Angry Letter to three Democrat Friends: Ultimatum before I give up on the Democrat Party


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Dear Fellow Democrats and Constitutionalists:
After fighting with three Democrat friends who kept blaming me for blowing up from stress,
but wouldn't acknowledge the damage caused by Democrat leaders exerting the pressure on me that was causing the stress, I got tired of being blamed when these same Democrats won't hold leaders accountable for abuses. This is like letting the rapists go free and blaming the victim for PTSD and emotional blowups while recovering from the abuses we didn't ask to be put on us.

I thought the people blaming me were also victims of the same abuses.
But they can forgive and accept their own reactions to this abuse, while blaming me for mine, so that is not equal. I don't know if it is "male behavior" or political bullying or what, but it is sick, and I am sick of it.

I refuse to be blamed when I am under tremendous strain and burden
from trying to solve problems and take responsibility, unlike those who keep waiting on others.
And when I do try to take that on, I get blamed for being emotionally overwhelmed?

I am lucky to be sane at all.

With the last bit of sanity I have, before I become a complete "sociopath"
to cut off all emotions all together in order to function,
I would like to write a letter to Democrat members and leaders
BEGGING FOR HELP to support and fulfill the sustainable
campus plans developed in my historic black church district
that is a Democrat precinct. These plans would end the dependence
on govt welfare and charity handouts by teaching independence through a
sustainable system of public service internships and job training in
property, finance and business management, legal and govt reforms and restitution for abuses,
and health and human services.

There is no reason not to support these plans
except that people like my friends are too busy blaming other people as victims
to invest money into solutions, but keep funding hate campaigns that don't solve anything.

I cannot understand or accept this anymore.
I worry I will completely lose my mind, or cease to be human
so I don't have to feel the anger at all this abuse. I just have to
distract myself and go into denial in order to stay focused on the solutions,
and that is not mentally healthy. I should have the right to GRIEVE
and yet if I express this emotionally, I blow up and get BLAMED for that.

This is crazymaking, and I want to share these sound ideas for
govt reform before I am no longer able to construct a cohesive sentence.

Can you please help me take these ideas
and write out a formal ultimatum to the Democrat Party
to either solve the problems by funding a solution
or quit complaining and blaming others for it?

I am a Democrat and had every intention of staying with the party
to reform it as a team, to overcome these divisive barriers and bullying.

But if I am not welcome in my own Party, but am going to
be blamed the same way as you would blame others who complain about
Democrats without investing in solutions as I have worked two jobs to do,
that is unacceptable.

I would like a formal apology from three Democrat friends
I feel have unfairly blamed or abused me while failing to go after
the Democrat leaders who CAUSED the problems that PUT the pressure
on me that has caused me undue strain and stress, imposing on
my physical financial and mental health, and making me feel like a slave and a victim.

But instead of just doing nothing and complaining,
I kept working to invest money into solutions, so I believe I was different
from other people crying victim victim or others who BLAME opponents for criticizing Democrats.

I think it is wrong to blame me when I was trying to fix things.

So I want public acknowledgement of this difference.
And hope people will take a look at these campus plans
and see why I was working two jobs to try to stabilize and support
the community in getting these public attention and funding as they deserve.

See Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing and http
Adaptation of these campus model plans for reforms to help Veterans,
immigration and slave labor issues are posted here:
Earned Amnesty and music video for Sustainable Campus converting sweatshop labor to workstudy jobs

I honestly give up trying to help people in my own party
who turn around and either blame or abuse me without holding
responsible the Democrats who put me in such a compromised situation.

Thanks if you can please help!
I wish I could stay with the Democrats, and call forth the leadership
who CAN work with Republicans and set up a system of all parties
working together, and even running together on the same ticket
and having a cabinet or coalition of party leaders collaborating.

So if there are any Democrats out there who believe that
inclusion of diversity means respecting political beliefs equally,
and any others who believe in conflict resolution and consensus
on policies to include all people and parties, please let me know if you can help.

I can't do this alone, and put up with the blame being projected on me
when I am trying to solve these problems.

If I wasn't already crazy going into this, I think I will lose whatever sanity I had.

RE: Thank you. Decided to leave the Democrat Party because of you. And plan to go PUBLIC with my grievances against abuses within the Party.
Dear D1 and D2:

Thank you for everything.

Because of abusive behavior
by several males of the Democrat Party
I still consider good friends, including you,
I have decided to leave the Democrat Party
unless I receive a formal apology for
blaming and abusing me when I was
under STRAIN for trying to solve the problems
CREATED by leaders of the Democrat Party
who have abused members like me.

I understand that my "blowing up" not only
at you two (and another friend I will also list
in my final request for an apology if I am going
to stay and keep working with the embattled
Democrat Party to solve our problems as a team)

and also "blowing up" at Garnet Coleman,
Jolanda Jones, and others is considered
emotionally out of control

But it is INSULTING to "blame this on me
as you would blame Conservatives who
are NOT solving the problems I took on"

Taking on TWO JOBS and working like
a SLAVE to the point I was a danger on the road
and had to quit driving
is NOT the same as people yelling at Democrats
for not doing anything to solve the problems caused
by our own leadership when those people AREN'T
helping either.

But I WAS helping and was working more jobs
than both of you combined to fix problems
caused by OUR PARTY.

I believe when I blew up at you for
not taking responsibility for your vote,
this is DIFFERENT than if someone
cuts you off or rejects or judges you
for being Democrat who ISN'T under
so much pressure to save an entire
historic district working two jobs to do it.

This is completely insulting and abusive [to imply we are the same,
both "arrogant". What is "arrogant" about taking on the burdens of
the entire party to take responsibility for those who aren't?]

I will not name you three in my formal
letter to the Democrat Party
but will describe you as
Democrat 1
Democrat 2
and Democrat 3.

But this abusive behavior of
males competing with other males
to bully instead of solving problems
being blamed on each other's parties

and is putting an UNDUE
burden on people like Gladys House
and me, who are both working two jobs
each, while Democrats like you
wait on someone else to fix the problems
caused by abuses by Democrat leaders.

Sorry but I will NOT be part of
this kind of political bullying
and cult abuse.

This should NOT be allowed to influence govt
much less dictate policies.

This is TRULY sick.

So THANK YOU for opening my eyes
that this VICTIM behavior is truly
sick and is rewarded and encouraged
by either the Democrats or by the Party
System that rewards this kind of behavior.

Sorry but that is NOT what I gave up
so much to work for;

people from this VICTIM mentality
and yet I've found myself
ABUSED and BLAMED for trying to
SOLVE the problem by setting up
a sustainable CAMPUS system for
training people to own their own
cities and manage their own govt
to be FREED from this oppression.

If you do not see that the work I did
is different, and not the same as the
other things you blame on others,
I do not want to be part of this Party.

There is something WRONG with it
if you cannot correct the problems
as I was seeking to do.

Thanks, sorry but I cannot be abused
like this anymore and have NO IDEA
if it is coming from male behavior
or partisanship or whatever,
but this is abusive and not acceptable.

The difference with me is I was TRYING
to invest in a solution, so the strain
I am under is DIFFERENT from people
who AREN'T working on a longterm SOLUTION.

If you and other Democrats cannot SEE that,
you do not DESERVE to have me work to achieve
the goals of inclusion, diversity and uplifting minorities
and oppressed people to full equality as the sustainable
campus plans would provide mentorship to do.

These plans have been in our Democrat District
since at least 1994 and not been funded or followed up on.

So if the Democrats won't support solutions from
their own membership, maybe other parties will
recognize the opportunity and jump on board.

I will ask Congresswoman Lee's office one more time
to support these campus plans, and if there is no commitment
to follow through and recognize these plans of Gladys House,
Lenwood Johnson, and the ones written up by [Democrat 1 or D1]
and me trying to represent them all, then I am not going to
work with a Party that censors and abuses its own members!

Why would I do that?

Why would I yell if I weren't under so much pressure
from trying to SOLVE problems created by Democrats?

And be so INSULTED that instead of going after the
Democrats who caused and cost these problems,
I GET BLAMED when I blow up trying to fix them?

If you want to say I am "emotionally unstable"
I argue that the plans I have endorsed and promoted
are perfectly sane. And that's all I was trying to fund.

If you haven't tried working two full time jobs to
pay for the cost to 5 or 6 nonprofits damaged by the
abuses of Democrats destroying poor districts,

I do not think it is fair to criticize or insult me
by comparing me to people who haven't lifted a finger.

"I am lucky to be sane at all."

debatable point

Ok Dante and TheOldSchool
here we go again

Let's go jump on Emily to discredit the solutions she supports.

Let's not question Democrat leaders and the "conflicts and abuses" they promote.

Let's blame an easy target.

This is what I mean.

So okay.

Do you want to set up a public bullring.

And I challenge you two, Dante and TheOldSchool,
to point out what is so wrong or insane with
the ideas I have written out on
Earned Amnesty


OR just one point:

How about the point that the ACA and the Democrat platform
that "We believe health care is a right" is a political belief
that crosses the line separating church and state.
Therefore any policy made that touches on a belief, whether
a political or religious belief, should be made by consensus,
since govt cannot be abused to IMPOSE or establish a belief
that excludes or discriminates against people of other beliefs they
have equal right to take responsibility for.

I am happy to debate with you two if these areas deemed BELIEFS
should be kept private by party or districts where people AGREE on them.
But cannot be imposed or established by govt, especially not by federal law
and punishment by the IRS, without violating the First and Fourteenth Amendment
IF you define political beliefs to be protected as creeds or religious exercise.

If you do not consider political beliefs to be included,
then I argue we need a constitutional convention or agreement
how to handle political beliefs so federal courts, laws and govt
aren't abused to impose such a belief on states or the nation.

Either way, either using the First and Fourteenth Amendment as is,
or writing a clarification how political beliefs are to be handled constitutionally,
I am happy with as long as there is a consensus on how to solve these conflicts.

So Dante and TheOldSchool
if you want to debate my sanity, that's fine.

I will throw in what about the sanity of the
Democrat Party for pushing prochoice and no intrusion by govt
on personal choices, but then pushing ACA mandates that limit
the only way to pay for health care as through INSURANCE or else pay taxes
that other people are exempt from based on creed/belief (based on whether you
BELIEVE it is constitutional to have federal govt require that you buy insurance as the only way to pay to receive exemption instead of being penalized).

And what about the sanity of the Democrat Party for
demanding separation of church and state,
yet imposing the political belief that health care is a right,
and using federal laws and fines to punish people who don't share this belief.

How sane is that?

Are you going to question my sanity and not the conflicts within the Democrat platform
that I was trying to address and resolve?

I just ask you to be CONSISTENT.

If you are going to go after ME and say I'm not making sense,
why aren't you going after ALL Democrats who don't make any sense.

I still haven't found ONE who could explain how the ACA bill isn't anti-choice.
Or how pushing either pro-gray or anti-gay marriage isn't equally
violating "separation of church and state."

Why aren't you going after that equally?

Shall we try? Shall we open up the forum to ALL DEMOCRATS
to please answer this question of why people find it so convenient
to jump on me, but won't so much as question their own leaders pushing
insanity on a national level?

Neighbor, pleez!
Shit, that's one hell of an obsessive diatribe. My advice to you is to stop watching cable "news" and stop listening to "talk radio." Life is too important to let professional politicians do fuckery to your mind.

Hell, just go live a life and accept responsibility for your outcomes. Nobody is stopping you.
Shit, that's one hell of an obsessive diatribe. My advice to you is to stop watching cable "news" and stop listening to "talk radio." Life is too important to let professional politicians do fuckery to your mind.

Hell, just go live a life and accept responsibility for your outcomes. Nobody is stopping you.
hmm... I wonder if Emily will confess to doing any of those things?

emilynghiem ?????? Do you confess?
Shit, that's one hell of an obsessive diatribe. My advice to you is to stop watching cable "news" and stop listening to "talk radio." Life is too important to let professional politicians do fuckery to your mind.

Hell, just go live a life and accept responsibility for your outcomes. Nobody is stopping you.
hmm... I wonder if Emily will confess to doing any of those things?

emilynghiem ?????? Do you confess?

I work two jobs. When do I have time to listen to talk radio?

All the information I got about what was wrong I got from living
in the Democrat hell hole of Freedmen's Town.

You will NOT find it reported on ANY NEWS station
that Keith Wade, appointed by Mayor Annise Parker,
stood up in front of a public assembly when asked about plans for restoring this national historic district,
and claimed it was because of "separation of church and state" that the City of Houston
had no plans for restoring the churches that are national landmarks.

I got that in person.

You won't find that on the news.
As for the "talking heads" who align with conservative news, when I run across these types, I end up arguing against repeating the same old problems and rhetoric.

I argue with my boyfriend who blames Democrats saying they are more corrupt
than the corrupt Republicans who at least get checked. The Republicans have
gone after their own "career politicians" and this has divided the party.

[When my bf kept putting Waleed Shoebat on the air, I was the only person trying
to get Mustafaa Carroll of CAIR equal time to explain the difference between Jihadism
and Islam. What have you done, Dante, to try to counteract the conservative talk radio?

I called in when I could, promoting microlending to replace welfare, and separating
health care policy by party because of political beliefs protected by the Constitution.
You can probably find archives of my progressive calls into the stations, when I happened
to be in between jobs, such as the one time I invited Allen West to come visit Freedmen's Town. All my calls I did make were always about sticking with Constitutional principles
and solutions instead of complaining about problems.]

I tried to point out the solutions coming from the Democrat party.

He says they will never support that. That I am the exception.

So as long as my fellow liberals keep turning against me,
then you are making the Right right, saying you want to stay victims
and keep abusing the problems for political power but won't
support the solutions I propose and that's what's wrong with the party.

A bunch of whiny victims who ostracize anyone who tries to change things.

Are you happy with fulfilling the negative image from opponents?
By jumping on me because I threaten the status quo? Is that it?
Last edited:
Repetitive AND redundant as well

Hi Hortysir:
Okay can you find where any other Democrats are pushing these campus plans
to end poverty and set up sustainable education, jobs, housing and services
that don't depend on endless handouts or welfare:

Freedmen s Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing
Earned Amnesty

If EVERYONE was already promoting and carrying out these plans,
I can see how that is redundant.

Can you show me one example of where this solution is being taken seriously
and used to bring together leaders of all parties, including Obama in the White House.

And then I'll happily shut up.

Where is this being discussed?
Where is any action taken to reform this concept so it can be put to use?

"Democrat Party"?

Who's really writing this? Methinks someone has more time for talk radio than she admits...
Shit, that's one hell of an obsessive diatribe. My advice to you is to stop watching cable "news" and stop listening to "talk radio." Life is too important to let professional politicians do fuckery to your mind.

Hell, just go live a life and accept responsibility for your outcomes. Nobody is stopping you.
hmm... I wonder if Emily will confess to doing any of those things?

emilynghiem ?????? Do you confess?

I work two jobs. When do I have time to listen to talk radio?

All the information I got about what was wrong I got from living
in the Democrat hell hole of Freedmen's Town.

You will NOT find it reported on ANY NEWS station
that Keith Wade, appointed by Mayor Annise Parker,
stood up in front of a public assembly when asked about plans for restoring this national historic district,
and claimed it was because of "separation of church and state" that the City of Houston
had no plans for restoring the churches that are national landmarks.

I got that in person.

You won't find that on the news.
As for the "talking heads" who align with conservative news,
when I run across these types, I end up arguing against repeating the same old problems.

I argue with my boyfriend who blames Democrats saying they are more corrupt
than the corrupt Republicans who at least get checked. The Republicans have
gone after their own "career politicians" and this has divided the party.

I tried to point out the solutions coming from the Democrat party.

He says they will never support that. That I am the exception.

So as long as my fellow liberals keep turning against me,
then you are making the Right right, saying you want to stay victims
and keep abusing the problems for political power but won't
support the solutions I propose and that's what's wrong with the party.

A bunch of whiny victims who ostracize anyone who tries to change things.

Are you happy with fulfilling the negative image from opponents?
By jumping on me because I threaten the status quo? Is that it?

If you're working two jobs, you're robbing somebody; you certainly have plenty of time to whine.

Are you claiming to be a "liberal" or a "conservative?" Are you a Yankee fan or a Sox fan? Who gives a shit . . .
After reading all of that, there is no way to discern what the problem is. Apparently this rant is an undefined personal difference you have with three individuals that are not known here.
"Democrat Party"?

Who's really writing this? Methinks someone has more time for talk radio than she admits...

Yes, I am a registered member of Precinct 30 in Freedmen's Town.
I work with D1 who is our precinct chair, and have tried to work with Congresswoman
Sheila Jackson Lee's office.

She has a copy of the poem I wrote for Freedmen's Town years ago:

That was around 1994-1995 when I first started volunteering in this
national historic district. Because Congresswoman Lee had signed onto the campus
plans, based on my alma mater of Rice U., I thought these plans would go through
so I supported them.

I had no idea the plans and community would be censored by
politics, especially not under Democrat leadership! This is when I learned the hard
way that politicians on the city level were not following the Constitution required for other govt.

The City of Houston is a private entity and acts as a corporation that has to be
sued, and won against in court, before addressing grievances or meeting demands even
if those are made by Constitutional arguments to respect "inalienable" rights.
[Do you want to know what 'crazymaking' is? What about having to sue and win to
recognize and restore rights that are written in our Federal Laws as inalienable?
How did these get violated in the first place if they were inviolate? Clearly because
Constitutional beliefs are not held equally as inviolate by all people, such those running
the City of Houston who didn't believe they were enforceable until being sued and forced by court.]

I learned the hard way by watching a whole community, and national history, get smashed by developers
with more legal and political power to get their way than residents without
equal legal resources to defend "inalienable" Constitutional rights to
equal protection of the laws, due process, and religious beliefs.

None of that counted against the City of Houston unless you win in court.
And the court system wasn't equal either, given the finances and politics.

So it was a nowin situation of political bullying.

In 2008 I took on a second job to try to pay for the loans I had made
to several nonprofits trying to keep their community programs going
while the City of Houston pushed to take land and take over districts.

So in between jobs, I gave up trying to go before city council
and only sporadically wrote letters or called into the radio shows anymore.

I have just been focusing on trying to make my work deadlines.
And even missed calls and visits with my own family, who finally started
complaining and putting pressure on me to solve this problem causing me to work two jobs to pay for.

Yes, I have been reprimanded at both jobs for
distraction while I was severely depressed for months and couldn't focus.

It has affected my ability to work, but by God's Grace alone
I was able to make up most of it.

Since my day job may end as soon as September
I don't have time any more for this to keep dragging out.

So I need to solve this problem and get it off my plate
and off my credit cards, by raising money the right way
to pay the nonprofits correctly to buy back the land
instead of taxpayers' money abused in the millions
to give to developers to seize property and destroy it.

It still makes no sense to me why people woudl not
go after the Democrat deals giving 3.4 million here
and 15 million of federal dollars there to Corporate developers
to take prime real estate. Why wouldn't all taxpayers demand
to be given that money so we could own that land if it's going to be handed out?

Why go after and blame people like me working two jobs trying
to buy land honestly, and not go after the crooks who abused
public money to seize land by fraud, claiming to be nonprofits while
paying themselves huge salaries until their "nonprofit" went bankrupt?

So it seems like blaming the victims and letting the crooks get away with crimes.
And worse, I find myself jumped on when I push myself too hard
to finance the ability of nonprofits to recover in these communities,
who never got funding for plans such as Lee signed onto
or Gladys House proposed for Veterans to buy out the historic property.

So why keep blaming the victims who are trying to fix the problem
while not going after the wrongdoers who caused it. Why is that?

Is it a matter of convenience?
To bully the rape victims while afraid to confront the rapists?
Shit, that's one hell of an obsessive diatribe. My advice to you is to stop watching cable "news" and stop listening to "talk radio." Life is too important to let professional politicians do fuckery to your mind.

Hell, just go live a life and accept responsibility for your outcomes. Nobody is stopping you.
hmm... I wonder if Emily will confess to doing any of those things?

emilynghiem ?????? Do you confess?

I work two jobs. When do I have time to listen to talk radio?

All the information I got about what was wrong I got from living
in the Democrat hell hole of Freedmen's Town.

You will NOT find it reported on ANY NEWS station
that Keith Wade, appointed by Mayor Annise Parker,
stood up in front of a public assembly when asked about plans for restoring this national historic district,
and claimed it was because of "separation of church and state" that the City of Houston
had no plans for restoring the churches that are national landmarks.

I got that in person.

You won't find that on the news.
As for the "talking heads" who align with conservative news,
when I run across these types, I end up arguing against repeating the same old problems.

I argue with my boyfriend who blames Democrats saying they are more corrupt
than the corrupt Republicans who at least get checked. The Republicans have
gone after their own "career politicians" and this has divided the party.

I tried to point out the solutions coming from the Democrat party.

He says they will never support that. That I am the exception.

So as long as my fellow liberals keep turning against me,
then you are making the Right right, saying you want to stay victims
and keep abusing the problems for political power but won't
support the solutions I propose and that's what's wrong with the party.

A bunch of whiny victims who ostracize anyone who tries to change things.

Are you happy with fulfilling the negative image from opponents?
By jumping on me because I threaten the status quo? Is that it?

If you're working two jobs, you're robbing somebody; you certainly have plenty of time to whine.

Are you claiming to be a "liberal" or a "conservative?" Are you a Yankee fan or a Sox fan? Who gives a shit . . .

1. What are you doing to solve these problems?
This is what I mean. There is a difference because I am trying to solve them.
That is different from whining and not doing anything.

The difference between the kid who won't clean up the bedroom complaining that the mother is nagging.
And the mother complaining because she has to clean up all the time.

2. As long as I make my work deadlines, I am not paid enough to do the work that I do.
So they are still getting the work done for less than they'd pay someone else.
My job is ending soon and so I agreed to stay to help my boss finish the job.
I would have left long ago with all the job offers I got,
but my boss needs me here.

if you want to come work my jobs you can complain and criticize all you want.

I am asking for help to do this correctly.

It isn't right to put this all on me!
Of course this isn't right or healthy.

So what do you propose to fix it so I don't have to juggle
two jobs and try to solve this problem at the same time?

I am happy to hear any solutions that don't involve telling me to go do more work than I already can't fit in.

3. I consider myself a progressive and Constitutionalist.
I am prochoice but treat prolife beliefs equally protected under the Constitution as prochoice views are.
Same with pro-gay marriage and anti-gay marriage, pro and anti death penalty, etc.

I believe in isonomy where people have equal political voice by consent of the governed
and consensus on policies affecting us. I believe this is m ore in keeping with Constitutional laws and ethics.

Isonomy is the closest word for what I believe so I use that.
Progressive is a fair description because I align with Green microlending and fair trade cooperatives,
independent currency, and true environmental and historic preservation, and sustainable economy and self-govt.
Shit, that's one hell of an obsessive diatribe. My advice to you is to stop watching cable "news" and stop listening to "talk radio." Life is too important to let professional politicians do fuckery to your mind.

Hell, just go live a life and accept responsibility for your outcomes. Nobody is stopping you.
hmm... I wonder if Emily will confess to doing any of those things?

emilynghiem ?????? Do you confess?

I work two jobs. When do I have time to listen to talk radio?

All the information I got about what was wrong I got from living
in the Democrat hell hole of Freedmen's Town.

You will NOT find it reported on ANY NEWS station
that Keith Wade, appointed by Mayor Annise Parker,
stood up in front of a public assembly when asked about plans for restoring this national historic district,
and claimed it was because of "separation of church and state" that the City of Houston
had no plans for restoring the churches that are national landmarks.

I got that in person.

You won't find that on the news.
As for the "talking heads" who align with conservative news,
when I run across these types, I end up arguing against repeating the same old problems.

I argue with my boyfriend who blames Democrats saying they are more corrupt
than the corrupt Republicans who at least get checked. The Republicans have
gone after their own "career politicians" and this has divided the party.

I tried to point out the solutions coming from the Democrat party.

He says they will never support that. That I am the exception.

So as long as my fellow liberals keep turning against me,
then you are making the Right right, saying you want to stay victims
and keep abusing the problems for political power but won't
support the solutions I propose and that's what's wrong with the party.

A bunch of whiny victims who ostracize anyone who tries to change things.

Are you happy with fulfilling the negative image from opponents?
By jumping on me because I threaten the status quo? Is that it?

If you're working two jobs, you're robbing somebody; you certainly have plenty of time to whine.

Are you claiming to be a "liberal" or a "conservative?" Are you a Yankee fan or a Sox fan? Who gives a shit . . .

BTW Freemason9
No I don't have time, that's why this has dragged out for 15 20 years.
Plans I wrote to City Council about 2-3 years ago have not been followed up on.

That's why my mgs here are long and unedited, because I DON'T have time to edit.
It's all hit and run when I can squeeze it in here and there.

What would speed up this process of bringing it to Democrat Party and national attention?

I even thought of planning a hunger strike
and listing the problems to be addressed before I began on a given date.

If Democrats could agree on a fair date to set a "deadline"
I don't mind using that if it would work to get fellow Democrats
off their backs and start working on real solutions!

But the point has to be clear I don't really want to go on a hunger strike.
The point is to avoid it by agreeing how to solve the problems.

I don't mind doing that if it is about agreeing on solutions.

Angry Letter to three Democrat Friends: Ultimatum before I give up on the Democrat Party

I am a Democrat....I belong to the Democratic Party

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