Andrew McCabe admits to lying to FBI

Hate to bust your obsessive balloon but I'm not a member of the Democrat Party.

That what she did any different than say, what Trump does - conducting unsecured phone conversations discussing sensitive policy matters, that anyone can hack into?

Is it criminal?

Or, just stupid and careless?

Hey Bob, it's not been established that Trump was using an unsecure phone. That's simply a claim by the lying, leftist media, you know, the same folks that said Trump paid prostitutes to piss in a bed and who told you that Trump conspired with Putin.

None of that matters to you. If a Democrat commits a crime or an act of corruption, you look the other way and then parrot some accusation which is, somehow, supposed to absolve the Democrat from their crime/corruption and everything is good, right, Bob.

Actually, I just try to ask rational questions in hopes of a rational answer. I have yet to hear one.

It's pretty established he used an insecure phone on a regular basis. Here is one of your chosen sources saying the same thing.

Trump's cellphone use worries security experts

So it a crime? Like you claim Hillary did?

Yep, and it isn't just about using an unsecure cell phone, it is also about making calls to unsecure phones during non-scheduled calls and then talking about classified information. For example calling Sondlan in a restaurant with several people around in hearing distance.

McCabe was authorized too leak certain things... he was not fired for leaking unauthorized information. He was fired for not being completely truthful about it, to the IG, on several occasions, if memory served....

and he was not accused of lying under oath, or lying.. he was accused of Lack of Candor, which is a wrong doing of a lower level, than telling an outright lie or 'falsification' to an official investigator.

He ok'd another FBI agent to leak...

The Press had been promoting that the email investigation of Clinton was over, and they FALSELY said, the Clinton Foundation Investigation was over too.

THIS WAS NOT TRUE The Clinton Foundation was STILL under Investigation, and McCabe ok'd that being leaked to the press, to allegedly correct the record.

He had no nefarious reason to lie about it, because it was an ok leak, one that did not involve leaking any pertinent information in the investigation being done... yet he repeatedly mislead the IG on it.....?

The only reason that I can think of, for his Lack of Candor with the IG, is maybe he did not want to be pointed out as just another FBI agent, in addition to Comey, trying to dick Hillary, during the campaign, by having this correction released to the public? :dunno:

THAT LEAK, is hardly worth a prison sentence, let alone, losing half of your retirement over it.... :rolleyes:
She probably thought that it would be more secure than a public email account.

If so, why then did Obama create an anonymous email account through which to communicate to Hillary? And when did Obama LIE when he was asked when he knew about Hillary's private server? And why did Hillary destroy 33,000 emails that were under a congressional subpoena?

-Obama create an anonymous email account-

State where that is a crime for the president to have an anonymous email account

you seem to think that it was a crime and that there was some nefarious dirty deeds done dirt cheap

big wolf so he had a anonymous email account

[email protected]

really anonymous

well at least he didn't have a twitter account

And when did Obama LIE when he was asked when he knew about Hillary's private server?

Well prove that he did know. Just because he email someone does not mean he knows that it is a private server being used. He traded email with Hillary does not mean he is aware of the mechanism of what domains are being used.

just repubs grasping at straws yet when Trump lies then there is a eerie silence

And why did Hillary destroy 33,000 emails that were under a congressional subpoena?

Hillary did not order anyone to destroy the emails it was one of her employees who thought he was doing his job. still they were all recovered by the FBI

The FBI did fine several thousand emails yet the FBI found no evidence that any of the additional work related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them

She was investigated and no charges.

Get over it
McCabe was authorized too leak certain things... he was not fired for leaking unauthorized information. He was fired for not being completely truthful about it, to the IG, on several occasions, if memory served....

What are you talking about? McCabe lied to his own FBI investigator that was looking for the source of the leaks? Lying to the FBI is a crime. McCabe lied to the FBI.
... it is also about making calls to unsecure phones during non-scheduled calls and then talking about classified information...

You don't know that anyone was using an unsecured phone nor do you know what the topic of the discussion was.

We KNOW Hillary used a private server and we KNOW that she transmitted well over 100 classified documents through it. We also KNOW that copies of these were found on Anthony Weiner's laptop.

Your response to all of that is "Well, Trump used an unsecure phone". That's your way of absolving Hillary from her willful crimes and corruption. And you do that because your loyalty is not to truth or to the law or even to the average American; your loyalty is to the Democratic Party.
It's pretty established he used an insecure phone on a regular basis.

Hey Bob, how do you know that Trump's cell phone isn't secure? And please share with us the details of his conversations that he's had on it. Thanks in advance, Bob.
It's not wrong or a crime... because he has an R after his name.

The left is constantly fabricating hoaxes regarding Trump. As well, there is no IG report stating that Trump violated any laws. On the contrary, the IG report revealed that Hillary broke the law well over 100 times and each was a felony.
And when did Obama LIE when he was asked when he knew about Hillary's private server?

Well prove that he did know.

Obama was interviewed by CBS News and stated that he found out about Hillary's private server at the same time that the public became aware of it. Go to the 30-second mark of this video:

IG Report Shows Obama Lied About Hillary's Secret E-mail Scheme

And what would be your point. He said he found out about it like everyone else

You are the one who implies that because they traded emails that he was aware that it was a private server
And what would be your point. He said he found out about it like everyone else

You are the one who implies that because they traded emails that he was aware that it was a private server

Obama created the anonymous email account to avoid oversight because his official email account is subject to review. Obama wrote to her at a non-government email address. Obama's intent, as was Hillary's, was to avoid oversight and transparency. Yes, Obama knew about Hillary's secret server from likely the beginning. Yes, Obama approved of her using it, even though he had promised to run the "most transparent" administration in history. Yes, Obama LIED about knowing about it when he was interviewed by CBS.

Hillary broke the law, repeatedly, and skated because Obama himself was also involved and so Obama's corrupt AG made sure that Hillary skated.

Why are you unwilling to acknowledge these basic facts? Why are you so intent on supporting extreme government crime and corruption?
She was investigated and no charges.

She wasn't charged because Barry and his AG were corrupt.

She was not charged because it was determine there was no crime

the same with Trump when Mueller concluded that there was not enough evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians

See how that works. People are investigated and the it may or may not lead to charges

Just because you do not like the results doesn't indicate corruptness

It just indicates that you do not agree with the decision based on political persuasion

obviously the FBI can do an investigation and raise upon the politics and determine if a crime was committed.
She was not charged because it was determine there was no crime.

Wrong. Hillary and her aids transmitted well over 100 classified documents through her server, each being a felony. This is not in dispute. It is a crime to do so. It's been proven that she did so. The corrupt Obama Administration chose not to prosecute her. Had it been a Republican, or you or I, we would have gone to prison.

Trump did not commit a crime and "collusion" is NOT a crime, not that he did so anyway.
It just indicates that you do not agree with the decision based on political persuasion

I'm pointing out FACTS, of which you are in denial.

It's because of radical partisans like you that Democrats are able to engage in monolithic corruption. They know that you don't care and that, even when caught, guys like you will deny it and absolve them for their crimes. Not only that, you'll vote for them - again! Thanks.
It just indicates that you do not agree with the decision based on political persuasion

I'm pointing out FACTS, of which you are in denial.

It's because of radical partisans like you that Democrats are able to engage in monolithic corruption. They know that you don't care and that, even when caught, guys like you will deny it and absolve them for their crimes. Not only that, you'll vote for them - again! Thanks.

Coming from a Trump supporter that's really kind of funny :lol:

Coming from a Trump supporter that's really kind of funny :lol:

View attachment 298790

The only money Trump took out of the charity was his own. Don't tell me that you want facts when you consistently ignore facts that are inconvenient for your worldview.
That is not the way the law views. And you will shamelessly defend Trump corruption while accusing others of shamelessly defending Dems? You might want to get that log in your eye checked out bubby.
Coming from a Trump supporter that's really kind of funny :lol:

View attachment 298790

The only money Trump took out of the charity was his own. Don't tell me that you want facts when you consistently ignore facts that are inconvenient for your worldview.
That is not the way the law views. And you will shamelessly defend Trump corruption while accusing others of shamelessly defending Dems? You might want to get that log in your eye checked out bubby.

The dishonest implication is that Trump was taking money donated by others. Naturally, you're adverse to truth. I never said anything about how the law views it or if it's acceptable. Remove the stump from your own eye, Bob.

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