Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

Fuck Jon Stewart. He's the cheerleader for the radical left Democrats, always eager to gin up resentment by lying to his gullible knee-jerk reactive audience. He pimps out the DNC's talking points in a low-brow and unintelligent manner so his slavish followers can understand, creating resentment toward anyone who doesn't agree with the Donkey Cult.

If you don't believe me, just look at the post above mine. That is the result of the brainwashing being carried out on gullible patrons, by the likes of Jon Stewart and The View. I'm sure it'll only be a matter of time before their brain damaged Troglodyte viewers line up for a Dixie Cup full of cyanide-spiked Kool Aid.

Gee, tell us what you really think JGalt!!! Too bad it's nothing but right wing unvarnished right wing hate and lies.

You're spewing hatred that Democrats are trying to help veterans. Your opposition to the Bill is that Democrats proposed it and for no other reason. There is NOTHING in your diatribe about helping veterans at all, just hating Democrats.

You don't need to worry that Democrats are lining up to drink the Kool-Aid, because you've already drunk the Trump/Republican/FOX News Kool-Aid and it's killing your country. January 6th was the first of the flailing death throes of Trumpism, and the authoritarian Republican Party:

  • Stripping women of their right to a safe abortion;
  • Refusing to protect veterans overseas, or provide assistance to veterans with cancer;
  • Promising to pass a national abortion ban;
  • Refusing to pass a bill legalizing access to birth control;
  • Refusing to pass a bill codifying gay marriage
  • Refusing to ban AR Weapons
  • Refusing to pass Voting Rights Acts
  • Refusing to pass police reform bills
This is today's Republican Party.

When you add in the lying, cheating and stealing, crashing the economy, and giving all of the wealthy of the nation to those who don't pay any taxes at all, no wonder you're in such a mess.

But keep drinking that Kool-Aid, JGalt. Lies and hate are working well for your side.
That's why you like yourself so much.

Joe Biden declared as President 'the buck stops HERE!'

That's the last time he ever said that, as since then Biden, Taco Jill, Democrats, the complicit fake news media, snowflakes, and sherp have been making excuses, pointing fingers, and blaming all of his gaffes, f* up, policy & agenda failures, etc... on anything and everything except Biden and / or Democrats.

You have been some of the most ridiculous, desperate, pathetic, reality-denying, history / present-re-writing, blindly partisan sheep I have ever seen in my life.

It is a proven sickness, a serious mental disorder.

Here's the problem with your post, Sleazy. Biden's policies are working, and while getting his agenda passed has been tough sledding, he is getting it done:

1. The American Rescue Plan;
2. The Infrastructure Bill;
3. Vaccine distribution programs;
4. NATO rebuilt and strengthened;
5. 3.8% unemployment rate post pandemic;
6. Getting out of Afghanistan and getting 150,000 American and Afghan workers for the Americans out in a mostly safe and orderly fashion;
7. Passing the first significant gun control legislation in more than 30 years
8. Reduced the 2022 Budget Deficit by $1.5 Trillion.

Now he's on the verge of getting the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act passed. This is more significant legislation than Trump passed in 4 years, and

The problem for Republicans is they have nothing to offer the American people but the same "American Carnage" Trump inflicted on the nation the first time he was in office. The Donald Trump Revenge Tour is gonna be a hard sell to sane Americans.
Republican Senators have been criticized for fist bumping on the Senate floor after the GOP blocked a bill that would have expanded healthcare coverage for military veterans exposed to toxic burn pits during their service.

On Wednesday night, the Senate failed to pass a Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act in a 55 to 42 vote.

All but one of the 42 Senators who voted against the bill were Republicans, including 25 who previously supported it in June. The Senate had to vote for the PACT Act again because of a technical change the House made to the bill.
Lol, the media hyped it up so now lefties care about veterans.
Do any of you tards wonder why it was voted down? Have you even BOTHERED to find out why?
Of course not.

Yes we have, and it's the same bullshit excuse they used for voting down financial aid to the children of Flint Michigan when Obama was in office. The same bill they voted down was passed the day after Trump's inauguration. So Republicans could claim they helped the children and Obama didn't.

Trump has already claimed credit for Obama's Bill which gave veterans the option of going to local doctors under the VA, if there are no VA clinics nearby. That's what Republicans do. They put politics ahead of people, every single time.
the PACT Act passed unanimously out of the Veterans' Affairs Committee and then passed the Senate 84-16 in June

you couldn't get the "Dogs and Cats are cute" bill to pass 84-16 in the Senate!

the PACT Act passed unanimously out of the Veterans' Affairs Committee and then passed the Senate 84-16 in June

you couldn't get the "Dogs and Cats are cute" bill to pass 84-16 in the Senate!

What changed?

Dems passed reconciliation without GOP votes and they’re pissed off
No, FUCK YOU, FUCK Watters, FUCK Faux News. Again, how many times do I have to say it. I mean if what Fox claims is true, and when I actually furnish the link to the bill, even a comparison print of both the House version and the Senate version with differences highlighted and changes documented. No one, NOT ANY FAWKING ONE, can even be bothered to point out to me the part of the bill they are talking about. I mean how hard is it to copy and paste.
Eat shit. I want to see the version that was being objected to. And honestly, yiur bekief innit or disbelief is of no concern to normal thinking human beings. The latter is a category you’ll never be in.
Again stupid shit. A link to the bill has been posted. Find it, and copy and paste the applicable part of the bill that does what you and FOX news claim. If you can't, then STFU.
I dug up my own link. It’s called Google. What I have not found, ya assbreath motherfucker, is the version which contained the alleged gimmick. If that is an actual attempted insert by scumbag Schumer, then you can both suck a bag of dicks, together.

Now gfy.
Gawddamn but that is sheer stupidity. Mandatory spending means the spending MUST be spent for the allocated area. Discretionary spending leaves the door open for the president to say, claim a national emergency, and confiscate those dollars for something else, like say a wall. I mean good God almighty, you are dumber than a box of damn rocks. Go off and play video games or something, you ain't worth two shits on a messageboard.
You spout a lot of shit. You support almost none of it.

Get back to the important business in your life. Suck another bag of dicks. :fu:
It says the Republicans tried to amend it, not that anything was changed. So try again.
You’re another enema nozzle.

The Senate did amend it, you twit.

Then the House had to pass the same version. I believe they did, albeit perhaps not exactly. Then it had ti get conformed.

The claim remains that Schumer fiddled with it. So it got called out. And now Schumer is amenable to revising it to get rid of his dishonest tweaks. That fucker.
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Eat shit. I want to see the version that was being objected to. And honestly, yiur bekief innit or disbelief is of no concern to normal thinking human beings. The latter is a category you’ll never be in.
It’s been posted on this thread, idiot
If it were left to vets they would scam the system till the treasury was empty.

Maybe they should have suggested some spending offsets instead of lobbying with their hands held out.....Just because they served does not mean they don't have a responsibility to the tax-payer.
There you have it, folks. What the Right really thinks of vets. No wonder the military is having trouble with recruitment now. Even kids can see how the Right disrespects their own troops..........but billions, if not trillions for cool military gear. Almost nothing to take care of troops.

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