Andrew McCabe admits to lying to FBI


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Will he be prosecuted for lying to the FBI like some of Trump's associates were? Don't count on it. And do you remember all of the leftist twats that criticized Trump for "attacking our institutions"? Yea, I do. By hook or crook, that is the Democratic way.

An unidentified FBI investigator detailed his frustration with Mr. McCabe over the time he spent investigating the leak, only to discover the leak came from the former deputy director himself, according to the transcripts. Mr. McCabe had repeatedly denied he was the source of the leak, but later confessed and apologized when the investigator confronted him, the transcripts said.

Ex-FBI Deputy McCabe admits to leaking info to media, obstructing probe

McCabe was on The View last February and he also LIED to the viewers about leaking information to the New York Times.

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain confronted Andrew McCabe on Tuesday, asking the former FBI director point blank if he was a source for The New York Times.

“I don’t believe you’re a reliable narrator and I’m not convinced this isn’t just some kind of PR campaign to stop yourself from getting indicted,” McCain said. "You were fired at the recommendation of the FBI, which, in your book, you cite four times how great of an organization it is, for your lack of candor.”

“I would like you to say right here on national TV that you were not a source for The New York Times. You were never a source for The New York Times, or any other publication, considering that is what you were accused of lying about,” McCain said.

A stunned McCabe shot back, “Absolutely not, not at any time, ever.”

Meghan McCain stuns Andrew McCabe on 'The View,' asks if he was New York Times leaker
Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?
K9Buck said:
Mr. McCabe had repeatedly denied he was the source of the leak, but later confessed and apologized when the investigator confronted him, the transcripts said.
Martha Went Straight To Prison For "Lying" To The FBI

McCabe 'Apologized'
That Should Be Good Enough For Any One
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Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?

I think we should have equal application of the law. How about you?
Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?

I think we should have equal application of the law. How about you?

For sure! So then Rudy should be investigated by the FBI to find out who in the FBI leaked the information to him about Weiner's laptop right? I believe no matter who you are, you should follow the same laws.
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Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?

I think we should have equal application of the law. How about you?

For sure! So then Rudy should be investigated by the FBI to find out who in the FBI leaked the information to him about Weiner's laptop right? I believe no matter who you are, you should follow the same laws.

I guess it depends. If one is leaking in order to expose crime and corruption, would you support them being prosecuted?

Is that what McCabe was doing? Or did he have other reasons? Apparently, the latter.

Speaking of equal application of the law, did you agree with Hillary skating for her 100+ felonies? You or I would have gone to prison.
Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?

I think we should have equal application of the law. How about you?

For sure! So then Rudy should be investigated by the FBI to find out who in the FBI leaked the information to him about Weiner's laptop right? I believe no matter who you are, you should follow the same laws.

I guess it depends. If one is leaking in order to expose crime and corruption, would you support them being prosecuted?

Is that what McCabe was doing? Or did he have other reasons? Apparently, the latter.

Speaking of equal application of the law, did you agree with Hillary skating for her 100+ felonies? You or I would have gone to prison.

They are only felonies if they are investigated to the point charges can be filed. I thought she broke the law, but years of Republican controlled congressional investigations and investigations by the FBI said they weren't.

What Rudy was leaked, was that there were Hillary emails on his laptop. That is still a crime because it was part of an FBI investigation and had nothing to do with the charges against Wiener.
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Lewdog So the answer is "no", you DON'T believe in the equal application of the law. In fact, you don't believe in law. You believe in a banana republic system of governance. Why do you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans?
Lewdog So the answer is "no", you DON'T believe in the equal application of the law. In fact, you don't believe in law. You believe in a banana republic system of governance. Why do you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans?

Did you read my post at all? I THOUGHT she broke the law. I still do. But those who investigated her, both in Congress and the FBI, said she was negligent, but didn't commit any crimes. If McCabe lied during an investigation, he deserves to be punished. With that said, there are a lot of Trump staff who are lying. Are you going to be unbiased about them too?
Lewdog So the answer is "no", you DON'T believe in the equal application of the law. In fact, you don't believe in law. You believe in a banana republic system of governance. Why do you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans?

Did you read my post at all? I THOUGHT she broke the law. I still do. But those who investigated her, both in Congress and the FBI, said she was negligent, but didn't commit any crimes. If McCabe lied during an investigation, he deserves to be punished. With that said, there are a lot of Trump staff who are lying. Are you going to be unbiased about them too?

Congress didn't have prosecutorial authority. The corrupt Obama DOJ made sure that Hillary skated in spite of the FACT that she was caught, red-handed, having committed well over 100 felonies.

I have NO PROBLEM prosecuting Trump or anyone else that breaks the law. In fact, I wholeheartedly SUPPORT it. I can't help but notice how the law is subjectively applied based on the perpetrator's political affiliation.
An unidentified FBI investigator detailed his frustration with Mr. McCabe over the time he spent investigating the leak, only to discover the leak came from the former deputy director himself, according to the transcripts. Mr. McCabe had repeatedly denied he was the source of the leak, but later confessed and apologized when the investigator confronted him, the transcripts said.
Please link to the exact quote from the TRANSCRIPTS as we all know the Washington (MOONEY) Slimes lies almost as much as lying scum Tramp.
An unidentified FBI investigator detailed his frustration with Mr. McCabe over the time he spent investigating the leak, only to discover the leak came from the former deputy director himself, according to the transcripts. Mr. McCabe had repeatedly denied he was the source of the leak, but later confessed and apologized when the investigator confronted him, the transcripts said.
Please link to the exact quote from the TRANSCRIPTS as we all know the Washington (MOONEY) Slimes lies almost as much as lying scum Tramp.

The transcripts are linked in this Fox News link. Are you saying that all of the media outlets reporting this are lying?

McCabe apologized for misleading investigators on leak, transcripts show
Lewdog So the answer is "no", you DON'T believe in the equal application of the law. In fact, you don't believe in law. You believe in a banana republic system of governance. Why do you love the Democratic Party more than you love average Americans?

Did you read my post at all? I THOUGHT she broke the law. I still do. But those who investigated her, both in Congress and the FBI, said she was negligent, but didn't commit any crimes. If McCabe lied during an investigation, he deserves to be punished. With that said, there are a lot of Trump staff who are lying. Are you going to be unbiased about them too?

Congress didn't have prosecutorial authority. The corrupt Obama DOJ made sure that Hillary skated in spite of the FACT that she was caught, red-handed, having committed well over 100 felonies.

I have NO PROBLEM prosecuting Trump or anyone else that breaks the law. In fact, I wholeheartedly SUPPORT it. I can't help but notice how the law is subjectively applied based on the perpetrator's political affiliation.

A LOT of the time those in Washington skate on crimes or don't get charged at all. It is sickening. That guy from Texas (?) that resigned his seat once it was found out he had been caught sexually harassing a woman staff member and that Congress (Tax payers) PAID for his settlement with her makes me sick. What made it worse was he never paid it back. Then Pruitt who resigned when he got busted using tax payer money to make private trips and to upgrade to 1st class... and never paid that back should be a crime as well.

The only big guys that have been busted lately was Rep. Steve King for insider trading, and Duncan Hunter for spending campaign money to take trips, go golfing, buy jewelry, buy clothes...
An unidentified FBI investigator detailed his frustration with Mr. McCabe over the time he spent investigating the leak, only to discover the leak came from the former deputy director himself, according to the transcripts. Mr. McCabe had repeatedly denied he was the source of the leak, but later confessed and apologized when the investigator confronted him, the transcripts said.
Please link to the exact quote from the TRANSCRIPTS as we all know the Washington (MOONEY) Slimes lies almost as much as lying scum Tramp.

The transcripts are linked in this Fox News link. Are you saying that all of the media outlets reporting this are lying?

McCabe apologized for misleading investigators on leak, transcripts show
Gee what a surprise, NOT, nowhere does McCabe say ANYTHING in those transcripts, let alone give an apology!!!!!
In fact McCabe is not even interviewed in those transcripts. Just some UNNAMED Trump State hack making unsubstantiated claims.
Lewdog said:
Did you read my post at all? I THOUGHT she broke the law.
Destroying Subpoenaed Evidence Is A Felony On It's Face
And Contrary To Comey's Remarks
She WAS Sophisticated Enough
To Destroy And Bleach Associated Devices
Hillary's Innocence.jpg
Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?

When you or anyone is questioned by a LEO you have two choices. Option A. Tell the truth. Option B. Say nothing under the Fifth Amendment.

Those are your only choices.
Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?

I think we should have equal application of the law. How about you?

For sure! So then Rudy should be investigated by the FBI to find out who in the FBI leaked the information to him about Weiner's laptop right? I believe no matter who you are, you should follow the same laws.

How about we imprison the fuckers we KNOW committed crimes.

Start with those then get to your fantasies later.
Do you think they should investigate and prosecute all leakers in the FBI? If there is an investigation should everyone comply with the FBI and answer their questions honestly?

I think we should have equal application of the law. How about you?

For sure! So then Rudy should be investigated by the FBI to find out who in the FBI leaked the information to him about Weiner's laptop right? I believe no matter who you are, you should follow the same laws.

How about we imprison the fuckers we KNOW committed crimes.

Start with those then get to your fantasies later.

Unfortunately everyone in this country has rights. They don't get convicted because some people think they did broke the law. It sucks that there is a criminal justice system where they are investigated, it is decided to put them in front of a judge and jury, and they have to be proven guilty there. Damn shame there are soooo many steps to put someone in jail or put them to death in this country....

It sounds like you would prefer anarchy or Communism. I think you are in the wrong country.
Unfortunately everyone in this country has rights. They don't get convicted because some people think they did broke the law. It sucks that there is a criminal justice system where they are investigated, it is decided to put them in front of a judge and jury, and they have to be proven guilty there. Damn shame there are soooo many steps to put someone in jail or put them to death in this country....

It sounds like you would prefer anarchy or Communism. I think you are in the wrong country.

Hillary was caught, red-handed, along with her aides, of committing innumerable felonies. She was never charged, let alone prosecuted or convicted.

Team Mueller, on the other hand, threw the book at anyone on team Trump that even jaywalked.

If you don't believe in equal application of the law, then you don't believe in law and we're a banana republic where only the political undesirables are held accountable for crimes against the American people.

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