Angry Right-Wingers Turn On Trump, Burn Their ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats

They're like that.

Not crazy about her myself. Laura Ingraham is far more intelligent.
Morning Joe cackles in delight as Ann Coulter - author of "In Trump We Trust" - cries over betrayal

Noah Rothman, associate editor of Commentary, reminded Scarborough that Coulter had recently published a book titled, “In Trump We Trust” — and the MSNBC host said he’d never heard of it.

“She actually wrote a book saying — no, it’s not, nobody does that,” Scarborough said.

Then Rothman dropped the subtitle, “E Pluribus Awesome,” on him, and Scarborough nearly fell out of his chair laughing.

“That’s the book, the book is about how Trump is awesome,”
Rothman said.

Morning Joe cackles in delight as Ann Coulter — author of ‘In Trump We Trust’– cries over betrayal
They’re burning mad.

Many one-time supporters of President Donald Trump are so red hot over his possible immigration deal with Democratic leaders that they’re burning their “Make America Great Again” hats.

The angry right-wingers shared images of the charred caps on social media under the #burnmyMAGAhat hashtag. They also referred to the president as #AmnestyDon and some even called for him to be impeached.

More: Angry Right-Wingers Turn On Trump, Burn Their 'Make America Great Again' Hats

Wish I had one to burn.
I love watching these jilted leftists try to pass themselves off as disgruntled trump supporters. I bet you dollars to donuts that MAGA merchandise sales have seen an uptick since yesterday's news... And the left is buying. LOL...
You're an idiot.

Nathan Simms (@ClevelandSimms) | Twitter

This guy is clearly alt-right, and he's burning his MAGA hat.
The joke is on those mad about this that they didn't see something like this coming. Trump is not a real conservative and doesn't really have any position he holds dearly, he's just an opportunist.

But the real question is, will leftists acknowledge Trump did the right thing here, or will they continue to claim he's a right-wing fascist racist? I'm betting on the latter.
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