Andrew McCabe is worried about going to prison


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

The Trump DOJ had justified McCabe’s firing by citing an internal probe which found he had authorized the leaking of information to the Wall Street Journal and lied to investigators about it.

McCabe is another corrupt Democrat operative.
He was lucky that he was only fired.
He should have gone to prison.
The FBI is supposed be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Party.
McCabe is adored by the radical left for helping them undermine our constitutional republic.
Trump should depoliticize the DOJ and the FBI.



Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

The Trump DOJ had justified McCabe’s firing by citing an internal probe which found he had authorized the leaking of information to the Wall Street Journal and lied to investigators about it.

McCabe is another corrupt Democrat operative.
He was lucky that he was only fired.
He should have gone to prison.
The FBI is supposed be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Party.
McCabe is adored by the radical left for helping them undermine our constitutional republic.
Trump should depoliticize the DOJ and the FBI.

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I don't understand this. Doesn't he know the justice system and realize he didn't commit any crimes? So, unless he presumes a new bunch of agents and judges, similar to what is going on in New York; would just be placed all across the U.S and a secret police state forming, he shouldn't have any concerns at all

This is a very strange response from a seasoned, former authority. Maybe if he were a little person afraid of poor policies and abuses of power but a former head of the FBI? Doesn't make sense.
Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

The Trump DOJ had justified McCabe’s firing by citing an internal probe which found he had authorized the leaking of information to the Wall Street Journal and lied to investigators about it.

McCabe is another corrupt Democrat operative.
He was lucky that he was only fired.
He should have gone to prison.
The FBI is supposed be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Party.
McCabe is adored by the radical left for helping them undermine our constitutional republic.
Trump should depoliticize the DOJ and the FBI.

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Trump is an evil bastard who fired McCabe on the last day he was eligible for his pension. Trump did that deliberately because he's a corrupt craven rat bastard.

End of story.
Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

The Trump DOJ had justified McCabe’s firing by citing an internal probe which found he had authorized the leaking of information to the Wall Street Journal and lied to investigators about it.

McCabe is another corrupt Democrat operative.
He was lucky that he was only fired.
He should have gone to prison.
The FBI is supposed be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Party.
McCabe is adored by the radical left for helping them undermine our constitutional republic.
Trump should depoliticize the DOJ and the FBI.

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McCabe's sniveling interview on CNN was hilarious. How do we end up with pathetic losers like McCabe, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, etc. at leading our intelligence agencies?
In case you didn't notice, the latest left wing scare tactic is "revenge". Lefties claim that Trump plans revenge while they are trying to send the former president and "America's mayor" to prison on frivolous and technical charges prosecuted by crooked judicial system.
What about Strzok, though? These fuckers should hang for treason is how it really is.

Guess who concocted the raid on Mar-A-Lago? Those two's former subordinates.

Conflict of interest and government abuse in spades.
Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

The Trump DOJ had justified McCabe’s firing by citing an internal probe which found he had authorized the leaking of information to the Wall Street Journal and lied to investigators about it.

McCabe is another corrupt Democrat operative.
He was lucky that he was only fired.
He should have gone to prison.
The FBI is supposed be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Party.
McCabe is adored by the radical left for helping them undermine our constitutional republic.
Trump should depoliticize the DOJ and the FBI.

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Why would McCabe be worried if he did nothing wrong? A friend wants to know?
McCabe's sniveling interview on CNN was hilarious. How do we end up with pathetic losers like McCabe, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, etc. at leading our intelligence agencies?
Because 30 years ago, a certain individual who "Didnt have sexual relations with that woman" was having these guys recruited off the streets....
Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe claimed many members of the intelligence community are fearful of a potential second Donald Trump term, saying Wednesday that some are even considering fleeing the country.

McCabe, a CNN analyst, told "The Source" anchor Kaitlan Collins that there was an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty within the intelligence community over the prospect of Trump returning to the White House. According to the former FBI leader, officials believe Trump will seek retribution against his political enemies during his second term.

The Trump DOJ had justified McCabe’s firing by citing an internal probe which found he had authorized the leaking of information to the Wall Street Journal and lied to investigators about it.

McCabe is another corrupt Democrat operative.
He was lucky that he was only fired.
He should have gone to prison.
The FBI is supposed be protecting the public, not the Corrupt Democrat Party.
McCabe is adored by the radical left for helping them undermine our constitutional republic.
Trump should depoliticize the DOJ and the FBI.

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Barr tried to get him to prison. The case was so weak they couldn't get the Grand Jury (the ham sandwich people) to agree to indict.

By the way, NONE of you. NOT. A. SOLITARY. ONE. Complained about "Weaponization of the DOJ" in this case. And unlike Biden. Trump sure as hell, publicly, and repeatedly told the DOJ to charge McCabe.
Readers Digest version: Everyone is supposed to protect Trump. If they don’t, they must be corrupt.

And at the same time -- trying desperately to find a silver lining in this insane, slow motion disaster -- it could be argued that going after anyone in politics or national law enforcement who breaks the law has its benefits, theoretically warning folks to start flying straight.

However -- watch me argue with myself here -- if it's nothing more than the party currently in power going after perceived political enemies, we're going to get neverending and conspiracy-driven "investigations" for purely partisan reasons. Pure showbiz fer fundraising & votes.

This could actually work in a mature, collaborative environment, but given our current electoral/political "system", there's not a lot of reason for hope.
There's that gaslight theatre creepy implication nonsense again.
And again, and again ad infinitum.
He's a crook SeaMajor7.... Which has been proven, over and over and over again, in court!!!

Trump University fraud-libel
Trump Foundation Charity fraud -libel
Trump Org tax evasion etc -Guilty
Trump Org fraud -libel
Sexual abuse -libel
Trump falsifying business records - guilty

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