Andrew Breitbart is Dead

Examples of his Lying and Hurting People?...




Gimme a break Mal..seriously.

Calls them as I sees them.

Went to a wedding of an incarerated Mafia boss' daughter. She asked me straight up what I thought of her father. Surrounded by the whole family I said, "He's where he should be.."

They didn't even get mad.

Sometimes you gotta know what's what.


And I am betting the guy in that pic could whoop yer butt.. :lol:
some of you say andrew had no class or respect. The fact remains he was a human, a father, a husband and a son. Those facts are the reason respect and class is what one should have about his passing. Politics didn't define him his life did. The fact that a couple of you don't seem to contain the very human nature that you accused him of lacking is why i neged you. Then your negs you sent my way just confirmed that indeed many of you are as childish and petty as my grandson.

Even when bdboop messaged me to tell me she was leaving the site i had enough self dignity to wish her well. So many of you are just sad sad people.
some of the most disgusting people in history were also fathers, sons, brothers.

It's an irrelevant thing to bring up.

it's the only thing that matters on the day of his death idiot.
Saddam was an enemy of the state you fucking twit. And Kennedy got respect on the day of his death except for wackos like you.

Fuck off scum bag.

He wasn't MY enemy! He was Dubya's patsy.
Kennedy got no respect from the wingnuts on this site.

Bullshit. Liar.

Meister, just for one, posted nothing but respect about Kennedy. And, the reason I know that is because someone JUST quoted it.


Ahh, but Meister is not a wingnut! He's a level-headed conservative poster, like Harry Dresden and Toro.

See, I can also play your word-parsing games, si modo. And I'm better at it.
Gimme a break Mal..seriously.

Calls them as I sees them.

Went to a wedding of an incarerated Mafia boss' daughter. She asked me straight up what I thought of her father. Surrounded by the whole family I said, "He's where he should be.."

They didn't even get mad.

Sometimes you gotta know what's what.


And I am betting the guy in that pic could whoop yer butt.. :lol:

It's G.T. ... Apparently he's let himself go since he ran away from the Twafflehouse like a little girl. :thup:


Meister and Cali lied about what I said.

They refuse to apologise for those lies.
Liar. Now, where's your apology?

Where is all that respect for the dead?

I bet you are the life of the party at a funeral. :lol:
I had no idea this was a funeral. And, where is my disrespect for the dead you imply I don't have?

(By the way, my respect for the dead only applies around the time of their death.)
It's a long thread. Let me ask, have the liberals kept it classy, or have they acted like they did when Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital?

a lot classier than the rightwingnuts when kennedy died.

Brietbart wasn't in KKK like Murtha and didn't kill anyone like fat-fuck-TK, fucking retard.

moron, murtha wasn't in the KKK, pissant

receiving the Bronze Star with Valor device, two Purple Hearts, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry. He retired from the Marine Corps Reserve as a Colonel in 1990, receiving the Navy Distinguished Service Medal.

man, you're dumb as toast

negged for being a total and complete hack
Gimme a break Mal..seriously.

Calls them as I sees them.

Went to a wedding of an incarerated Mafia boss' daughter. She asked me straight up what I thought of her father. Surrounded by the whole family I said, "He's where he should be.."

They didn't even get mad.

Sometimes you gotta know what's what.


And I am betting the guy in that pic could whoop yer butt.. :lol:

He's got some size on me, but I'm scrappy.
He wasn't MY enemy! He was Dubya's patsy.
Kennedy got no respect from the wingnuts on this site.

Bullshit. Liar.

Meister, just for one, posted nothing but respect about Kennedy. And, the reason I know that is because someone JUST quoted it.


Ahh, but Meister is not a wingnut! He's a level-headed conservative poster, like Harry Dresden and Toro.

See, I can also play your word-parsing games, si modo. And I'm better at it.
"Word-parsing" doesn't apply to clear, concise definitions, asswipe. All means all, no matter how you slice it.

I'm thinking you should have learned that by kindergarten, like most five-year olds know.
a lot classier than the rightwingnuts when kennedy died.

Brietbart wasn't in KKK like Murtha and didn't kill anyone like fat-fuck-TK, fucking retard.

moron, murtha wasn't in the KKK, pissant

receiving the Bronze Star with Valor device, two Purple Hearts, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry. He retired from the Marine Corps Reserve as a Colonel in 1990, receiving the Navy Distinguished Service Medal.

man, you're dumb as toast

negged for being a total and complete hack

I've never heard the term dumb as toast...oh forgot you're a fucking moron.
Now that was an INTERESTING comment. What made you think we were making fun of gays?

Explain. :eusa_eh:

Because that's what you were childishly insinuating. Am I wrong? What were you saying then?

"Childishly insinuating"? How so? Where did I even mention the word "gay"? You did that, not me.

Jesus Titting Fucking Christ your are Disgustingly Dishonest, Bodey... :clap2:

Don't try to Prove it to her, she simply won't Concede... She's being Dishonest Deliberately. :thup:


Seems there is a lot of childish posting going on here. Stupid, childish posting!

I guess no thread is immune from the adolescent idiots on this site.
With Hillary Clinton as a senior advisor.

Is this obama's mess or another Clinton operation?

Brietbart said he had some information on obama that he was going to release shortly. He should have done it right away.
Aw,, you're gonna start making-up your OWN conspiracies???

right here, dipshit...



now, explain what part of Meister's post is 'nasty', you lying little freak.

FAIL. She was leaving it up to each of you to see how nice (or not) your were in the Kennedy thread. She never singled out Meister.

Do you ever tell the truth about anything? I realize you call yourself 'Conservative', but that doesn't mean you have to take it completely to heart. Try some honesty.

They just flat out LIE right in the face of facts.

No wonder their party is dying
Their lies keep them warm.

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