Andrew Breitbart is Dead

You don't have to look very far.
Why did you skip over post #6? That was the first partisan comment..

It was a not Shitting on the Dead Clever comment in #6.


It was the first partisan comment in the thread, Mal. He was supposing that Obama ordered his death.

So I guess all this hand-wringing about the Left's bad manners is just a bunch of happy horseshit, isn't it?
where did I claim you said something you didnt?

right here, dipshit...


A powerful man in the Senate has passed, and I feel for the family on this matter of his death.
I disagreed with his politics, and his lack of personal character, but I don't like seeing this happen to anyone.

now, explain what part of Meister's post is 'nasty', you lying little freak.

FAIL. She was leaving it up to each of you to see how nice (or not) your were in the Kennedy thread. She never singled out Meister.

Do you ever tell the truth about anything? I realize you call yourself 'Conservative', but that doesn't mean you have to take it completely to heart. Try some honesty.

They just flat out LIE right in the face of facts.

No wonder their party is dying
right here, dipshit...



now, explain what part of Meister's post is 'nasty', you lying little freak.

FAIL. She was leaving it up to each of you to see how nice (or not) your were in the Kennedy thread. She never singled out Meister.

Do you ever tell the truth about anything? I realize you call yourself 'Conservative', but that doesn't mean you have to take it completely to heart. Try some honesty.
She doesn't have to include Meister; she said "all".


funny you dont present my quote with you claim.
Because you Disagreed with him?...

Seriously, Sallow?




Because he had the attention of the media..and lied.

And hurt people because of his lies.

Nothing to do with "disagreement".

And everything to do with using propaganda to "get" people.

He was a fucking coward and a fucking liar.

Examples of his Lying and Hurting People?...




Gimme a break Mal..seriously.

Calls them as I sees them.

Went to a wedding of an incarerated Mafia boss' daughter. She asked me straight up what I thought of her father. Surrounded by the whole family I said, "He's where he should be.."

They didn't even get mad.

Sometimes you gotta know what's what.

In the hours following Ted Kennedy's death, Breitbart called him:

"duplicitous bastard"
"a special pile of human excrement"

I won't mourn this guy's exit.

what a sick thing to do to the family of someone who just lost a loving member.

I notice how you just accept that Breitbart did actually say these things.... if that was a right winger making that claim about the left, you would be demanding proof.


you would have been echoing those things too if they were said about someone on the left.

just saying. and he did say terrible things about ted kennedy.

that said, on the day that kennedy died, breitbart ran only a very brief statement without commentary.

Mass. Sen. Ted Kennedy dies

but then you got to his twitter feed... where he decided it was ok to say whatever he wanted to
Andrew Breitbart, a Washington Times columnist who oversees and, tapped into the anti-Kennedy vein in the hours after the senator’s death was announced, posting a series of Twitter messages in which he called Kennedy a “villain,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.”

"I'm more than willing to go off decorum to ensure THIS MAN is not beatified,” Breitbart wrote. “Sorry, he destroyed lives. And he knew it."

Not all Kennedy critics hold fire - Michael Calderone -

That said, I still believe it is best not to trash people when they die. There's plenty of time for that.
That's not why I called you a hypocrite. I called you a hypocrite for accepting it instead of demanding a source - like you would if it was a right wing claim.

You are a hypocritical hack.... that's not news to anyone.... except you. idiot.

I remembered him saying that as well as a few other nasty things said by the right about kenendy.

I bumped the Kenedys dead thread for you, now go see how nice you all were about it.

what do you think it gains you to lie in the face of facts?


its all they seem to understand

Because he had the attention of the media..and lied.

And hurt people because of his lies.

Nothing to do with "disagreement".

And everything to do with using propaganda to "get" people.

He was a fucking coward and a fucking liar.

Examples of his Lying and Hurting People?...




Gimme a break Mal..seriously.

Calls them as I sees them.

Went to a wedding of an incarerated Mafia boss' daughter. She asked me straight up what I thought of her father. Surrounded by the whole family I said, "He's where he should be.."

They didn't even get mad.

Sometimes you gotta know what's what.
Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.

Fuck Brietbart.

Did you say something like this?
You said ALL, dipshit. Meister and CG are part of ALL, and did not do what you claimed.

You should be apologizing to them, moron.
So, unless every single Rightwinger who is a member at USMB made a post in that thread, she lied?

Grow up.

All | Define All at
1. the whole of (used in referring to quantity, extent, or duration): all the cake; all the way; all year.
2. the whole number of (used in referring to individuals or particulars, taken collectively): all students.
3. the greatest possible (used in referring to quality or degree): with all due respect; with all speed.
4. every: all kinds; all sorts.
5. any; any whatever: beyond all doubt.

TM clearly said ALL.
All includes everyone.
If even 1 person did not do what TM claimed, that by definition, makes TM a proven liar.

"you all" is a Southern expression. "you guys" is a Northern expression. If you say "you guys" to a group that includes a woman, does that make you a liar?

Like I said - grow up. Because you're shit.

Not ALL shit - more like dogshit, specifically. I don't want you accusing me of comparing you to every single shit that is out there.

Because he had the attention of the media..and lied.

And hurt people because of his lies.

Nothing to do with "disagreement".

And everything to do with using propaganda to "get" people.

He was a fucking coward and a fucking liar.

Examples of his Lying and Hurting People?...




Gimme a break Mal..seriously.

Calls them as I sees them.

Went to a wedding of an incarerated Mafia boss' daughter. She asked me straight up what I thought of her father. Surrounded by the whole family I said, "He's where he should be.."

They didn't even get mad.

Sometimes you gotta know what's what.

So then you won't be adding any Substance to your Claims of Lying and Hurting People?...



He had heart trouble and in case you didn't notice, he was extremely passionate. He was walking his dog at midnight and dropped dead. And I am sad. Whether you agreed with him or not, he was fighting the good fight for what he believed.
When Salon, Daily Kos, Huff Post, and even Media Matters were able to find something nice to say about Breitbart and be gracious, I am dismayed that some of my fellow USMB members are acting like twerps.

Whatever your political leanings, and whatever you thought of his style, Breitbart was one of the last few remaining brilliant investigative reporters with the courage to go after the stories the rest of the media wouldn't otherwise touch for ideological or political reasons. Just like the Drudge Report, most didn't share his politics or world view, but no media source failed to check his website every day to pick up on what the breaking stories were likely to be.

The nation is poorer for his passing and is likely to be less well educated.

Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.

Fuck Brietbart.

Charming.... but unsurprising. You never have been very enthusiastic about the first amendment.

Article 15: I should have bet you, in that PM! :lol:
Examples of his Lying and Hurting People?...




Gimme a break Mal..seriously.

Calls them as I sees them.

Went to a wedding of an incarerated Mafia boss' daughter. She asked me straight up what I thought of her father. Surrounded by the whole family I said, "He's where he should be.."

They didn't even get mad.

Sometimes you gotta know what's what.
Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.

Fuck Brietbart.

Did you say something like this?

I posted what I said.

What part of it don't you get.

By the way..the Mafia boss had more honor the Brietbart. Much more.

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