Angry Americans!

The job opportunities, justice system, and opportunities for growth didn't change radically from one administration to another,
Bill... we had a crash in the economy in 08 and an 8 year recession followed until Trump was elected and appointed some very smart conservatives to fix our economy... they did and for the first time in my life inner city minorities were finding good paying employment with heath care and benefits...
Small businesses were popping up everywhere and empty stores that sat empty for 8 years were filling up... we had relative peace in the world and a stock market that was closing in on 40,000...
So I'm sorry but your comments are shortsighted at best...
Today we have the vice president that over saw a recession for 8 years in the white house... the job growth is stalling the stock market is crashing and we have war in Europe and unrest in our streets... 67 years old??? really?.....
I'm 67 and have lived though no less than 9 Presidential administrations. The job opportunities, justice system, and opportunities for growth didn't change radically from one administration to another, So - - Why are Americans so angry? Both Liberal and Conservative media outlets spew out hatred for the "other side" families are divided over political issues, and no matter which party controls our government polls indicate most Americans think we're headed in the wrong direction 95% of the time. Are things really that bad? Is all this anger really warranted? I just don't think so....
I’m 65 and I’ve lived through 13 admins. You move here in the mid-70’s?
Bill... we had a crash in the economy in 08 and an 8 year recession followed until Trump was elected and appointed some very smart conservatives to fix our economy... they did and for the first time in my life inner city minorities were finding good paying employment with heath care and benefits...
Small businesses were popping up everywhere and empty stores that sat empty for 8 years were filling up... we had relative peace in the world and a stock market that was closing in on 40,000...
So I'm sorry but your comments are shortsighted at best...
Today we have the vice president that over saw a recession for 8 years in the white house... the job growth is stalling the stock market is crashing and we have war in Europe and unrest in our streets... 67 years??? really?.....

Obama did a good job with the economy. It took eight years to go bad after the dot com bust. The economy was in free fall by the second quarter of 2001.. with hiring freezes. Oil production doubled during the Obama years so that was good.
When unforeseen or outside forces cause problems, it’s up to Americans to persevere.
But when one party demonizes American culture and heritage, exacerbates segregation in the name of pandering, destroys the economy by stifling energy production and by money printing, Americans have an obligation to become incensed and call it out.
Odd. I don't see any HATE coming from the Right.
Because you're too busy spouting it.

This is you, from two hours ago:

Just shoot the protesters. Round them up and arrest them. Charge them with obstructing an official government process. Lock them away with no due process. Put the poor slugs out of their treasonous, progressive misery!

You're one hateful little fascist, always dreaming of violence because it gives you a pervy tingle up the leg.

Needless to say, the left here isn't doing that. All the calls for violence are coming from the right. And while not all the righties are doing it, every one of them is fine with having such people among them.
I'm 67 and have lived though no less than 9 Presidential administrations. The job opportunities, justice system, and opportunities for growth didn't change radically from one administration to another, So - - Why are Americans so angry? Both Liberal and Conservative media outlets spew out hatred for the "other side" families are divided over political issues, and no matter which party controls our government polls indicate most Americans think we're headed in the wrong direction 95% of the time. Are things really that bad? Is all this anger really warranted? I just don't think so....
There are a lot of people who make a lot of money and accumulate a lot of influence by making us as angry and divided as possible.

It's a pretty simple formula, really: Just pick a side, argue one side only, distort and lie about the other side to make it look as scary as possible, use as much hyperbole as possible, and do it over and over and over and over.

It's working great. We appear to be coming apart at the seams, and we're choosing to do it to ourselves. The people doing this are only winning because we're going along with their tactics. So I guess we deserve this.
There are a lot of people who make a lot of money and accumulate a lot of influence by making us as angry and divided as possible.

It's a pretty simple formula, really: Just pick a side, argue one side only, distort and lie about the other side to make it look as scary as possible, use as much hyperbole as possible, and do it over and over and over and over.

It's working great. We appear to be coming apart at the seams, and we're choosing to do it to ourselves. The people doing this are only winning because we're going along with their tactics. So I guess we deserve this.
As if you were a warrior for ending the divisiveness?
You are so full of shit after your Covid bullshit. Control over lives....lololol
To cranks like this, "no shirt, no shoes, no service" is an example of oppression.

In contrast, normal people understand that common sense public health laws are not oppression, and that only the most selfish snowflakes will try to claim victimhood.

Boo hoo, bitch. You were too fragile to wear a mask, so you couldn't go to Applebees for a while. You're right, that makes you just like a holocaust victim.
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Liberals are willing to let and let live, while conservatives demand complete control over every aspect of everyone's life. That really ticks off freedom-minded people.

And liberals have to pay the welfare of the conservative leeches.

And most conservatives openly support terrorist political violence against the USA. Liberals dislike traitor scum.

Finally, normal people don't like whiny snowflakes, so they don't like conservatives.
"Look, those guys over there! They think different, they're bad guys! It's all their fault, not ours. We're good guys. Don't you see stars upon ours?"
"Look, those guys over there! They think different, they're bad guys! It's all their fault, not ours. We're good guys. Don't you see stars upon ours?"
Phoney equivalence gaslighting, to excuse the awful behavior unique to your side.

Our side didn't engage in a violent assault on the government, and then double down on excusing and supporting it, even up to the present time. Your side did. You're shit, and we're not.
Phoney equivalence gaslighting, to excuse the awful behavior unique to your side.

Our side didn't engage in a violent assault on the government, and then double down on excusing and supporting it, even up to the present time. Your side did. You're shit, and we're not.
I'll let others play the "Look at this thing you guys did" game with you, but I will say this: Your last sentence exposed your maturity level, and it isn't very high.
Well that's what happens when you keep a nation locked-down over next to nothing for two years, steal a election, then have high inflation/gas prices with no end in sight.....Yeah, folks are going to be wired just a little tight.
I'll let others play the "Look at this thing you guys did" game with you, but I will say this: Your last sentence exposed your maturity level, and it isn't very high.
Hadit in WW2:
"Well the Nazis are bad, but look how bad the allies are! Since you're only attacking the Nazis, you're so immature and divisive!"

Now, go stuff your phony equivalence bullshit right where it belongs, along with your feigned-delicate-flower bullshit.

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