Angry Muslims Taunt NJ School Officials: “We’re Going to Be the Majority Soon”

BREAKING: Republican Christians Worried a Muslim Might Run for President and Dismantle First Amendment Before They Do.
BREAKING: Republican Christians Worried a Muslim Might Run for President and Dismantle First Amendment Before They Do.

Meh... if a Muslim can faithfully take the oath of office, and not adhere to Sharia Law, then he can be the chosen one who can't debate

See, Statue of Liberty, this is the kind of shit we get when we let motherfuckers in who could give two shits about this country, and the way we do things. Don't these people know, the last thing we give a fuck about at this time and age is Muslims...Hello, you fucks are raging hell all across the planet and you want us, to help you celebrate that shit?

Why break your fuckin necks to come to a country, ie the US and want to maintain the very shit, you fuckin sand nigga's ran from....Muslim bullsht ways? How many fuckin Americans are in Muslim fuckin countries asking that these sand nigga's give us a 4th of July or a Memorial Day off? How many fuckin American's are in Mexico demanding that shit be in English?

When you seek refuge in a country, either adapt to our fuckin ways or take you dusty ass's back the fuck home...sick of it.
^^^^^ Dude, next time tell us how you really feel. ^^^^^^^^ :2up:
Jerusalem, Israel

But that city isn't in Israel

This says you're wrong...

I would rather have Muslim neighbors than Jew ones. Muslims are more traditional,quiet,close family unit. Jews are parasitical,thieving,whining assholes who will rob you of a penny as they rip the dollar out of your back pocket....Jews rape and rob our nation as they point the finger at the Muslims and its easy to do because they own the media,the financial arena and have absolute control in politics. They want Muslims here so they have a scapegoat for the usual red white and blue flag waving bubba redneck to have someone to hate and think they are destroying the country all the while its the jew behind the scenes tearing this nation apart and shipping the pieces off one at a time...killing the best of our generation in illegal wars for Israel as well.
I would rather have Muslim neighbors than Jew ones. Muslims are more traditional,quiet,close family unit. Jews are parasitical,thieving,whining assholes who will rob you of a penny as they rip the dollar out of your back pocket....Jews rape and rob our nation as they point the finger at the Muslims and its easy to do because they own the media,the financial arena and have absolute control in politics. They want Muslims here so they have a scapegoat for the usual red white and blue flag waving bubba redneck to have someone to hate and think they are destroying the country all the while its the jew behind the scenes tearing this nation apart and shipping the pieces off one at a time...killing the best of our generation in illegal wars for Israel as well.
THERE is 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. There is 13 million Jews, half of them living in Israel. Most American Jews live in NYC where just about everyone acts like an asshole, mainly because there are too many people there. The reason Muslims are so quiet where you live is because they don't blend. They don't get along. And most likely, if they are almost all men....they're a terrorist cell trying to stay hidden.
I would rather have Muslim neighbors than Jew ones. Muslims are more traditional,quiet,close family unit. Jews are parasitical,thieving,whining assholes who will rob you of a penny as they rip the dollar out of your back pocket....Jews rape and rob our nation as they point the finger at the Muslims and its easy to do because they own the media,the financial arena and have absolute control in politics. They want Muslims here so they have a scapegoat for the usual red white and blue flag waving bubba redneck to have someone to hate and think they are destroying the country all the while its the jew behind the scenes tearing this nation apart and shipping the pieces off one at a time...killing the best of our generation in illegal wars for Israel as well.
THERE is 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. There is 13 million Jews, half of them living in Israel. Most American Jews live in NYC where just about everyone acts like an asshole, mainly because there are too many people there. The reason Muslims are so quiet where you live is because they don't blend. They don't get along. And most likely, if they are almost all men....they're a terrorist cell trying to stay hidden.
The Muslims here are very nice actually,there is no stupid terrorist cell there is no al qaeda affiliate blah blah blah...just normal folks making a living etc. You watch to much JEW owned fox news and read to much jewish propaganda aka newspapers.
I would rather have Muslim neighbors than Jew ones. Muslims are more traditional,quiet,close family unit. Jews are parasitical,thieving,whining assholes who will rob you of a penny as they rip the dollar out of your back pocket....Jews rape and rob our nation as they point the finger at the Muslims and its easy to do because they own the media,the financial arena and have absolute control in politics. They want Muslims here so they have a scapegoat for the usual red white and blue flag waving bubba redneck to have someone to hate and think they are destroying the country all the while its the jew behind the scenes tearing this nation apart and shipping the pieces off one at a time...killing the best of our generation in illegal wars for Israel as well.
THERE is 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. There is 13 million Jews, half of them living in Israel. Most American Jews live in NYC where just about everyone acts like an asshole, mainly because there are too many people there. The reason Muslims are so quiet where you live is because they don't blend. They don't get along. And most likely, if they are almost all men....they're a terrorist cell trying to stay hidden.
The Muslims here are very nice actually,there is no stupid terrorist cell there is no al qaeda affiliate blah blah blah...just normal folks making a living etc. You watch to much JEW owned fox news and read to much jewish propaganda aka newspapers.
Dude.....I have fought them.....and come face to face with them. Jews are like any other group.....some of them are assholes. George Soros comes to mind. Debra Blabbermouth-Shits is another. Some can be backstabbing assholes. But Jews aren't living in the dark ages like Islam is. Islam is the antithesis of American culture.

A group of Muslim men rented an apartment from me once. They kept the place filthy. Never cleaned their apartment....until one of them arrived who must have been a servant, who started cooking for them and cleaning.
It was the same in Kuwait when I trained the Emire's private guard. Bathroom was disgusting. If they don't have a woman or their mother to clean up after them, it doesn't get cleaned until they can afford servants.
Muslims don't produce anything but religion, pylosophy, or turmoil. Everything in their lives centers around Islam. Their feud with Israel is centuries old. Even the nice Palestinian lady who taught me a little Arabic, turned into a venom-spitting bigot when Jews were mentioned. They can be so gracious, but they can also be a major pain in the ass. The Muslims that rented from me claimed they were from the Dominican Republic. I said something in Arabic to them once and within days they packed up and moved. So you tell me if they weren't trying to hide themselves. Currently, I rent a little tobacco and beer shop to a family from Jordan....but I get no indication they are Muslims. Very nice guy. Always pays his rent.
These muzbot assholes can just keep their little sand rats home that day.

...Fucking Jews starting trouble again...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...


No. of mosques in the city of Jerusalem, Israel = 6

No. of synagogues in the entire country of Saudi Arabia = 0

A telling comparison of Religious Tolerance in the two settings.

But muslims lived in Jerusalem by several centuries... Can you speak the same about jews and Saudi Arabia? :)
This is no different than the mexican invaders.
They come right out and say they're going to take over America and the libs lap it up.
It was the same in Kuwait when I trained the Emire's private guard

A lovely rant about Muslims, but you still trained them so you could earn money.
Makes you out to be more than a little silly
Actually no.
Not all Muslim countries are the same. Jordanians and Kuwaitis aren't the same as Iraqis and Saudis.

Same with the Kurds. ISIS is as big a threat to them as to Israel. But I'm sure you're one of those self-righteous assholes that thinks nobody but Muslims understand anything about the middle-east.

We're just stupid Americans who can only speak one language and don't understand anything outside of what's on television. All we want to do is get high and do sinful things. Only Islam and the followers of the Prophet Mohammed know the true way.


Silly infidels.
...Fucking Jews starting trouble again...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...


No. of mosques in the city of Jerusalem, Israel = 6

No. of synagogues in the entire country of Saudi Arabia = 0

A telling comparison of Religious Tolerance in the two settings.

But muslims lived in Jerusalem by several centuries... Can you speak the same about jews and Saudi Arabia? :)

Jews lived in Saudi arabia for more than 1500 years before the rapist pig of mecca was born. Yathrib was actually a Jewish city-------until the rapist pig of arabia
attacked, murdered, pillaged, raped and enslaved the survivors--------It is very likely----in fact almost certain-----that jews wrote Arabic-------using Hebrew letters long
before the Bedouins had an alphabet. There were Yeshivas and synagogues
in Saudi arabia before the career of the rapist pig took off. Gee------did you ever
read a book-------some of this information even appears in the-------koran
...Fucking Jews starting trouble again...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...


No. of mosques in the city of Jerusalem, Israel = 6

No. of synagogues in the entire country of Saudi Arabia = 0

A telling comparison of Religious Tolerance in the two settings.

But muslims lived in Jerusalem by several centuries... Can you speak the same about jews and Saudi Arabia? :)
Once you've brushed-up on your English-as-a-Second-Language skills, come back and try again.

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