Anti Muslim Hysteria in the School. Parents Prefer Ignorance to Learning

No. The republican party has made islamophobia, racial tensions, and the fear of cultural diversity apart of their official platform with the election of tRump.

So then it would be fair to say that the Soros socialist democratic party has made the acts in Chechnya part of their official platform with the election of Obama.

Soros democrats have never met a Christian they don't hate, or a Muslim they don't love.
Soros, Jared and Ivanka Kushner's BFF.

I agree as someone who has a history degree, studying religion is vital to understanding different cultures and societies.

You have a History degree?

In that case, I'd like a Mocha Latte and a scone.
I do have a history degree, and I do not work in the food industry.
Isn't it funny how he doesn't know that?
No, it is sad that our country has glamorized high school dropouts and speaks down to graduates.

I think that the only use for religion in public schools is through a historical lens that helps to gain understanding into a specific culture or society. No religion classes. No favoring one religion over another. Review the basics of major religions, for cultural understanding.

If so, they it should be elective and age appropriate. Teaching grammar school kids Islam is indoctrination, there is no other purpose. By high school comparative religion is fine. Again though, is should be no different than classes on Judaism or Christianity, an elective which presents it from a historical context.

Oh, and a little bit of TRUTH tossed in could be useful as well. Who and what Muhammad actually was. The acts of the Muslim hoards. The fate of the Qurysh, the sacking of Medina. The rise of the enslavement of India under the Mughal overlords.
No. The republican party has made islamophobia, racial tensions, and the fear of cultural diversity apart of their official platform with the election of tRump.

So then it would be fair to say that the Soros socialist democratic party has made the acts in Chechnya part of their official platform with the election of Obama.

Soros democrats have never met a Christian they don't hate, or a Muslim they don't love.
Soros, Jared and Ivanka Kushner's BFF.

Do you get a little treat each time you mindlessly post a meme, shortbus?

I think that the only use for religion in public schools is through a historical lens that helps to gain understanding into a specific culture or society. No religion classes. No favoring one religion over another. Review the basics of major religions, for cultural understanding.

If so, they it should be elective and age appropriate. Teaching grammar school kids Islam is indoctrination, there is no other purpose. By high school comparative religion is fine. Again though, is should be no different than classes on Judaism or Christianity, an elective which presents it from a historical context.

Oh, and a little bit of TRUTH tossed in could be useful as well. Who and what Muhammad actually was. The acts of the Muslim hoards. The fate of the Qurysh, the sacking of Medina. The rise of the enslavement of India under the Mughal overlords.
As will the crusades, the inquisition, persecution of pagans, the witch trials, slavery in the americas, and colonization. etc etc..

but I agree age appropriate and elective.
No, it is sad that our country has glamorized high school dropouts and speaks down to graduates.

You are a graduate? I assumed an undergrad in history. If you have masters then I assume you are a teacher.

Career options for a history major;

With an associates, work at Starbucks
With a bachelors, work at Starbucks and go for shift manager.
With a masters, teach high school.
No, it is sad that our country has glamorized high school dropouts and speaks down to graduates.

You are a graduate? I assumed an undergrad in history. If you have masters then I assume you are a teacher.

Career options for a history major;

With an associates, work at Starbucks
With a bachelors, work at Starbucks and go for shift manager.
With a masters, teach high school.
History is very important. Historians find suiting careers in teaching, in law, in places like libraries/museums, research, writing... etc. etc.

As will the crusades, the inquisition, persecution of pagans, the witch trials, slavery in the americas, and colonization. etc etc..

but I agree age appropriate and elective.

Remember though, I did stipulate the inclusion of honesty. You may prefer the Zinn methods, but occasional facts should be introduced as well. You know, such as the fact that the Muslims had invaded Europe, conquered Spain, Portugal, and much of France. The fact that the Muslims were sacking Western Europe for slaves and concubines. The fact that the Crusades were a reaction to Islamic aggression.

Your hatred of Western civilization does not render historical fact null.
Can you all please make up your mind about what is taught in schools. I thought schools were suppose to stick to the facts. These are beliefs and read exactly like a sunday school class would.
Teach the good and bad history of all religions and cultures. maybe bring up statistics of how not every Muslim is a terrorist.
I wouldn't care if it was taught, as long as others were given the same type of lesson, but delving into beliefs in a public school setting is a pretty slippery slope.

How does that particular lesson help to offset any hate against Muslims?:dunno:

I think that the only use for religion in public schools is through a historical lens that helps to gain understanding into a specific culture or society. No religion classes. No favoring one religion over another. Review the basics of major religions, for cultural understanding.

If so, they it should be elective and age appropriate. Teaching grammar school kids Islam is indoctrination, there is no other purpose. By high school comparative religion is fine. Again though, is should be no different than classes on Judaism or Christianity, an elective which presents it from a historical context.

Oh, and a little bit of TRUTH tossed in could be useful as well. Who and what Muhammad actually was. The acts of the Muslim hoards. The fate of the Qurysh, the sacking of Medina. The rise of the enslavement of India under the Mughal overlords.
As will the crusades, the inquisition, persecution of pagans, the witch trials, slavery in the americas, and colonization. etc etc..

but I agree age appropriate and elective.

History is not an elective.
History is very important. Historians find suiting careers in teaching, in law, in places like libraries/museums, research, writing... etc. etc.

Accurate history is certainly important; exceedingly rare, but important.

I think that the only use for religion in public schools is through a historical lens that helps to gain understanding into a specific culture or society. No religion classes. No favoring one religion over another. Review the basics of major religions, for cultural understanding.

If so, they it should be elective and age appropriate. Teaching grammar school kids Islam is indoctrination, there is no other purpose. By high school comparative religion is fine. Again though, is should be no different than classes on Judaism or Christianity, an elective which presents it from a historical context.

Oh, and a little bit of TRUTH tossed in could be useful as well. Who and what Muhammad actually was. The acts of the Muslim hoards. The fate of the Qurysh, the sacking of Medina. The rise of the enslavement of India under the Mughal overlords.
As will the crusades, the inquisition, persecution of pagans, the witch trials, slavery in the americas, and colonization. etc etc..

but I agree age appropriate and elective.

History is not an elective.

That depends on the history of what.

U.S. History is not elective, nor should it be. The history of world religion is an elective, as it should be.

I think that the only use for religion in public schools is through a historical lens that helps to gain understanding into a specific culture or society. No religion classes. No favoring one religion over another. Review the basics of major religions, for cultural understanding.

If so, they it should be elective and age appropriate. Teaching grammar school kids Islam is indoctrination, there is no other purpose. By high school comparative religion is fine. Again though, is should be no different than classes on Judaism or Christianity, an elective which presents it from a historical context.

Oh, and a little bit of TRUTH tossed in could be useful as well. Who and what Muhammad actually was. The acts of the Muslim hoards. The fate of the Qurysh, the sacking of Medina. The rise of the enslavement of India under the Mughal overlords.
As will the crusades, the inquisition, persecution of pagans, the witch trials, slavery in the americas, and colonization. etc etc..

but I agree age appropriate and elective.

History is not an elective.

That depends on the history of what.

U.S. History is not elective, nor should it be. The history of world religion is an elective, as it should be.

In most schools, students will have at least one year of World History.
Can you all please make up your mind about what is taught in schools. I thought schools were suppose to stick to the facts. These are beliefs and read exactly like a sunday school class would.
Teach the good and bad history of all religions and cultures. maybe bring up statistics of how not every Muslim is a terrorist.
I wouldn't care if it was taught, as long as others were given the same type of lesson, but delving into beliefs in a public school setting is a pretty slippery slope.

How does that particular lesson help to offset any hate against Muslims?:dunno:


Here is a historical fact for you, less than 1% of Nazi party members were directly involved in the Holocausts. Does that make Nazism "the Fascism of Peace?"

It is the CREED of a movement that sets the tone. Regardless of the fact that most Nazis did not engage in atrocities, the silent support of the Reich allowed such things to occur. Further, the foundation of Nazism was set forth in "Mein Kampf," no one can plead ignorance to what was advocated.

The same holds true with Islam. It is the silent acquiescence of Muslims in general that allow the atrocities, the daily atrocities to occur. Further, the stark evil that is Islam is well documented in the Koran and Hadiths, particularly Bukhari. No one who has studied Islam can claim that the intent of the creed is unclear, nor that ISIS is "perverting" the religion; quite the opposite.

In most schools, students will have at least one year of World History.

I did not in high school. Globalism is much more popular now, so that may have changed. I did take a comparative religion class as part of my humanities requirement as an undergrad. To be honest, I was not terribly interested in it back then, in the late 70's. Islam was not a major focus, Hinduism and Buddhism were more the focus. Things changed when the 1st attack on the WTC by the blind sheik happened.

Knowledge is a great thing, but I've read Howard Zinn and much of what is foisted on students is not knowledge, rather the perversion of fact in the form of propaganda.

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