Angry Right-Wingers Turn On Trump, Burn Their ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats

This Trump supporter chooses to wait. There is much confusion as to what is going on. I don't believe anything Pelosi and Schumer say nor do I believe the MSM. Trump and the GOP say there is no deal, I'm going to wait to see what actually happens before I burn anything.
I agree.............I want to know what Trump got in return..............if nothing then it's a thumbs down to me..............

I heard him speak getting on that plane...............allow good people to stay is the same danged thing as Amnesty.............while stating it isn't amnesty or citizenship.

I didn't just fall off a Turnip truck.
I doubt the Trump backers are ticked. After all, one basis of their support was that he's rich enough to tell everybody to take a hike and do what's right.
Show me widespread burning and protests and you can prove your point.

Here ya go....

Oh wait, my bad - this is just one of many photos of violent, un-American Fascist Libtards destroying everything they can while throwing a hissy-fit about Hillary losing. Sorry.
Coming from the Huff and Bluff post..................LOL.........yeah it's credible.

Are some ticked about it............yea..........but I think this story is utter BS..............Just another left wing hack job to attack Trump and it is to be expected.

To the issue............I'm not happy with it.............I've heard this song and dance before............Trump stated that it's NOT ABOUT CITIZENSHIP, and NOT ABOUT AMNESTY..........but then says it's about LETTING GOOD PEOPLE STAY................via Congress.....................EXCUSE ME...........BUT THAT is AMNESTY. Once they get that is AMNESTY..........

It is a ploy on words..................which is a LIE................

Unlike the leftist garbage...............I call a spade a spade when I see it.

Trump Voters Throw MAGA Hats into Twitter Bonfire - Breitbart
So his statement was a LIE..............and yes I'm not happy about it.
Fair enough, my mistake. Denial of Trump's supporters turning on him is what I should have said.
I don't agree there. This is a set up OP..................I don't know of anyone who is burning their dang hats over this............I support Trump and have for a while as long as he keeps his promises...............He gets a thumbs down over this issue with me..............this Lie ticked me off.

I think the OP is a hack piece.........doesn't mean some may have burned hats........but no way it's nothing more than a few doing so.

OP fail.
This is a classic example of the left's myopic thinking... You see, they are followers by nature. So when they see something getting attention; they pour out of the woodwork, imitating the same behavior that caught their attention. And being self absorbed, and myopic in their world view; they imagine that members of the right are given to the same proclivities. Thus you have flacid attempts by leftists, such as these hat burnings, which are geared toward starting a trend amongst Trump supporters. Which always results in epic failure. They simply cannot grasp that the most important thing, that differentiates "us", from "them"; is that they are sheep; and we are not.
Coming from the Huff and Bluff post..................LOL.........yeah it's credible.

Are some ticked about it............yea..........but I think this story is utter BS..............Just another left wing hack job to attack Trump and it is to be expected.

To the issue............I'm not happy with it.............I've heard this song and dance before............Trump stated that it's NOT ABOUT CITIZENSHIP, and NOT ABOUT AMNESTY..........but then says it's about LETTING GOOD PEOPLE STAY................via Congress.....................EXCUSE ME...........BUT THAT is AMNESTY. Once they get that is AMNESTY..........

It is a ploy on words..................which is a LIE................

Unlike the leftist garbage...............I call a spade a spade when I see it.

Trump Voters Throw MAGA Hats into Twitter Bonfire - Breitbart
Article doesn't show widespread burning......................a small number doing so versus a large one.

Until you can show that across the country you have nothing.
Discussing the exact same group of people that Sessions painted with such a sinister brush one week earlier, Trump tweeted yesterday: “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!” Trump tweeted yesterday. “They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own — brought in by parents at young age.”
Discussing the exact same group of people that Sessions painted with such a sinister brush one week earlier, Trump tweeted yesterday: “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!” Trump tweeted yesterday. “They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own — brought in by parents at young age.”

Who cares. Send them back. Maybe they can use all the free stuff to make Mexico great again.
Discussing the exact same group of people that Sessions painted with such a sinister brush one week earlier, Trump tweeted yesterday: “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!” Trump tweeted yesterday. “They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own — brought in by parents at young age.”

Who cares. Send them back. Maybe they can use all the free stuff to make Mexico great again.
you all got schlonged played scammed ...I am laughing at the Rubes
Burning shit proves that their lefties. This story is bulls@#t

Funny. I suppose Ann Coulter now calling for Trump's impeachment is also bulls@#t.

Ann Couter's well known for jumping the gun before the facts are straight.
First it's "fake news"...then it's "Ann Couter [sic] well known for jumping the gun"

Not adept at simple separation of events, eh?
I'm quite good at it....and at chuckling at all the trumpanzees who have been played and played and played......:lol:
Discussing the exact same group of people that Sessions painted with such a sinister brush one week earlier, Trump tweeted yesterday: “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!” Trump tweeted yesterday. “They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own — brought in by parents at young age.”

Who cares. Send them back. Maybe they can use all the free stuff to make Mexico great again.
you all got schlonged played scammed ...I am laughing at the Rubes

No, not really . I'm a trump voter who voted NOT Hillary. I said all along trumpkins would get amnesty and ACA for their efforts. I pointed out as many did that trumps whole presidency would be scandal after scandal and all you would get is a Rino/fud. Trump was a scham. At this point, trumpkins are speachless. They elected Obama 2.0. They should go to Mexico with the dreamers.
Burning shit proves that their lefties. This story is bulls@#t

Funny. I suppose Ann Coulter now calling for Trump's impeachment is also bulls@#t.

Ann Couter's well known for jumping the gun before the facts are straight.
First it's "fake news"...then it's "Ann Couter [sic] well known for jumping the gun"

Not adept at simple separation of events, eh?
I'm quite good at it....and at chuckling at all the trumpanzees who have been played and played and played......:lol:


Some people can fool some people some of the time ...
Discussing the exact same group of people that Sessions painted with such a sinister brush one week earlier, Trump tweeted yesterday: “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!” Trump tweeted yesterday. “They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own — brought in by parents at young age.”

Who cares. Send them back. Maybe they can use all the free stuff to make Mexico great again.
you all got schlonged played scammed ...I am laughing at the Rubes

No, not really . I'm a trump voter who voted NOT Hillary. I said all along trumpkins would get amnesty and ACA for their efforts. I pointed out as many did that trumps whole presidency would be scandal after scandal and all you would get is a Rino/fud. Trump was a scham. At this point, trumpkins are speachless. They elected Obama 2.0. They should go to Mexico with the dreamers.
I am laughing specifically at you
Discussing the exact same group of people that Sessions painted with such a sinister brush one week earlier, Trump tweeted yesterday: “Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!” Trump tweeted yesterday. “They have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own — brought in by parents at young age.”

Who cares. Send them back. Maybe they can use all the free stuff to make Mexico great again.
you all got schlonged played scammed ...I am laughing at the Rubes

No, not really . I'm a trump voter who voted NOT Hillary. I said all along trumpkins would get amnesty and ACA for their efforts. I pointed out as many did that trumps whole presidency would be scandal after scandal and all you would get is a Rino/fud. Trump was a scham. At this point, trumpkins are speachless. They elected Obama 2.0. They should go to Mexico with the dreamers.
I am laughing specifically at you

Really? Oh.

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