Andrew Breitbart is Dead

Breitbart's legacy should be honored at his funeral.

Someone hiring a few people to attend it and mourn silently while wearing Nazi uniforms then making it "breaking" news oughta cover it.
I've been trying!! Everyone seems to think Im a nice guy.


You can't deny that I'm right.
I can deny that you are right. Unless you honestly do not know the definition of murder, and how it is different from manslaughter, negligence, and accidental death..

I think you do: I called you an asshole, NOT a dumbass! :lol:

manslaughter is a fine tooth we use for murder.
Aw, profound.

Because that's what you were childishly insinuating. Am I wrong? What were you saying then?

"Childishly insinuating"? How so? Where did I even mention the word "gay"? You did that, not me.

Jesus Titting Fucking Christ your are Disgustingly Dishonest, Bodey... :clap2:

Don't try to Prove it to her, she simply won't Concede... She's being Dishonest Deliberately. :thup:




I'm not a she.

How am I being dishonest?
Examples of his Lying and Hurting People?...




Gimme a break Mal..seriously.

Calls them as I sees them.

Went to a wedding of an incarerated Mafia boss' daughter. She asked me straight up what I thought of her father. Surrounded by the whole family I said, "He's where he should be.."

They didn't even get mad.

Sometimes you gotta know what's what.

So then you won't be adding any Substance to your Claims of Lying and Hurting People?...



On the day of the man's death? Have you no dignity, mal?
I posted what I said.

What part of it don't you get.

By the way..the Mafia boss had more honor the Brietbart. Much more.
So your little irrelevant anecdote about saying "He's where he should be.." at the previous funeral has zero to do with saying it should have been legal to kill him, and you wanted to do it yourself.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I said the boss was "incarcerated". That means locked up.

Look it up.

I was at a wedding.
Oh, I see, so it was even less analogous to wishing death upon Breitbart and wanting to kill him yourself.

Thanks for clearing that up. You just wanted to talk about how you went to a mafia wedding. Perhaps you could start a thread, because it makes you seem super important.
Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.

Fuck Brietbart.

Charming.... but unsurprising. You never have been very enthusiastic about the first amendment.

interestingly, the first amendment doesn't protect lies

just saying.

Interesting that you would defend those who admit wanting to kill another person, based solely on that person's political views. I would have thought you to be above defending such extremism, mo chara.
I thought the left doesn't make fun of gays.
We don't. But we acknowledge their existence without acrimony, and we certainly recognize some of their hangouts. Psst! They like the Castro district in San Francisco, too! Don't tell anyone! :lol:

so whats so funny about thier hangouts, dickhead?
Not a thing.

But is it funny that they used to hang out at Venice Beach together, and flashed each other daily?

You betcha!

He had heart trouble and in case you didn't notice, he was extremely passionate. He was walking his dog at midnight and dropped dead. And I am sad. Whether you agreed with him or not, he was fighting the good fight for what he believed.
I sincerely hope he did not fall on the dog.

And I sincerely hope that the terror that his wife felt when he didn't return, and the strength she needed to muster in order to shield her kids from the pain wasn't more than she could bear.
It's a long thread. Let me ask, have the liberals kept it classy, or have they acted like they did when Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital?

a lot classier than the rightwingnuts when kennedy died.


no, just about the same

Glad he's Dead?... Wished it was Legal to Kill him?...

I don't Remember ANYONE here saying that about Tedward.

If you got Link, I'd Love to be Proven Wrong.

I am Shocked by what people like Sallow are saying simply because they Disagreed with a Man's Politics and Agenda.


A democrat targeted assassination.

The Clinton's were famous for taking out their opposition. Obama must have asked Hillary for one of her hit-men. They use a hard to trace poison so it looks like a heart attack. Just coat the inside of his drinking glass with snake venom & they will never find it. Hemotoxic snake venom is designed to assault the cardiovascular system. Cytotoxic venom targets that specific muscle group. Hemotoxic venom typically acts to lower blood pressure and encourage blood clotting. Dart Frogs contain a nerve poison Batrachotoxin. If only a drop of this substance entered the victim’s body it can block the transmission of nerve impulses and the heart may stop functioning.
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