Angry Trump Tweet:"So Flynn lies to the FBI &his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary goes free"

I’m starting to LIKE the fact that Dems place all their feverish hopes on Russia while Trump does tax reform & other major policy changes
Yup, Dale denies what he is. The law makes the definitions, not Dale. He understands nothing. I am not wagering with a liar and a dupe.

Do you know what he means by pre-14th?
Sovereign Citizens Movement

'Sovereign' Citizen Kane

Sovereign citizens — a 21st Century counter culture

Sovereign Citizens hate group on the rise

Nope! Wrong again, is it a bet or not???
Yup, it is right, and you are showing you are a liar. I won't bet with a liar. :)
Yup, Dale denies what he is. The law makes the definitions, not Dale. He understands nothing. I am not wagering with a liar and a dupe like Dale.

Yup, Dale denies what he is. The law makes the definitions, not Dale. He understands nothing. I am not wagering with a liar and a dupe like Dale.

We don't have "laws", Jake.......corporations can not pass laws. They pass acts, codes, ordinances and statutes because you are under statutory rule not Common Law. Have you ever wondered as to why you are still under the Lieber Code even today??? You should think about that and get back to me.

Dale shows he does not understand the Constitution or American history or common sense.

Tis what it is. No one can wager with such an idiot.
Yup, Dale denies what he is. The law makes the definitions, not Dale. He understands nothing. I am not wagering with a liar and a dupe.

Do you know what he means by pre-14th?
Sovereign Citizens Movement

'Sovereign' Citizen Kane

Sovereign citizens — a 21st Century counter culture

Sovereign Citizens hate group on the rise

Nope! Wrong again, is it a bet or not???
Yup, it is right, and you are showing you are a liar. I won't bet with a liar. :) haven't a clue and you are using being clueless as an excuse to not put your money where your mouth is. The ban really bothered you and what bothered you even more was that no one missed don't want to take the chance of having to leave again thus you are too much of a pussy to take the bet.......typical leftard.

Dale shows he does not understand the Constitution or American history or common sense.

Tis what it is. No one can wager with such an idiot.

Which constitution, Jake? The organic one passed in 1783 or the corporate charter constitution of USA.INC via the Act of 1871 that made the ten square miles (at the time) of the District of Columbia the corporate headquarters of USA.INC?

There is a you understand Black's Law dictionary? I doubt it..........what you don't know or comprehend could fill several libraries.

'So Flynn lies to the FBI &his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary goes free"

Trump nailed it.

The country has been allowed to be dragged into corrupt insanity, as evident by a woman having thousands of criminal charges against her - supported by evidence - just waiting to be filed, the Director of the FBI declaring she broke the law, but continues to be protected while a member of the opposing party is going to jail for telling a lie.

Hillary endangered National Security with the laws she broke...nothing.

Flynn is going to jail for
... the same thing Eric Holder did
... the same thing James Clapper did
... the same thing John Brennan did
... the same Koskinen did

.... yet Democrats miraculously 'somehow' escaped the same accountability / punishment.

The hypocrisy, corruption, and crimes is worse than it has ever been in this nation's history, and the Democrats have proven they are threats to this nation's democracy, especially according to Hillary Clinton.
Which constitution, Jake? The organic one passed in 1783 or the corporate charter constitution of USA.INC via the Act of 1871 that made the ten square miles (at the time) of the District of Columbia the corporate headquarters of USA.INC?
The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 is an Actof Congress that repealed the individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and established a new territorial government for the whole District of Columbia.
Flynn is going to jail for
... the same thing Eric Holder did
... the same thing James Clapper did
... the same thing John Brennan did
... the same Koskinen did

Actually Flynn isn't going to jail any time soon. He has to sing for his supper, and if he does well, may even walk out with probation and a $500 fine.
Still more than the Clinton-Obama-DNC Crime Syndicate faces after endangering National Security, colluding with / covering up Russian crimes, committing Felony Perjury, etc...
justice...for all or for some?


It's a good thing Trump doesn't have an important job, it might screw up his tweet time.
Which constitution, Jake? The organic one passed in 1783 or the corporate charter constitution of USA.INC via the Act of 1871 that made the ten square miles (at the time) of the District of Columbia the corporate headquarters of USA.INC?
The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 is an Actof Congress that repealed the individual charters of the cities of Washington and Georgetown and established a new territorial government for the whole District of Columbia.

Exactly and it's jurisdiction is suppose to be only within the confines of the District of Columbia and it's territories like Puerto Rico, Guam, etc, see, our beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity.

.........btw, you do know that Georgetown college is the biggest and most prominent Jesuit college in America.....
So much for the White Hoise claiming Trump had “no anxiety” over the Flynn News. He’s freaking out.
At least ABC's credibilty has been destroyed, Mueller's team / witch hunt has been exposed, and snowflakes were duped again by 'Lucy' pulling the 'football' out on them again.

So sad Mueller's top aid confirmed the investigation is a witch hunt with is anti-trump texts and forced Mueller to fire him...
justice...for all or for some?

Pres.Trump needs to have Flynn lock up in maximum security prison with Lifers for the rest of his life. And have them to tattoo on Flynn's bottom, saying, "This butt is for you". I don't like that lying Flynn. It was all a set up...

So much for the White Hoise claiming Trump had “no anxiety” over the Flynn News. He’s freaking out.

That is the worst spin I have ever heard.

ABC prints a lie destroying its credibility.

Mueller is forced to fire his top aid for confirming what everyone already knew - Mueller is running a partisan witch hunt.

Both proved not only is Trump right but also proved beyond a doubt the whole thing is the biggest, most seditious political assassination attempt in history...

And after being humiliated / duped by Mueller and the fake news media AGAIN, you claim TRUMP is freaking out.

justice...for all or for some?

Pres.Trump needs to have Flynn lock up in maximum security prison with Lifers for the rest of his life. And have them to tattoo on Flynn's bottom, saying, "This butt is for you". I don't like that lying Flynn. It was all a set up...

Thank you for sharing your homosexual fantasies, but Flynn's lie was far less than those committed by many of Obama's Cabinet members.

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