Anger at star-studded benefit to raise $150M for WHO

Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.

He wasn't hysterically xenophobic enough?
I guess the only people the Trumpsters are allowed to trust during this terribly complicated and dangerous time is their hero and role model.

A guy who acts and communicates like a twelve year old.

There are no suitable adjectives for this period in our history.

Is Covid transmissible from human to human?
Make a point.

The WHO gave us the worst information possible. If they weren't they outright lying and carrying water for the CCP, then they're just fucking stupid. If they were an airline would you fucking fly them?
I guess the only people the Trumpsters are allowed to trust during this terribly complicated and dangerous time is their hero and role model.

A guy who acts and communicates like a twelve year old.

There are no suitable adjectives for this period in our history.

Is Covid transmissible from human to human?
Make a point.

The WHO gave us the worst information possible. If they weren't they outright lying and carrying water for the CCP, then they're just fucking stupid. If they were an airline would you fucking fly them?
Yes, I know the talk radio line.
COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund is a global fund for supporting the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) in containing the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic.[1] It was launched on March 13, 2020 by the Director General of WHO in Geneva, Switzerland.[1] The purpose of the response fund is to "support WHO’s work to track and understand the spread of the virus; to ensure patients get the care they need and frontline workers get essential supplies and information; and to accelerate efforts to develop vaccines, tests, and treatments."[2] Major companies, including Facebook, H&M and Google have donated to the Solidarity Response Fund, in addition to several private individuals.​

There is a valid cause to support by ample donations.

Of course, the Orange dunce invited his subservient, lick-spittle supporters to bellow at the WHO, and they comply. Obedient little doggies. There is that very reliable, belligerent, weapons-grade stupidity at work, again.
COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund is a global fund for supporting the work of the World Health Organization (WHO) in containing the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic.[1] It was launched on March 13, 2020 by the Director General of WHO in Geneva, Switzerland.[1] The purpose of the response fund is to "support WHO’s work to track and understand the spread of the virus; to ensure patients get the care they need and frontline workers get essential supplies and information; and to accelerate efforts to develop vaccines, tests, and treatments."[2] Major companies, including Facebook, H&M and Google have donated to the Solidarity Response Fund, in addition to several private individuals.​

There is a valid cause to support by ample donations.

Of course, the Orange dunce invited his subservient, lick-spittle supporters to bellow at the WHO, and they comply. Obedient little doggies. There is that very reliable, belligerent, weapons-grade stupidity at work, again.

It's amazing how progressives would rather die, or pay incompetence, rather than admit Trump was right.
It's amazing how progressives would rather die, or pay incompetence, rather than admit Trump was right.

Except Trump wasn't "right". He ignored the problem for three months. He's still fighting against the governors who are trying to control this thing because he's more worried about his re-election that won't happen than the welfare of the country.
It's amazing how progressives would rather die, or pay incompetence, rather than admit Trump was right.

Except Trump wasn't "right". He ignored the problem for three months. He's still fighting against the governors who are trying to control this thing because he's more worried about his re-election that won't happen than the welfare of the country.

Bullshit. He was ahead of all of your pelousi's, and Schumer's, and every other one of your progressive heroes who called him a racist for shutting down travel from China.

The facts prove you are full of poo
So, if Hollywood can raise that kind of money by exploiting gullible leftists -- the WHO doesn't need American taxpayer money.

Sounds like a win for normal people.
Also proves that private donations can take place over government giveaways.
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

Did your handler in Beijing tell you to write that?
Not you too! C'mon. You're smarter than that.

No. He isn’t. He’s telling you that with this thread. And you are clearly a CCP loving hater of all things American!
It's amazing how progressives would rather die, or pay incompetence, rather than admit Trump was right.

Except Trump wasn't "right". He ignored the problem for three months. He's still fighting against the governors who are trying to control this thing because he's more worried about his re-election that won't happen than the welfare of the country.

Bullshit. He was ahead of all of your pelousi's, and Schumer's, and every other one of your progressive heroes who called him a racist for shutting down travel from China.

The facts prove you are full of poo

He didn’t shut down travel from China. And we already had cases here when he partially shut down travel from China. It was already too late.

Then, for well over a month, he told us that we’d have zero cases, Xi was doing a great job and that everything was under control.

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This is great news. It will go some way to restoring your image in the World.

We all recognise that you are an occupied people suffering under a pussy grabbing half wit.

Question for ya Tommy. Since our image is "so bad", does that mean if you wimpy Brits get into some trouble, you won't ask your friends the old Americans to come bail your wimpy butts out?

Yes or no
Good to know we can always count on Hollywood to do the work of the Chinese Communist Party for them and save them $150 million in the process
That is merely Hollywood's effort to try to help cut down on China's losses due to Trump WHO budget cuts.
Democrats: We have a friend in China. :smoke:
Trump loves Hollywood and he wants NOTHING more than to be accepted as a member of the “Hollywood Elite”.
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.

Who said he didn't act?

He played golf and attended political rally's.
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.

Who said he didn't act?

He played golf and attended political rally's.

What would he need to do for a virus that has no human to human transmission?
What a bunch of hucksters the entertainment industry is. Trying to squeeze money out of the American’s forced out of work and the essential workers they claim to “love” all to prop up Chinese propaganda.

Celebrities are such douche bags.

Hucksters, such as religious leaders?
Hucksters such as they are. Celebrities promoting questionable propaganda because they were hired to do so.
Questionable propaganda such as?
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.
Nope he is the President and I am glad that triggers you and your ilk. Have you memorized the Chinese national anthem yet?
What a bunch of hucksters the entertainment industry is. Trying to squeeze money out of the American’s forced out of work and the essential workers they claim to “love” all to prop up Chinese propaganda.

Celebrities are such douche bags.

Hucksters, such as religious leaders?
Hucksters such as they are. Celebrities promoting questionable propaganda because they were hired to do so.
Questionable propaganda such as?
Such as it could have happened anywhere, don’t blame China.
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

The "health care information" they provided was faulty to the tune of 39000 dead Americans. It took 48 days for the WHO to go from "Coronavirus has no human to human transmission" to calling it a pandemic. Fuck the WHO.

We knew on January 10th that was false. It took the asswipePINO 20 more days to act.

He wasn't hysterically xenophobic enough?

He didn't do what was necessary to protect American people.

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