Anger at star-studded benefit to raise $150M for WHO

Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.
I guess the only people the Trumpsters are allowed to trust during this terribly complicated and dangerous time is their hero and role model.

A guy who acts and communicates like a twelve year old.

There are no suitable adjectives for this period in our history.
He was voted in because of all the things you wrote. That is what many of the elected politicians are. What Obama did and the Progs did nothing to reign him in with any move he made and there was a protest against it called hate and racism and the rest, the predicted backlash occurred. progs should have noticed the local and state elections where Repubs mad huge gains. They did nothing. And then in 2012 when an intelligent candidate like Romney destroys Obama in the first debate then flares out for the rest of the election season. Romney may have been a good President. We shall never know.
What a bunch of hucksters the entertainment industry is. Trying to squeeze money out of the American’s forced out of work and the essential workers they claim to “love” all to prop up Chinese propaganda.

Celebrities are such douche bags.
Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.
This is NOT apolitical! If you knew anything about the WHO and how they hid information from Taiwan
on the Corona virus so as to assist China who lost control of the virus they had engineered in their
laboratories you wouldn't be making such asinine comments.

Or maybe you would! You are a bottom of the barrel person because you know nothing about an issue
but you'll say anything that fits your fucked up ideology.
This is like a bunch of Hollywood stars of the 30's doing a benefit for the Third Reich.
It turns my stomach that these morons know so little. Or worse yet they may know what WHO did
and not care. Or think it's great to suck Xi Jinping's dick.
They have always said that people should give more to gov't...........maybe they should give all their money make living in the world equal.........There mansions sold to held the world and save the planet.

Move to China and give them hugs for opening pandora's box on eating FREAKING BATS......

Good for them.......have fun.......BYE NOW.
I just figured out why the WHO president Tedros kept calling charges that WHO aided China coverup their
deadly virus strain and it's release "racist"....he was a Marxist party official in Ethiopia.

Fuck Tedros. Fuck the WHO. Fuck the brainless clueless celebro-phants who participated in this scam.
Fuck the morons here who think it's all great. They all have blood on their hands!
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Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.

So you're admitting the WHO has been wrong from the beginning? If so, why feed that troll? Cut off it's funds and let it die.
What a bunch of hucksters the entertainment industry is. Trying to squeeze money out of the American’s forced out of work and the essential workers they claim to “love” all to prop up Chinese propaganda.

Celebrities are such douche bags.

Hucksters, such as religious leaders?
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.

So you're admitting the WHO has been wrong from the beginning? If so, why feed that troll? Cut off it's funds and let it die.

No. The WHO gave us the correct information that was known at the time. The asswipePINO is still doing the 'pass the blame game,' and retarded people like you are eating it up.
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

Did your handler in Beijing tell you to write that?
Ahh...the immoderate moderator..did the lil voice in your head tell you to write that? ROTFLMAO!

I'm not Chinese..and I think they are our enemy..but linking them and The WHO is stupid. The WHO dropped the ball..instead of leaving the game..we should shape it into a better and more efficient organization. We need an early-warning system out there..the WHO should have been that. As for China---Assuming Trump is going to use America's anger as leverage..seems like common sense, to me. My handler is calling me to enjoy the rest of the evening!
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

Did your handler in Beijing tell you to write that?
Not you too! C'mon. You're smarter than that.
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.

Who said he didn't act?
What a bunch of hucksters the entertainment industry is. Trying to squeeze money out of the American’s forced out of work and the essential workers they claim to “love” all to prop up Chinese propaganda.

Celebrities are such douche bags.

Hucksters, such as religious leaders?
Hucksters such as they are. Celebrities promoting questionable propaganda because they were hired to do so.

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