Angelina Jolie's New Movie 'Unbroken' Provokes Jap Outrage


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.


Angelina Jolie s new movie Unbroken provokes Japanese outrage Las Vegas Review-Journal
The Japs can go pound sand. They committed some of the worst war time atrocities imaginable. Their decendents need to be aware of what their ancestors did.
That's the same reason we need to insist that it be taught that the Civil War was about slavery. The revisionists want to pretend it was about something noble, rather than the dehumanizing system it was and that it resounds down to the present day.
I read the book. Nothing Hollywood could dream up IMO would be worse than the unspeakable physical and mental torture the Japs inflicted on that poor man and many other POWs.

If any Japanese people are upset with the movie's depictions, good. Such truth my hurt but it's not going to kill anyone. Your people did it; you own it. Deal with it.
Funny how the Japanese own Sony and the email leaks , right on time for their movie , The Interviewer and Unbroken are both due to debut on Dec 25th. Of course everyone is blaming it on N.Korea, but I think its Sony's execs and the Japs who planned the emails and leaks and its about bringing curiosity and attention to their movie instead of unbroken.
I just finished the book, but have not seen the movie yet.

Amazing what Zamperini endured. I doubt many could have survived what he went through..from 40 some days on the open ocean in small rift, to the terrible abuse by the Japanese. Amazingly the guy lived to 97 years of age. Dying just last year. He even forgave the Japanese for the horrible punishment they inflicted on him, after finding Christ.

I doubt FDR considered for one second the terrible suffering he inflicted on Americans like Zamperini, when he instigated war with Japan.
I read the book. Nothing Hollywood could dream up IMO would be worse than the unspeakable physical and mental torture the Japs inflicted on that poor man and many other POWs.

If any Japanese people are upset with the movie's depictions, good. Such truth my hurt but it's not going to kill anyone. Your people did it; you own it. Deal with it.

Mr Dingleberry, may I remind you that the FDR, then the cocksucker-in-chief

1- abandoned US neutrality and was SECRETLY fighting the Japanese in Indochina
2- FDR wanted a pretext to join WWII, Americans were opposed, so in order to change their resolve he
3- froze Japanese assets in the US
4- Refuse to sell them oil
5- he manipulated then into attacking the US - shortly after Pearl Harbor , gullible , excuse me "patriotic" Americans changed their minds

The Japanese have never been cannibals so they should be upset about this lie in the movie.
Lt. Gen. Yoshio Tachibana was convicted for war crimes and hanged. One of the charges was cannibalism.

A book is available written by a Japanese scholar who documents incidents of Japanese soldiers participating in cannibalism. The book is "HIDDEN HORRORS: Japanese War Crimes in WWII" by Toshiyuki Tanaka.
The Japanese have never been cannibals so they should be upset about this lie in the movie.
Lt. Gen. Yoshio Tachibana was convicted for war crimes and hanged. One of the charges was cannibalism.

A book is available written by a Japanese scholar who documents incidents of Japanese soldiers participating in cannibalism. The book is "HIDDEN HORRORS: Japanese War Crimes in WWII" by Toshiyuki Tanaka.

He also said he had written documents about the cannibalism but he has never showed them publicly that I know of.
I understand the Japanese are also outraged about the bogus quotes in your sigline.
They're not Japanese..............they're Japs!

, the war is over now. derrogatory terms are useful during war time but as it is, they are probably one of our better allies in that region.

PLUS..... they have the dopiest game shows on the planet, which I see as some sort of penance for their past sins, ....

Yes, and you can thank me for the video
I studied Japanese in college and had several Japanese friends. One time they told me they believed America didn't use the atomic bomb on Germany and only did on the Japanese because of racism. I pointed out to them that the first test of the atomic bomb wasn't complete until after Germany surrendered. Needless to say they were a little shocked that they had been lied to in their education system.
I studied Japanese in college and had several Japanese friends. One time they told me they believed America didn't use the atomic bomb on Germany and only did on the Japanese because of racism. I pointed out to them that the first test of the atomic bomb wasn't complete until after Germany surrendered. Needless to say they were a little shocked that they had been lied to in their education system.
And do you think the American government has not lied to us?

Our political class is nothing but liars.

FDR lied us into the war and Truman lied about why he used the a bombs.
I just finished the book, but have not seen the movie yet.

Amazing what Zamperini endured. I doubt many could have survived what he went through..from 40 some days on the open ocean in small rift, to the terrible abuse by the Japanese. Amazingly the guy lived to 97 years of age. Dying just last year. He even forgave the Japanese for the horrible punishment they inflicted on him, after finding Christ.

I doubt FDR considered for one second the terrible suffering he inflicted on Americans like Zamperini, when he instigated war with Japan.

I want to see it but will read the book first. I see its the same writer who wrote Seabiscuit , which was a very good movie. I wished he had lived long enough to see the film but its so nice he knew there was going to be a film made in his honor.

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