Andrew Breitbart is Dead

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Rest in Pieces.

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That's all folks.
That's not why I called you a hypocrite. I called you a hypocrite for accepting it instead of demanding a source - like you would if it was a right wing claim.

You are a hypocritical hack.... that's not news to anyone.... except you. idiot.

I remembered him saying that as well as a few other nasty things said by the right about kenendy.

I bumped the Kenedys dead thread for you, now go see how nice you all were about it.
Why do you people claim I said something I did not say?

Meister are you going to apologise?
Some of you say Andrew had no class or respect. The fact remains he was a human, a father, a husband and a son. Those facts are the reason respect and class is what one should have about his passing. Politics didn't define him his life did. The fact that a couple of you don't seem to contain the very human nature that you accused him of lacking is why I neged you. Then your negs you sent my way just confirmed that indeed many of you are as childish and petty as my grandson.

Even when BDBoop messaged me to tell me she was leaving the site I had enough self dignity to wish her well. So many of you are just sad sad people.
Some of the most disgusting people in history were also fathers, sons, brothers.

It's an irrelevant thing to bring up.
No, no Synth.....clearly stated "you all" in her post. It's very clear what she posted.
She needs to stop painting with that broad brush of hers. You are only enabling her by condoning what she posts, Synth. Try tough love with may be the best for her.

Side note: Finally you have a good avie. :lol:
I take 'you all' to mean the Rightwingers on this board. I think that's a pretty obvious and correct general assumption, don't you?

Now, did Rightwingers, in general, attack Kennedy in that thread? Yes.

Funny, because I don't see you ever jumping in to correct the record when someone on the Right makes a general statement about the Left.
I never attacked Kennedy in that thread, or any thread about his death.

Lying asswipe.
Well, good for you!

DEAR READER: In the first decade of the DRUDGEREPORT Andrew Breitbart was a constant source of energy, passion and commitment. We shared a love of headlines, a love of the news, an excitement about what's happening. I don't think there was a single day during that time when we did not flash each other or laugh with each other, or challenge each other. I still see him in my mind's eye in Venice Beach, the sunny day I met him. He was in his mid 20's. It was all there. He had a wonderful, loving family and we all feel great sadness for them today... MDRUDGE
Where did I do that?

In your fucking post about Kennedy's thread.... you said 'you all'.... you all.... that includes me... only I wasn't here so I didn't. So you lied. Again.


Hmmmmm. I don't know which emoticon to use over this luscious piece of narcissism. :lol: or :cuckoo:

It's a toughie.

I said exactly the same thing as Meister... and yet you ignore his "narcissism" and focus solely on mine.

:lol: or :cuckoo: or just plain jack shit stupid? Indeed, it is a 'toughie'.
Some of you say Andrew had no class or respect. The fact remains he was a human, a father, a husband and a son. Those facts are the reason respect and class is what one should have about his passing. Politics didn't define him his life did. The fact that a couple of you don't seem to contain the very human nature that you accused him of lacking is why I neged you. Then your negs you sent my way just confirmed that indeed many of you are as childish and petty as my grandson.

Even when BDBoop messaged me to tell me she was leaving the site I had enough self dignity to wish her well. So many of you are just sad sad people.
Some of the most disgusting people in history were also fathers, sons, brothers.

It's an irrelevant thing to bring up.

It's the only thing that matters on the day of his death idiot.
That's not why I called you a hypocrite. I called you a hypocrite for accepting it instead of demanding a source - like you would if it was a right wing claim.

You are a hypocritical hack.... that's not news to anyone.... except you. idiot.

I remembered him saying that as well as a few other nasty things said by the right about kenendy.

I bumped the Kenedys dead thread for you, now go see how nice you all were about it.
Why do you people claim I said something I did not say?

why is it you people can just lie about me and never apologise?

DEAR READER: In the first decade of the DRUDGEREPORT Andrew Breitbart was a constant source of energy, passion and commitment. We shared a love of headlines, a love of the news, an excitement about what's happening. I don't think there was a single day during that time when we did not flash each other or laugh with each other, or challenge each other. I still see him in my mind's eye in Venice Beach, the sunny day I met him. He was in his mid 20's. It was all there. He had a wonderful, loving family and we all feel great sadness for them today... MDRUDGE
Met at Venice Beach eh? :eusa_whistle:
I will dignify you with an answer because I respect you.... Ted Kennedy was a murderer who was allowed to get away with it for decades and worshiped by the left as a 'good man'.
Andrew Breitbart didnt kill a young woman... he exposed the left for who they were. He fought them with their own tactics, but he never killed anyone.

Some of the comments here today are despicable... not shocking, and worse yet, expected.

I agree about Kennedy. He got off that incident because of his family.... anyone else would have gone to prison. But it is what it is. I don't expect the left to behave any better than the right do.

I suspect there is a lot of relief on the left today... they'll figure that, with his death, there's no one to expose them.... they are, of course, wrong. :lol:
I have been in a car accident, released from the hospital that day but was dazed for a couple hours. That noted, Kennedy not calling rescue once he regained his senses was inexcusable. THAT disqualified him from the Presidency in my view, despite the good he did for the elderly, disabled, and poor. Breitbart was an entertainer, though many took him seriously, many did not. His passing at such a young age, with four children, is sad. Speculation about murder is an insult, be that Obama had him killed or Drudge did. His "secret tapes" may have true, as where the allegations against the HAPPILY removed Weiner, or false such as those involving Sherrod.

I like it. Never enough drama or conspiracy theory on the internets! In this day and age of preventative medicine it is highly unlikely that a man of his prominence dies of a heart attack out of the blue. That is suggesting that he never went to a doctor. Every time I go see a sawbones the very first thing they do is check my heart and I have zero history of heart problems. I even get medication prescribed to prevent any possible heart trouble arising. Unless Breitbart was a total nincumpoop and didn't take his responsibility to his family seriously there is no way he did not go in for a check up from time to time. So the possibility that someone so caustic could be murdered is not out of the question. When you spend a lot of your time insulting others ...and others that have the means to defend themselves create enemies. If someone dislikes you bad enough they may act on those feelings. It's not like the guy was a monk in a monestary and died at 43.

So why would Obama have him killed? Well HE wouldn't..the cost if discovered would be too great. BUT there are people who DO have strong positive supportive feelings about Obama and many of them are rich and powerful. If one of them had a mind to they could wack a Breitbart easily because he probably had no personal security.

There are plenty of chemical compounds that enter the skin easily and cause certain death within a few weeks. The evidense would be long gone by the time the effects would be fatal. Some of these chemicals are simple catalysts in industrial plastic production. Some are compounds used in modern spray paint application.

I'm thinking that if you piss enough people off you are bound to run accross someone that will make you pay for it.
and so is proven just how respectful of the truth the right is here.

Not one of them seems willing to apologise for lying about me.

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