Anger as Republicans block bill to help military veterans exposed to toxins

There is nothing to rebut. You posted a video of a Trump asslicker that you didn't even watch. You didn't even make any points.
Wrong. Maybe you didn’t actually follow along. Or maybe you’re simply lying again.

Either way, you remain a worthless and very boring troll.

The written part you failed to read or understand or which you’re just lying about:

So, Republican Senator Pat Toomey offered an amendment to fix Schumer's tricky little accounting gimmick. One simple change would make sure every taxpayer dollar goes to helping veterans and not bake in $400 billion of more inflationary spending and Schumer shot it down. Senate sources are telling "Primetime" that Schumer has now agreed to Toomey's amendment and the bill Jon Stewart and all of us care about is expected to pass early next week and this ginned-up drama will be over.

Wrong. Maybe you didn’t actually follow along. Or maybe you’re simply lying again.

Either way, you remain a worthless and very boring troll.
Anyone can see your post.

A video you didn't watch,and no points made by you.

I don't have to do anything but let it sit there.
Anyone can see and read what I posted. Except you apparently.

Your ongoing dishonesty remains on full display.
Hmm,no, you made a claim it is "on Schumer", and the only support offered was a video you didn't watch and didn't reference. Typical vapid garbage from the cult.
Hmm,no, you made a claim it is "on Schumer", and the only support offered was a video you didn't watch and didn't reference. Typical vapid garbage from the cult.
Wrong again. You’re still unwilling to read and you live to engage in speculation. But the facts prove you’re a liar.

Typical behavior from a libtard cult hack bitch troll.

Don’t worry, Farty. Absolutely everyone can see that you’re lying. 👍
The “issue” is whether this is mandatory or discretionary spending.

Mandatory means the vets get this money every year for ten years. Sounds perfect right?

Discretionary (which Republicans demand and are holding up the bill for) means it has to come up EVERY year and be subject to political gamesmanship.

Not so perfect

Pass the fucking bill assholes
The “issue” is whether this is mandatory or discretionary spending.
Not really, though. That's the bullshit they are selling to their rube base.

They just took the temperature in trying to block this before the midterms and got smacked hard. They will pass the bill.
Just as I thought, Schumer moved $400 million from 'DISCRETIONARY' spending in the Bill to 'MANDATORY' spending, so even if all of the money is not needed it still has to be spent.

Damn, even in a recession Democrats love to spend, spend, spend with no thought to the fact that we would gave to pay off $30 trillion in debt just to be 'broke'.

This bill is coming up for another vote, but to pass Schumer will have to give up that 1 demand.

Bye-bye helpbfor the military troops. Thanks, Chucky / Democrats.
Schumer didn't move shit dumb ass. From the first draft, the funding was always "mandatory". It was "mandatory" when all those Republicans voted for it back in June. Social Security spending is mandatory, Medicare and Medicaid spending is mandatory, Congressional pensions encompass mandatory spending, student loans, Pell grants, all mandatory spending. And yes, almost always, financing of Veteran Benefits through the VA is mandatory spending. I could explain to you why, but what the hell is the use. Suffice it to say the Republicans didn't think twice about it until Toomey started raising his little stink, and I got to wonder what is the motivation behind that. He voted to convict Trump in the second impeachment trial. He is not running for reelection. I mean if Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney were making this same argument would you Trumpbots be backing what they said? I mean do you guys have any standards?
Hey buddy, great to see you! I took a 5 month break from this cesspool, but with all the Republican fails and with Trump losing everything I had to come back for a bit.

Hope you and the family have been well.
Can't blame you for the break. But is like watching a trainwreck and you just can't turn away. Family is doing great, just welcomed my seventh grandchild to the world a couple of days ago, only my second granddaughter. She is going to be spoiled rotten. Hope you and yours are doing well.
yea thats what it is jerk....that bill should be for just the vets...but dipshits like you want your congress people to have a piece for their shit projects to...go ahead tell me i am wrong....asswipe...
You are wrong. Put up or shut up. I have posted the bill numerous times in this thread. Hit the link, read the 60 plus pages, and copy just one sentence that does not apply to Vets or their care.
But you don't know all that's in the bill. You do realize what might be a good issue gets shit stacked on it.
Look, you are like a broken record and you need to stop. The bill has been posted within this thread numerous times. I mean you might could make the argument that shit was stacked on it. Bonuses for high producing doctors, elimination of caps on doctor compensation, and a few other things. But the reality is, with a link to the bill posted several times, no one has an excuse for not reading other than they are too damn lazy or too damn afraid that reading it might change their mind.
Trump served as commander and chief took no pay, leader of the free world. He definitely served.

Took no pay? LMAO. Hell, his hotels billed the Secret Service far more than his salary could have ever been. Even today, the cost of the Secret Service protection vastly exceeds the yearly salary of the president and exceeds the amount spent on any previous president's family. Shit, his inauguration committee diverted more money to his business than Obama, Trump, Bush Jr, and Clinton, ever got in "salary". Damn but you are a sucker.

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