Angela Merkel: We Will Shut Down ‘Hate Speech’ Otherwise We Will Not Have A Free Society

More proof you're on of the jerks. Using my parents as mentors to support free speech and fascism is something only an asshole would do. Fuck off, you're now on IGNORE. Nothing you've posted is worth reading.

My goodness, how dramatic. You have outdone yourself in the histrionics department.

My goodness, you have me on ignore, now? I suppose I should back off before I push you to the point where you have no other alternative than threatening to hold your breath until you turn blue.
It's been like this in Germany since at least 1945.

Here it began in 2015:

From the link trump's mouth:

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
That statement has been proven true over and over and over...….maybe open your eyes

My eyes are wide open, the Mexican People I know are family oriented, conservative, religious, hard workers and "good people". Of course every human population has bad apples, but to characterized the many in one set as criminal, and as an off hand remark "assume some are good people", is disingenuous and in trump's case stupid.
What is it with German Chancellors?


Shades of Nancy Pelosi. Gotta shut down all that speech to find out what is in it!

Must be a psycho liberal bitch thing.

I suppose you've taken whatever The Speaker said out of context, since your kind is offended by the truth, justice and criticism of your dear leader, trump.

What would you know of "My Kind," Butt Munch?

Your kind call others "Butt Munchers", and use other slurs (because you and they lack the intelligence and education to post rebuttals to anything which causes you and them to think).

It would be interesting to know the details of your so called education. My guess is that you have a useless good for nothing liberal arts degree in something equally as useless like gay art history. What's even funnier is that you probably went in the hole financially to get that useless piece of butt wipe. Is there any wonder who the fool is here? LOL

Fuck off asshole, you've already proved to be too dumb to have been educated beyond what trump tells you to believe. I don't hate you, I'm convinced you are mentally retarded and pity you, as well as the other Trumpanzees.
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"We will curtail freedom of speech to be free". Really? LOL!

Of course the Left Wing asshole turds gets to decide what is "hate speech".

I suppose most people will understand calling someone "Left Wing asshole turds" a form of hate speech.

In legal parlance the use of "fighting words" is a defense, many times used successfully to mitigate the crime of battery.

One thing about these Moon Bat pussies. They get butthurt over everything.

The last thing a free people would want to do is give those little shitheads the ability to curtail free speech.

"Congress shall make no laws ..." The civil law does enforce when speech is hateful or defamatory.
It's been like this in Germany since at least 1945.

Here it began in 2015:

From the link trump's mouth:

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
That statement has been proven true over and over and over...….maybe open your eyes

My eyes are wide open, the Mexican People I know are family oriented, conservative, religious, hard workers and "good people". Of course every human population has bad apples, but to characterized the many in one set as criminal, and as an off hand remark "assume some are good people", is disingenuous and in trump's case stupid.
When small towns have an epidemic of illegal child rapists it might time to question your assumptions
It's been like this in Germany since at least 1945.

Here it began in 2015:

From the link trump's mouth:

When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
That statement has been proven true over and over and over...….maybe open your eyes

My eyes are wide open, the Mexican People I know are family oriented, conservative, religious, hard workers and "good people". Of course every human population has bad apples, but to characterized the many in one set as criminal, and as an off hand remark "assume some are good people", is disingenuous and in trump's case stupid.

When small towns have an epidemic of illegal child rapists it might time to question your assumptions

Elaborate on this post, what are you claiming and do you have some evidence about an "epidemic of illegal child rapists". All rapes are illegal and all are heinous crimes!
Seems rational, as long as hate speech is clearly defined. And not used as a political machination - a common use here on the USMB.

until you say something that isn't liked, then suddenly it's a different story you and screaming the same words lmfao

that's why the fkn a. holes on here don't get what it means when the idiots say " their site their right". LMFAO>>>>. Including you the SJW definer.
I/E -- there shall be no criticism of Islam.

Things are all proceeding according to plan.

As posted above, hate speech needs to be defined. Criticism is fair game, and to hate over a billion Muslims is ludicrous.

why? is it ok to hate approximately two and one half million Zoroastrians?
----or ----infinite hindus? Hate speech does NEED to be defined-----anyone
I'm convinced you are mentally retarded and pity you, as well as the other Trumpanzees.

Congratulations .you have just indulged in hate speech.

I will notify the commandant at the gulag to be expecting you.

I hope you like breaking rocks.
What is it with German Chancellors?


Shades of Nancy Pelosi. Gotta shut down all that speech to find out what is in it!

Must be a psycho liberal bitch thing.

I suppose you've taken whatever The Speaker said out of context, since your kind is offended by the truth, justice and criticism of your dear leader, trump.

What would you know of "My Kind," Butt Munch?

Your kind call others "Butt Munchers", and use other slurs (because you and they lack the intelligence and education to post rebuttals to anything which causes you and them to think).

It would be interesting to know the details of your so called education. My guess is that you have a useless good for nothing liberal arts degree in something equally as useless like gay art history. What's even funnier is that you probably went in the hole financially to get that useless piece of butt wipe. Is there any wonder who the fool is here? LOL

What's most amazing Dick is that it is always the most juvenile, obvious and preposterous members here who always call others out putting them down for THEIR lack of education and intelligence! That seems to be the default argument by all hardcore Left: that you are wrong because you are obviously inferior to their Elite levels of education and intellect! Rather than the actual facts of the matter themselves.

To hear Tards talk, they all graduated Harvard Law summa cum laude.

Recently, G5000 admitted that before tackling politics, his field of employment had been exposing psychics and other frauds of the paranormal. I didn't know there was even much demand or work in that field.

Yet you can never pin down a Tard on anything they claim. The best tards spend all day putting other's statements and opinions down but never actually state any real opinion or position of their own to agree or disagree with! You can't get them to back up a thing they ever say and I've heard others complain of the outrageous claims of many, their wealth, homes, hobbies, backgrounds, that nothing anyone ever says is ever believed.

Golfing Gator and I seldom agree, but at least he gave me credit once for actually producing copies of the tax licenses from previous businesses I used to own. I may be one of the few or only person here to ever make a statement about themself that he actually backed up with credible proof. The Fly Catcher, well, not so much.
Shades of Nancy Pelosi. Gotta shut down all that speech to find out what is in it!

Must be a psycho liberal bitch thing.

I suppose you've taken whatever The Speaker said out of context, since your kind is offended by the truth, justice and criticism of your dear leader, trump.

What would you know of "My Kind," Butt Munch?

Your kind call others "Butt Munchers", and use other slurs (because you and they lack the intelligence and education to post rebuttals to anything which causes you and them to think).

It would be interesting to know the details of your so called education. My guess is that you have a useless good for nothing liberal arts degree in something equally as useless like gay art history. What's even funnier is that you probably went in the hole financially to get that useless piece of butt wipe. Is there any wonder who the fool is here? LOL

What's most amazing Dick is that it is always the most juvenile, obvious and preposterous members here who always call others out putting them down for THEIR lack of education and intelligence! That seems to be the default argument by all hardcore Left: that you are wrong because you are obviously inferior to their Elite levels of education and intellect! Rather than the actual facts of the matter themselves.

To hear Tards talk, they all graduated Harvard Law summa cum laude.

Recently, G5000 admitted that before tackling politics, his field of employment had been exposing psychics and other frauds of the paranormal. I didn't know there was even much demand or work in that field.

Yet you can never pin down a Tard on anything they claim. The best tards spend all day putting other's statements and opinions down but never actually state any real opinion or position of their own to agree or disagree with! You can't get them to back up a thing they ever say and I've heard others complain of the outrageous claims of many, their wealth, homes, hobbies, backgrounds, that nothing anyone ever says is ever believed.

Golfing Gator and I seldom agree, but at least he gave me credit once for actually producing copies of the tax licenses from previous businesses I used to own. I may be one of the few or only person here to ever make a statement about themself that he actually backed up with credible proof. The Fly Catcher, well, not so much.

Authoritarian political correctness demands a lack of intellect rather than being the product of one. What kind of brains does it take to march in utter lockstep with the other authoritarians? Intelligent people are questioning by nature. There authoritarians are the very antithesis of such as it is all about unquestioning conformity with them.

They are at the very lowest rung of Kohlberg's moral reasoning scale as they operate on a simplistic rewards/ punishment level. They repeat all the politically correct double standards and receive props from all their little peeps. If they don't, they receive ridicule and are ostracized.
Shades of Nancy Pelosi. Gotta shut down all that speech to find out what is in it!

Must be a psycho liberal bitch thing.

I suppose you've taken whatever The Speaker said out of context, since your kind is offended by the truth, justice and criticism of your dear leader, trump.

What would you know of "My Kind," Butt Munch?

Your kind call others "Butt Munchers", and use other slurs (because you and they lack the intelligence and education to post rebuttals to anything which causes you and them to think).

It would be interesting to know the details of your so called education. My guess is that you have a useless good for nothing liberal arts degree in something equally as useless like gay art history. What's even funnier is that you probably went in the hole financially to get that useless piece of butt wipe. Is there any wonder who the fool is here? LOL

Fuck off asshole, you've already proved to be too dumb to have been educated beyond what trump tells you to believe. I don't hate you, I'm convinced you are mentally retarded and pity you, as well as the other Trumpanzees.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: ^ ^ ^ ^ "you've proved to be too dumb?" ^ ^ ^ ^ :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

It just doesn't get any better Dick! Almost like magic, another Tard exposes his true nature not even able to use correct syntax and grammar for the tense of the verb 'prove/proven/proved' while calling others out on their education!

It never fails.
I suppose you've taken whatever The Speaker said out of context, since your kind is offended by the truth, justice and criticism of your dear leader, trump.

What would you know of "My Kind," Butt Munch?

Your kind call others "Butt Munchers", and use other slurs (because you and they lack the intelligence and education to post rebuttals to anything which causes you and them to think).

It would be interesting to know the details of your so called education. My guess is that you have a useless good for nothing liberal arts degree in something equally as useless like gay art history. What's even funnier is that you probably went in the hole financially to get that useless piece of butt wipe. Is there any wonder who the fool is here? LOL

What's most amazing Dick is that it is always the most juvenile, obvious and preposterous members here who always call others out putting them down for THEIR lack of education and intelligence! That seems to be the default argument by all hardcore Left: that you are wrong because you are obviously inferior to their Elite levels of education and intellect! Rather than the actual facts of the matter themselves.

To hear Tards talk, they all graduated Harvard Law summa cum laude.

Recently, G5000 admitted that before tackling politics, his field of employment had been exposing psychics and other frauds of the paranormal. I didn't know there was even much demand or work in that field.

Yet you can never pin down a Tard on anything they claim. The best tards spend all day putting other's statements and opinions down but never actually state any real opinion or position of their own to agree or disagree with! You can't get them to back up a thing they ever say and I've heard others complain of the outrageous claims of many, their wealth, homes, hobbies, backgrounds, that nothing anyone ever says is ever believed.

Golfing Gator and I seldom agree, but at least he gave me credit once for actually producing copies of the tax licenses from previous businesses I used to own. I may be one of the few or only person here to ever make a statement about themself that he actually backed up with credible proof. The Fly Catcher, well, not so much.

Authoritarian political correctness demands a lack of intellect rather than being the product of one. What kind of brains does it take to march in utter lockstep with the other authoritarians? Intelligent people are questioning by nature. There authoritarians are the very antithesis of such as it is all about unquestioning conformity with them.

They are at the very lowest rung of Kohlberg's moral reasoning scale as they operate on a simplistic rewards/ punishment level. They repeat all the politically correct double standards and receive props from all their little peeps. If they don't, they receive ridicule and are ostracized.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ FIVE-STAR POST. :113:

"Intelligent people are questioning by nature. These authoritarians are the very antithesis of such as it is all about unquestioning conformity with them."

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Shades of Nancy Pelosi. Gotta shut down all that speech to find out what is in it!

Must be a psycho liberal bitch thing.

I suppose you've taken whatever The Speaker said out of context, since your kind is offended by the truth, justice and criticism of your dear leader, trump.

What would you know of "My Kind," Butt Munch?

Your kind call others "Butt Munchers", and use other slurs (because you and they lack the intelligence and education to post rebuttals to anything which causes you and them to think).

It would be interesting to know the details of your so called education. My guess is that you have a useless good for nothing liberal arts degree in something equally as useless like gay art history. What's even funnier is that you probably went in the hole financially to get that useless piece of butt wipe. Is there any wonder who the fool is here? LOL

What's most amazing Dick is that it is always the most juvenile, obvious and preposterous members here who always call others out putting them down for THEIR lack of education and intelligence! That seems to be the default argument by all hardcore Left: that you are wrong because you are obviously inferior to their Elite levels of education and intellect! Rather than the actual facts of the matter themselves.

To hear Tards talk, they all graduated Harvard Law summa cum laude.

Recently, G5000 admitted that before tackling politics, his field of employment had been exposing psychics and other frauds of the paranormal. I didn't know there was even much demand or work in that field.

Yet you can never pin down a Tard on anything they claim. The best tards spend all day putting other's statements and opinions down but never actually state any real opinion or position of their own to agree or disagree with! You can't get them to back up a thing they ever say and I've heard others complain of the outrageous claims of many, their wealth, homes, hobbies, backgrounds, that nothing anyone ever says is ever believed.

Golfing Gator and I seldom agree, but at least he gave me credit once for actually producing copies of the tax licenses from previous businesses I used to own. I may be one of the few or only person here to ever make a statement about themself that he actually backed up with credible proof. The Fly Catcher, well, not so much.

It's now Rye Catcher, not fly catcher or any of the other childish comments common to "your kind".

I attended CAL for two years, then served three years on active duty in the Navy, followed by my Jr. and Sr. year at CAL, earning a BA in Poli Sci and History. I had one 'D' in all four years, a few 'C's' mostly 'B's' and more A's than C's. I worked 36 hours a week during my years at CAL and commuted from my parents home in San Francisco.

I then attended graduated School at San Francisco St. U., working two years full time tending bar from 6pm to 2:30 pm. completing 60 units but not finishing the requirements for a Master's Degree. I had six years to compete the program but by after my final year at State, I secured my first job in LE, Married and a year later we had our first son.

Your turn.
I suppose you've taken whatever The Speaker said out of context, since your kind is offended by the truth, justice and criticism of your dear leader, trump.

What would you know of "My Kind," Butt Munch?

Your kind call others "Butt Munchers", and use other slurs (because you and they lack the intelligence and education to post rebuttals to anything which causes you and them to think).

It would be interesting to know the details of your so called education. My guess is that you have a useless good for nothing liberal arts degree in something equally as useless like gay art history. What's even funnier is that you probably went in the hole financially to get that useless piece of butt wipe. Is there any wonder who the fool is here? LOL

What's most amazing Dick is that it is always the most juvenile, obvious and preposterous members here who always call others out putting them down for THEIR lack of education and intelligence! That seems to be the default argument by all hardcore Left: that you are wrong because you are obviously inferior to their Elite levels of education and intellect! Rather than the actual facts of the matter themselves.

To hear Tards talk, they all graduated Harvard Law summa cum laude.

Recently, G5000 admitted that before tackling politics, his field of employment had been exposing psychics and other frauds of the paranormal. I didn't know there was even much demand or work in that field.

Yet you can never pin down a Tard on anything they claim. The best tards spend all day putting other's statements and opinions down but never actually state any real opinion or position of their own to agree or disagree with! You can't get them to back up a thing they ever say and I've heard others complain of the outrageous claims of many, their wealth, homes, hobbies, backgrounds, that nothing anyone ever says is ever believed.

Golfing Gator and I seldom agree, but at least he gave me credit once for actually producing copies of the tax licenses from previous businesses I used to own. I may be one of the few or only person here to ever make a statement about themself that he actually backed up with credible proof. The Fly Catcher, well, not so much.

It's now Rye Catcher, not fly catcher or any of the other childish comments common to "your kind".

I attended CAL for two years, then served three years on active duty in the Navy, followed by my Jr. and Sr. year at CAL, earning a BA in Poli Sci and History. I had one 'D' in all four years, a few 'C's' mostly 'B's' and more A's than C's. I worked 36 hours a week during my years at CAL and commuted from my parents home in San Francisco.

I then attended graduated School at San Francisco St. U., working two years full time tending bar from 6pm to 2:30 pm. completing 60 units but not finishing the requirements for a Master's Degree. I had six years to compete the program but by after my final year at State, I secured my first job in LE, Married and a year later we had our first son.

Your turn.

Well, that explains a lot. California/SanFran educated through and through on advanced degrees of Liberalism, Progressivism and general DumbFuckery. :auiqs.jpg:
When did the media invent the Orwellian term "hate speech"? Im not sure but I didnt see it first mentioned until maybe the 1990's early 2000's? It started in Europe and less free countries which didnt have a 1st Amendment before being imported into the US by the left.
I will say this though. if you look back at a history of their implementation you will see a direct relationship between immigration and restrictions on speech.

Open your borders...lose your freedom. Its that simple.

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