And why are there not more male Alt Right?

Probably because they don't pause to reflect.

Or maybe the guy made a mistake and hooked up with a crazy SJW...

Every political position has it's nutjobs. Someone can be against abortion without supporting shooting doctors in the back and someone can be against taxing the Middle Class into poverty without having compassion for the poor, the sick and those underage.

Based on the street riots I'd say liberals hold the record for violence.

A good point.
The far and alt right were told during the campaign to pull in their horns. The far and alt right decided to beat up people in their rallies. The left then proceeded to beat the shit out of the pussy alt right. No one cares if you want to yell, but strike and you get beat to hell.
The far and alt right were told during the campaign to pull in their horns. The far and alt right decided to beat up people in their rallies. The left then proceeded to beat the shit out of the pussy alt right. No one cares if you want to yell, but strike and you get beat to hell.
What percentage of American voters do you believe are far right and what percentage "alt right"?
I got lucky; my wife married me because I would never let her pull sh!t like that.
He is so old he can't find his reading glasses.

The Alternative Right is a term coined in 2008 by Richard Bertrand Spencer, who heads the white nationalist think tank known as the National Policy Institute, to describe a loose set of far-right ideals centered on “white identity” and the preservation of “Western civilization.” In 2010, Spencer, who had done stints as an editor of The American Conservative and Taki’s Magazine, launched the Alternative Right blog, where he worked to refine the movement’s ideological tenets.

Alternative Right

Last time I checked Jakey, the National Policy Institute had a total net worth of $4600.. And was located in a strip mall office. They have their "conventions" in Holiday Inn Breakfast rooms because the meetings rooms are too large for them.

I think at this point, you really gotta name names.. Like the number of Congress Critters who pledge loyalty to them. Or find the NPI referenced in any widely distributed policy papers or news reports.

You've rode this little pony to death. And the thread doesn't even make sense..
Agreed. White Supremacist assholes are as big a fringe movement as the New Black Panther Party. Dipshits exist, but just because a few nutjobs say crazy things doesn't mean they are mainstream.
Then, if you are responsible right wingers, keep denouncing them and give your opposition in the Democratic Party the right to do the same.

Might as well be denouncing Zombies or Poltergeists. Since you can't answer my challenges about names or influence. Trying to warn you how stupid this looks given the SERIOUS stuff there is to discuss. But Hey -- Finish the job of destroying your cred..
The term Alt Right has lost all meaning at this time. It is just a term used by some to denigrate those with opinions with which they disagree.
The term Alt Right has lost all meaning at this time. It is just a term used by some to denigrate those with opinions with which they disagree.
Agreed to an extent. Racists exist (in all colors too), but the LW has overused the word so much it is as diluted as pissing in the ocean. It's now meaningless since, whenever a RW suggests anything against Obama, the poor, etc, they are immediately labeled a racist. After years of this, the Right stopped caring and the word lost meaning.

The LW is doing exactly the same thing with "alt right". Yes, "Alt Right" conspiracy nutjob white supremacists exist, but by labeling anyone on the right as a member of the "Alt Right", again the word/phrase is losing meaning.
The far and alt right were told during the campaign to pull in their horns. The far and alt right decided to beat up people in their rallies. The left then proceeded to beat the shit out of the pussy alt right. No one cares if you want to yell, but strike and you get beat to hell.
What percentage of American voters do you believe are far right and what percentage "alt right"?
Bump for JakeStarkey
Jake, Hillary invented Alt Right on 8/25/16. The oldest Alt Right Guy is only 10 months old

Try again, nutjob. They've been around longer than you've been able to change your depends.

The term alt-right is simply a phrase used by progressives to link anyone to the right of Mitt Romney with White Nationalism.

It's simply a "lump them together with assholes" method used to dismiss valid non-progressive viewpoints.

100% hackery, nothing but.
He is so old he can't find his reading glasses.

The Alternative Right is a term coined in 2008 by Richard Bertrand Spencer, who heads the white nationalist think tank known as the National Policy Institute, to describe a loose set of far-right ideals centered on “white identity” and the preservation of “Western civilization.” In 2010, Spencer, who had done stints as an editor of The American Conservative and Taki’s Magazine, launched the Alternative Right blog, where he worked to refine the movement’s ideological tenets.

Alternative Right

Last time I checked Jakey, the National Policy Institute had a total net worth of $4600.. And was located in a strip mall office. They have their "conventions" in Holiday Inn Breakfast rooms because the meetings rooms are too large for them.

I think at this point, you really gotta name names.. Like the number of Congress Critters who pledge loyalty to them. Or find the NPI referenced in any widely distributed policy papers or news reports.

You've rode this little pony to death. And the thread doesn't even make sense..
Agreed. White Supremacist assholes are as big a fringe movement as the New Black Panther Party. Dipshits exist, but just because a few nutjobs say crazy things doesn't mean they are mainstream.
Then, if you are responsible right wingers, keep denouncing them and give your opposition in the Democratic Party the right to do the same.

Might as well be denouncing Zombies or Poltergeists. Since you can't answer my challenges about names or influence. Trying to warn you how stupid this looks given the SERIOUS stuff there is to discuss. But Hey -- Finish the job of destroying your cred..

I think that happened a LOOOOONG time ago!
The term Alt Right has lost all meaning at this time. It is just a term used by some to denigrate those with opinions with which they disagree.
Agreed to an extent. Racists exist (in all colors too), but the LW has overused the word so much it is as diluted as pissing in the ocean. It's now meaningless since, whenever a RW suggests anything against Obama, the poor, etc, they are immediately labeled a racist. After years of this, the Right stopped caring and the word lost meaning.

The LW is doing exactly the same thing with "alt right". Yes, "Alt Right" conspiracy nutjob white supremacists exist, but by labeling anyone on the right as a member of the "Alt Right", again the word/phrase is losing meaning.

Interesting signature. Mine would be the opposite. I used to be amused, now I'm just disgusted. Lol.
The term Alt Right has lost all meaning at this time. It is just a term used by some to denigrate those with opinions with which they disagree.
Agreed to an extent. Racists exist (in all colors too), but the LW has overused the word so much it is as diluted as pissing in the ocean. It's now meaningless since, whenever a RW suggests anything against Obama, the poor, etc, they are immediately labeled a racist. After years of this, the Right stopped caring and the word lost meaning.

The LW is doing exactly the same thing with "alt right". Yes, "Alt Right" conspiracy nutjob white supremacists exist, but by labeling anyone on the right as a member of the "Alt Right", again the word/phrase is losing meaning.

Interesting signature. Mine would be the opposite. I used to be amused, now I'm just disgusted. Lol.
:D I can see why many people are disgusted. The results of the last election were more about Americans disgusted with the Status Quo rather than being supportive of any particular party or nominee.
1. Which poster do you consider to lean far to alt-right?

2. Is Alt-Right like the term Neo-Libertarian that was created by those that can not understand which side of the spectrum some that fall on?

3. Name politicians you believe that are far to alt-right?
  • Is Donald John Trump alt-right to you and if so please explain?
  • Is Pence far to alt-right to you and if so please explain?
Personally I believe what you consider to be far to alt-right is just the same voting base and politicians that were once consider the radical Neo-Conservative that were Regan-crats but now you and those like you want to create a new word to describe those you disagree with.
Just from my experience from encountering the pseudo intellectuals that call themselves "progressives" in the 16 years that I have been blogging? They are the least "tolerant" group by far....if they want your opinion, they will give it to you and will resort to insulting rhetoric if you dare question their "ideals". How the progressives work and their ploy is to categorize anyone that doesn't follow their collective ideals as "angry white guys". Leftards have to put people in categories and neat compartments so they can play their "lame flame game". They claim to be "educated" but what they are is indoctrinated and they lack even basic common sense. They believe in their cause so much that cheating and fraud is considered a virtue if it moves the agenda forward. Guess which other three groups hold the same beliefs? The nation of islam ,the communists and the Jesuits that were behind the creation of the first two. The end justifies the means and that very salient fact is plain as day to me and the picture is crystal clear.

The leftard clown posse have been played the role of the useful idiot and pawns by the very elite that they claim to be fighting against. It would be HILARIOUS if I was watching this from afar... I mean seriously, these people don't have the slightest clue on how ANYTHING actually works. They have no clue about how the banking system works and how debt is actually accumulated. Their biggest bitch is that too many people don't pay enough taxes especially the income tax which was struck down four times by the SCOTUS before the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933.....but you can't explain that to a leftard without them covering up their ears. It's sad.......very, very sad.
Excellent analysis, thank you.

I especially enjoyed, "They believe in their cause so much that cheating and fraud is considered a virtue if it moves the agenda forward." That in a nutshell describes JoeyB Dolezal and other members of the lefty cabal of lying low info dopes in here.
Jake, Hillary invented Alt Right on 8/25/16. The oldest Alt Right Guy is only 10 months old

Did you meet one then? So far I have only seen them on tv and here. The need to look into Alt Right.
They're out there, but "Alt Right" is a fringe movement like Sovereign Citizens. The LWers seek to fear-monger by saying or implying the majority of RWers are alt-right. That, of course, is not true. It's one thing to say anyone who isn't white is inferior and it's another thing to fight the concept of Welfare State. LWers like to conflate the two ideas into one movement.

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