Andrew Breitbart is Dead

So, unless every single Rightwinger who is a member at USMB made a post in that thread, she lied?

Grow up.

All | Define All at
1. the whole of (used in referring to quantity, extent, or duration): all the cake; all the way; all year.
2. the whole number of (used in referring to individuals or particulars, taken collectively): all students.
3. the greatest possible (used in referring to quality or degree): with all due respect; with all speed.
4. every: all kinds; all sorts.
5. any; any whatever: beyond all doubt.

TM clearly said ALL.
All includes everyone.
If even 1 person did not do what TM claimed, that by definition, makes TM a proven liar.


why are you lying about what I said?

Why are you lying about what you said? Quit whining!!
It's the only thing that matters on the day of his death idiot.
Saddam was a father, brother, and son. Jus' sayin'.
Kennedy was a father, brother, and son. Jus' sayin'.

I guess people do not hold their tongue just because the deceased is a father, brother, and son. It's irrelevant.

Saddam was an enemy of the state you fucking twit. And Kennedy got respect on the day of his death except for wackos like you.

Fuck off scum bag.

He wasn't MY enemy! He was Dubya's patsy.
Kennedy got no respect from the wingnuts on this site.
where did I claim you said something you didnt?

right here, dipshit...

I remembered him saying that as well as a few other nasty things said by the right about kenendy.I bumped the Kenedys dead thread for you, now go see how nice you all were about it.

A powerful man in the Senate has passed, and I feel for the family on this matter of his death.
I disagreed with his politics, and his lack of personal character, but I don't like seeing this happen to anyone.

now, explain what part of Meister's post is 'nasty', you lying little freak.

How is asking you to go see how nice you were claiming you said something you did not say?

How is I REMEMBERED HIM SAYING THAT, NOT claiming he said something I just proved he did not say, you anal wart?
When Salon, Daily Kos, Huff Post, and even Media Matters were able to find something nice to say about Breitbart and be gracious, I am dismayed that some of my fellow USMB members are acting like twerps.

Whatever your political leanings, and whatever you thought of his style, Breitbart was one of the last few remaining brilliant investigative reporters with the courage to go after the stories the rest of the media wouldn't otherwise touch for ideological or political reasons. Just like the Drudge Report, most didn't share his politics or world view, but no media source failed to check his website every day to pick up on what the breaking stories were likely to be.

The nation is poorer for his passing and is likely to be less well educated.

Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.

Fuck Brietbart.

I agree that he was a sleaze, a liar, and a propagandist. He was pure scum and I think that the only sad thing about his death is that some kids lost their father but damn dude.
Why does every thread you post in have to be about you?
Because you all make every thread about her.

I now predict that Meister will have an issue with me using the word 'all', and show us a thread where the vast majority of Rightwingers insulted TM, but he didn't! :lol:

Silly me, I thought this thread was about Breitbart.


(ok, j/k this time...but saying that sure got some pearl-clutching going on)
It's a long thread. Let me ask, have the liberals kept it classy, or have they acted like they did when Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital?
We did, until Katzndogz went wingnut.

And how come you didn't compare with the Kennedy thread instead of Limbaugh? :lol:

I wasn't here to see the Kennedy thread. I did, however, see the ugly liberal comments at the DU when Rush nearly died.
When Salon, Daily Kos, Huff Post, and even Media Matters were able to find something nice to say about Breitbart and be gracious, I am dismayed that some of my fellow USMB members are acting like twerps.

Whatever your political leanings, and whatever you thought of his style, Breitbart was one of the last few remaining brilliant investigative reporters with the courage to go after the stories the rest of the media wouldn't otherwise touch for ideological or political reasons. Just like the Drudge Report, most didn't share his politics or world view, but no media source failed to check his website every day to pick up on what the breaking stories were likely to be.

The nation is poorer for his passing and is likely to be less well educated.

Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.

Fuck Brietbart.

Charming.... but unsurprising. You never have been very enthusiastic about the first amendment.


Did I kill the fucker?

I am exercising my 1st amendment rights to say he was a liar, propagandist and provocateur..

In short..he was an asshole.

And when I say I am glad he's dead I am being honest. I hope he suffered. I loved the way Lee Atwater died..and I was glad when Jerry Falwell sleazed off the mortal coil.

I make no bones about hating assholes.
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When Salon, Daily Kos, Huff Post, and even Media Matters were able to find something nice to say about Breitbart and be gracious, I am dismayed that some of my fellow USMB members are acting like twerps.

Whatever your political leanings, and whatever you thought of his style, Breitbart was one of the last few remaining brilliant investigative reporters with the courage to go after the stories the rest of the media wouldn't otherwise touch for ideological or political reasons. Just like the Drudge Report, most didn't share his politics or world view, but no media source failed to check his website every day to pick up on what the breaking stories were likely to be.

The nation is poorer for his passing and is likely to be less well educated.

They are all journalists. We are merely 'entertainers'. :lol:
Saddam was a father, brother, and son. Jus' sayin'.
Kennedy was a father, brother, and son. Jus' sayin'.

I guess people do not hold their tongue just because the deceased is a father, brother, and son. It's irrelevant.

Saddam was an enemy of the state you fucking twit. And Kennedy got respect on the day of his death except for wackos like you.

Fuck off scum bag.

He wasn't MY enemy! He was Dubya's patsy.
Kennedy got no respect from the wingnuts on this site.
Bullshit. Liar.

Meister, just for one, posted nothing but respect about Kennedy. And, the reason I know that is because someone JUST quoted it.

obama '12 reelection campaign, poison dart in the neck. next... sheriff joe before 3pm press conference. then nuclear "accident" in california...
When Salon, Daily Kos, Huff Post, and even Media Matters were able to find something nice to say about Breitbart and be gracious, I am dismayed that some of my fellow USMB members are acting like twerps.

Whatever your political leanings, and whatever you thought of his style, Breitbart was one of the last few remaining brilliant investigative reporters with the courage to go after the stories the rest of the media wouldn't otherwise touch for ideological or political reasons. Just like the Drudge Report, most didn't share his politics or world view, but no media source failed to check his website every day to pick up on what the breaking stories were likely to be.

The nation is poorer for his passing and is likely to be less well educated.

Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.

Fuck Brietbart.

Because you Disagreed with him?...

Seriously, Sallow?



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