, the non-stop barrage of presidential tweets, more and worse mass shootings from Las Vegas to Florida, a tsunami of sexual harassment accusations, the role of Russians in our elections, climate change, red state-blue state division and not one, not two, but three of the worst hurricanes on record — including one that nearly blew Puerto Rico out of the Caribbean Sea.
Put together, and it’s understandable why exhausted Americans are limping along and running out of gas.

What a shame these idiots who write this garbage don't seem to realize THEY are responsible.
CASE in point... 70 years ago when I was 5 years old there were blizzards, fires, hurricanes, floods, etc.. PLUS at that time the term "duck and cover" i.e. in response to nuclear attack was the phrase du jour!
Yup at the time when I would wake up at 10 years old look at the bright blue sky and say...
"hmm what a beautiful day for a nuclear attack!"

But what was the one exception between 70 years ago and today?

THE MSM driving need to present crisis. DANGERS! I mean listen to the network anchors evening news..." 60 million Americans in the path of the worst blizzard of the year!!!!"
Why should we not be "exhausted"? With the idiotic MSM shouting "the sky is falling the sky is falling"
24 hours a day 7 days a week what the hell would they expect then?

What can be done?
A) MSM... WAKE up... your giving killers like Cruz 24/7 coverage is fertilizing 1,000s of emulators!
B) YOU and ME....
1) Stop believing the headlines/the 30 second sound bites!
2) Take responsibility and get the FACTS about the issue and more importantly the bias of the
people reporting it!

If these two actions were taken by both parties... maybe we wouldn't be so oh how cruel, how sad,
"EXHAUSTED"! Dummies! Mow 4 lawns in one day. Shovel six sidewalks in the winter! Work hours every day in a garden to grow food for the family. THEN complain about "EXHAUSTION"!!!

Why do right wingers keep blaming the messenger?

DAMN simple!
Because you idiots believe this statement for example: "Trump anti-immigrant"! Right? YOU believe that!

In fact here is a right now up to date example of the MSM biased reporting that totally influences idiots who don't comprehend the distinction!

"Trump anti-immigrant"... that means he doesn't want ANY immigrants right? Wants all immigrants barred from coming right?

LOOK at those headlines by the NYT Trump's anti-immigrant racism"... "dirty and racist origins of Donald Trumps anti-immigrant"!!

A) Trump IS MARRIED TO an IMMIGRANT! Do you really think he is a racist anti-immigrant with an immigrant for a wife?
B) There are 86 million Americans like me that either are legal immigrants or have legal immigrants relatives! Do you really think it is right to call us "anti-immigrants"?

Of course not yet below are 35,200 examples where the BIASED totally hateful MSM continues that LACK of using one simple adjective: "illegal"!
And we 86 million plus President Trump are against "ILLEGAL Immigrants" because THE what let me shout:


Millions of Americans like my relatives have abided by the law. Took years to become Americans. Hundreds of dollars. Hours of study.
And you idiots along with the MSM totally have disdain for the truly GREAT Americans...i.e. those that gave up their citizenship, spent hours/days working on
becoming Americans LEGALLY!
That's what REALLY pisses those of us informed and obviously more intelligent Americans.
WE LOVE LEGAL IMMIGRANTS! Those that WANT to be Americans and pay the time and energy to become one!

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Watching President Trump with the Governors Trump mentioned how the biased MSM does reporting, i.e. regarding arming all teachers!
Yes President Trump was totally misconstrued regarding teachers.
Trump's solution to school shootings: arm teachers with guns
‘It is the gun, it’s the person behind the gun and it’s about helping people before they ever reach that point,’ said a mother whose son died at Sandy Hook elementary
Trump's solution to school shootings: arm teachers with guns

But again taking out of context. Taking words out of what President Trump wanted.
President Trump wants as the Governor of Mississippi
The Pearl High School shooting took place on October 1, 1997, at Pearl High School in Pearl, Mississippi in Greater Jackson. The gunman, 16-year-old Luke Woodham (born February 5, 1981), killed two students and injured seven others at his high school.
The school's assistant principal, Joel Myrick 36 a commander in the Army reserves, retrieved a .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol from his truck and, spotting Woodham attempting to flee the parking lot after the shooting, shouted for him to stop. Realizing what Woodham was doing, another student used his own vehicle to block Woodham's path, at which point Woodham attempted to get around the obstruction by driving his mother's car onto a grass verge, only to end up getting stuck in the grass. Seizing his opportunity, Myrick ordered Woodham out of the car at gunpoint and detained him until police arrived at the scene.[1]

Pearl High School shooting - Wikipedia

Now this is what Trump was describing. A trained educator who knew what he was doing. Knew the school topography. Knew the student!

But once again again the MSM makes Trump out to want to ARM ALL TEACHERS!!!

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