Anger at star-studded benefit to raise $150M for WHO

Ahh...the immoderate moderator..did the lil voice in your head tell you to write that? ROTFLMAO!

I'm not Chinese..and I think they are our enemy..but linking them and The WHO is stupid.
Not if you are remotely aware of the facts it isn't. WHO ‘refused to act’ on Taiwan’s virus alert
What's stupid is not educating yourself on this matter.

The WHO dropped the ball..
They actually hid the ball under a bush because Xi Jinping
would not allow any news of Taiwan to be spoken because China refuses to acknowledge Taiwan exists.
So instead of infuriating China, who owns the WHO, the WHO simply let the matter go and said nothing to anyone. Which was great because if there is anything the world needs it's a global pandemic.

instead of leaving the game..we should shape it into a better and more efficient organization. We need an early-warning system out there..the WHO should have been that. As for China---Assuming Trump is going to use America's anger as leverage..seems like common sense, to me. My handler is calling me to enjoy the rest of the evening!
I believe withholding money to the lackeys in the WHO is the first step to liberating the WHO from the hands of the Chinese but the WHO, the Chinese and the UN are all globalist entities and the president
of the WHO, hand picked by Xi was a Marxist official in Ethiopia and has a very concerning past.

He is guilty of covering up cholera outbreaks in Ethiopia and Sudan and was part of a Ethiopian regime guilty
of gross human rights violations. So the president of WHO is a criminal and a scum bag in his own
right. Good luck reforming him.
How does the rest of the world look at the WHO?

Any other leader condemn their actions? No? Hint: A lot more than just Trump but our American msm and "hollywood" condemn only Trump.

Just simpleton fools.

How much money has this country been giving to that globalist institution that is determined to take down America?

It is beyond clear now what this has all been. It is a war and we have been attacked. WWIII is here guys.

Been telling you about the tribulations. It is here. It is that obvious what this all is and the left saw only one way to get rid of Trump and America to form that new world order under one world government.

Trump was not being taken down by their sure fire tactics and the economy is thriving. The democrats are running a clown show and this is what needed to be done.

It's a war people. Suggest we all beg Christ for mercy.
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.

And they PROVABLY covered for the Chinese and allowed an epidemic to turn into a pandemic.

In other words they not just failed, they aided and abetted.

Fuck them.
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Good to know we can always count on Hollywood to do the work of the Chinese Communist Party for them and save them $150 million in the process

The two-hour 'One World: Together at Home' event, led by the WHO and non-profit group 'Global Citizen' was broadcast across multiple television channels in the U.S. and overseas on Saturday.

The event's corporate sponsors and other donors have already given $150 million, earmarked for the WHO's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, organizers said.

Earlier this month, President Donald Trump pulled all U.S. funding for the WHO, accounting for about half of the group's budget, pending an investigation into the group's handling of the pandemic, and particularly its relationship with China.

This just goes to show that when spots become available for whatever reason, they will eventually be filled again by someone else.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And the beat goes on.......
Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.
This is NOT apolitical! If you knew anything about the WHO and how they hid information from Taiwan
on the Corona virus so as to assist China who lost control of the virus they had engineered in their
laboratories you wouldn't be making such asinine comments.

Or maybe you would! You are a bottom of the barrel person because you know nothing about an issue
but you'll say anything that fits your fucked up ideology.

and all of you cannot provide one piece of evidence for your position other than repeating what others have said.

You make accusation but provide no proof. Half you all probably never heard of WHO before the pandemic thinking that must be the rock group from England way way back
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.
So you advocate supporting an agency that hid the criminal conduct of China and resulted in over 38,000 US deaths without investigating why? This is a kin to giving ammunition to a known terrorist thinking they wont use it against you.

show me the proof that they hid the criminal conduct of china ????
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.
Tell us! Did the money the US paid to WHO all these years stop a pandemic? Answer! No it did not!

All the money spent on CDC didn;t stop the pandemic even when Fauci warned in 2017 that it was coming. Is that a Trump failure of being unprepared.
This is great news. It will go some way to restoring your image in the World.

We all recognise that you are an occupied people suffering under a pussy grabbing half wit.
an occupied people? had better learn what that is tommy....
Yeah imagine that proving health care information to help everyone on a world stage. The Trump government withdraws money money when the US has supported WHO for years.

Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.

WHO coordinates the efforts health issues on the world stage, it does have bias on political orientation.

following the concept of MAGA is not its agenda. So the government want show any humanity and now when celebrities show that humanity.

Its obvious you can count on America when Trump is the CEO

Who is willing to do business with china as a businessman. Using the US government to punish so that he can get that sweet business deal.
So you advocate supporting an agency that hid the criminal conduct of China and resulted in over 38,000 US deaths without investigating why? This is a kin to giving ammunition to a known terrorist thinking they wont use it against you.

show me the proof that they hid the criminal conduct of china ????
Your ignorance is stunning....

China shut down internal travel in or out of Wuhan.. They understood how dangerous the virus was to THEIR CITIZENS but then allowed outbound international flights all over the world allowing this pathogen to seed over 100 countries. We now have 545,000 deaths world wide in just over 12 weeks. How big does the body count have to get before you call knowingly propagating a virus world wide is criminal? And the WHO helped!
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So you advocate supporting an agency that hid the criminal conduct of China and resulted in over 38,000 US deaths without investigating why? This is a kin to giving ammunition to a known terrorist thinking they wont use it against you.

I think you are a bit confused, Cleetus. We have 40K deaths because Trump failed to prepare for the Virus when it was known how dangerous it was. He never should have taken "The WHO said that China Said" at face value.

It's not like Coronaviruses are a mystery. They've been known since the 1930's.
China shut down internal travel in or out of Wuhan.. They understood how dangerous the virus was to THEIR CITIZENS but then allowed outbound international flights all over the world allowing this pathogen to seed over 100 countries. We now have 545,000 deaths world wide in just over 12 weeks. How big does the body count have to get before you call knowingly propagating a virus world wide is criminal? And the WHO helped!

First, the number of total deaths aren't that high yet. Second, the very fact that China WAS locking down travel should have been a warning sign that this was dangerous. Third, viruses are a force of nature. Blaming any one nation for it is like blaming them for an earthquake or a hurricane.

The real problem was- We had ample warning that we might face something like this, and Trump failed to take action.
Trump decides to trump up accusations so that it becomes politicizes on something that is apolitical

How small can you be.
This is NOT apolitical! If you knew anything about the WHO and how they hid information from Taiwan
on the Corona virus so as to assist China who lost control of the virus they had engineered in their
laboratories you wouldn't be making such asinine comments.

Or maybe you would! You are a bottom of the barrel person because you know nothing about an issue
but you'll say anything that fits your fucked up ideology.

and all of you cannot provide one piece of evidence for your position other than repeating what others have said.

You make accusation but provide no proof. Half you all probably never heard of WHO before the pandemic thinking that must be the rock group from England way way back
Typical libtarded attack!
and all of you cannot provide one piece of evidence for your position other than repeating what others have said.

You make accusation but provide no proof. Half you all probably never heard of WHO before the pandemic thinking that must be the rock group from England way way back

from your Source

“Dec. 31— that’s the same day Taiwan first tried to warn WHO of human-human transmission. Chinese authorities meanwhile silenced doctors and refused to admit human-human transmission until Jan. 20, with catastrophic consequences,” Ortagus wrote on Twitter yesterday.

Is that your proof ???

Pneumonia of unknown cause – China
Disease outbreak news
5 January 2020
On 31 December 2019, the WHO China Country Office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology (unknown cause) detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. As of 3 January 2020, a total of 44 patients with pneumonia of unknown etiology have been reported to WHO by the national authorities in China. Of the 44 cases reported, 11 are severely ill, while the remaining 33 patients are in stable condition. According to media reports, the concerned market in Wuhan was closed on 1 January 2020 for environmental sanitation and disinfection.

The causal agent has not yet been identified or confirmed. On 1 January 2020, WHO requested further information from national authorities to assess the risk.

Much more for those who want to read it about this unknown disease.

On January 23rd, 2020. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declines to declare China virus outbreak as a global health emergency. As we all know, the Coronavirus is not treatable at the moment. The number of infected and deaths has risen more than ten times (infected from 800 - close to 10,000) within only 5 days. Part of it is related to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus under estimated the coronavirus. We strongly think Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is not fit for his role as WHO Director General. We call for the Immediate Resignation of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

A lot of us are really disappointed, we believe WHO is supposed to be political neutral. Without any investigation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus solely believes on the death and infected numbers that the Chinese government provided with them.

On the other hand, Taiwan should not be excluded from WHO for any political reasons. Their technologies are far more advanced than some of the countries on the “selected WHO list”.
I guess the only people the Trumpsters are allowed to trust during this terribly complicated and dangerous time is their hero and role model.

A guy who acts and communicates like a twelve year old.

There are no suitable adjectives for this period in our history.

Is Covid transmissible from human to human?

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