Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

Thanks. I figured it was probably something like this. Liberals are such vile liars.
You are just a dumbass. Within this thread there are links to the bill, links to comparative documents that show the changes within the bill, clear and precise explanations as to the reality that VA benefits are always funded with non-discretionary spending.

Spending not devoted to veterans? Even with links to the bill not a single person has bothered to copy and paste something within that bill that does not apply to veterans.

I mean you are more worthless than tits on a boar hog. You won't bother to read the bill. You won't bother to do any research. You will just latch on to anyone and everyone that confirms your own preexisting condition, even if it is a RINO that voted to impeach Trump.
Keep lying. You're cute and funny when you lie. It

Schumer didn't move shit dumb ass. From the first draft, the funding was always "mandatory". It was "mandatory" when all those Republicans voted for it back in June. Social Security spending is mandatory, Medicare and Medicaid spending is mandatory, Congressional pensions encompass mandatory spending, student loans, Pell grants, all mandatory spending. And yes, almost always, financing of Veteran Benefits through the VA is mandatory spending. I could explain to you why, but what the hell is the use. Suffice it to say the Republicans didn't think twice about it until Toomey started raising his little stink, and I got to wonder what is the motivation behind that. He voted to convict Trump in the second impeachment trial. He is not running for reelection. I mean if Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney were making this same argument would you Trumpbots be backing what they said? I mean do you guys have any standards?
The bill to fund aid for mitary burn pit victims is not the same type of bill as Social Security, idiot, was initially listed as 'Discretionary', and changed to 'Mandatory'.
Wrong again. You’re still unwilling to read and you live to engage in speculation. But the facts prove you’re a liar.

Typical behavior from a libtard cult hack bitch troll.

Don’t worry, Farty. Absolutely everyone can see that you’re lying. 👍
Never underestimate these lefties’ ability to lie and spin.
Took no pay? LMAO. Hell, his hotels billed the Secret Service far more than his salary could have ever been. Even today, the cost of the Secret Service protection vastly exceeds the yearly salary of the president and exceeds the amount spent on any previous president's family. Shit, his inauguration committee diverted more money to his business than Obama, Trump, Bush Jr, and Clinton, ever got in "salary". Damn but you are a sucker.
That’s not taking pay that’s secret service taking the pay. Nothing to do with trump
Look, you are like a broken record and you need to stop. The bill has been posted within this thread numerous times. I mean you might could make the argument that shit was stacked on it. Bonuses for high producing doctors, elimination of caps on doctor compensation, and a few other things. But the reality is, with a link to the bill posted several times, no one has an excuse for not reading other than they are too damn lazy or too damn afraid that reading it might change their mind.
Talk about broken records parrot 2.0

It was on Schumer. And now that bitch has had to capitulate. Sneaky ass trickery exposed and rejected. And the legislation — without that expensive gimmick — will now get passed.

Fuck Schumer.
No, FUCK YOU, FUCK Watters, FUCK Faux News. Again, how many times do I have to say it. I mean if what Fox claims is true, and when I actually furnish the link to the bill, even a comparison print of both the House version and the Senate version with differences highlighted and changes documented. No one, NOT ANY FAWKING ONE, can even be bothered to point out to me the part of the bill they are talking about. I mean how hard is it to copy and paste.
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Farty, Just so you “hear” it at least once, your reply wasn’t even close to being a rebuttal or a valid disputation.

If you’d care to at least try for once to be an adult, maybe consider showing us how the claim is wrong. Good luck, ya hapless hump. 😂
Again stupid shit. A link to the bill has been posted. Find it, and copy and paste the applicable part of the bill that does what you and FOX news claim. If you can't, then STFU.
Wrong. Maybe you didn’t actually follow along. Or maybe you’re simply lying again.

Either way, you remain a worthless and very boring troll.

The written part you failed to read or understand or which you’re just lying about:

Gawddamn but that is sheer stupidity. Mandatory spending means the spending MUST be spent for the allocated area. Discretionary spending leaves the door open for the president to say, claim a national emergency, and confiscate those dollars for something else, like say a wall. I mean good God almighty, you are dumber than a box of damn rocks. Go off and play video games or something, you ain't worth two shits on a messageboard.
The bill to fund aid for mitary burn pit victims is not the same type of bill as Social Security, idiot, was initially listed as 'Discretionary', and changed to 'Mandatory'.
I got to be honest. You have an IQ that couldn't possibly exceed the level of MORON. You have no business posting jackshit. Your time would be better spent moving rocks. Yes, funding for VA benefits is a lot like Social Security. The spending was never listed as discretionary, was always listed as mandatory, and that is common procedure for VA health care benefits, or any benefits relating to health care, for obvious reasons. Now piss off and go to the corner with your wearing your dunce hat. Dumbass.
You are wrong. Put up or shut up. I have posted the bill numerous times in this thread. Hit the link, read the 60 plus pages, and copy just one sentence that does not apply to Vets or their care.
ok you are right winston i was reading some other link someone put up in the beginning....sorry....
The bill to fund aid for mitary burn pit victims is not the same type of bill as Social Security, idiot, was initially listed as 'Discretionary', and changed to 'Mandatory'.
It was mandatory when they voted for it and it was mandatory when they voted against it.

Both versions are ON THIS FUCKING THREAD you dumb ling fucks

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