Andrew Breitbart is Dead

That's not why I called you a hypocrite. I called you a hypocrite for accepting it instead of demanding a source - like you would if it was a right wing claim.

You are a hypocritical hack.... that's not news to anyone.... except you. idiot.

I remembered him saying that as well as a few other nasty things said by the right about kenendy.

I bumped the Kenedys dead thread for you, now go see how nice you all were about it.

Post 125

How is telling people to go see how nice they were is claiming you said something you didnt say?
Some of the most disgusting people in history were also fathers, sons, brothers.

It's an irrelevant thing to bring up.

It's the only thing that matters on the day of his death idiot.
Saddam was a father, brother, and son. Jus' sayin'.
Kennedy was a father, brother, and son. Jus' sayin'.

I guess people do not hold their tongue just because the deceased is a father, brother, and son. It's irrelevant.

Saddam was an enemy of the state you fucking twit. And Kennedy got respect on the day of his death except for wackos like you.

Fuck off scum bag.
It's a long thread. Let me ask, have the liberals kept it classy, or have they acted like they did when Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital?

some people have acted as classily as i did when that fat drunk ted kennedy died.

others have been more restrained.

kettle sends her love
No, no Synth.....clearly stated "you all" in her post. It's very clear what she posted.
She needs to stop painting with that broad brush of hers. You are only enabling her by condoning what she posts, Synth. Try tough love with may be the best for her.

Side note: Finally you have a good avie. :lol:
I take 'you all' to mean the Rightwingers on this board. I think that's a pretty obvious and correct general assumption, don't you?

Now, did Rightwingers, in general, attack Kennedy in that thread? Yes.

Funny, because I don't see you ever jumping in to correct the record when someone on the Right makes a general statement about the Left.

You want the last can have it Synth. The people in this thread see what was said by TM, and you want to come to her defense...great. You are as wrong as she is.
In the kennedy thread, I made my post and walked away from it. Didn't need to come back. you can close this out, because I said what I have and am walking away from this one, also.

So, you refuse to confirm that Rightwingers, in general, attacked Kennedy on the day he died?
Meister and Cali lied about what I said.

They refuse to apologise for those lies.
RIP May your family grieve without much of the ugliness that has been shown in this thread.

TruthMatters, believe it or not this is not about you, it's not your thread and you really just need to shut the heck up. Your whining is getting on my nerves.
When Salon, Daily Kos, Huff Post, and even Media Matters were able to find something nice to say about Breitbart and be gracious, I am dismayed that some of my fellow USMB members are acting like twerps.

Whatever your political leanings, and whatever you thought of his style, Breitbart was one of the last few remaining brilliant investigative reporters with the courage to go after the stories the rest of the media wouldn't otherwise touch for ideological or political reasons. Just like the Drudge Report, most didn't share his politics or world view, but no media source failed to check his website every day to pick up on what the breaking stories were likely to be.

The nation is poorer for his passing and is likely to be less well educated.
That's not why I called you a hypocrite. I called you a hypocrite for accepting it instead of demanding a source - like you would if it was a right wing claim.

You are a hypocritical hack.... that's not news to anyone.... except you. idiot.

I remembered him saying that as well as a few other nasty things said by the right about kenendy.

I bumped the Kenedys dead thread for you, now go see how nice you all were about it.

Why don't you go pull up my post in that thread, TM.
Then I would like a sincere apology from you.

How is asking you to go look at how nice you were claiming you said something you didnt say?
Meister are you going to apologise?

You said ALL, dipshit. Meister and CG are part of ALL, and did not do what you claimed.

You should be apologizing to them, moron.
So, unless every single Rightwinger who is a member at USMB made a post in that thread, she lied?

Grow up.
Um, yeah. That's what 'all' means. It doesn't mean 'some. It doesn't mean 'many'. It doesn't mean 'most'. It means 'all' - every single one.

It's has a clear and concise meaning, for those who grasp any language, not just English.

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