Angry Muslims Taunt NJ School Officials: “We’re Going to Be the Majority Soon”

When will pagans get days off from school?
Pay attention... they're going to be coming for you, as well.

Notice the natural anger an outrage they are showing.

The Muslim push must be thwarted.


Well then step on up or shut up. Get your gun, Sally, or send your sons and daughters. Keyboard Kowboys are a dime a dozen.

Just imagine if there had been cell phones on the trail when we pushed all the Native Americans into reservations.

Or if there had been live cell phone videos and Facebook during Selma.

Jerusalem, Israel

But that city isn't in Israel

This says you're wrong...


No, it proves I'm.
Jew bastards have to mass murder to claim it as theirs.

??? Jews have never engaged in mass murders in all of history-----muslim dogs have done so thruout their disgusting history-------even their "HOLY HERO" raped and murdered his way to power-----BUYING loyalty by handing out girls to his
disgusting followers----------the custom is still ongoing right now in the filth of the
When will pagans get days off from school?
Pay attention... they're going to be coming for you, as well.

Notice the natural anger an outrage they are showing.

The Muslim push must be thwarted.


Well then step on up or shut up. Get your gun, Sally, or send your sons and daughters. Keyboard Kowboys are a dime a dozen.

Just imagine if there had been cell phones on the trail when we pushed all the Native Americans into reservations.

Or if there had been live cell phone videos and Facebook during Selma.

Yeah, just imagine... :cuckoo:

...Fucking Jews starting trouble again...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...


No. of mosques in the city of Jerusalem, Israel = 6

No. of synagogues in the entire country of Saudi Arabia = 0

A telling comparison of Religious Tolerance in the two settings.

But muslims lived in Jerusalem by several centuries... Can you speak the same about jews and Saudi Arabia? :)
Once you've brushed-up on your English-as-a-Second-Language skills, come back and try again.

So, you don't have any thoughts to disprove my opinion? Great :)
'Angry Muslims Taunt NJ School Officials: “We’re Going to Be the Majority Soon”'

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a composition fallacy, as well as your ignorance, hate, and stupidity in general.
...Fucking Jews starting trouble again...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...


No. of mosques in the city of Jerusalem, Israel = 6

No. of synagogues in the entire country of Saudi Arabia = 0

A telling comparison of Religious Tolerance in the two settings.

But muslims lived in Jerusalem by several centuries... Can you speak the same about jews and Saudi Arabia? :)

Jews lived in Saudi arabia for more than 1500 years before the rapist pig of mecca was born. Yathrib was actually a Jewish city-------until the rapist pig of arabia
attacked, murdered, pillaged, raped and enslaved the survivors--------It is very likely----in fact almost certain-----that jews wrote Arabic-------using Hebrew letters long
before the Bedouins had an alphabet. There were Yeshivas and synagogues
in Saudi arabia before the career of the rapist pig took off. Gee------did you ever
read a book-------some of this information even appears in the-------koran

Thanks for info, it was just a question. I'll use it in disputes with friends :)
The slow progression of Islamic aggression. It starts out with little things and expands to bigger things. Next thing you have riots in the streets and bombings.

They do it in every country they live in.

Muslims in the US are rarely a problem until they develop their own communities in numbers. That is when things seem to become a problem. While religious freedom should include everyone, there is a real issue with Muslims that all Americans need to be aware of, and that is the fact that most Muslims see their religion and the government as one and not separate. That is what many of them do want, and that does go against everything American.
...Fucking Jews starting trouble again...
Your Honor, the Prosecution rests...


No. of mosques in the city of Jerusalem, Israel = 6

No. of synagogues in the entire country of Saudi Arabia = 0

A telling comparison of Religious Tolerance in the two settings.

But muslims lived in Jerusalem by several centuries... Can you speak the same about jews and Saudi Arabia? :)
Once you've brushed-up on your English-as-a-Second-Language skills, come back and try again.

So, you don't have any thoughts to disprove my opinion? Great :)
Opinions are like assholes...

Everybody has one...
The slow progression of Islamic aggression. It starts out with little things and expands to bigger things. Next thing you have riots in the streets and bombings.

They do it in every country they live in.

Muslims in the US are rarely a problem until they develop their own communities in numbers. That is when things seem to become a problem. While religious freedom should include everyone, there is a real issue with Muslims that all Americans need to be aware of, and that is the fact that most Muslims see their religion and the government as one and not separate. That is what many of them do want, and that does go against everything American.
That is why Islam and Western Culture are entirely incompatible, when measured over a span of decades, centuries or generations.

Islam is hostile-to-and incompatible-with The West.

Let them stay in their own Muslim third-world shit-holes.

They will only be miserable, and make the rest of us miserable, sooner or later.

As surely as day is light, and night is dark.
Muslim, Muslim, Muslim



VIDEO=> Angry Muslims Taunt NJ School Officials: "We're Going to Be the Majority Soon" - The Gateway Pundit

Some members of the Jewish faith said they felt they were being discriminated against because they weren’t getting their own school days off for holidays like Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. So the school board decided to keep schools open for Eid al-Adha.

True enough. Muslims are significantly outbreeeding non-Muslims. Projecting foward, not only will Islam become the majority faith on this planet, but Muslim demographics will be the majority in non-Muslim countries. So make nice now. :)

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