Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy

Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy -

A wise but difficult decision - [My comment]

(CNN) -- Actress Angelina Jolie announced in a New York Times op-ed article on Tuesday that she underwent a preventive double mastectomy after learning she carries the BRCA1 gene, which sharply increases her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
"My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in the case of each woman," Jolie wrote. "Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could. I made a decision to have a preventive double mastectomy."

I had breast cancer, a lumpectomy and radiation therapy. I would think with regular mammograms, a double mastectomy wouldn't be necessary. I really can't make the decisions for others but I have to wonder why a cure for something they don't have yet? It is really effective? That's something we'll never know. Of course, if it gives them piece of mind, I guess it's worth it.

I do know that the radiation therapy wasn't easy and I think it messed up my immune system so, I don't know, maybe her way is better? I don't have any daughters but I would hate to think if I did have, that they would have to go through this. I was the first in my family with breast cancer.

Some women have a predisposition to get breast cancer, and if they do it usually is a very aggressive form. It's a lot like playing Russian Roulette. Why not remove all the bullets from the gun in such cases? If it was me, I would. I realize it has to be a very difficult decision, but there is so much more to life than just keeping your tits.
Angelina Jolie undergoes double mastectomy -

A wise but difficult decision - [My comment]

(CNN) -- Actress Angelina Jolie announced in a New York Times op-ed article on Tuesday that she underwent a preventive double mastectomy after learning she carries the BRCA1 gene, which sharply increases her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
"My doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the risk is different in the case of each woman," Jolie wrote. "Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could. I made a decision to have a preventive double mastectomy."

I had breast cancer, a lumpectomy and radiation therapy. I would think with regular mammograms, a double mastectomy wouldn't be necessary. I really can't make the decisions for others but I have to wonder why a cure for something they don't have yet? It is really effective? That's something we'll never know. Of course, if it gives them piece of mind, I guess it's worth it.

I do know that the radiation therapy wasn't easy and I think it messed up my immune system so, I don't know, maybe her way is better? I don't have any daughters but I would hate to think if I did have, that they would have to go through this. I was the first in my family with breast cancer.

Some women have a predisposition to get breast cancer, and if they do it usually is a very aggressive form. It's a lot like playing Russian Roulette. Why not remove all the bullets from the gun in such cases? If it was me, I would. I realize it has to be a very difficult decision, but there is so much more to life than just keeping your tits.
Not if those tits are really nice.
The influence a celebrity has on society can cause a ripple effect in behavior and attitude both positively and negatively. I hope the hucksters, quacks and bloodsuckers stay away from this issue.

A professional actor or actress gets a medical treatment so now members of the public have to run off and get the same thing? What kind of mindless culture are we talking about?

An unbelievably mindless culture.
One word: Kardashian.
Um....there is no cure yet, Politico. If there were a magic pill...then nobody would ever need a surgery.

Ignore him, Gracie. His ignorance is only exceeded by his stupidity.

Gee seeing as I am not the one talking about mustard packs, magic pills and stfy shows you might want to look in the mirror.

She had a reconstruction, you know.

'Reconstruction' lol. Call it what it is.

I just told you, and I think you're missing the point I was making. She may have done it unnecessarily. Amazing progress has been made in recent years regarding breast cancer.

Amazing? Doctors are idiots. Their incompetence in misdiagnosis is well known.
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way to lump all men together. when in truth some women are just as shallow as some men are.

too bad, you evidently hate men so much and are misandric, that you have to make such stupid, bigoted comments.

Maybe, but what we do know is that her risk of getting breast cancer has dropped from 87% to 5%.
So has her desirability. I'm just sayin'.

Really? Oh that's right. Men are THAT shallow.
im sorry but this isnt a news story for the following reasons

#1 Heart disease is the number one killer of women, not breast cancer yet it doesnt get nearly the attention that breast cancer does. Not to mention other cancers that also kill and get little attention such as lung, liver, and pancreas

#2 women werent at home going, wow, angelina got this done, i wasnt gonna get checked out, but now i am
A lot of women may get their first mammogram due to women like Jolie and Osborne..and that is a good thing.

Boobs do not define who a person is. At least, that is what my mantra was while I waited for the surgery date.

"My breast does not define me. My breast does not define me. My breast does not define me".

It worked. For awhile. Sometimes when I see myself in the mirror after a shower..I get bummed out. Sad. Depressed. So I stopped looking.
What Angie did was something I am sure she thought over for a very long time, before making the decision to remove both her breasts. Along with being her own personal choice, I am sure it had to be difficult for her.
But, it begs the question of other types of cancer and preventive measures to take...does someone with a predisposition to get colon cancer opt to have his/her colon removed? What of lung and and brain cancer? Will people go running to their doctors asking them to remove their brains 'just in case'?
When I had the surgery to remove the massive tumor from my colon, my docs kept it...they wanted to send it off to a lab along with viles of blood from my three younger brothers to see if it was genetics that caused me to develop the cancer in the first place...colon cancer DOES NOT run on either side of my bloodline, and I was only 26 years old at the time. I was what my surgical oncologist called 'a freak of nature'.
So, what if I could have afforded that ($5000 test) and the results came back that my brothers were genetically predisposed to getting the same kind of colon cancer? Other than taking the obvious preventive measures, do you think they would have been offered the choice to remove their colons?
Probably far as I know, there are not any 'fake colons' out there...just 'shit bags'. (I did not get a ostomy because I had the best colorectal surgeon in the State) Not every one is lucky enough to not need a ostomy after surgery.
I still have enough colon left that it could come back at any time...only, I don't have the option to have the rest of it removed 'just in case'...I basically just have wait and see.
I got secondary cancer 6 years later, just before I turned 33...I now have no thyroid, which has proven to make my life miserable since...if I could turn back the clock and do it over, I would have opted for a completely different treatment other than having a complete thyroidectomy. I wish I had not of gone through with that surgery......
My point, it's not always best to have something removed 'just in case'...I will say that Angie did what she thought was best for her, at least she was able to have reconstructive surgery to make 'new ones'. I hope she gets to live a long and healthy life for herself and her ever growing family.
You may be right that a lot of women will get their first mammogram due to women like jolie and osborne, I just happen to think thats sad, it takes a celebrity to tell women to take care of themselves.

I do think its sad that in america, some feel that a woman's worth is defined by her body parts, just as some women view men that way.

I find sometimes we are a shallow culture

on the other hand, I think women are beautiful because god made them

A lot of women may get their first mammogram due to women like Jolie and Osborne..and that is a good thing.

Boobs do not define who a person is. At least, that is what my mantra was while I waited for the surgery date.

"My breast does not define me. My breast does not define me. My breast does not define me".

It worked. For awhile. Sometimes when I see myself in the mirror after a shower..I get bummed out. Sad. Depressed. So I stopped looking.
I had breast cancer, a lumpectomy and radiation therapy. I would think with regular mammograms, a double mastectomy wouldn't be necessary. I really can't make the decisions for others but I have to wonder why a cure for something they don't have yet? It is really effective? That's something we'll never know. Of course, if it gives them piece of mind, I guess it's worth it.

I do know that the radiation therapy wasn't easy and I think it messed up my immune system so, I don't know, maybe her way is better? I don't have any daughters but I would hate to think if I did have, that they would have to go through this. I was the first in my family with breast cancer.

Some women have a predisposition to get breast cancer, and if they do it usually is a very aggressive form. It's a lot like playing Russian Roulette. Why not remove all the bullets from the gun in such cases? If it was me, I would. I realize it has to be a very difficult decision, but there is so much more to life than just keeping your tits.
Not if those tits are really nice.

Yes, but if you get cancer, you are likely to need them removed anyway.
AJ weighed her odds of getting cancer and made her decision not to take a risk.

Frankly, given those odds, I think she made a good choice.

She's got a lot to live for.
way to lump all men together. when in truth some women are just as shallow as some men are.

too bad, you evidently hate men so much and are misandric, that you have to make such stupid, bigoted comments.

So has her desirability. I'm just sayin'.

Really? Oh that's right. Men are THAT shallow.

No, it's not misandry: men REALLY ARE that shallow! Rule 2: all men are pigs. (Rile one, of course: all women are insane.)
Jolie is having her ovaries removed, as well. She has a 50% chance of ovarian cancer if she doesn't.
I was wondering if she was going to have a hysterectomy or not since the same gene affects the ovaries. Looks like she plans to do that as well. Good for her.

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